Good End to a Bad Day

It starts as soon as I walk in the door.

I had a long day at work, and before I can even shut the door you start nagging me, I can’t even slide off my dress shoes before you start in on me – whining, complaining, nagging.

I ignore you, heading towards our room, shedding clothes as I go. I leave my dress shoes by the door, socks stuffed inside them. My suit coat gets draped over a hallway chair, and I don’t even bother fully taking off my tie before lifting my shirt over my head, tossing it to the ground in frustration. I loosen my belt and let my dress pants drop to my ankles before stepping out of them and sitting on the edge of the bed, turning on the television.

But as soon as I change the channel to ESPN I hear you stomping down the hall, and as you enter the room you start in on me again, talking non-stop, voice drowning out the sound of the television. To make matters worse, not only do you continue to talk incessantly, but as I try and watch television you decide to stand in front me, gesticulating wildly as you unleash your litany of complaints.

Finally, I can’t take it anymore, the pent up anger and frustration pouring from me as yell, “Would you please just SHUT. UP.”

Surprisingly, this silences you, but instead of moving I see your hand shoot out, and before I can register what is happening I feel your palm connect with my cheek.

Furious, I glare at you, my face still stinging from your slap, and my voice is dripping with anger as I grab your wrist and sputter, “You are going to pay for that. Now.”

I yank on your wrist, pulling you towards me as your eyes widen and you collapse on me, laying across my lap. I press my left hand to the back of your head, holding you down as you kick and flail your arms, unleashing a stream of obscenities.

As you thrash on my lap I grab the waistbands of your pants and panties and pull down hard, yanking them down to reveal your smooth ass cheeks. I raise my hand high above my head, pausing to smirk at you before bringing it down hard and fast, my palm smacking loudly against the skin of your ass cheek.

Your screams grow louder and your obscenities grow more vulgar as I pull my hand back, a pink handprint already visible against the skin of your ass. Again my hand begins downward, accelerating as it approaches your ass, and the crack of skin against skin echoes through the room as my hand connects in the same place as before, and you yelp.

As my hand connects with your ass cheek again and again your screams slowly fade and your obscenities finally cease, replaced with moans and sighs and pleas for mercy. You slowly stop thrashing in my lap, your body growing limp, except for when my hand smacks your ass, when your body tenses as you moan. In between spankings you beg for forgiveness, your voice small as you say, “I’m sorry. I’ll be good. I’ll behave.”

Your apology causes me to stop spanking you, and I slowly remove my hand from the back of your head, letting you raise your head to look at me. As you turn your head I push your hips hard, spinning you as you fall to your knees in front of me. I raise up slightly as I slide my boxers down slowly, revealing my cock inch by inch. You glance up at me as I smile and place my hand to the side of your head, fingers behind your head and thumb on your cheek as I say, “You are my good girl, right?” Slowly you lean your head down as my hand presses against the back of your head, and as your mouth grows closer and closer to my cock I say, “Open wide.”

You obediently open up, taking the tip of my cock into your mouth, sucking on it gently. I moan softly as you suck on the head of my cock, your tongue sliding along it. I press my hand more firmly against the back of your head, pulling you down on my cock. You open your mouth wider as my cockhead slides deep into your mouth, followed by my hard, throbbing shaft. Slowly my cock slides deeper and deeper, your mouth opening as wide as possible as you take my cock into your mouth. I feel your hands press against my thighs and see tears forming in the corners of your eyes as you choke on my cock, but I press harder on the back of your head, forcing my cock deeper into your mouth until every inch of me is throbbing inside your mouth, your lips pressed against my skin. I hold my cock inside your mouth, moaning loudly as your tongue presses against my shaft and my cockhead throbs in your throat, covered by your spit. As my cock throbs in your mouth the tears continue to well in your eyes until they are streaming down your cheeks, and as my cock cuts off your air supply your fingers dig into my thigh and you push back, straining to lift your mouth from my cock. Your eyes open wide as you look up at me, face reddening and spit bubbling from the corners of your mouth as you choke on my cock.

Finally, I remove my hand from the back of your head, and you pull quickly away from my cock, strings of spit hanging from your lips as you gulp for air. As the color drains from your face I reach forward again, wrapping both hands around your head and pulling down hard, your mouth opening wide as I shove my hard cock back into your mouth, feeling my cockhead slam against the back of your throat as I groan loudly, the pleasure intense. I hold you down on my cock, your eyes watering and fingers digging into my thighs before I release you, leaving you gulping for air.

Only seconds later I wrap my fingers around your head again, pulling hard as I raise my hips, my hard cock meeting your mouth as it slams inside you, gliding along your tongue and hitting the back of your throat. I hold your head down on my cock as every inch of me throbs in your mouth, and you gag on my cock, face reddening again, your spit running down my balls. I drop my hips back onto the bed before thrusting them forward again and again, sending my cock in and out of your mouth, slamming it into the back of your throat. My cockhead slams into your mouth, my cock fucking your face as you struggle to breathe, gagging and choking on my cock, tears streaming down your cheeks and saliva frothing from the corners of your mouth. I moan louder and louder as I thrust my hard cock into your mouth again and again, the pleasure growing until finally I slam my cock as deep as possible into your mouth, holding your lips down on my cock as I groan loudly and my cock shudders violently, shooting cum deep into your mouth, coating your throat with my cum.

After I finish shooting my cum deep into your mouth I release your head, letting you slide your mouth off my cock. You breathe deeply and then swallow my cum, a small smile appearing on your tear-streaked face, still red from your struggle to breathe. I look into your eyes and smile, reaching out to take you by your hands as I say, “I think such a good girl deserves a treat.”

I pull you to me, wrapping my arms around you as I kiss your lips. My hands caress your back, sliding down it to grab the hem of your shirt before pulling it up over you head. As our lips press together my teeth bite down on your lower lip, and I fumble with the clasp of your bra before unhooking it. You shrug out of your bra as I release your lip from the grasp of my teeth and kiss down your neck, sucking the soft, smooth skin of your neck into my mouth bit by bit, my teeth sinking into it each time, leaving bite marks all around your neck.

My hands find your firm breasts as I nibble on your neck, and my palms rub against your hard nipples as I squeeze your tits. I pinch your hard nipples between my thumb and forefinger as you moan sharply, and I squeeze your tits hard again as I drop my head down to suck your hard nipple between my lips and into my mouth, flicking it with my tongue before biting down on it, making you squirm and yelp in both pain and pleasure.

My hands slide down your back as my mouth stays glued to your hard nipples, alternating sucking on them hard and nibbling on them as you moan. I slide my hands over your bare ass cheeks, squeezing and caressing them much more gently than I did before.

I pry my lips from your nipples as I lay back on the bed, hooking my thumbs under waistband of your pants, already yanked low below your ass cheeks from the earlier spanking. You slowly shimmy up my body, leaving your pants and panties behind until you are straddling my face, smooth thighs resting on either side of my head, your wet pussy only inches from my mouth.

I grip your hips as I slightly raise my head, pressing my tongue just below your pussy and licking upwards slowly. As my tongue slides along your pussy lips and up over your clit you moan loudly, and your moans grow louder as I flick my tongue from side to side, sliding it along your clit and sending waves of pleasure through your body. I feel you run your hands through my hair as continue to flick my tongue from side to side, nodding my head so my tongue licks down your pussy, sliding across your pussy lips again and again.

I press my tongue against the bottom of your pussy once more and lick slowly upwards again, but instead of continuing up your entire pussy I stop and press my lips to your pussy lips, sliding my tongue between your pussy lips and inside you, tasting your sweet juices as they seep over my tongue. My tongue explores inside you, sliding as deep as possible and slurping your juices from the walls of your tight wet slit.

You bounce your pussy on my tongue, moaning loudly as my tongue squirms deep inside you, your juices covering my tongue and dripping into my mouth. My hands slide from your hips up over your stomach, continuing up your body until they slide over your boobs, feeling your hard nipples rub against my palms as they bounce in my hands in rhythm to you slamming your pussy down on my tongue.

I squeeze your tits hard as you slide your hips backwards, my tongue slipping from your tight slit and sliding up to your swollen clit. You grab fistfuls of my hair as my tongue licks your clit, first licking it rapidly and lightly and then pressing my tongue firmly against it, licking it slowly and deeply.

Your moans grow louder and more frequent as I lick your clit, and you gasp with pleasure as I wrap my soft lips around your swollen clit, sucking it deep into my mouth. I rub your hard nipples between my fingers, twisting and pulling them as I suck your clit hard, tongue sliding around your clit as you rock your hips back and forth, grinding your clit against my tongue.

Your thighs squeeze my head tightly as you yank on my hair, holding my mouth to your clit, your moans so frequent they sound like one long moan of pleasure. I feel your juices trickling down my chin and dripping onto my chest as I swirl my tongue around your clit faster and faster, and your thighs begin to tremble against my cheeks

Suddenly your moan turns to a scream as your thighs clench my head tightly and I feel your back arch as you toss your head back, convulsing uncontrollably as the orgasm surges through you, spreading throughout your body, your sensitive throbbing as it remains sucked deep in my mouth.

I feel your body slump as you finish cumming, your thighs releasing my head from their grasp before you roll off me and snuggle up next to me, laying your head on my chest. You look up at me and smile, and as I meet your eyes I smile back at you and ask playfully, “Any more complaints?”


Categorized as Erotica