[voy, bdsm, mdom, Fsub, exh] Exposed in the Garage

It was early evening in a suburban neighborhood, the sun was starting to set, the busy working bodies were starting to get home, and the walkers, runners and cyclists were starting to come out. I was one of the walkers. I enjoyed people watching, and especially watching all the hot wives and cougars jog….in their sexy yoga pants that hug their curves just perfectly and their tight sports bras….and their sweaty, and glistening bodies…I loved staring at them as they come towards and smiling at them as they pass me by….I know they want it, I know a good chunk of them arent getting what they want at home….and what about the ones that do get what they want at home but still want more… anyway I digress..

So Im walking along and its been a long walk, the evening is turning to dark at this point and Im still on the otherside of the neighborhood not really that close to my house…It's probably around 9 oclock and the summer sun is just about down, and most people are inside by now, locked up, garage doors closed… but not the house I was about to pass…I noticed a man just standing by himself in his garage, looking around, glancing left and right, as if he was watching for something. I keep walking and as I get closer I decide to be a friendly neighbor and I turn my head to wave and say hi as I pass by.

"good eveni…" I start but I cant finish, I am interrupted by what I see in the back of the garage and I abruptly stop at the sight and gawk….this was the last thing I ever expected to see in this neighborhood. The guy looks at me and smiles.

"you like what you see kid?" I turn to him, and laugh, still in disbelief.

"ya" I let out…but it was more like a gasp and less like a response.

In the back of the garage, in the dark, but placed under a lamp like a spotlight, was a woman sitting on the ground on her knees. Middle aged, probably 35-50, blonde, in great shape, and she was naked, her tits were perfect, the tone of her stomach was perfect. She was exposed for anyone passing by to see. She was bound and gagged…arms tied behind her back. Her mascara was starting to drip from her eyes, as if a tear or two had fallen. She saw me and she was shaking her head, and started to let out muffled screams.

"well why dont you step inside the garage and have a closer look" said the man. I obliged, I couldnt resist. Once I was in the garage, the guy went and pressed the button to close the door. The garage door closed and the man went and stood behind the blonde and tied woman and put his hands on her shoulders and began telling me about their night so far. " Me n my little girl have been out here all night" he told me and then looked down at her " havent we you little slut" he chuckled. He looked back at me and continued " I like to show off my little girl…shes so hot aint she? Ive been out here usin her, whippin her, spankin' her…we've gotten a couple of curious fellows to watch….one of them got real horny and masturbated all over my little whore…that turned me on so I told the next spectator if he had a big cock he could whip it out and fuck the bitches face…and boy did he come through…Id say he was at least 8 or 9 inches and my baby took the whole thing and she swallowed. Shes such a good little slut aint she?" He looked down at her and started rubbing her shoulders… she looked up at him, scared and back at me, with a look in her eyes that said, this is rough I dont know if I can take more, yet its so exhilarating and I just want to please him. She was breathing heavily and was getting horny as she was coming to the realization that it was indeed time for more…it had been a long night. She had been fucked multiple times already and in front of people….Her ass was already red and bruised….her body was still sticky from being cummed on by the horny spectator… She felt exhausted…but she was his and she was a good obedient slave for him. She loved him, and gave him everything she has, and there was no doubt that she was really a slut and she really did crave all of this…she loved the feeling of being exhausted…worn out by cock…big, huge throbbing cocks, with big huge loads of cum…

And att this point I was undoubtedly horny, I saw this woman tied up before me, I heard how this guy treated her, I saw the look in her eyes. And when I was about to ask, its as if the guy read my mind. He told me " do whatever you want with her"

"yes, sir" I replied. I slowly approached this woman, and when I got up to her I got down on her level. I grabbed her face, and I asked her " are you ready?" She nodded as I stared deeply into her eyes, penetrating her soul. This woman clearly wanted this to the fullest extent. I learned so much about her in that moment. I took the gag out of her mouth and leaned in and kissed her face. It was such a passionate kiss, a deep kiss, a wonderful kiss. I bit her lip and I moved to her ear where I whispered " youre mine now"

I stood up and unzipped my pants and pulled them down. I placed my hands on her head. There was no hiding how hard my cock was. It dangled over her, taunting her, she couldnt touch it, her hands are still bound, she could only stare at it, she could only lust for it.

"do you want that cock you sexy little slut of a wife?"

"Yes please….I want your cum all over my face, I want to taste it, I want to lick it up after I suck you to completion, please, I need it" She stared at me wide eyed and begged. I looked at her husband and tell him.

"wow, youve trained her well, she really is the perfect little slut " she giggles upon hearing this.

"yes I am, master lets me get all of the cock I crave, I love him."

I cant resis anymore and with my hands on her head I kneel down a little bit and force my hige throbbing cock into her tight little throat. She gags and chokes a little bit as I begin to thrust my hips, but lets out audible "mmm mmm mms " that say she loves it.

As Im fucking her face I notice a noise and I look over to see the garage door opening. Great I think…now people are going to see me facefucking this guys tied up wife…oh well…I wouldnt mind seeing her completely covered in multiple loads of cum simultaneously…. I keep fucking her face, thinking about how badly I want someone to pass by and see, someone like me that couldnt resist joining….I bet this bitch could take so many cocks at the smae time…shes so talented…

"Im about to cum" I tell her as I grunt and groan….I pull my cock out of her mouth and I cover her face with cum. I dont even notice the two guys standing at the garage door talking to the husband and watching…

"Thank you….mmm" the slut wife moans for more, as she licks up my cum. I get down on her level grab her cheeks and tell her what a good girl she is.

"youre such a good little slut, I cant wait to give you more of my delicious cum….and hey look over there…wouldnt it be awesome if all of us fucked you at the same time?" I point over at her husband and the other two men.

"I dont know if I could take that many cocks at one time…."she trails off quietly, almost defeated.

"well Im not sure if you have much of a choice" I give her ass a smackas I welcome the sight of her husband and the two new men walking towards us.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2baznz/voy_bdsm_mdom_fsub_exh_exposed_in_the_garage