Making Up For Lost Time Parts 2-3 [fm]

Hey everyone. This is the next part to a story I wrote a few days ago.

I know they start kind of slow and that there isn't much sex, but I'm trying to develop the character of Kim.

These are my first stories so please (please!) leave some feedback in the comments!


The next day, Kim did as Alex suggested, and asked out a boy during physics lab. His name was Greg. Scraggly hair, busted glasses. Handsome but shy, and very nerdy. Kim had liked him right away.

"Hey Greg, listen… I was wondering if you have any plans tonight?" she asked as they were putting away books.

"Umm… why?" he answered.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go do something? You know… a study date?" said Kim, putting emphasis on the word date.

"Sure. Want to work on the problem set?" Obviously, the emphasis was lost on Greg. So Kim improvised.

"Great! How about my place?"

Greg answered: "umm. I work better at the library. I'm there from 6:00 to 8:20. Anyway, I have to go. If you want help find me on the 4th floor stacks." Greg put on his backpack and left the lab.

"Well", thought Kim. "Fuck."

Kim debated what to do. She honestly liked Greg as a person, and it would be nice to have a study partner… but she had made her deal with Alex that she'd find someone to fuck. Would it be impolite not to show? She had no plans of fucking in the library!

She kept thinking about her deal to Alex, and his new role as sex-mentor. She was infatuated with him. He was handsome, rugged, smart, older… would he dismiss her if she failed to deliver?

"I know," she thought to herself. "I'll show up at the library dressed like Alex said. Greg will either not notice or get uncomfortable. Whatever happens, I'll try to give him a blowjob. Alex will like that I tried. He'll be happy with a bj even if we don't fuck."

Kim went back home. She decided that Greg was only getting a blowjob, but she wanted to feel sexy. She took a long, luxurious shower, pampering her body.

She walked to the library in the same heels and dress as the night before, as Alex had asked of her. She felt everyone on the street looking at her as she walked. It was a Thursday, after all, and barely dusk. She was starting to get anxious and self conscious. Maybe she should just go home. She texted Alex:

Kim: feel weird walking down street in dress and heels Alex: What do you mean, "weird"? Kim: self conscious. people r looking at me. Alex: They aren't judging you, sweetheart. They want you. Learn to enjoy it. 

She couldn't enjoy it, not yet anyway. She walked into the library regardless.

Greg was sitting at a desk along the back of the third floor, next to the book stacks. He had a textbook open and was scribbling on a pad of paper. Kim's heels made a delicous click sound with every step, reverberating through the large room. Everyone turned and saw her, she could feel their eyes sweeping over her body and dress. Everyone except Greg, that is; his eyes stayed on his book, his face bent into a grimace of concentration. For that, embarrassed Kim was grateful.

"Hey Greg. What's up?" she asked nervously, hoping he wouldn't mention her slutty outfit.

Greg looked up, said Hi, and went back to his book. He paused for a second, and then looked back up. "Are you going to a party or something?"

"Umm…" Kim blushed. "No, I was out of laundry. I mean, yes, I'm going to a party. Well, later, not now. Later tonight". She stumbled through excuses, nervous.

Greg was a nice guy, a bit clueless, but not clueless enough to miss her cues. "Look," he said. "let's just do some physics, yeah?"

So Kim sat down and began to study.

She sat there for an hour with Greg. He was surprisingly funny, had surprisingly beautiful eyes, and was a surprisingly good teacher. Turns out Kim was surpassingly good at physics, too, and she surprised Greg with a couple intuitive insights and elegant solutions to a few problems. Her phone buzzed. It was a text from Alex.

A: How is it going, good looking? 

"Shit." Thought Kim. She'd forgotten about that homework.

"Hey Greg, can you come into the stacks with me? I think I need to stretch my legs." She said. She was nervous, but starting to get excited. This was it… she was about to suck the third cock of her life, and she was going to do it in a library.

They both got up and walked into the book stacks. Kim asked him about where he was from (Pittsburg), his family (parents divorced), where he lived (same dorm, two floors above). Then, with a burst of courage: "Actually, Greg, I wanted to ask you something else…" And with that she gently put her hands on his chest, pushed him against the stacks, and dropped into a crouch. She looked up. "Do you mind if I suck you for a bit?"

No answer.

"I guess that's a yes?" And with that she unbuckled his jeans.

As she unbuckled his jeans, Kim thought "I can't believe I'm doing this. Actually, I can't believe it was that easy. I always thought getting a guy would be difficult. Is this really all there is to it?" She liked this discovery. She felt herself getting wet as she dropped his jeans and boxer shorts.

What she saw was the biggest dick she had ever seen. (In fact, it was the biggest dick she'd see for a few years). It took her completely by surprise. How could a skinny guy like Greg have such a big cock? Suck this? How? She didn't even know where to start.

She began by putting his tip into her mouth, swirling it with her tongue. She got about half his dick in her before she started to gag, and just sort of left it there, spinning her tongue around it, trying to suck. She bobbed up and down, getting his now thick and large tip into her mouth and half his shaft, but she couldn't imagine how he could like that.

He started getting harder, thickening and stiffening in her mouth, and soon she was having a hard time even moving. That feeling though, of his cock growing in her mouth, filling her mouth it just by growing… it was driving her crazy. She was getting wet, moaning into his cock, when she felt two large drops of precum leave his tip and spread on her tongue.

"Fuck it", she thougt… "I need this"

Kim pulled her mouth off of him, making a popping sound, her chin and her lips covered with drool. She was breathless, it was hard to breathe with him in there, her face was red, she was breathing heavy.

"You're too big…" she panted. "I… I can't".

She got up, put her hands against the books, looked behind her back and just rapidly muttered: "Fuck me. Just put it in me."

He hesitated for a second.

"Now godddamit. Fuck me!"

He did. He was so big it should have hurt, but she was incredibly wet from sucking him. She hadn't really liked sucking her ex, it was more of an obligation but… who cares. He seemed so far away now. She had loved sucking Alex and she had loved sucking Greg. Kim started to discover she was a blowjob slut.

Greg penetrated her and she moaned loudly without realizing it. "Shhhh" he said, and moved in her gently. Clearly he was aware of his size. It felt delicious to have him in her, filling her, moving in and out. He fucked her like that for a few minutes, and his size made her more and more wet. After a minute she could feel her wetness dripping down her leg, and he could feel it cold against his balls.

"… can… can I cum?" He said.

"fuck, yes, cum, but grab my tits first. Touch me, fucker, touch me!" She moaned, lost in his cock but loving the feeling of being in control.

Greg grabbed her tits hungrily, pinching them, rolling them in his hands.

"… I think I'm going to cummmm" he moaned, pinching her nipples as his voice trembled.

"yes, yes… cum" she said "… but spank me a little, please". (what the fuck had gotten into her, talking like that?!)

And with that, he started cumming, gave her a slap and grabbed her ass, squeezing it as he came inside her.

He came a river… clearly big cocks make lots of cum.

As Kim left the library that night, she was feeling giddy. Exhilarated, in fact. She sent Alex an enthusiastic text.

I can't believe I did it. I did it! 

No answer.

baby answer..I did it! 

Again, no answer.
