The Farm, Pt. 1


It didn't take Lucy long to hear, through word of mouth, about the farm five miles out of town. The community college she'd moved to was a in a fairly rural southern town, and there wasn't much around besides the Baptist church on every street corner, and the gas station and grocery store.

Being so small, hardly anyone was hiring, but Lucy had heard the rumors. Girls paid their way through school around here by getting part-time, or even full-time, jobs at the farm. It was taboo, and incredibly risky, but without her dad to help her out, Lucy could see no other choice.

The day she decided to finally look into the farm was the day before Thanksgiving break. A girl in her literature class had been whispering to another right in front of her. Lucy knew the girl's name was Ali, and when Ali pulled out 700 dollars from her wallet to prove it to her friend, Lucy was convinced.

That afternoon when their class let out, Lucy approached Ali and discreetly asked her about the farm. Ali glanced around the two of them and pulled Lucy aside by the forearm. "We can't talk about it here, but if you're serious, meet me in the parking lot outside of the theater building tonight at six."

All day Lucy's stomach churned with excitement. Other than how secretive it was, Lucy didn't know much about this "farm." When it was 5:46, Lucy was already out in the parking lot, waiting by the steps of the theater building. She checked her phone, and right at six Ali came jogging out. She slipped her hand into Lucy's and guided her to her car.

"You don't have any plans tonight?" Ali asked, tossing her backpack into the backseat.

Lucy looked up at the darkening, overcast sky. An icy wind blew the girls' hair around their faces. She wasn't going home for Thanksgiving… she had nothing planned at all. Shaking her head, the two girls got into Ali's car and left the campus.

While they drove, Lucy watched the small town shrink into the distance behind them. The flat buildings were replaced by thick trees on either side of the road as Ali sped around bends in the road, and over a rickety wooden bridge that crossed over a quickly-streaming creek.

"The farm is top secret," Ali said to her as she flicked on the headlights. "Like, he'll explain everything, but you don't want to get caught spreading rumors. These people provide for us, you know? It's like, in our best interest to keep this place private."

Lucy watched as Ali turned the car onto a narrow path into the woods. No sign marked the street, and only thick and gnarled trees bent over the path as they sped along down it.

"We do the recruiting, so there's the catch, I guess. You can't spread rumors, but you have to help the farm gain more employees." Ali looked over at Lucy's confused expression and smiled. "You're pretty desperate, huh?"

"Yeah… I am." Lucy watched the trees give way to what appeared to be a vacant factory in a small field. There was a chain-link fence that ran the perimeter of the factory, and a few cars parked out front.

Ali drove up to the front gate where a small guardhouse was set up. An older man came out and waited for Ali to roll her window down. She flashed him a laminated badge and the guard let them through.

Instead of parking next to the few nice cars out front, Ali drove around to the back where a multitude of other cars were parked. There was a back entrance near a dumpster with a bio-hazard symbol on it that a man was sitting in front of in a metal fold-out chair. He had a thick coat on and was reading a graphic novel when the two girls walked up.

"Evening, Ali," the man looked up from the fur trim of his coat. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Lucy, I'm recruiting her."

After a minute of small talk the man let the two of them into a brightly lit foyer. It wasn't at all what Lucy had expected from the drab and intimidating factory's exterior. To their right there was a glass window where another man, younger, sat at a computer. He was on the phone, but when he heard the door open he glanced back and waved curtly to Ali.

Lucy watched Ali remove her coat and place it on coat rack next to several others. She set her purse down into a numbered cubby and took Lucy's to place in there, as well. By that time the man had gotten off the phone and exited the office from a doorway up ahead.

"Hi there, sweetheart," he said to Lucy, taking her hand in his and kissing it gently. "Clark Heart, the founder and owner of The Farm."

Lucy blushed, "My name's Lucy- "

"She's my recruit," Ali cut in.

Clark Heart smiled in response and hooked his arm through Lucy's. "Ali, if you want to go ahead and start your session, I'll see that Mark takes not of your recruitment."

The man lead Lucy through another doorway away from Ali then. The door opened up to a long hall with doors on either side. "Lucy, this evening I'm going introduce you to a few people, including my brother Mark, and explain the details of The Farm. We'll get you all signed up and then you'll have an interview, an inspection, and a trial run. The next time you come we ask that you bring in a urine sample for a regulatory drug test."

The two entered into a room on the left of the hall. Inside a man was seated in a cushioned armchair across from another girl, a blonde, who was being filmed. Clark gestured for Lucy to be silent as they passed through into an attached office.

For the next fifteen minutes, Lucy was given forms to sign. She read over a few and they all seemed pretty standard: papers regarding any mistreatment, any unwanted harassment, and legal papers about getting hurt on the job, etc. She filled out an application with her information, and by the time she'd finished the man from the other room came in.

"Hello there! I'm Mark Heart, Clark's brother. I handle interviews and inspections."

Lucy offered her hand, "I'm Lucy," she said shyly as Mark guided her back into the room with the camera.

"Have a seat, sweetheart," Mark said, pointing to the metal fold-out chair in front of the camera. He took his seat, off-camera, in the arm chair while Clark lounged on the sofa behind him. Mark leaned over and pressed a button. A green light came on and Lucy could hear the whirring of the camera.

"Welcome to The Farm, Lucy. For all employees, we prefer not to use last names. For the next ten, or so, minutes I, Mark Heart, will be conducting this interview. You will answer each question honestly, elaborating on the ones specified. Are you ready?"

"Yes." Lucy blinked at the bright lights that were pointed at her. She couldn't see Clark or Mark's shadowed faces anymore, but she could see that green light.

"Perfect. Lucy, how old are you?"

"I'm 20 years old."

"Are you single, dating, married, divorced, or widowed?"

"I'm single."

"What is your sexual orientation?"

Lucy could feel her cheeks coloring. "I'm not sure."

"Are you a virgin, Lucy?"


"Have you ever had any sexual experiences with more than one partner at a time?"


"Would you be willing?"

Confused, Lucy paused for a moment. She listened to the whirring of the camera, but then her notice for her late rent came to mind and she quickly replied, "Yes."

"Have you ever had a sexual experience with a partner of the same sex?"

"No, but I'm willing." She said softly.

Lucy could almost hear the smile in Mark's voice, "Perfect, Lucy. Are you comfortable with being naked in front of people?"


"How about on camera?"

"Yes." Her heart pounded in her chest.

"You've signed waivers saying you won't contact anyone about The Farm, other than to recruit new girls, is that correct?"


"You've also signed waivers that give my brother, Clark and I full permission to sell any material that features you, Lucy, is that correct?"


"Do you agree to being touched and having sex with strangers?"


The whirring stopped. "That was great, Lucy. Are you ready for inspection?"

Lucy let Mark guide her away from that room back into the long hall. They walked further down and entered into a room on the right. This one was stark-white with a metal table like at a doctor's office. There was a camera positioned on a tripod, as well.

"OK, Lucy, take off all of your clothes for me and put them on the table."

Mark began working with the camera and didn't notice Lucy's hesitation. She didn't want to ruin this, however, and began to undo the buttons of her jeans with shaking hands. She thought, as she pushed them down her thighs, that Mark wouldn't watch and would continue messing with the camera, but as soon as she'd gotten her pants off her ankles, Lucy looked up to see Mark leaning against the counter behind him, staring at her.

"Please continue," he spoke with a professional, cool tone.

Lucy peeled off her socks and then her sweater, placing them all onto the table. She was down to her bra and panties and had goosebumps going all up and down her body.

"Please remove your undergarments."

Without meeting his eyes, Lucy unclasped her bra, feeling her breasts tumble out, and then slowly pulled her underwear down. The air was cold against her skin, and without another word, Mark approached her.

"Spread your legs, please." He got down onto his knees in front of her. Awkwardly, Lucy spread her legs and watched as Mark Heart pushed his fingers into the lips of her vulva. He spread apart the inner and outer labias and slid his fingers around. The sensation of being touched that way sent shivers down Lucy's spine. She had only ever had sex once… in high school.

Mark continued touching and prodding, getting his face close and examining her. He pinched her clitoris lightly and chuckled when she let out a quiet squeal. "Turn, please."

Lucy turned stiffly to face the wall.

"Lean forward and place your hands against the wall, Lucy, keeping your legs spread wide, please."

She did as she was told and felt Mark's hands pry apart her ass cheeks. He massaged them slowly and then fingered very gingerly at her asshole. "Lovely," he remarked, continuing his groping down her inner thighs.

"Alright turn back and face me again, please." This time, Mark took her breasts in his hands and squeezed them, feeling the weight of them in his palms and rolling her nipples around between his fingertips.

"Open your mouth, please."

Lucy watched Mark slide his fingers into her mouth and rub them against the soft part of the inside of her cheeks. "You have great teeth," he muttered, still observing her, and squishing her tongue between his fingertips. "I'm going to test your gag reflex, so please don't panic."

Lucy panicked, but silently and remaining still. She kept her mouth open and felt Mark sliding two fingers down her tongue, very slowly. He slid them to the back of her throat and then curved downward. When she didn't gag, Mark ordered, "Swallow."

Lucy swallowed at his fingers, feeling her throat constrict around them, and only then did she begin to gag. Her eyes filled with tears involuntarily as Mark slowly pulled his fingers back. "Perfect. Excellent. You're ready for your trial!"

Once again, Lucy was led from the room after putting on a short white robe offered to her by Mark. They went to the end of the hall and into a much bigger room. This one had what appeared to be a set, with a lot of lights and three big cameras positioned at different angles. Men were lounging around eating food from a big table when they came in.

"Guys, this is Lucy. She's our newest recruit and we're going to run a quick trial. I'd like to see her with James, please."

A man at least four feet taller than Lucy stood from a chair off-set. He came over in his own black robe and extended a muscled, veiny arm to her. "Nice to meet you, Lucy." His grin was sarcastic and impish, and the guys behind him snickered.

As James and Mark led Lucy to the set with a soft fur carpet and pillows and blankets all around them, Mark began to explain things to her. "The Farm is a place where locals, and even a few out-of-towners can come and discreetly satisfy their sexual appetites. A lot of our clients are married, or recently divorced, though we get a lot of boys from the college, as well. For a lot of the fraternities, there's even an option to rent us out for a weekend for initiation."

As he spoke, James removed his black robe and handed it off to a man off-set. James's body was large and muscular, and his cock was already thick and enormous as it hung between his legs. Lucy began to tremble.

"We pay girls to use them. Girls like you. We make a lot of profit off of the church staff, and horny, frustrated men in frustrating marriages who just want to explore their fetishes. Our girls don't ever say no."

All three cameras began to whir around them. "Remove your robe, Lucy," Mark said, extending a hand. "A lot of the time we use our own male employees – we have about four – to film with any girls not being used on any particular day. We make amateur videos and have them posted to a few well-known porn sites on the web. We even sell a few around town. You girls are paid from that profit, so it's in your best interest to do well."

Lucy let the robe slip down off of her body, and handed it over to Mark. The men off-set snickered and hooted, and James licked his lips as he surveyed her tiny body.

"Remember, Lucy, this is just a trial run. There won't be any penal penetration. We just want to see what you can do."

As Mark sauntered off-set, he shouted, "Action!"



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