Laws of Nature and the Laws of Men [M][f]

Men create laws to protect themselves from other men. Men break laws to gain advantage over other men. That advantage can be material, metaphysical… even biological.

My eyes began to open to the world of men at a relatively young age. I noticed the wandering eyes of my stepfather. They traced the outline of newly forming curves, resting often at hips and breast. He became inclined to lean in during conversation, a free hand rubbing at the shoulder – a brush against the thighs. An indecent, half-embarrassed smile as he watched me struggle in athletic competition.

Desire is a powerful emotion and with time I discovered that men’s primal instinct – the all-pervasive need to procreate – could be twisted, they themselves twisted to suit my own ambitions. As is the rite of passage into adolescence, into adulthood for many women, I began to toy with my sense of style – tighter fitting jeans to hug the curves, mid-riff exposed, all that which invites the gaze. Temptation personified.

One weekend afternoon I found myself alone in the house with my stepfather. My mother had driven a few counties down, visiting a friend that was passing through. I drew close to the entrance of the living room, saw him take a swig of his tallboy, the action keeping his eyes fixed to the television screen. Reaching for the duster and broom I made out as if to keep up with chores. I moved around the room methodically, careful to accentuate my movement. In my peripheral vision I could see his distracted energy – he wanted to look at me so badly but only allowed himself quick glimpses.

Knowing it was now or never, I let out a sigh and stretched out. The time for chores were over. I slinked over to his armchair, sat by his feet, and asked about the game. Crawling up on his lap surprised him a bit, I hadn’t done that since I was little, but he didn’t complain – just a surprised silence, then back to watching the game. He took another swig, a longer one. Citing the heat I slowly undid the top buttons of my blouse, the V shape cutting deep and exposing cleavage. He put his hand on my thigh, eyes still on the game. I felt him become excited, an erection slowly forming under me. Another beer? I asked coyly, arching my back.

I reached over and handed him the new can. With that I slowly pulled my blouse off. He said nothing, still watching the game. That erect penis still raging under his trousers. What do you think of my new bra? I asked. I didn’t wait for the reply.

I slid down in front of the armchair, putting a hand on his thigh. He looked down on me, unsure of what to do. I began to unbuckle his belt and he eased back. Now up until this point I had never been with a man. All I knew was from a few porno films I had watched… had touched myself to. Pulling out his penis I began to massage it along the shaft. He let out a low murmur. He took me up to my bedroom.

When he entered me I lost control of my legs and fell forward onto the bed. He snatched away my panties which were still hanging around my feet. I felt him open me up, thrusting deep. I hadn’t known what to expect but the intensity of the feeling caught me off guard. I moaned. Grabbing at my breasts he began to move faster, push deeper. My head was a mess. I don’t know why but I started to cry, smearing my makeup. Imagine a 6’1 grown male, likely over two hundred pounds entering a girl barely over a hundred – young, inexperienced, horny and older, experienced, horny.

He knew that I was a little slut. And he treated me like the object I was to him. A vessel for his seed, a container for his pent-up frustration and energy. My tears soaked the sheets, and I sobbed. His girth pressed against my sides and I came over and over again, whole body shaking. I pounded against the mattress. He grunted when he came inside me.

