The Rebellious Stepdaughter, Part 4 [MMMf][bd][blkmail][drugs][inc][nc]

I found my old friend Jacob's number in my phone, and gave him a call. As the phone rang, I walked upstairs towards Carrie's bedroom. I stepped over the wooden shards on the floor, reminiscent of last night's fit of rage. Just as I entered, Jacob picked up the phone. A gruff voice boomed over the line, "Hey, look who it is! You fucking douchebag. How's life been since that frosty bitch cut off your balls?"

"Nice to talk to you again too, asshole" I said. "I'm actively getting my balls back, as a matter of fact. That's why I called." Jacob and his friend Cass were the two guys I ran with years ago before getting married to my wife. I took endless shit from them for being "hen-pecked" and "whipped". Once upon a time, I was a badass motherfucker. Drugs, guns, you name it. Everything changed when I met my wife. She "cleaned me up", got me sober, and now only my hidden tattoos give any hint as to my dark past. I rationalized the loss of my old persona as a fair price for the sex (in the beginning, my wife had been a sex goddess). Now that was all gone, and it was time to become an alpha again.

"You? Getting your balls back? Now that I would pay to see. What's up brother?"

"I wondered if you and Cass were free this evening. I've got some… what did we used to call it… entertainment for us tonight. A hard ten."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line. "How the fuck…?" Jacob trailed off, leaving the air pregnant with questions.

"Wife is gone for a month. Trust me, this is going to be a great party. Bring any, ah, provisions that you can for the party and I'll pay. Enough that we can package the leftovers."

"No shit!" He exhaled. "Okay, give me a few hours to get some stuff together. We'll be over later tonight." With that, the line went dead. I had two more tasks to do before getting Carrie ready for tonight's party. The first was choosing her outfit.

I went through her closet and found a black corset that I didn't even know she owned, a red plaid schoolgirl skirt, some fresh fishnets, and some black heels. This will do very nicely, I think to myself. I find some black eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick and nail polish to add to my collection. I then head downstairs to the kitchen, and assemble a small army of plastic bags. A plan has begun to take shape in my mind.

If I'm going to leave Carrie unharmed, she needs to become a willing – or at least, a compliant – participant in our new relationship. Her well known reputation as a wild child will make it easy to believe that she is both sexually promiscuous and into selling hard drugs. Tonight I will let my friends have their way with her (of course, I will get mine too) and plant drugs in her room and in her car. We won't tell her where they are, of course, and they will be well hidden. If she makes a move to escape or turn me in, I put on my best Mr. Rogers persona and claim that my drug-addicted daughter is making up wild accusations. She's a troubled and promiscuous girl. In fact, officer, I believe she's selling. Between the threat of jail time and the threat that Jacob and Cass will come back if she misbehaves… I am hoping she'll see no other way out than to give in to her new lot.

I head downstairs with Carrie's change of clothes. She sees me and jumps visibly when the lights turn on. "Don't worry, princess, I'm not here to fuck you again. I actually want you to take a shower for me and change your clothes." I openly leer at her creamy cleavage as I say, "You seem to have gotten something white and sticky on the ones you're wearing." I take out the stun gun and attach it to my belt as a warning. I clip the lead to her spiked collar, and untie her from the pole. She struggles to her feet, and I help her up (groping her breasts and ass thoroughly in the process). She squirms, but the badass defiant streak is either gone or well hidden. I walk her to the bathroom, which I am thankful is windowless.

"Alright, here's what's going to happen here" I say. "I'm going to untie you, and you're going to stay quiet and be a good girl unless you want to end up a tazed sperm dumpster again. Then you're going to get a shower for me, and change into this." I put the clothes I selected down on the sink. "How good you are now will impact how hard tonight is on you." I look her up and down. "Oh, and I get to watch you undress and shower." Her eyes flare, I pat the tazer, and she quiets. I undo her duct tape restraints, and she doesn't say a word. Her mouth is set into a firm line, but she haltingly begins to undress.

I watch as the clothes fall away, revealing a hard, toned torso and the true perkiness of her 32DD breasts. They jiggle and sway as she bends over to remove her skirt and stockings, first unzipping her boots. Out of the stripper boots, she's back down to a petite and more vulnerable 5'2". Her ass is fuller and more voluptuous than one could tell in that tight skirt. Avoiding eye contact with me, she steps into the shower and begins to pull the curtain. "Oh no, baby. You leave that open." Her face flushes and she keeps her eyes cast down, but she does as she's told. She turns on the hot water, and in the least seductive manner possible she begins to soap up and wash herself down.

There is absolutely no way for a girl like Carrie to shower and not be sexy. My cock is about to smash through my zipper as I watch the water fall over her pale body, her tight stomach and yielding breasts, ass glistening with reflected light. I want nothing more than to fuck her senseless again, but I restrain myself.

She finishes showering, towels off and puts on the clothes I picked for her. She looks at me with pleading eyes, and I tell her, "Good girl. Now, I'm going to leave the tape off for now. I want you do do your makeup and make yourself as sexy as you can. Tonight, two of my old friends from my days in Portland are coming over." I see her eyes widen… she knows about my past and the crowd I used to hang out in. "You are going to make them, and me, very happy men. You can do this willingly, the easy way, or we can take you by force. Either way, any time you act out I will call them and tell them…" I get right up in her face, and press the stun gun to her midriff, "… to absolutely fucking break you and leave you in a ditch somewhere." I pull back and put on a benevolent voice. "Be a good girl, and you'll never see them again. Only me." I leave her to put on her makeup. The only point of egress from the basement is the door, which I will watch from upstairs. I want to see if I can trust her.

I give her a half hour and come back downstairs. She looks ridiculously hot in the outfit I selected. Breasts pushed up by the corset, giving her wildly accentuated cleavage. Her legs on display in the schoolgirl skirt. She's lying on the floor, curled up, looking lost. I momentarily take pity on her, then remember everything she did to get here. I don't feel bad any more.

I tie her back up, then piece by piece I bring her bed down to the basement and assemble it. I bring some of the restraints that her mother and I used to use down as well. She looks on with curiosity, but not panic.

Hours go by, and my friends arrive. Jacob is a solid 6'5" tall, built like a bull with a neck like an oak tree. Not somebody you want to cross. Cass is shorter, but stocky and with a full beard that looks like it's fashioned from steel wool. Both are covered from neck to ankles in tattoos, and their leather clothing fits well with the two Harleys parked in my driveway.

We greet each other, and I usher them inside. Cass is the first to ask. "So man, whole place to yourself? Where's the kid?"

"Not a kid any more, my friend. And she's still here. She'll be joining us." I hand them the picture that I found her uploading on our computer, the one with her on her back in a bra. I watch their eyes widen as realization creeps over their faces.

"So, we get ourselves fired up and then go have some fun with her…" I fill them in on my plan to blackmail her into submission. They listen, they approve. All the preparations are laid. Drinks, weed, and ecstasy are all partaken of. We're ready.

Carrie is chained to the pole when we come downstairs, and she stiffens visibly when she sees my friends. I see their eyes drinking her in hungrily, anticipation sharpening their gazes. She straightens, accentuating her constrained breasts in the corset.

"Carrie, meet Jacob and Cass. You are going to let them have their way with you, either willingly or by force. Any time you act out, they will be back, and they. Will. Not. Be. Gentle." She looks at me with a mix of resentment and… something else.

"All these years, I thought you were a fucking pussy" she said. "I've never seen this side of you before.

"It was always there" I said. "I just never had a chance to let it out."

She looks from me to Jacob and Cass. In a resigned voice she says, "Well, if you fuckers want to have a party, then lets have a fucking party."

Jacob grins from ear to ear. He gives her a blunt and she takes a few deep hits. After a few minutes, she's completely stoned. Cass has put some of Carrie's death metal on in the background, saying he wanted to make her feel at home.

Carrie puts out her blunt and exhales smoke with a sigh. She walks over to the bed, climbs up, and sits down. She looks at me. "I will make you pay for this one day, but for now, I don't seem to have a choice. Three on one is nothing I haven't done before. Bring it, you fucking assholes."

Jacob walks over to her and puts his hands over her breasts, fondling the exposed flesh. She smiles at him with a red-eyed, evil smile and unzips his pants. She takes his dick out, and begins stroking his 10" shaft with her hands. He grabs a handful of her hair, and angles her head back. Her mouth opens involuntarily, and before she has a chance to protest, his head is inside her mouth. "Bite me and I will break your neck, you little bitch."

Carrie hesitates for a moment, and then her pierced tongue slithers out of her mouth and she swirls it around the head of his dick while stroking him. She takes him in her mouth, cheeks caved in from suction. He shoves himself down her throat with a moan, she gags, he persists. Cass gets on the bed behind her, and Carrie's eyes grow wide with momentary apprehension as he repositions her on her hands and knees. Her hand snaps away from Jacob's dick and goes to support herself. Cass penetrates her from behind, big calloused hands groping her hungrily. "The little whore is dripping wet! She's into it!" He begins to rail her from behind, and he and Jacob achieve a complimentary rhythm. Carrie's body is jostled in time as they fuck her from both ends. Her eyes are watering and she winces frequently, but she doesn't struggle.

"Is that true, princess? Are you into this?" Carrie looks at me through watery, bloodshot eyes. Jacob is balls deep in her mouth, and Cass is nailing her hard from behind with clearly audible, violent smacking sounds. Still, she makes eye contact for a second, and winks at me.

"Cass, don't cum inside her" I say. "Both of you aim for her little whore face. I have something planned for her."

Finally, with one hand full of hair and one hand full of bouncy breasts, Jacob tilts his head back, moans and shudders. Carrie coughs, gags, and thick white cum pours out of her mouth from around his dick. He thrusts a few more times, then pulls out. Carrie coughs and wipes her mouth, then wipes her tears.

Cass picks up the tempo, and Carrie moans in response. He pulls out, flips her around, and with a cry shoots an explosion of cum all over her face, mixing with the residue still glazing her mouth. I toss her a towel.

"Okay guys" I say. "Want to see something? She's either going to hate or love this". She looks at me with eyes different than those she regarded my friends with: me, she still sees as a father figure in some way. "Jacob, tie her down".

He does, and when she is securely fastened I tell her, "I have a tried and true technique, baby girl. I am going to get you off harder than you ever have before, and you're going to love it. You're going to beg me for more."

Without waiting for a response, I shove my face between her legs. She squirms against the restraints, but it's no use. I put one muscular arm across her waist to pin her down, and the other hand works her pussy while I go down on her clit. I pick up the tempo, massaging her G-spot while my tongue works her clit, and I maneuver my little finger into her asshole. I hear her gasp at this last part, the unexpected violation.

I work my fingers in tandem, finding the right penetration depth for each hole that gives the maximum effect on her. Alternating swirls with licking and sucking on her clit, I finally detect the change in taste of her pussy juices – they seem more tart – that indicates she's about to cum. Her legs are shaking violently, and she's moaning uncontrollably. Finally her legs flail, her hips spasm, and her pussy locks around my fingers. I wait until the quivering hits a fever pitch, then double my efforts. She screams, and squirts all over my face.

I pull my fingers out of her pussy and asshole, and wipe my face with my sleeve. Jacob and Cass cheer and clap me on the shoulder. Carrie looks… broken, and confused.

"All right baby, you're almost done." I untie her, then sit on the edge of the bed. "Get over here". I take my rock-hard dick out, and order her, "wrap your tits around my cock and bounce for me. Use your mouth, too. Let me see that pierced tongue."

Her eyes look confused and alarmed, but I tap the tazer and she does as she's told. She takes her tits out of the corset. Warm, voluptuous breasts envelop my cock. She spits on her cleavage, lubing me up. She bounces, she sucks, her tongue swirls out of her mouth to meet my dick at the apex of each thrust. She takes me into her mouth and sucks when I'm close enough.

I feel the onrushing of cum building inside me. I tell her not to stop, tell her to open her mouth and beat me off onto her tongue. She does as she's told, the firm and slick strokes of her small, black-nailed hands driving me over the edge. I shudder with pleasure as I watch my cum cover her pierced tongue, with some splashing out onto her face. She winces and hesitates, I command her to swallow, and she does.

I send Carrie to the bathroom to get cleaned up. "You did good tonight, princess" I tell her, as she looks back with disheveled fiery hair and streaked makeup. "Tonight you get to be untied, but don't you dare try to escape." The guys and I leave, and I lock the basement door from the outside. Together, we push a heavy china cabinet in front of the door.

The guys and I talk for a while, working through the plan a second time. They leave, and I am left in the house alone, hoping that my plans worked. Tomorrow morning, I will go down and take stock of how well Carrie is adjusting to her new life.



  1. This is not my normal cup of tea, but I find myself wanting more of this story. Please continue! From the other comments, it seems that I’m not alone. You’ve got a number of interesting things in motion, and that sets your story apart from most of the other material in this /r. Well done!

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