“The Care Package” by Mucky Sod [MF] [Exhibitionist]

Myandra, or Andy as she liked to be called, was coming back today. I had an ear to ear grin when she called this morning. I was aching to tell her everything about him on the phone, but I chose to wait till she was home. There was so much to tell. Where to start? So much had happened during the past few days.

He showed up a few days ago at my coffee shop; The Café Marguerite! I was cleaning the counter when a pick-up truck pulled up across the street. A man got off from the back of the truck, waved at the driver as he drove off. He turned to look at my café from across the street, and headed toward me. He was a tall, muscular, man. He wore sunglasses, faded jeans and a torn T-shirt and carried an old back pack. A mane of un-kept hair whisked behind him as he walked toward me. I noticed the unshaved stubbles on his chin when he was closer. He looked a lot younger now too.

I was alone in the coffee shop at the time. The lunch crowd, consisting mostly of local folks around this sleepy town, had already left. This was a quiet afternoon for me.

“Hi, can I help you?” I asked when he came inside.

I stared at his blue eyes and his tanned skin. He was a handsome boy with chiseled features and the innocence of a semi-adult teenager. At first, I thought he might be a straggler, left over from the previous skiing season but I had never seen him before. So perhaps he was one of the early Ski bums who came to Vermont before the season, hoping for a head start. I knew this routine well. I came to Vermont the same exact way.

“Sorry to bother you Miss,” he said politely. “Do you know where I can find a Margo Preechard?”

He had an accent. It sounded South American. His blond hair threw me because he didn’t look like a Latino.

“It’s pronounced, Prichard,” I corrected him. “Yes, that would be me. How can I help you?”

“That’s what I meant, Preechard,” -again the accent, “I am Antoine, and I have a letter for you from a friend of yours.” He pulled out a wrinkled envelope from his back pack. “I would have been here sooner but it was tough hitching a ride all the way from the Cape.”

The envelope was from The Holiday Inn, Provincetown, Massachusetts. My name was written on the front. I recognized the hand writing right away.

“Wait. My friend, did you say?” I asked while I opened the letter.

“Yes, Myandra Bentley,” he said. “I believe she is your friend. She told me you would know what to do after you get this letter.”

“Where did you meet Myandra?” I asked. “This is strange. I just spoke to her on the phone, just this morning.”

“I met her on the Cape, Miss Preechard,” he replied politely. “At the Art show in Provincetown. I was leaving the Cape to head north, and she thought it might be a good idea if I come here and wait till she got here. She is on her way back in a few days, I think.”

He appeared a little nervous as he tried to sound convincing. Perhaps my stares were intimidating him. I opened the envelope. “Please, call me Margo,” I said, and read Andy’s letter.

" Hey Hunny Bunny, Guess what? I am sending you a care package named Antoine. Ha ha! I met him the other day at a gallery. He is an exchange student who is trying to make it to Canada and then write some sort of a book about his travels. He is a very nice kid, and I didn’t want him running into any trouble so I asked him to come and stay with us for a few days. He is quite handy, I am told. You wanted some work done around the Café and the garden, so may be he is your answer, Margo. All he needs is room and board. He could stay in the garage room. I’ll let you work it out. He is very reliable. So don’t worry about a thing, OK?

BTW, I sold some more nudes yesterday. I hated to part with the big canvas. It was my favorite. Some rich guy from New York is going to be staring at your sexy ass now. Are you thrilled? Ha ha.

I miss you, Margo! Love and kisses Andy. "

That’s all she wrote. Typical Andy. I stifled my anger. I didn’t want this kid to see how I was fuming inside. This was the 21st Century, for god sake. She couldn’t tell me about him on the phone? She had to write a fucking letter? How Bohemian was that!

I thought of some choice words for my next call to her. She sold a painting which I had modeled for, she spoke to me on the fucking phone every day and she couldn’t mention this when we spoke?

I put the letter back in the envelope and said, “So did you have anything to eat today? How about a sandwich while we figure out what to do about you?”

“Yes, please,” he said. “Thank you. That would be really nice.”

“Why don’t you sit anywhere you like and I will get you a sandwich. And while you are eating, let me call Myandra and see what she wanted you to do, OK?”

“OK, and please tell her I got here safe and sound. I know she was worried.” He said, and paused. Then he added, “And also? Please tell her I said hello.” There was a weird tone of camaraderie in that, “Please tell her I said hello.” How interesting, I thought!

“Will do,” I handed him a sandwich and went to the kitchen to call Andy. “Hello, Honey!” She chuckled.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” I screamed at her. “Who is this Antoine? And, for that matter, why couldn’t you tell me this on the phone? You had to write a fucking letter? What the fuck?”

“Jesus, Margo, Calm down. Listen, he was hitch hiking. How would I know when he was going to show up? If show up at all, even?” I was livid as she continued to talk. “I didn’t want to worry you with all these details, my love. That’s why I didn’t tell you, OK?” She paused and in her usual sweet and concerned voice asked, “So he made it up there all safe and sound?”

Her voice could melt glaciers. I became calm hearing it too.

“Yes, he is fine. He just got here.” I replied. “But what’s he supposed to do here? I don’t understand. What were you thinking, Andy?”

“Oh use him, Margo. He told me he would help out around the place. Make him mow the fucking lawn, clean your tables, anything. What do I know? Figure something out till I get there. Use him, OK? He is such an innocent boy.”

“And he is not a freak or some sort of a serial killer or anything, right?” I asked. I wanted to be sure. “You know this for sure?”

“Yes, he is fine.” She brushed away my concerns very casually. “I spent time with him down here. He is cool, Margo. You will find him very amusing, once he opens up to you.” She giggled. “He will be good company. Trust me.”

I changed the subject with a pout.

“And you couldn’t tell me about the painting on the phone?”

“Oh yes, I totally forgot to mention this. Sorry? Please forgive me?” I could picture her in her naughty smile at the other end. “Ok so listen, I have to go. I’ll speak to you tonight or tomorrow morning. Oh hey Margo, before I go?”

“Yes, what?”

“Listen, the kid’s barely 18. So don’t get any ideas, OK? I know he is handsome and all, but just saying, OK?” And then she giggled uncontrollably.

“Fuck you, Andy,” I screamed. “Like you said, he is so young. So thank you but no thank you, you fucking freak!”

“Well, Margo, honey, you have this thing about corrupting the youth, remember?”

“I do, but I think I’ll pass on this one, babe. And, for the record, I am not that old, OK?” I chuckled with her.

I was smiling when I came back to Antoine.

“Miss Preechard….I mean, Margo,” he said, “I don’t want to be a hassle for you. I told Myandra that I would like to make myself useful while I am up here. So if there’s anything I can do around here, please let me know. OK?”

“Oh that can wait,” I said. “You must be tired. Why don’t I close shop for a little bit and take you over to the house? We can get you settled and sort out your sleeping arrangements. It’s just a little walk from here, OK?”

While we were walking to the house, I asked about his accent. “Where are you from exactly, Antoine? Andy said you were some sort of an exchange student.”

“Portugal,” he replied. “My parents are from Portugal and we live in Brazil now. I go to school in Miami.”

I led him to the house where Andy and I lived. It was an old Colonial, inherited from her grandparents several years ago. We had a detached garage with a large room on the second level. The futon bed made it into an extra guest room. We always had visitors, especially during the Skiing season. There was a WC but no facility for taking a shower. We had an extra bathroom on the ground level of the main house. I showed him where he could enter the house from the back door at any time. This was Vermont. No one locked their homes. So he would be free to come and go as he pleased.

During this quick tour, he asked about the paintings around the house. Most were nudes which Andy had painted over the past two years. Some oils, but there were lots and lots of sketches. Andy could draw nudes in her sleep. That’s how good she is. Antoine asked if I was the model. I told him the truth.

“I saw a lot of paintings at your café” He observed. “Myandra did those too?”

“Actually, the café used to be her art gallery,” I explained. “Now, it’s part gallery and part café. People can come in for coffee, walk around, enjoy the art, and perhaps buy too. Right now the back portion is closed. During the season, it becomes a full gallery. This is the reason she goes on the road during summers. You met her in Cape Cod, remember?”

“So you and Myandra own the café together?” He inquired innocently.

“Yes, in a way, you could say that.” I smiled. “We do lots of things together.”

I had hoped for a reaction, but none came. He only seemed interested in Andy’s work. Then he changed the conversation to something else. Antoine asked where we kept our lawn mower.

“Perhaps I could make myself useful, Margo,” he said politely. “Your grass looks like it’s ready for mowing. I don’t mind really.”

“Yes, but we have such a huge yard, Antoine,” I said. “It’s so hot today too.”

“I could use the exercise. I will have it done by the time you get back from work.” He seemed determined.

“OK, suit yourself.”

I showed him the lawnmower. “I have to get back to work now. My part-time crew will be coming in soon.”

The more we spoke the more I loved his accent. Words flowed out of him like honey. I could not stop staring at his muscular body as well but Andy’s words kept coming back to me. This boy was hot, but so damn young. Suddenly, even as a young woman of only thirty one, I felt like an old lady around him. Andy is older than me by a couple of years so I also understood her concerns.

Damn, these young studs, I thought to myself and walked back to the café. It was only a half block away, but tried as I did, I just couldn’t get his face and his body out of my head. If this was not enough torture, the weather didn’t help either. Today was one of the warmest days in June. The warmth inside my head made it feel even hotter. It was a long walk indeed.

Not much happens around this town during off-season. Before Antoine showed up, I had planned to stay at the Café till our normal closing time, but this boy made me restless. I decided to leave early that evening.

There are many houses across the street before reaching the long, secluded drive-way to our house. But after the drive-way, it becomes completely secluded. Thick forestry surrounding Andy’s property provides a lot of privacy. The sun was going down, but it was still very light and the air was thick with the muggy warmth of a typical New England Summer. I smelled the fragrance of freshly cut grass. Antoine had finished his chore, after all. I walked closer to the house and noticed the freshly mowed lawn. I walked further till I saw the garage. Then I saw him. I froze where I stood. Suddenly, my heart stopped beating by what I saw. Antoine was turned away from me and was completely naked. He was spraying water over his body from the garden hose. Obviously he didn’t expect anyone to walk in on him like I just did. My immediate reaction was to sneak behind a tree quickly. I was not prepared for this.

I remained hidden very quietly and stared. That’s all I could do at that moment; just stare! What lay before me was a prized specimen of a perfect male body. He was facing away from me. I could see his backside. It was simply magnificent. His smooth, muscular buttocks seem to glow deliberately from the falling water and the fading sunshine. He had strong legs, with thick hamstrings and calves. His broad shoulders and strong back reminded me of the Adonis youth in all his glory. He shook his wet hair a few times and water splashed out of his mane. He reminded me of a majestic lion taking a dip in a pond. I was in pure awe of this young Hercules. And when he turned around, I nearly died.

It was not so much his handsome face covered in water, nor was it his broad chest and the hard erect nipples, or his flat and well shaped muscled belly, or the tuft of the light golden hair on his pubic area that got to me. It was the size of his penis which made me go mushy. He was hung like a horse. I had never seen such a magnificent cock. It hung proudly between his legs over a large set of testicles which just added to the regality of his beautiful form. I was in plain awe of this youthful body.

I watched eagerly as he lifted his flaccid penis to spray the garden hose in between his crotch. Even though his hands and arms looked very strong, I could sense the obvious weight of his organ. He was huge. From where I stood, I could guess that in this flaccid state he must have been at least seven inches long. I creamed when I tried to visualize this monster in its full erected glory. I could feel the wetness between my legs. My juices were leaking out of me as I watched Antoine. He did something else which quickened my heart beat even more. He turned around again and spread his legs to spray some water in the crack of his buttocks. I saw his other hand parting open the cheeks as water rushed down from his lower back in between the crack of his muscular ass. My cunt was steaming hot now.

While he was still turned away from me, I decided to make a run for it. I didn’t want to be here anymore. I didn’t want to risk being caught, while he was still naked. I wanted to leave him to do what he was doing. As soon as I thought it was safe, I took one final glance. He was still turned away from me. I ran back to the street and headed straight toward the Pot Belly Pub. The happy hour was in full swing. I felt relieved to be in familiar surroundings. I thought I would have a drink here and give Antoine some time to get dressed. I could walk back home a little later and pretend as if nothing had happened…

Continues here

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2cg11r/the_care_package_by_mucky_sod_mf_exhibitionist

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