[Fmm] A Bike Ride By the Old Port

Hmm, let me tell you a bit about what happened last year. This was in Montreal, summertime by the old port. I spent most of the afternoon biking along the water and taking in the cobblestone pathways. It really is like having a piece of Europe in North America. Anyways, later in the afternoon I'm standing by the water and this young guy comes up to me and asks me if I was alone. He had a stupid cocky grin on his face like his friends put him up to it. Probably expected me to shoo him off because he looked really surprised when I asked him to show me around.

Laws of Nature and the Laws of Men Part 2 [M][f] [f]

When he left the room I laid there for a while longer, allowing myself to come down and start breathing normally again. Hearing the car engine roar to life outside the window I got up and went over to my laptop and switched off the webcam. Downstairs, I snatched up the small audio recorder by the armchair.

A few weeks later I confronted him with the evidence. He called me a stupid, manipulative whore but I could hear the fear in his voice. I walked away with enough to upgrade my wardrobe.

That summer was a turning point for me, and nothing too bad for him either. Daddy, as I liked to whisper in his ear, was willingly or unwillingly financing my small town adventures. I was eating out at restaurants with my friends, got the clothes I wanted, saw the bands I loved… everything was great. And when mom wasn’t around I would let him touch me, which he loved to do after a few drinks. Men really are simple creatures. They just want to fuck. You apply a little pressure, tell them when, where and how and they are yours. Once I even fondled his cock under the breakfast table while mom was around. It was funny to see him super pissed and super hard at the same time. A smirk crawled across my face. It wasn’t just for the money either. I enjoy sex fully and was happy to have a guy that I could rely on to make me squeal and cum hard.

Laws of Nature and the Laws of Men [M][f]

Men create laws to protect themselves from other men. Men break laws to gain advantage over other men. That advantage can be material, metaphysical… even biological.

My eyes began to open to the world of men at a relatively young age. I noticed the wandering eyes of my stepfather. They traced the outline of newly forming curves, resting often at hips and breast. He became inclined to lean in during conversation, a free hand rubbing at the shoulder – a brush against the thighs. An indecent, half-embarrassed smile as he watched me struggle in athletic competition.

Desire is a powerful emotion and with time I discovered that men’s primal instinct – the all-pervasive need to procreate – could be twisted, they themselves twisted to suit my own ambitions. As is the rite of passage into adolescence, into adulthood for many women, I began to toy with my sense of style – tighter fitting jeans to hug the curves, mid-riff exposed, all that which invites the gaze. Temptation personified.