The Farm Pt. 5 [ff] [oral]

Lucy was in high demand. She wasn't quite sure what it was about her, but there was never a lull in business for her. Mark now treated her with respect rather than snickering at what she said, or forcefully pushing her around hallways. Though Clark had always treated Lucy respectfully, he now doted on her to clients right in front of her. If a man was leaving the Farm after a session with another girl, Clark would waste no time introducing them and suggesting her – though she was a higher rate.

Every client was different. Each man came with something specific in mind, and no one seemed to see Lucy. They were either fucking their third grade teacher, punishing their mother-in-law, or having a sensual night with their deceased wife. Every man had a life separate from the Farm, but somehow Clark knew every detail, which meant that in turn, so did Lucy.

"Tonight will be different," Darla said, pinning back a portion of Lucy's hair to show off her eyes. "Have you gotten your script?"

Lucy glances down at the slip of paper in her hand. "It just says no dialogue and 'get to the point'?"

Darla grins at their reflection in the mirror before scooting her out of the dressing room.

"This is a special client. Certainly not the first, nor the last, but this will be your first. I'm aware you have little, to no experience, with this sort of client, but I am positive you'll be able to improvise." Clark says outside the door of the room that the client is waiting in.

Before Clark opens the door, Lucy whispers, "I don't know his name…"

"This client prefers it this way. And remember, this particular client did not request you. You'll need to try a bit harder to impress. We assigned you, so we'll see how you do." Clark turns the knob, "Have fun."

The room is dark. There are tall candles lit and placed sporadically around the room, all far enough away from the others to keep the lighting too dim to make out facial features. The room is small and smells heavily of scented oils and incense. The aroma is heady and sensual, sweet but spicy, and Lucy can just barely make out the form of someone standing a few feet away, shrouded in the shadows.

No dialogue, Lucy recalls, stepping forward and kneeling before her client. Get to the point.

Lucy begins to undo the client's jeans. She has to tug at the button and when she begins to jerk the pants down she finds the jeans oddly tight.

She hears a gasp. The gasp is distinctly light, and airy, and when Lucy finally manages to get the pants down and off she feels nothing. There's no throbbing cock, just soft cotton panties. Her heart begins to pound. She doesn't know what to do with a girl!

"I… I've never done this before." The girl whispers hoarsely. Her hands are stiff by her sides, but neither girl can see the other's face.

Relieved that this girl isn't experienced either, Lucy takes her hands in hers and begins to kiss the girl's thighs. She works her lips from the knees and up, kissing passionately and lingering between the thighs so that the client begins to squeeze Lucy's hands.

Lucy can hear the girl's soft, breathy moans as she traces a pattern with her tongue. "What am I allowed to do…?" the girl asks shakily.

"Anything you want," Lucy replies.

She's distracted by the feeling that this girl's voice is so familiar. It's quiet, but it has a tone to it she knows. Lucy's trying to place the voice when the girl's hand wraps around Lucy's head and shoves her face into the girl's crotch. With her other hand, the client had tugged her panties to the side so that Lucy's lips were buried into the silky, hot lips of the girl's pussy.

The client let out a louder moan this time as she spread her legs wider. She kept her hand on the back of Lucy's head, but she lowered herself onto the floor and leaned back so that she was lying down. When she was lying flat, with her legs spread wide, Lucy took over. She tried to imagine what would feel good to her and began with the girl's clit.

Gently, Lucy licked at it. She ran her tongue over it lightly, easing the client into the sensations, and then paused. She pulled back and ran a couple of her fingers through the folds of the girl's pussy, feeling the wetness and imagining the feeling of those two fingers running up and down her own cunt. She wanted this girl to feel every ridge of her fingerprints, but agonizingly slowly.

"Oh god," the girl sighed, wriggling and squeezing Lucy's head with her thighs. "Go inside," she whispered desperately.

Lucy kissed the girl's clit a few times, letting it slide between her plump, slippery lips and then dragged her tongue from the bottom, up. When the client was completely soaked and groaning, grasping at Lucy's hair, Lucy pushed two fingers inside and spun them around. She didn't speed up, but kept moving at a leisurely, steady pace. She pushed her fingers deep inside, watching the silhouette of her client's back curve and stiffen. She felt for the girl's g-spot and hooked onto it, jerking at it slowly…. pulse……pulse……pulse….

The client let out a frustrated gasp and sat up. She grabbed Lucy's face and kissed her hard, sucking Lucy's tongue into her mouth and tasting her own cream.

With their lips working together still, the client urged Lucy's body on top of her. While Lucy slid her tongue over the roof of the girl's mouth, the client began to un-do Lucy's pants. She hurriedly shoved them off, along with Lucy's panties.

Lucy had never felt the softness of a girl's mound pressed against her own. With an urgency all her own, Lucy ripped off her shirt, and then the client's. Lucy hadn't worn a bra, but it took no time to unclasp the other girl's.

For a long moment, both girls laid there, unmoving, feeling their hot skin pressed against each other. The feeling of their round, plump breasts mashed against each other's, and their taut, hot stomachs made even Lucy ache. She felt wet between her thighs, and hungrily took one of the client's nipples into her mouth.

The girl whimpered as her nipple hardened in Lucy's mouth. She took a handful of one of Lucy's tits and massaged it roughly, thumbing at Lucy's nipple.

With her own legs, Lucy forced the client's legs far apart. She released the girl's nipple and sat up so that she was positioned on top of the girl's pussy with her own. Slowly, like dry-humping with boys, Lucy began to rub herself on top of the girl. She dragged her cunt up and down, feeling the friction against her swelling clit.

Before Lucy could get back into her slow, controlled rhythm, the client maneuvered Lucy onto her back. She worked one leg over the other so that the client could make flesh contact with their dripping pussies. Without hesitation, the girl began to grind against Lucy. She rubbed herself hard and fast, holding Lucy's leg up for support. The client began to make Lucy gasp and heave for breath as she angrily scissored her.

Lucy could feel the hot folds of this client's cunt sliding against her own, impossibly hot and wetter than Lucy had ever felt. Their clits rubbed against each other sending pangs of desire up and down Lucy's body. Both girls were moaning and nearly crying out so that Lucy was sure anyone outside could hear them.

The second Lucy reached up to grab the client's bouncing tits, the girl let out a yelp and Lucy could feel a hot rush of cream squirting out onto her own pussy. The feeling was unlike anything she'd ever experienced. The hot juice exploded onto the insides of Lucy's thighs and all over her already-soaked clit. She could feel the stream enter her as the client hugged Lucy's leg between her breasts hard, panting as she came down from her orgasm.

The client's exhausted body collapsed onto the floor. Lucy crawled over and began to kiss the girl passionately. She shoved her tongue into the girl's mouth and ran her fingers all over the girl's hot, sweaty body until her breathing calmed.

For a few minutes the girls laid together in the darkness, listening to each other breathing. After a moment the client said something quietly to herself.

"What was that?" Lucy asked curiously.

Out of the darkness, less timid than she had been all evening, Whitney replied, "My boyfriend's never made me cum like that."

Edit: There hasn't been a Farm update in a while, and I apologize! Howeeeverr, if you're interested, I thought I would start taking requests (via PM) as if you were clients at the Farm. You can remain anonymous, give me details about your character, etc. and I'll write up and update for your visit with Lucy!


1 comment

  1. Loved it. Thank you. Edit: I just confirmed this is the roommate! Hot, hot, hot. (I had a sneaking suspicion but went through to read the prequel to validate.)

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