Stunned, (Part 1)[MF, office affair]

Go easy on me, this is my first post. My inner erotic writer is still learning and trying to find a creative voice that can out-shout my lizard brain. I'm a guy in my mid 30s and have been looking for a (safe) place to let my dirty imagination run wild. Help me get better.


With a shake of his head Karl snapped back to reality. It felt like the temperature in his small office just rose 15 degrees.

'Are my cheeks flushed?' Shit.

He clicked on the attachment again…

'Damn, that's fucking hot. Did she really mean to send that to me?'

With his mouse still hovering over the email, Karl slowly slipped his gaze around his monitor, across the hall and into the open office of the apparent owner of the sexy black laced stocking top and smooth thigh that had popped up on his screen. A pair of strong brown eyes stared back and with a playful arch of one eyebrow, another electric jolt ran up his spine, across his red cheeks, and down between his legs.

His felt like his pants suddenly lost 3 sizes.

The Rebellious Stepdaughter, Part 4 [MMMf][bd][blkmail][drugs][inc][nc]

I found my old friend Jacob's number in my phone, and gave him a call. As the phone rang, I walked upstairs towards Carrie's bedroom. I stepped over the wooden shards on the floor, reminiscent of last night's fit of rage. Just as I entered, Jacob picked up the phone. A gruff voice boomed over the line, "Hey, look who it is! You fucking douchebag. How's life been since that frosty bitch cut off your balls?"

"Nice to talk to you again too, asshole" I said. "I'm actively getting my balls back, as a matter of fact. That's why I called." Jacob and his friend Cass were the two guys I ran with years ago before getting married to my wife. I took endless shit from them for being "hen-pecked" and "whipped". Once upon a time, I was a badass motherfucker. Drugs, guns, you name it. Everything changed when I met my wife. She "cleaned me up", got me sober, and now only my hidden tattoos give any hint as to my dark past. I rationalized the loss of my old persona as a fair price for the sex (in the beginning, my wife had been a sex goddess). Now that was all gone, and it was time to become an alpha again.

Alec and Brianna (5 of 10) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Running] [Smoking-voy] [Fdom] [prost] [Roleplay]


“You made good time today – only 47 minutes,” you casually comment. “I was thinking about that 5K coming up in February…” you pause.

“What about it?” I ask, taking a final drag from my cigarette.

“I bet you could do the half-marathon instead…if you wanted to. A 5K isn’t a challenge for you. Why not do the half-marathon? You’ve got 6 weeks to train for it.”

I eye you curiously. You’ve never been particularly interested in my running before, and you’ve never challenged me to take on harder runs. I don’t entirely trust you, but you’ve stimulated my competitive nature. “You know I did a couple triathlons before we met,” I brag.

You pass me your pack of cigarettes. I absently take one and start to smoke.

You smile as I play into your hand. “How did you feel when you were done?”

“It’s amazing,” I say, smoke streaming from my mouth. “The adrenaline rush is wonderful. And you are tried, but you feel so energized…” I stop to take another drag from my cigarette.

“So do a half-marathon in February then.”

“Okay. I will,” I am beaming as I accept your challenge.

Alec and Brianna (4 of 10) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Coughing] [Running] [huml] [Roleplay]


I am overjoyed with the progress that I made with you during our honeymoon. I have changed you from a pure sweetie to a nicotine jonsing addict in the space of a month. And I am excited by the possibilities yet to come. For it is not enough for me that you have given in to my coercion. You must love smoking. You must crave it.

For the next several months I undertake a simple course of Pavlovian conditioning. On those days you smoke heavily, I reward you with gifts, approval, and passionate lovemaking. On other days, I act moody, speak little, and turn away from you in bed. The technique has its effects. Gradually, without meaning to, you increase your intake day by day, week by week. You go from ten cigarettes to twenty. The day you smoke thirty for the first time I keep you up half the night with torrid romance. I even love it that you interrupt our play twice to get another fix.

Garden Party[FM] (Part 3 Ending)

Jason was in ecstasy as Kate moved up and down his shaft. She treated his cock so well, kissing it ever so frequently. Waves of pleasure hit him every time she stroked his shaft with her hand, every time she teased him by biting the foreskin softly. He suddenly grabbed her hair when he knew he couldn't take it no longer. He wouldn't be out done by a woman so quickly. He pulled her up and pushed her against the wall harshly. Kate let out a loud moan, which he stifled by covering her mouth. She could feel his hot cock pressed against the fabric of her skirt and begging to fuck her pussy. He dug out her panties from his mouth and whispered "You're a dirty woman Kate". Kate's chest heaved and her nipples hurt, pressed as they were against the cold wood of the barn. Jason lowered her skirt and gave her butt cheeks a tight slap. The sound resonated in the shed. Outside the party people were still chatting, oblivious to their surroundings.

The Ski Trip Surprise 2 [MM][MMF][oral]

John woke up with Frank's morning wood poking him in the lower back. Before he could move away, Frank stretched and yawned.

"Mornin'," Frank grumbled and gave John's thigh a friendly pat.

"Hey," John said, unsure of what to do. The idea of snuggling was out of the question, but Frank took matters in hand when his fingers slid forward to grasp John's semi-erect shaft.

"Looks like we got the same problem," he chuckled and pushed his cock harder against John's back. "Lemme help you out." It wasn't exactly a suggestion as he began to stroke slowly from balls to tip. The sensation made him push back a little, encouraging Frank to rub himself against John's back and ass.

"Fuck," John whispered as he felt teeth against his shoulder biting him as Frank pulled and released. Eventually a bit of precum made it out allowing Frank's hand to slide along his head. Soon the feeling was as fine a hand job as he'd ever gotten.

Frank moved down to slide between John's ass cheeks and pushed harder. Not to penetrate, just to rub along in between, dripping his own precum along the way to slip and slide more easily.

I’ll Be a Mommy’s Uncle! (1-3) [Fm, inc, regression, x-dress, reluct, slow]

I'll Be a Mommy's Uncle! by DiscipleN

It's was dull around the house after my father died. You never know what you're going to miss about a person until he's gone. I'll never miss his cocaine frenzies or the occasional flings he flaunted before mom, but my father was a pretty fun guy otherwise. I was pretty young to be certain of my memories of the time he spent with me, but I know I was never bored. When I turned eleven, it seemed like the three previous years without Pop were one eternal drag after another.

You see my mother was very strict and proper, and she decided, soon after my birth, to ensure I never followed the outlandish path of my father. Curfew was instilled in me the day I left the crib. Sundown meant straight to bed, lights out, and no noise. I could play with friends, but only from after school 'til dinner time, five o-clock. She dressed me conservatively, short haircut, comfortable brown shoes probably designed by the Amish, and she only bought starched white shirts and permanent press gray or tan trousers. I was drilled in every pleasantry and courtesy, and learned manners fit for a duke. In religion she was a tad more flexible, Methodist or Southern Baptist. She took me to both every Sunday.

The Rebellious Stepdaughter – Part 1 [Mf][bd][inc][nc]

I'm turning prompts and role-plays from r/dirtypenpals into longer and more detailed stories. Each character is based off an image that I found sexy – If you want to see the story's image, PM me for it! All comments and feedback are appreciated.

After a long and unfulfilling day at work, I drive home under a slate-grey sky. My wife left this morning for a business trip to South Korea, where she'll be staying for a month. Honestly, I won't miss her. Our sex life has been dead for quite some time now, and she only ever acknowledges my existence to bitch about something she feels that I've done wrong. So there's not much to miss. The problem is that I am now stuck with her 18-year-old daughter Carrie for a month. I have tried to be a good stepdad to her, but from day one she hasn't respected me or given a shit about anything I've done for her. She's a bit of a hellion, we're always getting calls from school about her getting into fights or being caught in compromising positions with boys in secluded stairwells. We're on her third school this year, as she keeps getting expelled. At home it's no better. She smokes in her room, completely oblivious to my rule that she keep it outside. She steals liquor, breaks curfew, and I've even caught her posting sexy pictures of herself online. The most recent one was of her lying on her back in a pushup bra, biting her lip and squeezing her breasts together as tightly as possible without bursting her bra.

The Ski Trip Surprise [MM][oral][first]

I got a little carried away with a writing prompt…

"You must be Frank," John said as he extended his hand. The weekend ski trip was a spur of the moment thing, but the only downside was travel agent who set it up required double occupancy in the hotel. John had planned to spend the weekend with his buddy, Stephen, but he backed out at the last minute. Now John was stuck rooming with a stranger.

"I am. You John?" Frank asked as he gave John's hand a firm shake. They were about the same height and Frank had the fit look of someone who worked out.

"Yup. Good to meet you." John stepped back and held the door to let Frank wrangle his luggage into the room.

"Same here," Frank said as he tossed the larger suitcase on first bed. John had already arranged himself on the bed closest to the window with his laptop on the night stand streaming a Pandora jazz station. "You a jazz fan?"

"Yeah, I used to play guitar in a quartet back in college and never lost the taste despite losing my chops." John returned to his bed to lean back against the headboard where he'd been before Frank had arrived.

FM – Damien Black (Futuristic Erotic Crime)

Here are the opening chapters to something I'm working on. Let me know if you'd like more:


He didn’t know where he was, but the transporter had hummed along for nearly an hour. He already knew he was in deep, deeper than usual, but this meant bad news. Usually he’d try to run, a simple white and blue picking him up (if they could) before even ID’ing him, but this time was a different story. Both hands were locked in code protected, aeon cuffs, same as his ankles – the finest 22nd century shackles tax payer money can buy. The techies don’t skimp on the fail safes, not anymore, he thought. Suddenly, the ship began to shake. Vibrating, deep noise filled his ears and those of the four armoured men sitting in the back watching him as they hovered into landing position. After a moment of chugging gears and steam, they set down softly, the engine calming into an electronic hiss. The watch team told him to stand up. I was just getting comfy, he said. The back gate slid open quickly to show the ten guards waiting on his arrival, fully geared up. One stepped forward and signalled those inside to move out.