The Ski Trip Surprise 3 [MM][MMF][oral]

This is the last one of the series. I appreciate the kind comments and PMs of encouragement, despite the anti-MM downvote brigade.

John opened his eyes and found Frank staring at his face with a faint smile. The room was dim, but the morning light peeking in around the edges of the curtains gave enough light to see.

"Mornin'", John mumbled, hoping Frank hadn't gotten second thoughts overnight.

"Did you know you talk in your sleep?" Frank asked as rubbed his arm.

"No," he laughed. "What did I say?"

"Something about looking for your guitar. It was kinda cute." He paused for a moment to sigh. "It made me want to kiss you."

Instead of answering, John scooted closer and slipped his arm under Frank's pillow. The kiss started soft as Frank reached around to pull John close. It was interesting when their bodies touched. The muscled chests, rough stubble, and growing cocks came together under the sheets as the kiss began grow more passionate.

Hugging suddenly in the midst of the heat, Frank buried his face against John's neck, drawing deep breaths. John caressed his hair and back, humming deep in his chest at the tickling kisses he felt on his shoulder.

"You smell so good," Frank said. "I never expected you to smell so fucking good to me."

"I'm not wearing any cologne," Frank teased.

"It's not the damn cologne, it's you." He kept squeezing tight and rubbing his face against John's skin. "It's strong and interesting and warm. And for some reason it makes me horny as a teenager. I just don't understand why and it's driving me nuts."

"Well, I never wanted to suck a dick until I saw yours," John confessed with a laugh. "Explain that shit to me if you ever figure it out."

Frank finally came up for air to kiss some more. It felt like they were having a sword fight under the blanket and John was getting too hot. After pushing the blankets down with his feet, Frank pushed him to roll on his back.

"I want you," Frank whispered with a serious look in his eyes.

He kissed John's chest and stomach while running his hand down to his hard shaft. After a few tentative licks, Frank lifted it to slip it between his lips.

John kept touching Frank's back and rubbing his shoulders. "Oh man," he whispered. "So good."

Lily stirred in the next bed, but John didn't care and Frank didn't appear to either. When she stilled again, John could see her eyes shining as her hands moved along her body.

Getting head was one of John's favorite things in the world. Squeezing his ass in time made him feel like he was fucking Frank's mouth in slow motion. It wasn't the way a girl did it at all. Some girls were tentative or hesitant when they started. Others overcompensated by exaggerated motions or moans. Frank was firm but gentle, and seemed to know exactly what felt best and when to do it. Looking down to watch, the tingling began that signaled his end.

"I'm gonna cum," he warned, but Frank didn't change his slow pace at all.

He watched the whole time as Frank continued to suck throughout his orgasm. When he finally collapsed back against the pillow, Frank rolled the shaft around his tongue for a moment, then kissed his way back up to John's lips. They went crazy then, kissing with a passionate heat that left them both breathless.

"Oh my God, that was so fucking hot," Lily whispered. "I'm gonna have to slick one out now before we go to breakfast."

"Come on over," Frank chuckled. "We'll help."

"You'll help," John corrected. "My brains are swimming somewhere in your stomach right now. Holy shit, that was amazing."

"He has a magic mouth," Lily confirmed as she stepped over and climbed into their bed. She kissed John first and gave him a secret smile and pat on the stomach. "I'm so glad you guys worked things out. Today is going to be so much fun now!"

Frank reached over John to and grab a condom off the night stand. "I'm sorry I was an ass yesterday." He opened the package and rolled it down over his slick head.

"It's forgotten," Lily said and pushed him down on his back. "I'm on top today."

John rolled over to watch Lily mount Frank and push back to sit on his cock. Frank gripped her hips as she lowered herself, but let her control the motion and pace, turning to John to kiss him again.

"Oh if you guys do that, I'm gonna cum too fast," Lily whined as she rode him faster.

John and Frank chuckled together, then began open mouth kisses, licking and nipping at each other. Lily bent down to invite herself in and was welcomed.

Kissing all together, John reached over to caress her breasts through the thin nightie, going back and forth between thumbing her nipples and tweaking Frank's hairy ones. The pace increased as she gasped out her pleasure, finally letting go and sitting back up to groan it out.

"You can cum now," she said as she kept the pace for him. "I'm good until tonight."

Still kissing him, John reached down between Lily's cheeks to feel his soft ball sack. "I want to feel it when you let go," he whispered into Frank's mouth.

"Oh God," Frank moaned, his legs straightening out as he pushed into Lily at last. John felt the strong pulses at the base of his shaft while he rolled his balls in his palm.

Lily squeezed and pushed before sliding off beside him. While the three of them relaxed together, John put his head down on the pillow. Frank reached out and took his hand, rubbing his thumb along the back.

"Do you mind if I go shower first?" Lily asked when she recovered her breath.

"No, go ahead," Frank said, then pinched her ass when she got up.

Lily squealed and laughed as she gathered her clothes, then disappeared into the bathroom.

Alone again, the two men rolled to face each other. John had his eyes closed, but he could feel Frank rubbing his back.

"That's nice," John whispered, then Frank pulled him close in a tight embrace.

"It is." He kissed John's hair and rested his lips there. "It really is."

John squeezed him tight, then lifted his face to kiss again. Frank was right, there was something about the scent of a man that he'd never considered before. Frank had a natural earthy scent that reminded John of sun-warmed pine trees. It wasn't what he smelled like, but that was what it brought to mind.

"I'm trying not to over-think things," Frank said with a worried tone. "It's hard for me to just let go and enjoy this. But I do, holy shit, I'm lovin' this."

"You fucking programmers always need to understand things," John said with a chuckle. "I'm just happy to be right here, right now. Fuck tomorrow and taxis and airports. We get one more day and I'm gonna live it."

"Good," Frank hummed. "Remind me of that if I forget."

After breakfast they hit the slopes again, this time the three of them shared the lifts, laughing and playing together like old friends. Lily took charge of the schedule and the men let her play their entertainment director. She planned a few hours on the slopes, then a couple at the icy half-pipe for Frank to get in some snowboard time, and finish off the day with an hour massage and steam room at the spa for them all.

John saw the old Frank again as they lined up for the lifts. He was bright and happy again like he'd been the first day. Lily soaked up the attention from both of them, giving them happy kisses and hugs in return. John wasn't left on his own for every trip up the mountain this time, sitting with Lily the first time up, then sitting with Frank for the next.

The view was amazing, clear blue skies and perfect snow down the slopes. Frank was looking out at the skiers making their way down below when he reached over and rubbed John's leg. It seemed like an unconscious gesture to John, so he put his own gloved hand over Frank's to give him a reassuring squeeze.

Frank turned with a mischievous grin on face and leaned in close. John felt exposed and nervous kissing him there, but Lily was in the chair behind them and no one else could really see them as high as they were. Before he lost his nerve, John leaned in and shut his eyes as their lips touched.

Kissing in public made him feel light-headed,like he was falling. Lily noticed because she immediately started hooting and clapping behind them. Feeling Frank smile as they continued encouraged him, so he put his arms around to pull him close. They ended with their foreheads touching, breathing out clouds of foggy air.

"That was fucking hot," Frank chuckled. "I didn't know if you'd let me."

"I couldn't resist that grin you had," John said and kissed him again.

"This is the best trip I've ever taken," Frank said, then his smile faded a little. John knew why, just one more day and then it would be over. Arriving at the top cut their moment short, but John pushed the sadness away to focus on being with his new friends.

Lily teased them about the kiss the rest of the afternoon, always trying to create situations where they could have a moment to do it again. John could feel himself blushing every time she did it, but Frank just laughed and took it all in stride.

After they returned their skis to the rental place, Frank rented a snowboard and they made their way to the icy half-pipe the resort maintained. When he got his turn, Lily snuggled next to John to watch him display his skills.

"Holy crap, he's great," she exclaimed as he zoomed up to spin before speeding back down.

John was very impressed. Skiing was hard work, but the moves he was doing took an amazing amount of strength, stamina, and balance. Sometimes Frank would give them a big grin as he did something particularly impressive, making John's heart pound. That fucking smile, he thought and adjusted his pants with a chuckle.

"Got a problem there," Lily whispered when she noticed.

"Not until tomorrow," John whispered back before he considered what he was saying.

"So neither one of you has ever been with a guy before?" Her gentle tone made it clear she wasn't asking for her own puerile interest.

"Nope," John said and chuckled sadly. "I never even looked at a guy the way I see Frank now. Still don't. It's him I like. Does that make sense?"

Lily studied his face for a moment before answering. "Sex is easy. It's just fun exercise you can have with anyone. But you guys seem to have a connection."

"I feel that way," John said. "Can't do anything about it, though. It feels like I've known him my whole life, like he's my best friend. I know it's not real. We hardly know each other. It's just brain chemicals, but it feels real right now."

Lily hugged his arm tighter and kissed his cold cheek. "That sounds very realistic and rational." Her tone was amused though, like she thought he was being foolish.

"What about you? You ever connect with anyone like that?"

"Not really. I don't want the whole kids and marriage stuff. My job is fun and I get to do trips like this! I have to admit they don't all work out this well." She chuckled and squeezed him again.

When Frank's time was up, he came up panting and flushed a deep red. "I'm beat! Let's go get those massages and then find me a cow to eat."

The spa was dim, quiet, and relaxing. Lily had arranged for them to be in the same room together, being worked over by a trio of young women. Laying nude with them both while getting rubbed and pounded made for an interesting experience. At the end they retired to a steamy room lined with cedar, wrapped in towels.

"This is heaven," Lily murmured between the two men. They were all leaning against the back wall with their feet toward the source of the heat and steam.

"Thanks for arranging all this," Frank said. "What a perfect ending to a perfect day."

"And we still have one more night," Lily chuckled. "Hopefully you boys aren't so worn out we can't have a little fun later."

"I'm still game," John said. "I just need to drink a gallon of water and get some protein in me."

Frank whispered, "I've got some protein you can get in you." The deadpan delivery made it take a moment before they all cracked up.

"I'd pass out if I tried that in here," John chucked. "Hit me up again after we shower, though. I think I'd like that."

Lily stayed to get a manicure and pedicure while John and Frank went back to their room. John's muscles felt like pudding when he stumbled through the door. Frank stepped into the bathroom and started the shower to warm up, then began to undress.

"Wanna come in with me?" he asked. "I'll scrub your back."

"Yeah," John smiled at him as he pulled his sweater off. Staring at each other as they took off their clothes made it like a race. Leaving their clothes in a pile on the floor, they came together to kiss, hands running over sore muscles.

"Come on," Frank said and pulled aside the curtain.

They washed each other without wasting much time, but Frank was more open to touching and being touched than ever before. The change was welcome to John who had felt self-conscious about it before. Now it felt like the intimacy they had shared in bed was welcome everywhere.

Kissing Frank on the ski lift was still replaying in his mind. It felt like one of those life-changing moments that only gain real significance when there's a chance to reflect on it. The hotel room had been a safe haven, a hiding place for them to come to terms with their attraction. Kissing on the lift seemed to signal a new comfort in both men, and John was eager to explore what it might mean.

They didn't bother dressing as they waited for Lily. John grabbed a couple of beers from the mini-bar and the two of them reclined on Frank's bed. Frank got the remote and turned on the television to find a game they both wanted to watch.

Sitting together, sipping beer and watching the game, John caught a glimpse of what could be. As they talked about the action on the screen and sipped their beers, John realized that in twenty-four hours he'd be sitting in his apartment alone and Frank would be in Austin. It gave him a crushing pain in his chest to consider that, so he pushed it away and put down his beer.

Instead of talking about it, he reached for Frank to lose himself for while. They kissed for a moment, then John began to pull him erect, taking his time and making it feel as good as he could. Bending into his lap, John took Frank's cock into his mouth while cupping the warm balls in his hand.

"You feel amazing," Frank whispered as he ran his fingers though John's hair.

Moving slowly and focusing on Frank's pleasure, John took him in deeper as his mouth watered. The flavor was clean skin and that essence he'd grown to enjoy and respond to. He savored it, knowing how little time they had left and sealed it in his memory. This is what he would remember, he told himself. This is what I want. He looked up into Frank's face then sucked him back in slowly.

Frank groaned a warning, but John was more than ready. Swallowing every pulse, he pulled the shaft to keep it flowing until the end. He let Frank soften for a while, then released him with a kiss on the underside of the head. Sitting back up John leaned into Frank's shoulder.

Frank chuckled at first and kissed John's cheek, then put his arm around his shoulders. When John sighed it must not have sounded right.

"You okay?" Frank asked as he pulled him even closer.

"Yeah." John reached for the beer and washed away the slick flavor from his mouth along with the questions he wanted to ask.

The mood shifted a little as they waited, growing quiet and comfortable until the game was over and the beers were gone. Then they eased down into the sheets and napped together, breathing each other's breaths.

The sound of the shower roused John first. Lily must have returned since Frank was still sleeping next to him. Looking at his friend, John returned to the puzzle he'd been obsessed with all afternoon.

Frank had taken over his thoughts and left wreckage in their place. If they hadn't ended up getting physical, John had no doubt they would have been great friends. They had so much in common. Besides their hobbies, careers, and even their taste in women, they were well matched in temperament and personality. John could easily imagine leaving with plans to meet up again when they could.

The physical side of things changed it all. It turned the weekend from the beginning of a friendship into an oasis. Away from the ordinary expectations, they could do things together that didn't fit in either of their lives. Frank would forever remain something more than a friend and less at the same time.

He couldn't figure out how to fit Frank into his life. How would he explain what they might have to his life-long friends and family? What about his dreams of meeting someone and getting married? He looked at Frank as his thoughts swirled around, wishing there was an easy answer.

When the shower stopped it made John think about what would have happened if he had felt this way about Lily. If she had Frank's personality and interests, he would already be looking for a contract job in Atlanta. His friends would congratulate him and help him move, and his mother would finally get off his back about settling down with someone.

The moment he thought that his eyes welled and he blinked back the angry tears. It's not fucking fair! Shutting his eyes, he reminded himself it was just his brain reacting to their intimacy. It's not real. Just enjoy the moment.

Lily came out naked and sang, "Wake up sleepy heads! I'm starved and need meat."

Frank yawned and stretched, then gave John a sleepy smile and quick kiss. "Me too. Hey, maybe we can go listen to that jazz guy from last night again."

They dressed for dinner and left together without anyone noticing John's quiet mood. Lily was a great distraction and kept them both laughing with the tales of her misadventures on similar trips. By the time they got through dinner and made it to the bar where Tom was playing, John had recovered his good spirits enough to smile and laugh with them.

Tom grinned when he saw them come in and waved them over to a table up front with a small reserved sign. "I kept it for you guys. I'm glad you came back!"

"Hey, Tom," John said as he sat next to Lily. The little bar had more people this early and a waitress was working who took their drink order.

"You wanna grab the guitar? I'd love to play that song again with you."

"Sure," he said and got back up to join him. "My fingers feel okay for now, but I probably won't be able to go for more than a few songs."

"It's almost my break anyway. Let's just do that one." Tom turned back to the crowd and said. "This is Since I Fell For You with my friend John on Guitar."

There was a smattering of applause when they started and the room grew still as they swung into the verse. Tom sang with the same soulful care he'd shown the day before. John played more conservatively since he was sober, but was more confident despite the larger crowd.

The words stung more with Frank smiling up at him. Lily seemed to pick up on something and took Frank's hand, whispering in his ear for a moment. Then Frank looked up with a look of wounded surprise that made John glance away.

Playing it again was easier than it had been the first time, but being sober also made him more aware of how much skill he'd lost. He'd never really decided to stop playing, but one day he realized he hadn't touched his guitar in a year. The next time he moved, he'd sold it with only a small regret. Now he missed it more than he ever had.

He finished the song to a great response from the crowd. John was pounding his hands together with a big grin and stepped to shake Tom's hand when he stood up. They spoke quietly for a moment, then Tom pointed to the stool with a nod, then left to the bar.

John was just about to slip the guitar off when Frank sat at the piano and pulled the mic over.

"Tom has graciously allowed me to sit in for a bit. I'm Frank and I play at a small club in Austin most weekends." He glanced around at John and asked, "You up for another one with me?"

"Hell yes," John laughed and pulled the pick back out from between the strings. "What do you want to do?"

Frank flipped through the fake-book until he found what he was looking for. "This next song is for someone I am really going to miss after this weekend," he said with his voice breaking a little. "It's called, I'll be seeing you."

A few people clapped when Frank played a lively introduction that sounded a little like the Billie Holiday version, but then he swung into a slower series of chord changes before singing the opening line in a warm baritone.

John followed along with easy strums that filled out the sound nicely and listened to the lyrics like he was hearing them for the first time. When Frank got to the line, I'll be looking at the moon But I'll be seeing you," his voice faltered. Lily had her hands over her mouth, glancing between them.

Picking up the melody in the guitar, they swung back into the verse with John playing lead with Frank supporting him. When they got back to the chorus, Frank slowed and sang those words again stronger than before. From there it was just a matter of walking the progression to end together.

The crowd clapped with some enthusiasm as Frank stood and pointed to John so they would recognize him as well. Putting the guitar back down, John composed himself and sat back next to Lily. She and Frank had their heads together and were whispering back and forth while John grabbed his beer.

The meaning of the song's lyrics weren't lost on John. There was no way for them to be together, but at least Frank would remember him. There was some comfort in that at least, he thought as he drained his beer.

An older couple came up to the table, intent on speaking to Frank. The woman looked to be in her sixties and extended her hand as she approached. When Frank noticed and took it, she clasped his in both of hers and said, "What a wonderful voice and you play beautifully."

"Thank you," Frank said with an easy grin on his face. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Oh, but I bet she enjoyed hearing those words more than I did."

John felt a sting at the assumption, but let it go. It would all be over soon.

"No, I love Lily to death, but I didn't sing it for her. Let me introduce you to my good friend John."

Their smiles didn't falter a bit when Lily stepped back to let them pass. John was knocked off balance by what Frank said, but managed to smile and shake their hands. "Hi," he whispered to them.

"Oh, our grandson is gay and has the nicest friend he brings for Thanksgiving." She patted his hand before letting it go. "You looked so happy playing up there together."

Frank had flushed a deep red and was breathing fast. "It was our first time. We're still getting the hang of things, but I hope we can play together again."

The words hit like a fist in the guts. John felt himself reeling as Lily came around behind him to hold his arm. She whispered, "Deep breaths. It's okay."

The couple spoke to Frank again, then left them to return to their seats. John found himself sitting between them with shaking hands. "You could have warned me," John whispered.

"I didn't exactly plan it," Frank whispered back as he took John's hands in a trembling grasp. "Look, I know we just met and it's a completely new thing for both of us, but I can't go home without knowing I'm going to see you again." The panicked look on his face matched the feeling in John's heart.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back home and think about this?" John had to ask the question he was asking himself. "I dated girls at summer camp and was sure I fell in love. I promised to keep in touch, but I can't remember their names now."

There was a tense moment when John was sure he'd blown it. Frank frowned and leaned in closer to speak.

"Your name is John Carpenter. You play guitar and do project management in San Diego. You love reading hard sci-fi, watching the Chargers, and jazz." Frank's eyes were locked to his and filling with tears. "You've got a brother named James and a sister named Catherine. Your parents are Dwayne and Esther. Your last girlfriend left you and broke your heart. I've seen your heart and hate her for that. Your scent drives me crazy and I love the way you taste. I won't forget you." He sniffed and blinked a few times. "I can't ever forget you."

"Oh God," John muttered and grabbed him in a tight hug, squeezing him as hard as he could. "I feel the same way. I was so afraid of leaving tomorrow."

He sniffed again and whispered, "I have no idea how this will work. I'm scared to death of what it means, but I swear it'll kill me if we don't try."

"Oh my God, get a room," Lily muttered as she wiped her eyes. "Just man up, would ya'?"

"That's what got us into trouble in the first place," Frank laughed and pressed his palms to his eyes. "It's all your fault! If you hadn't run off that first night none of this would have happened."

"Just promise me one of you will finish me off before you guys get started. All this romance has soaked me clean through." She got up and drained her beer.

They fell through the door laughing and kissing while Lily sang, "Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match!"

"I thought you couldn't sing?" John asked as he unzipped her dress for her.

"I only did a little musical theater in college," Lily said. "That hardly counts and besides I can't read music like you guys."

Frank ducked into the bathroom while Lily took her clothes off.

"So what did you whisper to Frank at the bar?" John asked now that Frank was out of the room.

"I'll never tell. It worked! Who cares." She helped him with his belt while he took off his shirt. When they were naked, John pulled her close to kiss her and hug her tight.

"Thank you," he said. "I owe you."

"Prove it," she growled. "You get the back tonight, remember?"

He let her go with a laugh and grabbed a condom from the night stand drawer. While she climbed onto Frank's bed, John rubbed his hands together to warm them up. He called out, "We're starting without you!"

Frank came out laughing and drying off. "Just cleaning up for the lady," he said.

"That's very considerate," she said primly. "Now fuck my mouth."

John pushed in slowly to give her time to adjust, then began to pound against her hips making her gasp before Frank had a chance to get in position. She grabbed his shaft to pull him closer, then took him in with a loud slurp.

"Oh, yeah," Frank muttered and grinned up at John banging away at his end. "Wait for me."

"You know it," John said as he panted through her first moaning orgasm.

Reaching down past her stomach, he began to stimulate her with his fingers while maintaining the quick pace he'd set. She pushed back with abandon, making him bite his lip as her muscles tightened around his shaft.

After a few minutes she began shaking and gasping around Frank's shaft, then pushed him back so she could talk. "Oh fuck, I can't take it," she groaned and bit her lip to strain again. "It's too much, John, I need to stop."

When she collapsed on the bed, John and Frank moved her until her head was on the pillow, then they climbed in on either side while she shivered from the aftershocks.

"You okay?" John asked as he covered her with the sheet.

"Just give me a second," she panted. "Holy shit that was intense."

"You win," Frank said with a laugh to John. "She didn't do that with me last night."

"No, watching you guys downstairs got my motor running before we even started. I blame both of you. Holy shit that was strong. I didn't mean to leave you hangin'." She reached up to pat Frank's cheek.

"I don't think that'll be a problem," Frank said in a low voice and kissed her tenderly. John kept stroking her and kissing her with Frank as she relaxed.

"Let me get in my own bed," she said at last. "Or I'll go to sleep laying here."

"So sleep," John said with a look at Frank who nodded as well. "There's room for three and we're all beat. Tomorrow's going to be a long day anyway."

She gave them a satisfied hum and closed her eyes. "I could get used to this. Hunky men on either side, fucking me until I give up. Talk about my personal wet dream." She drifted off to sleep while the two men watched her.

"So what's next," John whispered in the dark room.

"Wanna come to Austin and sit in with the band one weekend?"

"I don't have a guitar anymore." Admitting it made him feel embarrassed for some reason.

"I'm sure we can find one. I live alone, so you can stay with me." He smiled. "If you want to."

John smiled back. "I want to."

"So when are you free?"

"My current contract is up in two weeks. The next one doesn't start for a week or so after that."

"So if I send you a ticket… for a week?" Frank seemed a little hesitant.

"I can afford my own ticket," John chuckled. "I'm not your fuckin' girlfriend."

Frank laughed. "It's so weird feeling this way about a friend. The expectations are all off in my head. But I kinda like it, ya' know?"

"I know." John confirmed. "It's all mixed up in my head, but in the end… I just don't care. You're such a great guy. So I come up for a week, Friday night to Sunday?"

"Perfect." Frank shut his eyes.

It was quiet for a long time, then Lily mumbled in a sad, sleepy whine, "I wanna come see your band, too."

That made them all chuckle, then Frank said, "You can come anytime you want, Lil. I gotta king size bed and we'll all fit just fine."

"Good," she said and rolled on her side to face Frank. "Somebody snuggle me."

John made her the little spoon and Frank rolled over to give her his warm back.

John had been home for a week and had talked with both Lily and Frank at least once a day. When Stephen had picked him up at the airport, John had decided to be completely honest. He described hitting it off with Frank, meeting Lily, and included the part about her moving into their room. He just failed to mention exactly how close he and Frank became. Stephen was suitably jealous of the apparent threesomes, but John wouldn't confirm or deny anything.

When he arrived home from work on Friday, there was a note on his door indicating he had a package in the office. There was a large rectangular box standing against the wall of the office when he went inside.

"I'm John Carpenter in 1102," he told the receptionist. "There's a package for me?"

She looked up with a bored expression and pointed to the large box. "There it is."

It wasn't very heavy for its size, but he managed to get the bulky thing in his apartment after some effort. Getting a sharp knife, he cut the taped seams and opened the box to find an old, battered guitar case packed in peanuts. There was a note attached to the outside with his name in a spidery scrawl he didn't recognize.

Opening the note, he looked down at the signature to see the name Tom. Reading the note brought tears to his eyes. Frank had secretly paid Tom for the guitar and arranged to have it shipped to his address. It had to have been the morning they left because they hadn't traded personal information until then.

Tom was pleased his brother's guitar was going to a musician who would appreciate it and play it regularly. He went on to tell something of its history and ended with a wish that he and Frank make beautiful music together.

He had a week to practice before arriving in Austin. Picking up the beautiful instrument, he tuned the strings and played for hours.


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