“The Care Package” by Mucky Sod [MF] [Exhibitionist]

Myandra, or Andy as she liked to be called, was coming back today. I had an ear to ear grin when she called this morning. I was aching to tell her everything about him on the phone, but I chose to wait till she was home. There was so much to tell. Where to start? So much had happened during the past few days.

He showed up a few days ago at my coffee shop; The Café Marguerite! I was cleaning the counter when a pick-up truck pulled up across the street. A man got off from the back of the truck, waved at the driver as he drove off. He turned to look at my café from across the street, and headed toward me. He was a tall, muscular, man. He wore sunglasses, faded jeans and a torn T-shirt and carried an old back pack. A mane of un-kept hair whisked behind him as he walked toward me. I noticed the unshaved stubbles on his chin when he was closer. He looked a lot younger now too.

I was alone in the coffee shop at the time. The lunch crowd, consisting mostly of local folks around this sleepy town, had already left. This was a quiet afternoon for me.