Garden Party[FM] (Part 3 Ending)

Jason was in ecstasy as Kate moved up and down his shaft. She treated his cock so well, kissing it ever so frequently. Waves of pleasure hit him every time she stroked his shaft with her hand, every time she teased him by biting the foreskin softly. He suddenly grabbed her hair when he knew he couldn't take it no longer. He wouldn't be out done by a woman so quickly. He pulled her up and pushed her against the wall harshly. Kate let out a loud moan, which he stifled by covering her mouth. She could feel his hot cock pressed against the fabric of her skirt and begging to fuck her pussy. He dug out her panties from his mouth and whispered "You're a dirty woman Kate". Kate's chest heaved and her nipples hurt, pressed as they were against the cold wood of the barn. Jason lowered her skirt and gave her butt cheeks a tight slap. The sound resonated in the shed. Outside the party people were still chatting, oblivious to their surroundings.

Jason decided to leave Kate's shirt on. He reached under her shirt and groped her breasts. He let them pop out from the bra cup, and pinched and twisted her nipples. All through this torture Kate stood silent, not that she wanted to. Her moans and screams of ecstasy were all drowned by Jason's muscular hand covering her mouth. She had had enough of this teasing and bit down on his fingers with her molars. "Ouch" he yelped and grabbed her neck with the other hand straining her neck. Without a word, he slid his wet throbbing cock inside her pussy.

Kate felt pleasure as she had never known with each thrust of his cock. He wasn't the biggest she had had, but that didn't matter. He quickened his pace and thrust harder with each passing moment. Suddenly he pulled out, turned her around. Kate could catch her breath for a moment, but only for a moment. He lifted her and lowered her on his cock again and placed her on a table by a window. Some light filtered in through the window, and they could finally see each other's faces. Drenched in sweat and desire, there wasn't much difference in the look on their faces. She caressed his face softly, as he fondled her butt. "David have you seen my wife?" Kate could see her husband's silhouette on the window with another man. Jason turned her face back to him and thrust into her, hard. "No Stone old boy. Something the matter?". Kate had to bite her lip to check her sounds, even as Jason showed no signs of stopping and pumped harder. The table shook softly. "I really do wish she wouldn't run away like this in the middle of a party". She dug her fingernails into his back, and looked at him ravenously. She wanted him, dared him to fuck her harder. He obliged.

"Don't be too hard on her old man. Anyway have you seen Jason?". Jason's heart was racing. He could feel blood trickling from the bruises on his back, left by this little minx he was pounding. "He did say he would come, although I haven't seen him yet. One thing about Jason Matt is.." He lifted her off the table and fell on top of her on the dirty floor, not stopping his thrusting. "…he never comes early". Kate let go of control over her body, leaving it all to him. Her hands were on his ass cheeks, following their heavy, fast movement. She couldn't wait till he came inside of her. She was holding her own climax till he reached his."..he never comes late either, he's always on time". Jason exploded inside Kate, filling her with his warm juices. Kate felt throbs of orgasm spread throughout her body. She felt her legs tremble and shake on the dirty floor. For a long time, they lay the same way, not saying a word, not thinking at all. Kate fondled his butt playfully, and gave it a slap. He looked at her in surprise "What?". "Nothing" she said and smiled, reflecting on what a good party this was.
