[Fmm] A Bike Ride By the Old Port

Hmm, let me tell you a bit about what happened last year. This was in Montreal, summertime by the old port. I spent most of the afternoon biking along the water and taking in the cobblestone pathways. It really is like having a piece of Europe in North America. Anyways, later in the afternoon I'm standing by the water and this young guy comes up to me and asks me if I was alone. He had a stupid cocky grin on his face like his friends put him up to it. Probably expected me to shoo him off because he looked really surprised when I asked him to show me around.

After walking around a bit he sheepishly pulled out a plastic bottle with clear liquid in it. Pretty sure it was tequila. I didn't say anything but took a swig and he seemed less nervous about the whole thing. Later on we end up at a corner of the park, feeding some ducks that had come up onto the shore. We were laying down, pretty close to each other, and his hands started to wander. At this point I had had a couple of drinks so was feeling much… looser than usual and I let him put his hand up my dress. Occasionally people would walk by but we were in a pretty secluded area so it didn't really matter all too much. We started making out and he had me pretty wet – partly because he had two fingers deep in my cooch. The other part was that I was thinking of myself, a fully grown woman in her early 30s, lying in a park getting fingered by some local teenager. It felt wrong… but that made it so right.

He wasn't too bad either, pretty lanky but not overly skinny, dark brown hair, kissable lips, good with his fingers… We kept at it for a while as the sun began to set and I started to get hungry for a little more. But as soon I began to unbuckle his belt we heard a shout then someone running towards us. We quickly pulled away from each other, fearing it might be someone we both knew but it turned out to be one of his friends… the little bastard had texted him to let him know what was up. As I heard them mutter something in French I realized what was happening and started to walk away, visibly pissed off.

He came after me, tugging at my hand and dress but that was unacceptable. I wasn't some whore to be shared around by whoever. But when he touched my thighs my will started to break down, I was already drunk and horny and I didn't want to end the night without a good fuck. The other boy looked nervous but I took charge, grabbing his bulge and unbuckling his pants. Pretty soon the three of us, two teenage boys and an older woman were butt-naked by the water's edge, shrouded by the trees and bushes. The brown-haired one had his tongue parting my clit, and an intense tingling sensation ran up my spine. His friend, a bit shorter, but more muscular and blond has his cock in my mouth. I know he's not going to forget that blowjob.

I had never been penetrated by two men before but these things are easier to overcome with a little bit of intoxication. It was incredibly hot to hear them talk about who takes what position, and how they were going to enter me. I'm not at all tight but when their cocks entered both my ass and vagina my body tensed up expecting pain. They started off lightly enough, easing me into the rhythm, pull out and in, and out and in – over and over again. My thighs trembled and I cummed hard but they were too caught up to notice and kept going. The one under me grabbed and played with my breasts, we kissed tongue to tongue, it was ecstasy.

A while after they took turns fucking me in missionary. We had started off with condoms but had run out and it didn't matter anymore to me. I felt like such a slut at that point… and I liked it. The bigger, blond one has a lot of aggressive energy and I gotta say its quite a feeling to get pounded by a male coming into his prime. He was probably at the highest level sexual energy he would be at in life and I could feel him push all of that nervous energy into my body. I thought my brain would explode if I had another orgasm but that didn't stop him. When I came close to cumming he had a nervous look in his eye, as if he was afraid of coming inside me. I answered that doubt by pulling him closer and gyrating my hips more wildly. He came in fits and starts and kept pumping – following through like a proper doggy. I held him close, his cock inside me, and let him expel all his seed inside me.

When he was done the other boy leaned in and shoved his cock into my mouth. I played with the tip, and pulled on his balls which made his eyes roll back in his head. He suddenly gave a start and my lips closed around a thick, wad of cum. He started to pull out of my mouth but I held him in and went deeper and he ejaculated a second time. I let swallowed hard and the three of us lay down on the grass, huddled together. Hope I gave them sometime to remember when they're older.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2v0zk5/fmm_a_bike_ride_by_the_old_port

1 comment

  1. I love this story! It’s exactly the kind of scenario that I fantasize about. There’s lots of secluded places down by the bike paths in the old port that would be perfect for this kind of public sex. Awesome writing :)

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