Good End to a Bad Day

It starts as soon as I walk in the door.

I had a long day at work, and before I can even shut the door you start nagging me, I can’t even slide off my dress shoes before you start in on me – whining, complaining, nagging.

I ignore you, heading towards our room, shedding clothes as I go. I leave my dress shoes by the door, socks stuffed inside them. My suit coat gets draped over a hallway chair, and I don’t even bother fully taking off my tie before lifting my shirt over my head, tossing it to the ground in frustration. I loosen my belt and let my dress pants drop to my ankles before stepping out of them and sitting on the edge of the bed, turning on the television.

But as soon as I change the channel to ESPN I hear you stomping down the hall, and as you enter the room you start in on me again, talking non-stop, voice drowning out the sound of the television. To make matters worse, not only do you continue to talk incessantly, but as I try and watch television you decide to stand in front me, gesticulating wildly as you unleash your litany of complaints.

Categorized as Erotica

Without A Sound. Parts 1 and 2. [MF] [Train] [Exhibitionist] [First Person]

I’ve been riding the Lakeshore Limited for over an hour and the sun is stretching slowly across the horizon. It’s a warm autumn night, and I’m staring out the window watching the towns fly by as the shadows draw longer over the fields. I’m just starting to nod off as the train comes pulling into Poughkeepsie station. I keep my eyes closed while the couple next to me collects their belongings and makes their way off the train, hoping to fall asleep and shorten my lengthy trip

After a few moments I hear someone nearby stowing their bags overhead. I open my eyes and peek over to see you stretching up to secure your luggage. You’re wearing a knee-length pencil skirt over black leggings. As you push your bags back, your red sweater creeps up your stomach, revealing a sliver of your toned stomach. I turn my head back, closing my eyes before I’m caught. To my surprise you sit down next to me. I wonder what you look like, since I didn’t see your face, but I’m too deep to go back now.

Washed pt. 3 [Mdom, Fsub, bdsm]

To read pt. 1- To read pt. 2-

I'm not chilly anymore. My body feels like its on fire. The look in his eyes is almost scary. As if his stare is what's burning my flesh. He is watching me walk around to the front of the car. I know I am in trouble. Why did I set my wet shirt on his car? I'm nervous and excited at the same time. What is he going to do to me?

"You better be ready cause I'm not gonna be gentle, bad girl." His words ringing in my ears. He wants me to bend over the hood. He opens the car door and he grabs something from the backseat. I hear a jingle and I realize it is a belt. Is he going to spank me? I get even more excited and then almost instantly I am startled by how much I want him to spank me.

"Are you ready?" he asks. The fire still in his eyes. Without missing a step I say "Yes sir." "Good. Go ahead and lean over the hood, but don't touch it. I've already washed it and I don't want to have to do it again." He grabs the middle of the belt in one hand and the ends of it in the other hand and snaps it. With a crack it echos throughout the parking lot.

[voy, bdsm, mdom, Fsub, exh] Exposed in the Garage

It was early evening in a suburban neighborhood, the sun was starting to set, the busy working bodies were starting to get home, and the walkers, runners and cyclists were starting to come out. I was one of the walkers. I enjoyed people watching, and especially watching all the hot wives and cougars jog….in their sexy yoga pants that hug their curves just perfectly and their tight sports bras….and their sweaty, and glistening bodies…I loved staring at them as they come towards and smiling at them as they pass me by….I know they want it, I know a good chunk of them arent getting what they want at home….and what about the ones that do get what they want at home but still want more… anyway I digress..

So Im walking along and its been a long walk, the evening is turning to dark at this point and Im still on the otherside of the neighborhood not really that close to my house…It's probably around 9 oclock and the summer sun is just about down, and most people are inside by now, locked up, garage doors closed… but not the house I was about to pass…I noticed a man just standing by himself in his garage, looking around, glancing left and right, as if he was watching for something. I keep walking and as I get closer I decide to be a friendly neighbor and I turn my head to wave and say hi as I pass by.

[sci-fi, fantasy, bdsm] My first sexy story… The Flagpole

He is an evil spirit, a practicer of dark magic, a shaman whose main focus was sex and selfishness. He uses his powers solely to please himself…. he uses black magic to make his cock grow to inhumanly large sizes and he goes about putting the town wenches under his voodoo hypnosis and forcing their submission…. He locks their wrists with magical bindings, he can bend their bodies over with his will, he can pick them up and throw them around….and he can choke them like Darth Vader chokes his victims, all with the power of his mind. He can put words for them to say and orders to obey into their mind telepathically, without actually saying a word. He makes them beg, he makes them degrade themselves. "I am nothing but a worthless toy. I am your wench, Use me, Use me, like the dirty wench that I am." He uses them relentlessly, over and over, sending them back to their husbands bruised and beaten, swollen and loose, holes gaping from taking such a massive cock. And the husbands are powerless to stop him, after all he is more than human. He has free reign over the town, the town is scared of his power. Women kneel before him in his presence, they bow down to him when they see him, they let him know they are his…."I am yours master" The husbands shudder and cower in fear…."she is yours, sir, use her as you please." The town is powerless to stop his reign of sexual terror.

Making Up For Lost Time Parts 2-3 [fm]

Hey everyone. This is the next part to a story I wrote a few days ago.

I know they start kind of slow and that there isn't much sex, but I'm trying to develop the character of Kim.

These are my first stories so please (please!) leave some feedback in the comments!


The next day, Kim did as Alex suggested, and asked out a boy during physics lab. His name was Greg. Scraggly hair, busted glasses. Handsome but shy, and very nerdy. Kim had liked him right away.

"Hey Greg, listen… I was wondering if you have any plans tonight?" she asked as they were putting away books.

"Umm… why?" he answered.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go do something? You know… a study date?" said Kim, putting emphasis on the word date.

"Sure. Want to work on the problem set?" Obviously, the emphasis was lost on Greg. So Kim improvised.

"Great! How about my place?"

Greg answered: "umm. I work better at the library. I'm there from 6:00 to 8:20. Anyway, I have to go. If you want help find me on the 4th floor stacks." Greg put on his backpack and left the lab.

Her Request — Femdom story ahoy!

Her request seemed pretty ridiculous at first, but I went through with it.

I’m 6’2” tall, 200 pounds, and my tiny girlfriend Maya comes up to about my chest. She’s Filipino, sort of shy and reserved. We been dating for 6 months or so, and our sex life was definitely good.

She loved getting down on her knees and giving me head, and I loved shooting my cum all over her face and down her throat… but we always did what I wanted, until the night I asked if there was anything she wanted to do sexually that we hadn’t tried. You know, like a fantasy…

"So, What is it you want to try?" I asked finally.

She shook her head, too embarrassed to tell me.

"Well, if you ever change your mind, I just want you to know I’ll do it. Whatever it is, I’ll do it."

I forgot about the conversation all together until I got an email at work a few weeks later.

"Eric," It read. "You will come to my apartment at 6PM tonight to fulfill my fantasy. The door will be unlocked. Enter the bathroom and await further instructions." Weird, definitely. But, hey, I told her I’d do anything, and I was going to go through with it.

Washed pt 2. [MF, Voy, Fsub, Mdom]

To read pt. one

A breeze rolls through. Feels great on my damp skin. I get goosebumps. Not sure if it's from the cold or if it's cause of this brick shithouse of a man standing before me.

He's staring at me. Biting his bottom lip. I'm jealous. I want to bite it too. He puts the hose away and he walks up to me. I see his hands again. Touch me. Please just touch me. I need to feel his rough hands all over me.

"Are you ok? Are you cold? Come over to my car I might have an extra shirt." We walk over to his car and I finally realize just how tall he is. I have to pick up the pace just to keep up with his strides. He opens the passenger side door and pulls out a shirt. He hands it to me. "Here try this one. It's my favorite."

I lift it to my face. It smells so good, almost like a bonfire. I set my wet shirt down on his car and I notice he makes a face but doesn't say anything. I'm topless. Exposed. It's a button up shirt. He watches me slide my arms into the sleeves. "Slower" he says. "And leave it open." I obey.

Washed pt. one [MF, Voy]

It's late. Almost two in the morning. I'm not tired. As usual. I decide to go wash my car. It needs it, badly. It's really dark out so I just go in my pajamas. My black drawstring shorts, that just barely cover my butt, and a loose purple v-neck shirt. I throw on my flip flops and I leave.

It's hot and humid out. Sticky. I turn up the radio and put all my windows down. Feeling the wind all around me. The song on the radio is one of my favorites. It's a slower Rock song with a great beat. I would love to strip for someone to this song.

I pull into the car wash. There is only one other car in there but I don't see it's driver. I put it in park and go to get my change. I've found him. Standing there at the machine. He is incredibly handsome and burly. Almost everything I love in a man. Tall, dark features, great beard, but what i really notice is his arms, incredibly solid. He looks like he could pick me up above his head. The next things I notice are his hands. I can see how callused they are and I automatically imagine them all over me. Feeling his rough hands all over my bare skin and I can feel myself begin to blush.

The Lesson – (ffm) (oral, mast, swing) – Hannah gets her first lesson in sex.

“He’s not even gonna want to talk to me,” I whined to Callie as she pulled up to the house. Dozens of cars filled the mansion’s driveway, and the booming music could be heard all the way down the block.

“Not with that attitude he won’t,” She responded without missing a beat. Callie was always giving me advice about my attitude. It irked me more than I let her see. Mostly because I knew she was right.

“Fine, he’s gonna be stunned by my dazzling good looks and fascinating conversation and realize he loves me and – “

“Oh, shut up,” she cut me off. “Just try to have fun, Okay?”

“Fine.” I was surprised how easy I was to sway this time. Something about tonight just felt right. With the end of High School approaching, I was starting to feel like it didn’t matter how I behaved, so why not be the boldest version of myself that I could be?