How it Began, Part 1 (or how a drunk friend nearly got me off in a crowded room) [m/f]

     Stop him, my conscience told me. I glanced down at the head resting on a pillow in my lap. His arm was snaked under the pillow, hand slowly creeping up my inner thigh. I glanced around the room. Lexy was curled up in the corner spot of the sectional at his feet, cuddling Geoff. Next to them sat Will and Sam, my boyfriend and his roommate, both drowsily watching the movie on Kit's TV. Sam lay with her head resting on Will's leg, and as he absentmindedly pet her hair I felt a twinge of jealousy. Intellectually, I knew that Sam was as hardcore a kitty-loving lesbian as there ever was (and that she and Will were all but siblings), but at that moment my wiring still egged me to take her down. We'll laugh about this moment later, I thought to myself.

Lesbian sucks two loads from me

I've mentioned in previous stories that I've had great luck with Craigslist platonic ads. Recently while preparing for an extended business trip to a new town, I replied to an W4M ad that basically said "Looking for a chat friend". Turned out to be a mid 40's lesbian who was in a long-term relationship. "Lesbian" may not be the correct term but that's how she identifies, even though she had a boyfriend when she was younger and still is very attracted to men. But she had not touched a cock in nearly 20 years. Said she kissed a guy once at a party a few years back but nothing more.

We exchanged a few emails about random life things and also exchanged pictures. She wasn't really my type but she seemed nice and I've had a fling with another bi-girl that before was in a long-term "lesbian" relationship. So I Figured it was worth pursuing either way. Shortly after exchanging pics, she started calling me "sexy man" or "hot stuff" so I knew what was going on. It didn't take much prodding to find out she was craving a cock really bad. Her girlfriend was butch and found men absolutely disgusting. Because of that, a threesome wasn't a possibility at all so she knew she had to do something on her own if she needed a man fix. She told me that she remembered sucking her boyfriends dick all the time and she really missed that. I didn't want to come off as being pushy so I just told her that it sounded hot and he was a lucky guy.

(F/F) A Secret Rendezvous

Story 4/5

This story starts the next morning after my previous story

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I wake up with sunlight peeking in over the blinds, still wrapped in Kim's arms. She is still asleep so I just lay there with her warmth radiating into me while listening to the birds just outside the window in a state of perfect bliss. For what seemed like a long time I lay there enjoying the happiness I felt throughout my entire body.

I feel Kim stir and start to pull away from me. I turn around to face her and see she is smiling at me.

She says in her soft sweet voice, "Last night was amazing Katie kat"

I respond with a little peck and Kim pulls me into a tight embrace. I whisper to her, "I'm never leaving this spot."

Kim gives me a kiss and says, "you promise?"

I roll us over so I am on top of her, and start smothering her with kisses. Kim rolls me back the other way and while she pins me down whispers in my ear, "I think you want some more don't you you naughty little girl."

[MF] How I met Alice. (First fucks and Anal)

Hey guys, it looks you appreciated my story . I decided to tell you how I met and the first time having sex with Alice.

First time I met Alice I was 18 and she was 19, we were in Engineering School, fresh out of high school. In France many colleges and schools have what we call a 'BDE' which is an organisation of students who creates events (parties, trips, whatever where you can drink and party). During the first days of college you have the 'Integration', the goal of that period is to get to know each other and is also a good excuse to drink too much.

So we were leaving the city for a weekend to go camping in a small camp in the wood. Older students prepared games, we were in teams and after putting up our tents we did the games. My team was composed of two guys I already knew and two girls, first one was Alice and the other was a pretty girl, very nice but not single. I immediatly hit off with Alice. We spent a great part of the weekend together, talking. She told me about her ex, always using the word "she". I assumed she was a lesbian.

My Last Summer at Home (Part 5)

When I look back now I can barely recognize the girl I was at 19, that summer before I left for Iowa State. That small town catholic girl, who didn't have her first orgasm until she was 19, is worlds away from the woman I became. I was really confused that summer about my new fluid sexual identity that was forming. The “lesbian” label is never something I've been comfortable with adopting, and not because I think there is anything wrong those who choose to do so. Because of my small town religious upbringing I would have avoided that label when I was young, but eventually I realized it just didn't define who I am. I’m not even really comfortable with the bi-sexual label, because most people assume those who adopt that label are sex crazy. My preferences are very fluid and usually it’s not the gender of a person that draws me in, it’s just the person.

My Last Summer at Home (Part 4)

The whole week at the supermarket seemed to last forever for me and Jill. We didn't really get a chance to tease our boss Rickey again since the store was super busy. The 4th of July was next Monday and everyone in town had been stocking up on stuff to make their favorite holiday foods. The weather was supposed to be perfect the whole three day weekend. I was sure looking forward to going over to the Carter’s with Jill, because they were the only family in town with an in-ground pool and hot tub. I was also really curious what Beth would be like outside of school. After Jill told me about her last “adventure” with Beth, it was going to be pretty interesting.

I didn't see Tommy all week, which was just fine with me. I hadn't said one word to him since I found out he left my graduation party to get sucked off by that bimbo Cindy Johnson. I just wanted him to leave for the Marines and never come back. Some of his friends told me he hadn't been the same since graduation. He told everybody he knew he had fucked up really bad. He told them again and again that I’d been the best part of his life for the last two years. I only had two responses for those conversations, “Good” and “No, I won’t talk to him.”

Emma’s bracelet [ff][fantasy][transformations]

I wrote this a few years ago and I figured I'd share it here

It was a sunny summer day and a pleasantly cool breeze blew over Emma as she was helping her granddad dig in his yard. She was on summer break from the local university and spent a lot of time with him. When Emma was ten her parents had died in a car crash and she moved in with her grandparents. Emma's grandma had died two years ago which encouraged her decision to go to college locally, allowing her to stay close to her grandfather even though all her close friends went out of state. The fact that her parents left her a four room apartment in an 18th century building on the north side of downtown had a little something to do with it as well.

One night with Tonya and Angie (MF MFF)

Just found this sub, and figured I’d could share a few of my experiences. A little background, I’m 45 married with kids, blah, blah, blah. I know I am a good-looking man, and while I’m hung a little better than average, I’m definitely not porn star hung, or Hollywood hansom either. I’m 5’7” (170 cm) and stocky. In my prime, I was 160 – 170 lb (72 – 77 kg), not fat – muscular, I’ve got brown hair and hazel eyes. While I never had any “grade A” prom queen types, I enjoyed more than my fair share of “B & C” girls and women, and I freely admit to more than a few “D-grading” nights as well. Enough of me, let’s get to the good stuff…

Monterey, California, 1991. I was in the ARMY stationed at Ft. Ord. I was dating a local girl of mixed heritage, Mexican and Euro-American. (I hate saying Caucasian, it’s insulting!) I’ll call her Angie. She was about 19 at the time and had a great hard-body with firm b-cups topped with dark silver dollar sized areolas and nipples like pencil erasers. But what drew me the most to her was her perfect heart shaped ass that you could bounce a quarter off. But she wasn’t the greatest looking, and was a bit too teeny-boppery for me, but when you’re stationed on an infantry base its not like there’s a plethora of girls around.