To Tease is To Please…[Str8][Bondage][Fetish]

”I want to touch you.” She struggled against the scarves he’d tied her with. He shook his head as he kissed her belly button and let his tongue slide inside.

 “Today’s my day to play.” He nipped her flesh, kneading the soft flesh of her stomach with his hand. It was so soft. Baby soft. He bent forward to press a kiss onto it and suddenly froze. Her foot had inched up his leg touching that highly sensitive part of him. 

"What do you think you’re doing?"

"Playing." She used his own words against him. Her foot molded itself around him, the heat of her sole inflaming his organ instantly. He felt it swell.

"I think you like this." She teased. She shifted her foot, delicately grazing him with her big toe nail feeling his flesh harden as he bit out a curse. The soft pad of her toe touched his left ball and he groaned.

"See, we can both play." She teased. He growled and rose, claiming her errant foot with one hand. He sucked the big toe that had just driven him wild. She lifted her other foot to touch his nipple. He drew in a sharp breath.


"Alex!" She chuckled at the discomfort on his face. Wrapping her leg around his neck, she pulled his face towards her wet entrance.

"Play with me, won’t you?" She asked, sweetly giving in. He licked her clit and bit it. She cried out. He repeated it. Lick. Bite.

 ”Oh God Alex! I want to play too! Let me touch you!” The words tumbled out. He muttered denial as he continued to feast upon her. She groaned as her body floundered and shook upon the bed, loving him and hating him at the same time. She loved his body. She wanted to torment him. Like he was tormenting her. Right now. His delectable ass waved in front of her. Smiling a witch’s smile, she raised her foot again and traced the curve of his ass cheek with her toe. Drawing a random pattern on his warm flesh, she brought her foot nearer to the center, teasing his hole with her nail. She nudged his entrance with her nail and he turned as his body jolted. He shook as her other foot found its way to the hard rod that was pointing up in the air by now. Hannah was the limit. And she was pushing him to the edge. “Fine! What do you want?” 

"To play!" She pouted. He reached up and undid her ties abruptly. She grabbed his face with her hands and kissed him. Hard.

“I love you.”

"And I love you." He flicked a tongue across her nipple. Her hand found its way down at last and she felt him shake within her grip.

“I don’t think I’m going to last much longer.”

"I don’t want you to. " She guided him into her and wrapped her legs around him. He thrust hard and she lost herself to the sensation, her eyes turning up as she gave up everything to him.
