The Farm Pt. 4 [mf] [anal] [blowjob]

It wasn't very long before Lucy's roommate, Whitney, started asking questions. Suddenly Lucy had rent on time, she could pitch in for groceries, and where was she going nearly every day after school?

Whitney was pretty, she worked as a waitress in town, and had a boyfriend that she'd been with since Jr. High. She'd never left this town, and was the church's Snow Queen every year. Lucy couldn't breath a word about the Farm to Whitney – there was no way she'd recruit her. Instead, Lucy just told her she was hanging out with friends most of the time, and that her father was starting to send money.

Today Clark wanted to show Lucy around. He wanted to give her a tour of the Farm and introduce her to some of the other girls.

"You've seen our studio, you've met one of our male employees, and you've seen a lot of the more business-focused areas," he said as he led her to an elevator. "Today I'd like to get a little more in-depth."

The elevator was little more than a silver box with buttons. Lucy stared at her disfigured reflection in the metal around them as they traveled down to the underground floor. When the doors slid open Clark stepped out immediately and beckoned for Lucy to follow. The elevator opened out into what looked like a horse stable, but much cleaner. No hay scattered across the floor, but there were cubicles shut off, though a few were open.

As Clark led Lucy through the middle isle of the cubicles she could see inside the open ones. There were cots pushed into a corner. A few of them had a couple of magazines or books stacked up beside the cots.

"What is this place?" She asked as they passed by one with a girl curled up on one of the cots. The girl had no clothes on and when she saw Lucy passing by she wriggled her fingers at her in a bitter wave, and sneered.

"This is the housing we provide for our girls with nowhere else to go. Most of these girls have been here since we started the Farm."

Lucy looked back, horrified, and watched the girl on the cot spread her legs and start to rub herself. The girl made an obscene gesture at Lucy, that didn't faze her much after seeing the girl's spread cunt. "Why don't they go get an apartment? They could buy a house, by now, couldn't they?"

Clark chuckled as he held a door open for Lucy at the end of the isle. "I'm sure that they could, but in time you might find that the Farm is more than a job, Lucy. We provide you with a safe place – a home and food and, most importantly, love. Mark and I see you girls as our responsibility and our own daughters, or sisters, or wives. We take care of you."

Behind the door Clark and Lucy walked through a community bathroom. It was full of steam and noisy girls, all walking around naked and laughing and chasing each other. As they passed by the bathroom stalls, Lucy glimpsed three girls writhing and moaning together in one of them.

At the opposite end of the bathroom there was another door that led out into a hallway. Each door in the hallway was closed, but Clark approached one of them on the left side and swung it open.

Inside two men were holding a girl down. She was naked and her mascara was running down her face, but she was sucking on one of their cocks hungrily. The man with his cock in her mouth looked up and smirked at Clark and Lucy. The other man had his back to the door and was thrusting his own dick deep into the girl's asshole. His cock was thick and veiny and it looked like the girl's asshole was straining to fit it all in.

Lucy gasped, but the man getting his cock sucked waved. "Morning, Mr. Heart."

"This is Zach, and the man with his back to us is Drew, both our male employees and that's…"

Zach reached down and grabbed what looked like a tag on a necklace around the girl's neck. "This is Mandy," he snorted, swinging the tag around the girl's neck and thrusting deeper into her throat.

Clark shut the door and led Lucy to another room. Before she had time to say anything Clark swung this door open as well. This room was darker than the first, and there was a man on his knees on a bed with a blonde girl positioned on his cock, with her back pressed against his chest. He had an arm wrapped around her stomach holding her to him and she had an arm wrapped around his neck. Her head was thrown back, her long hair falling down one shoulder, and her neck was exposed to the man's face. Before Clark and Lucy had opened the door, the man was sucking and biting at her throat and slowly pulsing in and out of her.

"Good morning, Mr. Heart," the man said, grabbing a fistful of the girl's breast. She looked dazed as her head rolled up to look at the two of them. She didn't smile, just let out a quiet moan and continued riding the man's cock slowly.

"This is Carter and Melinda. Melinda's only been with us a few days longer than you, but she came to us homeless and trying to get off of heroin."

With the door closed behind them, Lucy jogged to keep up with Clark. "I thought we couldn't do drugs?"

"You can't. She's undergoing some rehab… our own methods."

"Like what?"

"Like every time she starts to crave it and beg for it, I have one of my men fuck her brains out instead."

Lucy kept her horror to herself. They continued down the hall opening doors and being greeted by more people, more fucking, more tags. Clark almost never knew the girls, and they were always being bent over something, or fucked roughly by multiple men. The girls never spoke, they just did their jobs, or glanced at Lucy and snarled.

By the time Clark finished his tour, they were at another elevator that took them back up. "When you first start out, we book you with clients. If they like you, we add you to a Request list and depending on how many times we book you, you may never be one of those girls. However, if you aren't getting much business you'll be used for our male employees. You're paid a much smaller fee for that sort of work, but it's that or you're fired. We leave the choice completely up to you."

Lucy's heart began to pound. "Am I booked?"

"For the next two months."
