(MF) Glory Stations

At Horrow Park Boys School, they had a problem. Their 18 year old last year students just weren't getting the great standard of grades that the directors wanted them to get in order for the school to retain its place on the league tables.

At a meeting, the senior staff discussed how best to motivate their boys more. They talked about frustration, lack of concentration and most of all a lack of interest in staying longer for revision. Someone pointed out that a great deal of the boys were keen to leave school to go meet their girlfriends, and this not only meant they spent less time in school but left those boys without a girlfriend feeling inadequate and frustrated at their lack of sexual activity.

That was when they decided to install the Glory Stations.

Making way in the computer room by sliding a few old desktops out of the way, they broke down the wall to the common room that the senior boys used. They created a small enclosure with three holes between the common room and the computer room. These were the glory stations, and at first it was decided that all unmarried female teachers under forty should take a half hour slot in the glory stations every day should they wish to keep their job.

Miss Saylot of English passed Miss Oden from Maths in the hall. Oden walked with a bit of a stagger, and her clothes were rumpled. She looked down with almost sad eyes. "Your turn now," she whispered and Miss Saylot turned somewhat hesitatingly toward the computer room. She saw a small sliver of semen drip from under Miss Oden's skirt as she passed.

She pulled down her trousers as she entered the tiny booth and squeezed her hips through before clicking the slot shut. Within minutes she felt the first prying hand of an eager student play with her cunt before sliding his diamond-hard cock in. He was not great at stimulating her, she thought, and more tolerated it than enjoyed it. She chatted to Miss Park next to her, a chubby twenty something French teacher whose chubby midriff had formed a small ring of fat being pushed up by the hole she offered her behind with. "I think I've had at least four lads cum in my snatch in the last fifteen minutes!" She groaned, sounding even more bored than Saylot. "Sometimes I wish I could just see the boys face to face- then at least I could get them to bring me something to eat! A few donuts would be nice right about now…"

"Good heavens, miss, as many as four?" Gasped Saylot. "Are you protected?"

"Nah," sighed Park, adjusting her thick rimmed glasses and shuddering as a new dick entered her, "If I get pregnant, whatever- at least I get maternity leave."

Saylot hadn't thought of that. Another cock entered her, this time up her ass. She thought about it as the boy on the other side of the partiton slammed her behind repeatedly.

"It's not really anonymous, is it?" She mused. "We can listen to their voices and be pretty sure who it is fucking us at the moment. And they can probably hear us- or even tell from our legs. I know my wide hips give it away, probably."

They listened.

"Fucking hell, Jack, going straight for the arsehole?" Laughed one boy.

"Yeah mate I have to go to see my girl so I only have time for one today, hope she can't tell from my dick when she's giving me a BJ ayy!"

The teachers listened to the laughter and felt the rhythm of their bodies. "I hope it's not Fred who knocks me up," groaned Miss Park.

A few weeks later the signs of pregnancy began to show on Miss Preech, science, and queues started to form in the common room. The boys knew it was the last chance they would have to fuck a pregnant girl for many years.

It was the shameful secret that kept Horrow Park rising through the league tables like never before. But soon, more than half of the female staff had either quit or left for maternity leave. The boys were often late for lessons because there had been queues for the common room, and the effects on the league tables had started to fall again.

The board decided to take a new measure and offer places at their prestigious school to 18 year old girls as long as they performed in the Glory Stations (there were now seven) for forty five minutes each day. Most other schools in the area were useless so this offer was a resounding success.

Within months however, all the girls who enroled for the new year were pregant and often you could tell who the father was by the baby's face.

This didn't stop Horrow Park. There was seldom a girl or woman in the whole place who didn't walk about with a distended belly and cum dripping through their panties as they staggered about the school. Boys would grin as they saw girls enter the computer room and rush to have a go.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2aa6fp/mf_glory_stations


  1. There’s not enough preggoporn on this sub. You’re doing god’s work.

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