A Laundry Room Story [MMF][MM-oral][cuck]

This is my first story on here, I hope you like it. The end is a bit rushed because I was typing the story live to a fuckbuddy as we were both enjoying ourselves and I got overwhelmed with the images.

It's late and you're in a rush: you're supposed to finally have me over at your place, I'm due any minute and you're still waiting for your laundry to finish. It's been a while, so you're doing two loads with pretty much all your clothes in there. You're wearing the only clean thing you have: a slightly-too-sheer dress, no bra and no underwear.

He comes in carrying a tennis bag and his eyes flicker up and down your frame before he says hi. You blush and make a quip about…you don't remember. You make smalltalk for a bit and you mention that all your clothes are being washed.

"Not all," he says. You look up startled at the husky edge of his voice. You just now notice that he's over six foot tall and quite well built. The first rush of arousal floods your brain before you've even had a chance to get scared. Then you feel his hands, large, warm and strong, at the sides of your breasts. He cups them both and flicks the piercing on your left nipple. Of course he's noticed.

You roll your eyes and shoot your arms back, grabbing on to the edge of the buzzing dryer and thrusting your breasts out against his hands. Fuck you already want him everywhere.

"Arms up." No please, no doubt, direct and certain. You lift them, causing the dress to ride up and expose your already glistening pussy, and your eyes bore into his, pleading. He smirks and takes two steps back then raises an eyebrow. Your knees tremble at the thought of having to get yourself naked for him, but you grab the hem of your dress, lift it over your head and drop it at your feet.

He gestures to the washer. Yes, you should put it in with the others. You turn away for a second and when you look back, he's standing there naked. He has the thickest cock you've ever seen and your knees buckle at the sight. He takes you and drapes you face down over the dryer. Its warmth is soothing, but you are painfully aware that your pussy and ass are entirely exposed to this stranger.

As you grip the edges, groaning and writhing, he discovers you. Lips, mouth, fingers, he paints you as his one inch at a time. Every lick sets your pussy on fire, makes your ass clench and beg for more. You hope he'll fuck you soon. You hope he'll split you in half.

Instead he pushes you to your knees, slams your head back against the dryer door and slides his cock into your mouth. It's huge and it tastes so fucking good you have to grab his legs to steady yourself.

You're a lost cause. Sucking his cock, you're completely and utterly out of your mind horny. Your wetness is pooling on the floor between your spread legs. Then your phone buzzes and he fires off a quick text. You don't care, he's in your mouth.

Seconds later the door creaks open. I'm standing there, naked and hard, expecting just you. Instead I find you drooling incoherently around another man's thick, wet…holy fuck he looks good. He has a glorious cock and I stand there mesmerized for a second.

He motions me over and I approach in a trance. He kisses me hard and you see my cock twitch inches from your face.

I move in front of him and he pushes me onto my knees next to you. I wrap a fist around his shaft and stroke it curiously. You feel it tighten and engorge in your mouth. He's loving this too!….

Fuck. Everything is going too fast. I watch him fuck you while you suck me off, stretching you to the limit. He comes deep inside you and has me lick your pussy clean as his come is dripping out of you. Then he makes us clean his cock. He spreads me open and starts rimming me while I'm fucking you. I fuck your ass while he's standing very still, all the way inside you. You come and come and come. I clean your ass of my come and kiss him. We make out while sucking his cock together.

The machines have long since stopped. Our groans of pleasure echo all over the room, and by the end we're exhausted. Him and I are stroking each other's cocks almost casually, although now and then one of us dips down to lick a drop of precome off the other's tip.

"Told you she'd like it", I say to him. Your eyes widen in surprise. The two of us turn to you and beckon your face into our laps…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2f4hx6/a_laundry_room_story_mmfmmoralcuck