The Farm, Pt. 2 [mf] [fingering]

Ali dropped Lucy off at her apartment just off campus. Neither girl had spoken much on the ride home, but Ali had handed her an envelope as she was getting out of the car.

"Do you need a ride tomorrow?"

Lucy hugged her arms around her chest, guarding off the bitter cold. "Yeah, I don't have a car…"

That evening Lucy passed by her roommate on the couch and went straight for the bathroom. She turned on the shower and stripped off her clothes and let them fall to the tile. For a long time, Lucy stared at her reflection until the steam filled the small room and fogged the mirror.

Under the hot water, Lucy scrubbed her body clean and thought back on her trial.

"Action!" Mark had shouted, walking off the set.

Immediately, James stalked forward towards Lucy's bare body, and took her by her shoulders. He was so much larger than her, in height and muscle, and he was able to effortlessly toss her onto the sheets and pillows. When she hit the floor, Lucy's breath was knocked out of her which made the men off-set chuckle.

James forced Lucy's legs wide open. Suddenly she was completely and wholly exposed to this room of strange men, and James was ducking his head down between her thighs. He started off by licking all the way up and down her cunt, getting it really wet. When he did this, Lucy let out a soft yelp and her body stiffened as he began to focus on her clit.

"Oh yeah," James had mumbled through a mouthful of her pussy. "You like that, you slut?"

Lucy rinses the soap off her body and then lathers it on again.

When Lucy didn't respond to James, he took her clit between his teeth and gave it a light, but painful, nibble. Lucy cried out and arched her back and James dug his face in deeper.

When James had successfully made Lucy wet, he lifted his face and slowly pushed two fingers inside her. Despite the situation, and despite the humiliation from the men around her, Lucy felt her body melting. She clenched around his fingers as he pushed and hooked them inside of her, pressing his fingertips against her g-spot.

Lucy began to ride his fingers. She was bobbing up and down on his hand, while James stroked his cock and watched her with lustful eyes. His sarcastic smirk had disappeared, and was replaced by a carnal desire as he watched her tiny body writhing on his hand.

Lucy ducked her head under the water and let the shampoo rinse out as one hand slid down the plane of her stomach towards her crotch.

Without warning, James pulled his fingers out of Lucy and flipped her over onto her stomach so that she was bent over a pile of pillows. He crouched over her, his faced pressed against her neck as he inhaled the scent of her skin and hair. He was in a perfect position to mount her, but this was just a trial run. Lucy could feel every muscle in his body fighting the urge to push into her, all of his body flesh against her's.

Instead of forcing his cock into her, James grudgingly shoved two fingers into her asshole. Lucy whimpered and bit down on her lip to keep from crying out.

When the initial pain had subsided, James rhythmically moved his fingers in and out of her tight asshole, feeling the smoothness inside her. His cock bulged against the inside of her thigh as he grunted into her ear.

Lucy began to touch herself, feeling the hot water pouring down her hot skin. Her clit throbbed as she slid her fingers up and down, never entering herself.

When Lucy pushed her ass out for James to go deeper, she felt a hotness on her tummy and inside her thighs. James suddenly stopped fingering her ass and slid them out slowly as the men off-set busted into laughter.

Lucy pulled her fingers from her pussy, creamy with her own juices, and put them into her mouth, sucking on them as she imagined James's cum dripping down her thighs.

James fell back, heaving, his cock still wet though most had exploded onto Lucy's thighs and stomach. Her clit was swollen and she hadn't gotten to cum, but Mark was slowly clapping, sauntering onto the set as the cameras stopped whirring.

"This is the first time a girl has ever made anyone cum during a trial… I'm impressed, Lucy. Mark will be pleased to hear this."

Lucy plunged her fingers back into her pussy, supporting herself against the wall with her free hand, and finished herself off. She panted, water dripping off of her, and stood on shaky legs. When she turned off the faucet, Lucy got out and toweled off her wet body, drying her hair and tying the towel around herself.

As she wiped the fog from the mirror, Lucy noticed the corner of the envelope Ali had handed her sticking out of her jacket pocket on the floor. Kneeling down, she worked it open and pulled out its contents.

Ten crisp one-hundreds had all been tucked into the envelope.

Lucy's second day – her real first day – was tomorrow.
