Washed pt. one [MF, Voy]

It's late. Almost two in the morning. I'm not tired. As usual. I decide to go wash my car. It needs it, badly. It's really dark out so I just go in my pajamas. My black drawstring shorts, that just barely cover my butt, and a loose purple v-neck shirt. I throw on my flip flops and I leave.

It's hot and humid out. Sticky. I turn up the radio and put all my windows down. Feeling the wind all around me. The song on the radio is one of my favorites. It's a slower Rock song with a great beat. I would love to strip for someone to this song.

I pull into the car wash. There is only one other car in there but I don't see it's driver. I put it in park and go to get my change. I've found him. Standing there at the machine. He is incredibly handsome and burly. Almost everything I love in a man. Tall, dark features, great beard, but what i really notice is his arms, incredibly solid. He looks like he could pick me up above his head. The next things I notice are his hands. I can see how callused they are and I automatically imagine them all over me. Feeling his rough hands all over my bare skin and I can feel myself begin to blush.

When he turns around he bumps me and drops some of his change. He apologizes, while picking up his coins, and says he didn't see me. I make a joke about my height and he laughs. It's almost musical and I want to know what his moans sound like. I'm blushing again.

He apologizes one last time and walks to his car. I hurry up and get my change so i can walk past him again. He's so big. I picture him over me and my legs start to tremble.

As I wash my car visions of him keep passing through my mind. The things I want him to do to me but even more so the things I want to do to him.

I hear his car start and I get disappointed that I didn't even ask his name. He pulls his vehicle forward and parks near the vacuums. I can see him clearly from where I am. He has his shirt off now. I can see the hair on his chest is damp from the water. I want to run my fingers through it while I ride him.

He is watching me now. I decide to put on a show, without making it too obvious. I get the car nice and wet. As i soap it up I press my body against it, silently wishing it was him. I lean over the hood as i try to get the roof. I hear him walking closer. "You want me to get that for you." I can barely get the words out but I manage to say "sure." He runs his fingers over my hand as he takes the brush from me. Its almost like an electric current coursed through me when he touched me. I want more… I Need More.

He puts the brush back and turns the hose back on rinsing off my car. Watching me the entire time. He shakes his head as if brushing away his thoughts. I wonder what he is thinking. As I get lost in my own thoughts he sprays me with the hose. I'm soaked. Dripping. He looks at me, mortified, like he can't believe what he has just done. I giggle and take my shirt off, though I keep myself barely covered with it. He bites his lip and I know I've got him.

to be continued… http://redd.it/2aawy9

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2aanki/washed_pt_one_mf_voy

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