‘Catch Your Dreams’ [MF] [handjob] [nc] [dreamstate] [magic]

Walter held the knotted weave of entwined cordage; formed through the intensive work of skilled hands and finely stripped bark. The edges were laced with dark blue and black feathers, and tufts of animal fur.

"What's this thing?" he asked, glancing up at the old, half-blind Native American woman who was slowly rocking back and forth in an old rocking chair next to the table underneath a shady eave outside of a mostly run-down shed.

Amber, his cousin, answered. "It's a dream catcher, I think. They're supposed to prevent you from having nightmares, or something, if you put it up over your bed." She stepped behind him and picked up the dream catcher, turning it over to look at the intricate detail of the craftsmanship.

Walter had been spending the summer with his Aunt and cousin over the long hot summer. His parents had plans to take him along on a summer cruise they had been planning since the beginning of the year, but Walter's grades had sabotaged any and all chances for him to go. His parents were upset and disappointed, but they weren't going to let Walter's unmotivated laziness keep them from enjoying their trip. Aunt Deborah stepped up and volunteered to take Walter for the summer months to spend in Arizona at their home in the desert. Walter had spent the entire car drive grumbling. He was disappointed in himself. He was disappointed in his parents for leaving him behind while they enjoyed the perfect summer vacation.

Walter snatched the dream catcher back from his cousin. He didn't believe any of the mumbo jumbo about an arts and craft project's ability to magically trap bad dreams, but he had brought half a year's worth of allowance with him, and it seemed as good as any souvenir to take home with him. As he took the thing over to the ancient old woman watching quietly from her rocking chair, she looked him up and down in a deeply uncomfortable way. Walter didn't let it addle him. "How much for this thing?" he asked.

The old woman chewed on her dried lips for a moment, looking carefully at the dream catcher. "This is very old iháŋbla gmunka; very old magic," she said at last in a slow, quiet, raspy voice. "This dream catcher is very special. It belonged to a powerful healer, imbued with the gifts of Wakan Tanka."

"It's pretty," admitted Amber, who was busy looking through a tale of other hand-made knick knacks.

Walter shrugged and looked through his wallet. His parents might not have taken him with them on their trip, but they did leave him with a fair amount of money for souvenirs and meals while he was in Arizona. He pulled out one of the crisp $100 bills and handed it to the elderly woman. She seemed surprised by the generous offer and held the bill up to the light to examine it. With a simple grunt and a nod, she indicated to Walter that it was okay for him to take the dream catcher. As he and Amber were about to leave, however, she spoke up, offering one last warning: "Treat the dream catcher with great respect and care. It is powerful magic, and it is not to be abused. The long passed Elders shall be watching you." Walter nodded to indicate that he had heard her, but he still thought it a bunch of superstitious hokum.

The rest of the day seemed boring for Walter. He missed being at home where he could retreat to his room and play video games or watch TV. Aunt Deborah's living room TV was smaller than the one he had in his own bedroom back at home. Besides that, Amber was quick to lay claim to the TV remote, and had immediately switched it over to some terrible reality show about a group of young people living together in a beach house and partying all night.

Walter laid down on the couch, watching his cousin with mild frustration. Before long, he began to slowly drift off the sleep, not noticing that the dream catcher he had hung over the door jamb to look at earlier began to slowly spin; moved as if by some unseen wind.

He didn't know how it happened, but Walter was having the strangest dream. He felt himself sitting up from the couch, standing and crawling to his feet, but when he looked back, he saw his body laying there, deep asleep in the same t-shirt and flannel shorts he had fallen asleep in. Even as he took a few steps away from his body, he could still feel his breathing; the gentle pressure of air filling his lungs and being softly exhaled. Amber was still in the chair, watching her reality show programs. This is so weird. He thought, stepping closer to Amber. He moved right in front of her, but she didn't react. She continued to stare past him at the TV where meatheads from the Jersey Shore continued to make asses of themselves. It occurred to Walter just how attractive of a woman Amber was. She was in her second year of college and her body had definitely filled out. Now that she was wearing nothing more than a spaghetti strap top and a pair of ass-hugging boyshorts, he had a healthy view of her cleavage. He guided his invisible body closer until he could stare deeply down her cleavage. Amber's ripe, full breasts looked so soft and squeezable from this point of view. He wanted so badly to just touch and caress that smooth skin. This is the most strangely realistic dream I have ever had.

His 'dream' hand reached out to touch Amber's hand. He was expecting his hand to pass through her, but instead, it was almost as though his hand passed into her. Walter pulled his hand back, but instead of withdrawing, Amber's hand moved along with it. Her face immediately looked down at her hand with a look of surprise. After a moment, though, she just rolled her shoulder and dismissed the sudden movement of her hand as nothing more than a muscle spasm. Walter, glanced over at his sleeping body, and saw the growing bulge in his shorts. It was so weird to see it from this perspective, but he could feel his growing erection. Something about the rush of control was getting him aroused. He quickly turned his attention back to his cousin and tried to move her arms again. It was a lot easier if he moved behind her. He stepped behind Amber, easily passing through the chair she sat in, and touched his right hand to hers. Again his dream body seemed to stick inside her. He lifted her right arm over her head and wiggled the fingers a few times, delighting in how bizarre it was to be moving Amber's limbs as though she were a puppet.

Amber was beginning to panic. She tried to put her arm down, but it continued to hover over her, as her fingers wiggled. She was about to scream, but Walter's dream body slammed his head forward and dunked it into Amber's body. He didn't want to find out what might happen if Amber were to wake up his sleeping body. Before Amber could make a sound, Walter snapped her jaw shut, preventing her from speaking. Not yet, I'm still learning how this works. With Amber's other hand, he forced her fingers to palm and squeeze at her soft malleable breasts, alternating between the two of them. Amber tried to look down, but Walter kept her eyes gazing at his sleeping body on the couch.

Walter sank his dream form's feet into Amber's, melting into her thick, creamy thighs. As he merged with her, his dream form had completely stepped into her body. As he moved, so did Amber. Her every muscle and bone was an extension of his own. With effort, he attempted to walk in Amber's body, taking one unsteady step after another. Steering her body like a worn suit, he guided Amber toward the couch where his sleeping body was.

Gingerly, he extended Amber's hand, and cupped it slowly over his sleeping body's bulge, tracing the outlines of his erection. As soon as he made contact, his (Amber's) mouth opened in the shock of how good it felt. He could physically enjoy the sensations his physical body felt, even being separated from it like he was. He led Amber's hand, like a living puppet, to slip beneath the waistband, being careful not to go to fast and wake up his physical body. Before long, he could feel Amber's soft slender fingers curling around his throbbing erection, slowly rubbing it up and down, freeing it from the confines of his pants. It sprang to attention; thick, hard, and supremely sensitive to the soft touch of Amber's lithe hands. Walter guided her fingertips to gently encircle and caress his cock, sliding them up and down the pulsing, warm shaft of his cock; slow at first, but soon going faster and faster.

Oh god, that feels amazing, thought Walter, panting harder now, but through Amber's body. He made Amber's hand squeeze harder, rubbing with longer, smoother motions yanking up and down the entire length of the shaft. A second later, he felt himself ready to cum. Even in his ethereal dream state, he couldn't hold back the incredibly erotic arousal he felt from this perverted sense of power.

I'm cumming! he thought loudly, snapping out of his sleep as his cock erupted in a geyser of cum all over his waist and Amber's hands. It was disorienting, having snapped back to his physical body. He was left panting heavily from the rush, just watching a confused, disgusted, and frightened looking Amber hovering over him.

"Amber? What… are you doing?" he inquired, trying to play it off as though he had no idea of the strange power he had just manifested.

"Fucking gross!" shrieked Amber, rushing off to the bathroom to wash her cum soaked hands off. As soon as she was gone, Walter yawned, stretched, and sat up. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the dream catcher hanging from the door jamb.

I cannot wait until bedtime, he thought with a deeply mischievous grin.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/2m03ff/catch_your_dreams_mf_handjob_nc_dreamstate_magic

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