Go easy on me, this is my first post. My inner erotic writer is still learning and trying to find a creative voice that can out-shout my lizard brain. I'm a guy in my mid 30s and have been looking for a (safe) place to let my dirty imagination run wild. Help me get better.
With a shake of his head Karl snapped back to reality. It felt like the temperature in his small office just rose 15 degrees.
'Are my cheeks flushed?' Shit.
He clicked on the attachment again…
'Damn, that's fucking hot. Did she really mean to send that to me?'
With his mouse still hovering over the email, Karl slowly slipped his gaze around his monitor, across the hall and into the open office of the apparent owner of the sexy black laced stocking top and smooth thigh that had popped up on his screen. A pair of strong brown eyes stared back and with a playful arch of one eyebrow, another electric jolt ran up his spine, across his red cheeks, and down between his legs.
His felt like his pants suddenly lost 3 sizes.