The Fisherman [MF][Strangers]

She'd been coming to the lake house since she was a little girl. Late summer was her favorite time to visit. Full green leaves, lightning bugs under the trees in the yard of the lake house, lazy turtles on tree limbs by the shore. She needed this weekend alone. It had been a long time since she been totally alone; living with a roommate and working in an elementary school kept her surrounded and busy.

She stretched out on the the big, pink beach towel on the sandy beach in front of the lake house. She was on her stomach letting her toes feel the sand. The cove here was always quiet, always private. She heard him before she saw him, the putt-putt sound of a trolling motor rounding the bend into the quiet waters of the cove. She turned her head to look over her shoulder.

In a low green fishing boat sat a blond-haired man with his shirt off… one hand on the motor, one hand holding a fishing rod. He still hadn't seen her laying there on the beach towel in last year's bikini she knew was a bit too small She wore it today to get maximum sun; the warm rays soaking every curve she'd exposed. Her long brown hair was piled in a loose bun on top of her head. She could see his muscled arms even from the beach. His hair was a little too long and curly.

The boat came within 100 ft. of her spot on the beach, and then he saw her. He smiled a crooked smile and turned the motor off letting the boat drift toward the shore. Something about his shoulders and the grin he was giving her made the tops of her thighs warm instantly. She couldn't help but smile back.

As the boat drifted closer, she could see he was wearing red track shorts that did not leave much to the imagination. Suddenly the heat in her thighs began to throb inside her. "Good lord," she thought as she looked away blushing. "What is wrong with me?" It had been months since she'd felt the touch of a man, and she missed it. Badly. "I don't even know this man!" she thought.

Glancing back over her shoulder she could see he was closer… and still smiling at her. God, he was beautiful. In one stealth move, he was out of the boat and wading quietly toward her. She slowly flipped onto her back, sat up, and stared. For some reason she was not afraid, just amazed at his body and the hard muscles in his stomach. Instinctively her hand went to the base of her throat. She could feel her heart beating in the tips of her fingers.

At that moment he was on the beach, next to her towel. Still smiling. She thought briefly about running, but, instead, reached out one hand tentatively to touch that gorgeous stomach. He caught her hand and pressed it to his chest, then slid it slowly past his waistband to the hard bulge in his shorts. All the while smiling slightly. His eyes staying on hers. He pulled her toward him with little effort and kissed her forehead slowly. Then the side of her cheek. Then her neck.

"Oh my God!" she thought. "What the hell is happening here?" The smell of sun, sweat, sunscreen, and something she couldn't quite place filled her as he continued to kiss her softly on the shoulders and neck. She was a sucker for soft kisses. The loss of her virginity had begun with soft kisses. One of her hands was still on his pants, and she could feel his cock hardening through the sheer fabric. "He must be liking what he sees," she thought as she traced one of her breasts under the yellow bikini with her free hand; he still held the other wrist.

She pulled back from his kisses for a moment and saw heat in his eyes. He wanted her. She could tell. Locking her eyes on his, she stood slowly and untied the strings at the neck of her bikini top letting it slip down to her waist. His eyes burned. She took her hair out of the bun and let it fall on her shoulders and around her face. She untied the strings in the back of her suit and let it drop to the beach towel. She knew her breasts were the type that men liked; full and soft with nipples peaking slightly.

He reached up, slid both hands up her thighs, and pulled her bottoms down forcefully. His mouth was on her stomach still warm from the sun. She caught her breath as his tongue and fingers played with the wet folds of her pussy. She moaned without thinking and caught both of her hands in his hair. He slid one hand under her bare ass and pulled her even closer letting his tongue forge deeper into her. God, she could come right now!

Just then he reached across her and grabbed her arm, twisting her around hard. Then he forced her to her hands and knees. She didn't know when his shorts came off but she could feel the tip of his hard shaft teasing her from behind. She spread her knees as far as she could on the towel and arched her back. She wanted him inside her. NOW. He grabbed both of her hips and slid his hard cock inside her dripping pussy. He was huge! She caught her breath and then groaned louder than she meant to.

With her head down, she moved her hips faster to catch his rhythm. He was pounding her harder than she'd been fucked in a long time. She lifted her head flipping her hair onto her back He grabbed a handful and pounded harder. Just then he slid one hand under her thigh and lightly rubbed the top her clit. That was all it took. She breathed one high, long moan and came right on his hand and all over his hard cock. With three more hard thrusts, the last one nearly lifting her off the beach towel, he exploded. She could feel the throbs of his cock pushing hot cum inside her. "GOD!" she moaned.

Keeping his hands on her hips, he slid himself out slowly and flipped her onto her back. She was panting and glistening with sweat, every inch of her body still pulsing. She lifted herself up onto her elbows to see what he would do. He winked and pulled his shorts back on. He backed out into the water keeping his eyes on her and smiling. Just as quickly as before, he slid into the boat and fired up the motor. She watched as he slowly turned the boat and headed out of the cove. She could not believe what had just happened! She realized neither of them had said a word. She smiled and stretched out again on the beach towel, this time naked, filled and satisfied.


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