The Falls by Tristan Kane (MC, MF)

She slipped and her foot dangled over the edge of the muddy trail and hundreds of tiny rocks cascaded against the valley below causing her heart to beat in her chest knowing she was just seconds from death. At this moment, she realized that the warning signs posted at the trails entrance and along the trail itself were not just a cautious attempt to curb tourist attention, but a truly dangerous warning. Her husband reached her just in time, grabbing her hand with his and hoisting her back up to the narrow dirt trail above the green lush valley below. Holding her close with her orange bikini covered breasts pressed into his shirtless body gave her the comfort she needed and he said “That is why this trail and waterfall have been off limits to the public since 1999.” Her chest expanding, she finally was able to catch her breath. Her grip on him was as tight as ever and he leaned down to kiss her providing a sense of security she had felt often when they were together. The adrenaline flowing through her veins did little to subdue the burning in her legs that was caused by the long hike into one of the most secluded spots on the northern shore of Oahu. The hike to Sacred Falls was not only dangerous but was said by the locals to be haunted by the Hawaiian demigod, Kamapua’a. The mischievous demigod was said to be the cause of the 1999 landslide that took the lives of 8 visitors. They had chosen this spot for its seclusion and of course for the danger. The old rusty yellow gate at the entrance displayed a sign warning visitors of the danger that lie ahead, but they didn’t heed its warning.

The 45 minute trek into the valley was not easy but became more and more narrow the closer you got to the destination. The cold water in their CamelBaks was a necessity due to the warm climate and their hiking gear helped navigate the rocky trail. Climbing down the large black and gray rocks onto the dry river bed below, they continued around the corner into a large opening. She finally caught a glimpse of the falls over the top of the ridge and an aura of excitement filled her body. As they descended the ridge over the jagged rocks they came to a large aqua blue pool where the waterfall ended its over 200 foot drop from the mountain above. The sound of water hitting the pool created a peaceful scene and the wind was subtle through the valley cooling her skin. She dropped her pack to the ground and sat down beside him both mesmerized by the sheer beauty and calming effects of this sacred place.

The intense hike in the lush green rainforest had caused her body to sweat and it glistened from the sunlight that shown through the trees around the pool. Standing to her feet, she removed her brown Merrill hiking boots and white socks. The black rocks felt cool against the soles of her feet and she started to unbutton her denim cut off shorts sliding them off and letting them drop to the ground exposing her orange bikini thong bottoms against her tanned skin. He said “What are you doing? “Taking a swim”, she responded, “Get in with me.” Instantly, a splash echoed against the walls of the cove as her body entered the water. Rising to the surface, her dark brown hair wet against her scalp and her head sticking out of the water, she looked to him and said “Come on, get in.” He shook his head no and watched her intently. Being as the water was only about waist high, she stood up exposing the top half of her gorgeous body to the sunlight. Her hands reached up behind her neck and she slowly pulled the string that held her bikini top. The top fell off exposing her big tanned breasts and pink round nipples and she removed the bikini top and threw it at him smacking him right in the chest. Her laughter echoed against the cove and she disappeared under the water again fully enjoying the freedom of the warm water. As she surfaced again, her eyes met his just as he was removing his black and gray board shorts which exposed his balls and cock. Giggling out loud, she was surprised at his response to her invitation being that he was normally a very cautious person. Reaching the side of her bikini bottom she slid it off down over her smooth legs and threw it to the shore. He jumped in with a loud holler of enthusiasm and the splash soaked her. They met halfway and swam together toward the sacred falls. The water bounced against their heads and shoulders from under the waterfall which felt relaxing and the sound of the rushing water around them created a sensual setting. She pressed her warm naked body into his and she could feel his hard cock rubbing her between her legs. Reaching her hand down, she grasped it and pushed it into her pussy. Their lips met and tongues touched in a passionate kiss. His hands explored her beautiful body squeezing her ass and rubbing her legs and back. She started moving her body using his shoulders as leverage to slide up and down on his cock. The tingling sensation of her pussy lips going over his cock felt amazing and she knew this was an experience they would never forget.

Standing up she turned around with her ass towards him and he entered her from behind. The water from the falls splashed against her back as he pumped his cock into her, causing her to moan. Her tits pressed against the smooth rocks at the base of the fall and she could feel his chest against her back and his lips kissing her neck. The feeling was amazing and she could fell the electricity flowing through her body. She turned to face him and pulled him close. His mouth was exploring her breasts and neck making her arch her head back allowing the water to run through her brown hair from above. Wrapping her legs around him, she could feel his cock slide in again and he pumped it in and out of her, faster and faster. Their lips met again and they moaned into each other and she could feel the tingling growing from between her legs. She knew she was about to cum and she whispered “faster” into his ear. He obliged forcing his hard cock into her faster and faster until she screamed with a release of ecstasy. She could barely take it as her pussy lips quivered from under the warm water. He continued faster and faster using his strong grip on her tight ass, to gain a hold on her body. Finally, he finished with a low grunt and they held each other tightly. They kissed passionately over and over, him still inside of her. They swam back to the shore as they heard voices from an approaching group bouncing off the walls of the cove. After quickly getting dressed, she grabbed his hand, pulled him close and whispered in his ear “What a shower!”
