Last call – and you’re still at the bar

(So I wrote part of this for a young lady on DPP, but heard nothing back. I loved the idea, so carried on writing and thought I'd share here. Hope you enjoy it)

(Hello. So I messaged you on Sunday, but in case it got lost in the shuffle and you're still checking this, I'll carry on. I do like a bigger girl…)

'Hey.' I say. 'You got anywhere to be?'

I've been watching you all night, though I've been careful not to let you notice. Unlike the other skinny girls in this bar, you've got something about you – the eager eyes, the way you bite your lip when you glance at me, the way you squirm on your barstool – you could be interesting…

'Because it looks to me,' I say. 'Like you came out tonight looking to get fucked. And luckily for you, my place is just down the road. Now, why don't we get out of here?'

I lead you out of the bar by one hand, striding fast enough to make you totter on your heels as you keep up, trying to tug your skirt down enough to cover at least some of your dignity.

The streets are nearly empty, but at one point we find ourselves on the same pavement as three 20-somethings, two guys and a girl, wearing skinny jeans and asymmetrical haircuts. One of the boys whispers to the girl, and they all giggle as they look at you.

This is where I show my chivalrous side.

I fist a hand into your hair and kiss you on the mouth, giving you no option.

'That's right,' I say, stepping aside to take a good, lingering look at you. 'I'm going to take this cute little piece of ass home and fuck her. We're going to have a great time. So, you guys, when your little friend here's still playing you off against each other…'

I gesture at the girl.

'…or just planning to go home entirely, I'll be making this girl squeal. Stick around, I'll open a window so you can hear it.'

And we're off again, past their flabbergasted faces.

Once we're inside my apartment block, I wait until we're on the stairs before I turn to you again.

'Okay, my sweet little girl,' I say. 'Before we go inside, I'd like you to take your little panties off for me. Just so we're all on the same page about what's going to happen.'

It takes less time than I'd expected. You hold my eyes for a long second, then bend at the waist, tugging your panties down and stepping out of them. You hold them up, almost expectantly, and I nod.


We're barely inside when my hand goes to your neck, pushing you back against the wall as I kiss you again. My other hand goes beneath your skirt, exploring you, testing your slickness, stroking you. I hold you there as I measure you, fingers brushing ever-so-delicately against your little clit. You shiver in my hands.

I haul you away from the wall and steer you to the bedroom, the hand at your wrist not quite twisting it, not quite letting you resist. We tear at each other's clothes, get naked in record time, and you sit back on the bed, ready for whatever you're about to take.

'Actually,' I say, 'I think I'd like you better over here.'

I steer you to the window, letting you enjoy the view. While you're doing that, I somehow bend you over, position myself behind you. My first thrust slams into you, my hips driving you forward, making you squeal…as predicted, you think, from somewhere. I whisper to you, detailing the other things in store for you tonight, as I take you for the first time. I take you without mercy, but it fills something inside you. You push back onto me, and I grab your hips as we both gasp and cry out, together.

'I hope you're not too tired, sweetheart,' I say. 'I've got lots more in store…'



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