Long Ride Home [mfm]

A long night of partying with our friends, we're catching the late night sub back to our flat. Its unfortunately long, but we're the only ones in our car. I'm wearing your oversized leather jacket, and it seems to hide my short skirt and small shirt very easily. You sit down first and then pull me in the seat between you and the wall, but also halfway in your lap. Instinctively I curl up into you you, laying my head on your shoulder.

Your hand rubs my thigh working its way up my leg. I try to close my legs, but you push your hand up my skirt. I gasp softly as your thumb brushes over my pussy. The thong I wore is no defense against your touch. You tease me with soft grazes and close touches until I'm panting. The other hand pinches a nipple through my shirt. My moan echos in the large car.

"Be quiet princess, I don't want anyone hearing you."

I bite my lip and nod. A finger dips into my wet lips, succumbing to the ache you built up. I bite harder on my lip as my hips thrust onto your hand. Your thumb massages my clit, but your fingers haven't entered me yet. I whimper softly pushing my mouth to your neck. A trail of kisses make its way up to your mouth. It takes mine hard as your fingers enter me just roughly. I moan on your lips. Your hand begins to fuck me as your mouth assaults mine. The hand that was on my tits, now is holding my neck. Keeping you locked with me. One of my hands reach down and stroke your hard cock through your kilt. Your fingers get harder as they fuck me. Lifting your kilt enough to pull you free, I stroke your hard cock. My body begins to get close. All fingers stop before I cum. I'm left wanting and panting. Again I push my face into your neck.

A sound comes from the door as it opens. I close my eyes and still my hand. But your hips keep on thrusting into my fingers.

"Don't stop princess."

Sighing into your neck, I continue to stroke you under my legs. Whoever walks in makes their way to a seat near us, but not real close. Your fingers start fucking me again. Moans and whimpers are muffled by your nrck. Once again you get me close, precum drips down your cock. I run my thumb over it and bring it to my lips. Its salty, but makes me hunger to taste all of you. A low rumble comes from your chest.

"Oh princess. Your so fucking wet. Such a dirty girl. You want to ride me?"

In answer I scramble to your lap, straddling your legs. The large coat and my skirt cover our scandalous act. My pussy slips on to you, squeezing so tightly. I arch my back into you. Swiftly you yank the neck of my shirt off my breasts. A soft squeeze before taking a nipple in your mouth. My hips shift over you slowly. Your mouth switches to my other nipple. Hands move from my breasts to my ass, squeezing each cheek. Pushing down my ass, your cock goes deeper into me. My eyes squeeze shut and I push my face into your shoulder. A finger rims my tight hole, threatening more.

Another groans snaps my eyes open. We aren't alone. I forgot about the other person. I still, but you don't. My body continues to rock as you push into me. The sounds of skin slapping comes from beside us. Looking around your neck, I see one of your friends. He is stroking himself from under his kilt. He is watching us. The finger penetrates my ass, bringing me back to you. Before I can move from you, it moves in me, stretching me.

"Now, don't be getting shy for me princess. He wants to see what I have. How about we do that?"

I nip your neck softly. My pace quickens and I push harder on you. You groan into my hair.

"That's a girl… but I want to really show what a dirty girl you are."

Picking me up off of you, we shift so that you sit across the two seats and I'm facing from of you. The tip of your cock nudges my ass. Its lubricated from my pussy. So fucking wet. It slides into me, stretching me out more than your finger. The jacket is open and exposes my breasts. My skirt is flipped up, showing my shaved pussy and your cock in my ass. I watch as he strokes himself. His kilt was up showing his large cock, glistening precum at its tip. He rose from his seat and walked to us. I am on the edge of the aisle. His rough hands pinched and pulled at my nipples. The tip of his cock tap my breasts, moistening my skin. The hand trails down my breasts and nails graze my skin. Your hands replace his on my breasts, using that handle to fuck my ass harder. My pussy clenches as his hand slides down over my clit. Still so fucking wet. His fingers slip in easily. Both holes full and tight. This sensation pushes me over the edge forcefully. I hiss and bite my lip hard. Tremors and spasms squeezing his fingers.

"Fuck… she's tight."

"She would feel even better on your cock. Try it…"

Wide eyes watched as he positioned himself in front of me. The smooth head becoming slick with cum. He smiles at me.

"Mmmm princess. I always wanted to tty this pussy. You feel amazing in my hand, let's see how it is on my cock."

A swift thrust in me brings a loud scream to my lips. I try to hold it in. Your hard hand covers my mouth, his grabs my throat. Both of you pound into me. My clit gets a thumb rubbing it, assaulting me. I kick and buck against it. Feeling as if I'm about to become unhinged, as if I can't hold onto my sanity at all. Once again my body erupts in ecstasy. Not able to hold myself, I collapse onto you.

Do I get a break? No.

I'm pulled and pushed forward, a large cock thrusting in my mouth. Grabbing my hair he fucks my mouth. Your cock begins to pulse in my tight ass. His stiffens and twitches between my lips. Both of you unload in me, filling me with your cum.

Before I can settle, you pull out and place something inside me. Something small and metal.

"You will keep this in until we get home. Then you will shower and feed our guest. When he wants to take your ass, you may remove it then."

"Yes, sir."

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2v18rf/long_ride_home_mfm


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