Without A Sound. Parts 1 and 2. [MF] [Train] [Exhibitionist] [First Person]

I’ve been riding the Lakeshore Limited for over an hour and the sun is stretching slowly across the horizon. It’s a warm autumn night, and I’m staring out the window watching the towns fly by as the shadows draw longer over the fields. I’m just starting to nod off as the train comes pulling into Poughkeepsie station. I keep my eyes closed while the couple next to me collects their belongings and makes their way off the train, hoping to fall asleep and shorten my lengthy trip

After a few moments I hear someone nearby stowing their bags overhead. I open my eyes and peek over to see you stretching up to secure your luggage. You’re wearing a knee-length pencil skirt over black leggings. As you push your bags back, your red sweater creeps up your stomach, revealing a sliver of your toned stomach. I turn my head back, closing my eyes before I’m caught. To my surprise you sit down next to me. I wonder what you look like, since I didn’t see your face, but I’m too deep to go back now.

For the next ten minutes or so I keep my eyes closed, almost dozing off, though I don’t want to now. I look over to you through half-closed eyes and I’m taken aback by how pretty you are. Your wavy hair is cropped just above your shoulders, and your soft lips are pursed in concentration. Your breasts fill your thin v-neck sweater perfectly. Your legs are crossed, pulling your skirt a few inches further up your thigh. You’re reclined in your seat and looking studious immersed in your book.

I rouse myself from my fake-sleep and you turn. I smile and you reciprocate warmly, dimples marking your cheeks as I excuse myself past you to use the restroom. I wash my hands in the cool water, splashing it over my face. I fix my hair in the mirror then return to my seat. My leg brushes against yours as I pass to my seat. You don't look up from your book, and I contemplate whether to hazard small talk with a reader (a pet peeve of mine). I decide to let you read in peace, taking a book from my own bag to hopefully spur interest.

I open to my bookmark and start reading. But after about two paragraphs, I realize I have no idea what I’ve just read. Your soft perfume, like gardenia and citrus, is making comprehension difficult. You shift in your seat as you flip a page, crossing your other leg towards me in the process. I try to focus on my book, but find myself looking past the pages and down your shapely calf muscle.

I flip a page to keep up appearances, as I inch my foot closer to yours. I am almost touching your foot, when you close your book, holding the page with your finger as you push your chest out and stretch your arms back. It takes all of my willpower to not steal a glance, but I keep my eyes on the page, absentmindedly reading the words. You re-open your book, and I’m startled to feel your foot settle against mine. I try not to read too much into it, but I can feel my heart beating faster.

I make it a few pages, before my curiosity gets the better of me. Almost imperceptibly I nudge against your foot. I wait for a second, then a minute, nothing. I turn another page wondering if I am imagining things. I’m barely into the first paragraph when I feel your foot ever-so-slightly push back into mine. That tiniest movement sends the blood coursing through my body.

The sun has gone down now, and the seats around us are mostly empty, save an older woman across the aisle a row ahead of us. I can see the conductor slowly making his way down the aisle. With a sideward glance, I look over at your book. I can’t tell what book it is but the page you are reading is most certainly a steamy excerpt, from what I can glean, an office tryst. I want to keep reading but look away.

“Tickets please,” the conductor calls as he reaches our seat. You take my ticket and hand both to him. He punches them with a smile and secures them above our seats. As he makes his way back to the next passenger car you set your arm down on the arm-rests between us. Not sure whether you are flirting or not, I wait a few moments before setting my arm down beside yours. It takes a minute, but you make the first move, closing the space between us until I feel your arm pressing into the cuff of my rolled-up sleeve.

I edge my hand closer to yours until they’re nearly touching. I lean down, reaching into my bag for nothing in particular, as I press the side of my palm to yours. I feel your soft skin feathering up my wrist and my heart jumps. You switch your book into that hand and rest your elbow on the arm-rest turning towards me.

I skim over a few more sentences but all I can think about is how tantalizingly close your thigh is to my hand. I can’t resist any longer. I let my fingers slip past the arm rest and graze my pinky lightly over your skirt. Without looking up from your book, you draw your foot up my calf to the back of my knee. My heart now racing, I inch my hand closer, softly drawing circles over the fabric of your skirt with my ring and middle finger. The bulge in my khakis is growing more noticeable at the thought of you just a few inches from my fingers. I pull gently at your skirt, inching it up your thigh. You uncross your legs and casually flip a page in your book. You hold your knees together modestly, but make no effort to stop me from slowly bunching your skirt up your legs. Your cheeky nonchalance has me almost embarrassingly aroused. As I watch your legs out of the side of my eye I catch you peeking.

Your skirt is nearly half-way up your thigh when I realize you aren’t wearing leggings, but stockings. The top seam is just barely exposed before the shape of your skirt makes it difficult to hike up any further. I walk my fingers down your thigh, still pretending to read as my fingers come to the top of your stocking. You gently ease open your legs, the hem of your skirt tightening, drawing slowly up your thighs. Your bare skin flashes from beneath and I can feel my dick pulling sideways, straining against my boxer briefs. My fingers tease closer to your warm skin, as you set your arm back on the arm-rest, holding the book open with your other hand. You squeeze the arm-rest, rubbing your hand shortly up and down it as I wisp my fingers between your thighs, sparking with electricity as I brush over your bare skin. Your knee twitches, and you slide your hand under my arm lightly squeezing my thigh just below my cock. You rub your fingers up and down, still without as much as a glance over.

Your skirt is pulling tight into your skin, and as you push slightly off your seat I pull it up until it’s barely covering you. I can’t help but stare at your amazing legs, held tight with garters and stockings. I look away to keep up the ruse, but my fingers are now edging closer between your legs. You respond in kind, rubbing your hand agonizingly close to my dick.

As I tease my fingers along the lace of your panties you let out a gentle sigh. You take your hand back to turn another page. I look over at the top few lines; the woman was now bent over the desk and his hand was sliding around her waist. You set your hand back down on my leg and begin to rub across my thigh, your pinky running teasingly along my bulge. I run my middle finger between your legs lightly pushing into the silky fabric. I feel how turned on you are as I slip over your lips. As if you were waiting, you let your hand quickly glide down my shaft, massaging it through my pants, squeezing it gently.

I can feel you getting wetter as my fingers slick between your ready lips. I squeeze your thigh, pulling my fingers along the taut skin before rubbing back down between your legs. I rub along the edges of your pussy before settling in on your clit. With my palm cupped against your pubic bone, I set my book down to turn a page. I hold it back up in one hand, pretending to read, as I massage your clit to a slow tempo. I try to focus on the words as you lightly stroke up and down my cock. You start to fidget and I can feel your little bud peeking out against my fingers. I keep the same rhythm bringing you to a steady simmer as you squeeze me harder.

With your nose still in your book, you reach for my belt and silently pull it open. You pop open the button of my khaki's and slide the zipper down with a small cough. You tug open my pants and slip your hand under my briefs, finally squeezing me tight between your fingers. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, so turned on you could make me pop with a few deft strokes.

I want to make you cum right there but I know I can’t myself. I slip my fingers under your panties and slide over your smooth lips. After a quick peek towards the row ahead you pull my dick out from under my briefs and slide your hand up and down my rigid shaft. I exhale softly and slip two fingers into your tight slit, pushing in slowly. I slide my fingers in and out, curling them inside you, as you work up a quick rhythm on my dick.

I glance over to see you with your eyes closed, your arm has fallen limp on the opposite arm rest, book still in hand. I set down my book and reach over, squeezing your breast through your thin sweater. I’m relieved when you lose rhythm with my cock, because I was right on the edge. I lean in, softly kissing the side of your neck, as I cup your breast. I slide my fingers up and down your lips, slipping slowly in and out then back over your clit. Holding close, I slide circles over your warm wet bud until you are biting your lip and flexing your thighs tight around my hand. I slide my other hand quickly under your sweater, squeezing your stiff nipple under your bra as I softly kiss the side of your neck. As you start to get closer, you regain interest in my cock, squeezing it tight around the base and jacking me off faster as I moan softly into your ear.

I press my thumb into your nipple, massaging your breast. As slight whimpers escape your lips, I pull my hand quickly from under your sweater, and hold it over your mouth. I turn your head towards me and gaze into your eyes, rubbing your clit until you are teetering on the brink. Your muffled moans have me so close I don’t know if I can keep myself from cumming with you. I watch your eyes as they swell with anticipation, slowly rolling back as you grab the back of my hand. Your legs snap closed suddenly and your hips buck up into my hand. You slink down into the seat shuddering as I hold my fingers inside you. I glance at the woman a row away, certain she will turn around, but the sound of the train is just enough to keep off suspicion.

I am so fucking turned on watching you writhe in your seat; the look in your eyes as you lose control sparks a carnal instinct. I need to bury my cock inside you. Before you have regained any composure, I grab you by the wrist and pull you up onto her feet. I lead you to the changing room at the back with my belt dangling open, as you hurriedly straighten your skirt.

Part 2

I slip open the door and pull you quickly inside the small room. Turning, I take you tightly into my arms. As the latch catches with a click, I press my lips passionately to yours. Holding the small of your neck as I draw my tongue over yours, tasting the honey dripping from your lips.

Without warning, you drop to your knees, yanking my briefs down and wrapping your fingers tightly around me as I spring into the air. Your lips pull on the head of my cock as you slide your hand up and down the base. I let out a deep moan as you grab me by the hips and start to bob your head up and down my dick. I tickle the back of your neck with my fingertips before grabbing a handful of your hair. Gently, I tug your head back until you are looking up at me. I push my hips forward, driving slowly between your puckered lips. With both hands you grab my ass cheeks, tightly clenching them, pulling me deeper. You bounce your head up and down, sliding your lips over the silky shaft as I close my eyes in ecstasy. You pull me from your lips, jacking me off as you swirl your tongue over my balls. You take them one by one into your mouth, rolling your tongue slowly over them, softly sucking as you rub your hand up and down my coursing member.

I pull you back up onto your feet and rip your sweater up over your head. I kiss you deeply, grasping your breast through your black lace bra. My lips move down the side of your neck as I reach behind you and unsnap your bra. You let it slip down your arms while my lips pull softly on the warm skin of your neck. I cup your bare breast in one hand as I kiss along your collarbone. Lightly pinching your nipple, I roll it between my fingers as my tongue presses firmly into your other breast. You slip your hands under my shirt and your fingernails graze up my abs as I pull softly on your nipple. You nimbly undo the buttons, pulling it open and running your hands up and down my chiseled stomach. You slide over my chest, down my sides, over my hips, until you are squeezing my cock again.

I grab your ass cheeks tight through your little skirt and hoist you up into my arms. You let out a schoolgirl squeak as you cross your stockinged ankles around my back with a smile. I push you up against the wall and you wrap your arms around my neck, pulling on my lips, dancing your tongue against mine as I feel the head of my cock pushing against the wet sliver of fabric separating us. I lower you slowly onto my cock, slipping over your pussy and sliding up your soaked panties. I grab the seams and rip them from your hips with a grunt. I lift you up again until I feel the head teasing against your wet slit. You bite your lip and look into my eyes as I pop inside. Your mouth softens open. “Ohhhhh”

You close your eyes and I slowly push inside you. Our bodies press tightly together as I kiss your neck. Inch by inch I slide into your clenched lips until you are resting on my hips, taking me completely inside you. I hold you there, savoring the moment. When you open your eyes, I squeeze your cheeks tight, lifting you as I slide out and just before slipping out I let you drop deep onto my dick as I thrust between your legs. You gasp with widening eyes as I feel your wetness trickle down my balls. You tighten your arms around my neck and kiss me hard as I start to bounce you on my pulsing cock. A bead of sweat trickles down my forehead as I press my cheek to yours, moaning into your ear as I fill you. You run one hand up the back of my neck, threading your fingers through my dark hair as your pussy tightens around me. You feel so fucking amazing; I know I have to pace myself to keep your kitty purring.

I lift you up and away from the wall as you kiss the side of my neck. Still inside you, I lay you back on the cushioned bench. You point your heeled toes to the ceiling, giggling when I shush you. I can’t help but smile back and you pull me close again, kissing me as I prop myself up on the edge of the bench. With both hands on my collar you hold me close, sensually kissing me as I thrust slowly inside you. I hold myself deep and gently rock against your hips as you wrap your arms around my muscular back.

I pull out slowly and stand over you as you reach out for me. I take your left leg into my hands, holding your ankle as I slip your heel off. You slide your foot over my chest pushing the sleeve over my shoulder. I pull off my shirt and you smile teasing your toes down my stomach. I lean closer and unsnap your stocking, slowly peeling it down your smooth skin. I take your right leg and do the same, trailing kisses along your thigh as I pull the sheer fabric down your leg. I slide my hands up your freshly-shaven legs, massaging your thighs as you softly close your eyes. I slip your garter belt quickly down your legs and leave it dangling on your ankle.

With both hands I pull you to the edge of the bench, kneeling between your legs and kissing your warm thighs as my hands rub up your stomach and over your breasts. You set your feet on my back and softly moan as my kisses tease closer between your legs. Slowly, I pull the tip of my tongue between your burning lips. Your hips ebb and flow against me as I paint soft lines over your delicate canvas. Pressing my tongue flat to your lips, I lick up to your throbbing clit as you slide your foot down my back. I spread your lips wide with two fingers and roll my tongue up and down. Your hands run through my hair as my tongue gradually quickens. I love hearing your restrained moans, the ones you can’t keep in. I flick my tongue faster against your defenseless clit, curling two fingers inside you as you pull on my hair and push into my face. I finger you harder, slapping against your lips as you feel your abs tightening. Your thighs squeeze around my ears as you twist your hips up off the bench. I stare up over the hem of your skirt, humming as I lick your swollen clit. As soon as we lock eyes you come, crashing over me, digging your heels into my back as you thrust your hips into the air. You let a tiny squeak slip past your lips, like lightning followed by rumbling thunder. I ease you back down onto the cushion more aroused then ever as I feel your foot softly trembling on my back.

Your face is a rosy flush and your lip is upturned into a half grin. You are humming like a ‘68 Chevy as I rub my hands up and down your inner thighs. I lean over you and as you open your eyes you flash a sublime smile. I smile back helplessly and we lock eyes again, sharing a moment of incredulity at the whole situation. I close my eyes and lean down to kiss you as you rub your hands down my abs reaching for my aching cock. Before you can get your fingers around it I pull my lips from yours, looking into your eyes with a mischievous grin.

I take you by the hand and start to turn you over onto your stomach. You eagerly take the reins, curling your knees up underneath your hips and pushing your breasts down flat into the cushion. You turn your head to the right, looking out of the corner of your eye as you clasp your hands together behind your back. You push your ass up into the air as I take your hips into my hands and nestle against you. I slide the head of my cock up and down your lips then slowly push in with a sigh. You love the way my thick cock feels, slowly stretching your lips. I take your hands by the wrists and you smile a hidden smile as I pull you onto me. I draw you deeper until my hips are pushing flat against your ass. Holding you tight, I bounce you shortly on my hips. Your tight lips squeeze around the base of my cock as I pump deep inside you. You’re purring as you wiggle your hips seductively against mine. I start to thrust longer, slapping harder against your ass cheeks, bouncing you down the length of my big cock, each thrust pushing a gasp from your lips.

I grab your ankles and pull you off the edge of the bench. Your legs are barely spread at the knees on the floor and you are hugging the corner of the cushion. I give your ass a few curt smacks then stand over top of you as you crane your neck to the side. Your eyes are begging to be fucked hard as your teeth softly pull at your bottom lip. I grab my dick and push it straight down between your legs. You stretch slowly around my swollen cock, feeling as tight a virgin as I fill you. I can’t help but let out a gravelly moan as I snake inside you. I slide my hands up your back, grabbing your shoulders and squeezing them between my fingers as I slowly drive down between your thighs. You can feel my weight pushing down, pressing you into the cushion as I slide deeper. I massage the back of your neck and start to slowly ride you. You hold your legs firmly together as you squeeze your lips tight around my cock. My fingers dig into your shoulders as my hips bounce off your ass.

Sweat is dripping down my chest as my hands slide down to your hips, gripping them tight as I pump inside you. You arch your back and stick your ass up into the air like a good girl, moaning as I fill you deeper. Your legs start to slip open as I pound you harder. Mmmm, you feel so fucking good. I grab your arms above the elbows and pull you deeper onto me. You spread your knees a little wider and push up onto your toes, straddling the corner of the cushion so it rubs your clit just right. I ram harder between your lips hitting your g-spot with each thrust. You feel it building as you watch me fucking you like a rag-doll out of the corner of your eye. You can feel the cum pulsing through my cock as you grab the edge of the bench with one hand, squeezing tight as you grind against it. I gasp for air and as I bury my cock inside your tight pussy, you feel a thick rope of hot cum shoot inside you. Your eyes close tight and your mouth opens wide as I growl into your ear. Your fingers tightly squeeze around my forearms as I bounce you on my slippery cock, pumping you full of cum as your short breaths turn to tiny yips. Your legs stiffen straight back and you clench your ass cheeks tight as your body convulses into a powerful orgasm. I drive in deep, holding myself inside you as you squirm under me.

I collapse onto your back, my head resting on your shoulder as you purr through the tremors. I run my fingers up your neck and through your hair, brushing it to the side as I dot your neck with kisses. You feel my nose nuzzle against the back of your ear as I slide my hands up your outstretched arms. Your hairs are standing on end as my fingers tickle up and down your skin. I wish I could stay right there but my mind jumps back to reality and I imagine everyone in the train car turning to look as we walk out.

I stand up feeling slightly lightheaded as you lazily roll over onto your back, sprawled out and sated, with just your skirt ringing your hips. I help you clean up and you smile as you watch me stuff a torn memento into my pants pocket. I let you relax on the bench while I slip your garter belt under your hips. You point your toes like a pin-up girl as I slide each stocking back up your leg and snap them in place. I slip your heels back onto your feet and help you up as you give me a pouty look. I pull you into my arms and hug you tight.

We finish dressing and wait by the door, listening like nervous teenagers. You slip out the door when we agree the coast is clear and I follow a minute later taking my seat next to you. You lay your head on my shoulder, weaving your fingers between mine as we drift off to sleep.

I wake up sometime later to a soft kiss on my cheek. I turn and see you with your bags slung around your shoulder. You smile with a wave, then turn and walk off the train.

It’s another two weeks before I notice the note you left on my bookmark. “Call me if you are ever in the area. You owe me three dates and a shopping trip!”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2cez27/without_a_sound_parts_1_and_2_mf_train


  1. Very good reading. The build up to the first intimate touch was great. Thanks for sharing

  2. No complaints whatsoever. A lovely read. One suggestion, take it or leave it; use the motion of the train. Trains have a fantastic rocking rhythm. It’s a shame not to tap into that.

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