One night with Tonya and Angie (MF MFF)

Just found this sub, and figured I’d could share a few of my experiences. A little background, I’m 45 married with kids, blah, blah, blah. I know I am a good-looking man, and while I’m hung a little better than average, I’m definitely not porn star hung, or Hollywood hansom either. I’m 5’7” (170 cm) and stocky. In my prime, I was 160 – 170 lb (72 – 77 kg), not fat – muscular, I’ve got brown hair and hazel eyes. While I never had any “grade A” prom queen types, I enjoyed more than my fair share of “B & C” girls and women, and I freely admit to more than a few “D-grading” nights as well. Enough of me, let’s get to the good stuff…

Monterey, California, 1991. I was in the ARMY stationed at Ft. Ord. I was dating a local girl of mixed heritage, Mexican and Euro-American. (I hate saying Caucasian, it’s insulting!) I’ll call her Angie. She was about 19 at the time and had a great hard-body with firm b-cups topped with dark silver dollar sized areolas and nipples like pencil erasers. But what drew me the most to her was her perfect heart shaped ass that you could bounce a quarter off. But she wasn’t the greatest looking, and was a bit too teeny-boppery for me, but when you’re stationed on an infantry base its not like there’s a plethora of girls around.

Being young and inexperienced (I was her second) she really didn’t understand what being sexy entailed, so she pretty much just acted like a high-school prick tease most of the time. The sex with her was ok, but I could spend hours sucking on her dark brown pussy lips and clit. She’d never had an orgasm before I went down on her on our second date, and having her go crazy and squirt all over my face was heaven. (I love performing cunnilingus) So I’m certain, that my oral skills were what lead up to the event I’m steadily working up to.

One weekend we went on a double date with her best friend (Tonya) and her boyfriend, and I do mean boy. Now granted I was only 21 at the time and he was 20, but I’d been sexually active since my childhood (stories for other days) and this guy was one of those pretty-boys that got girls by his good looks alone, so I was quite certain he was inept at best between the sheets. Now earlier I said I’d rate Angie as a B-, but Tonya was in another league altogether. First off, she was thick! Athletically thick. I mean this girl’s ass was like… BAM! Cut a volleyball in half and paste them on BAM! Her thighs were muscular enough to suggest caution while going down, but still exquisitely feminine. Her C cups were soft and easily swayed and bounced as she walked or laughed. Quite honestly, I figured she was well out of my reach the first time I laid eyes on her. She was beautiful, period. And with a hint of her Polynesian ancestry, she had this “exotic” femininity about all her features that just exuded fertility and sexuality.

So anyway, we were at this restaurant sitting across from each other in a booth, when I feel toes softly caressing my calf up to my knee. I knew it was Tonya, so I pretended to ignore it for about a minute before asking her a question so I could look into her eyes as I kicked my shoe off and reciprocated playing footsy. I sat there trying to figure out a way to get into Tonya’s pants, without blowing it with Angie, after all a steady piece of ass is much preferred to lonely weekends in the barracks. I couldn’t help thinking I was being setup to see if I’d cheat on Angie, but if the look of raw desire in Tonya’s eyes didn’t refute that train of thought her toes stoking my semi sure as hell did.

So fast forward two weeks and I get a call from Angie asking if I was still coming up to see her, which I answered in the affirmative. I knew her father was out of town on business and wasn’t due back until the next morning. She asked if I was OK with bringing some extra wine coolers with me because Tonya was staying the weekend with her. I acted casual and said sure, but inside I was torn up. I never thought what happened would have transpired, and I figured I’d just go back to the barracks with a terrible case of blue balls. But I was pleasantly mistaken.

I arrived shortly after 7pm with wine coolers and my rum & coke in tow, to find the girls had already started partying without me. Tonya had gotten her boyfriend to get them some coolers before dropping her off and heading to work (poor sod). They had some dance music blasting off a boombox and were nearly sweaty from all their dancing around. I no sooner walked into the room than I got pulled onto the “dance floor”. After an hour or so of dancing around, the alcohol started to flow again. The mood calmed down along with the level of alcohol. We talked about everything and nothing, and eventually I ended up reclining Roman emperor style on the couch with Angie laying on me occasionally making out, but most just her grinding her pussy against my thigh that was raised between her legs. Some slow song came on the radio and Tonya asked us if it was OK if she and I danced. I was surprised when Angie said OK, but was floored when a minute later the three of us were slowly dancing, hugging and groping. There was no lesbian contact that I noticed, and believe me I was trying to find it. After about 10 minutes of this, Angie said she was too drunk and needed to lie down. Being a horny gentleman, I helped her to her room and lay with her. I was slowly stroking her long dark brown hair and admiring her gentle curves when I felt a hand on my back and noticed movement on the bed. I looked back, there was Tonya, looking at her friend asking if she was OK. I said I think so, and glanced at Angie’s hand stroking me with her hand in my shorts behind her back. Tonya half smiled, half gasped at the sight then she slowly leaned in and gave me kiss. Though it was open mouthed it wasn’t all that passionate, but enough to cause her to lay on the bed behind me. I continued to kiss Tonya and played Angie’s breasts under her shirt, occasionally pinching and twisting her nipples. I found myself grinding against Angie’s perfect little ass as Tonya slid her hands into my shorts, caressing my ass and while Angie stroked my shaft.

Soon I was on my back between these two girls, imagining I was going to finally get a threesome. I began kissing Angie and started exploring Tonya’s body with my right hand, and playing with Angie’s pussy with my left. At one point I was able to play with both of their pussies at the same time while alternating kisses between them. Angie must have really been as drunk as she said, because seconds after I’d fingered her clit to climax, she ran to the bathroom to vomit. That left Tonya and I sitting there staring at each other in absolute confusion. Tonya slowly buttoned up her shirt and shorts, while I excused myself to check on Angie. I walked in on her brushing her teeth and asked if she was OK, she said she was fine, grabbed my hand and pulled me back to her bed. Almost immediately the groping recommenced, but it was clear that Angie was about ready to pass out. I knew I had to do something to help the situation along. But no sooner had I begun to aggressively finger both of them that Tonya, got up and ran from the room saying, “I can’t do this.”

Now to this point I honestly thought that the two of them were into this, but I slowly realized that all of my and Tonya’s contact, other than the occasional kiss, was well hidden from Angie. And in her drunkenness, Angie may not have even noticed the kissing all that much. Either way, after Tonya ran out of the room, Angie asked what had happened to Tonya. I said I wasn’t sure, but suggested I should go check. Tonya had run into the bathroom and was crying. I softly knocked and asked if we could talk. She let me in and told me she didn’t want to hurt Angie, but she couldn’t help how badly she wanted me. Within seconds we were both naked and I had her sitting on the side of the tub with my face buried in her pussy and two figures stroking her G-spot. I think it took her a whole 30 seconds to cream all over my face, and I just kept lapping at her clit until she begged me to stop. I stood up and she took me all the way in mouth. I’d never been deep throated before, so I was as astonished by the sight as much as the feeling. I hate to admit it but I didn’t last much longer than she had, maybe less before blowing my load down her throat. She quickly stood up and kissed me with unadulterated passion. Having our flavors all mixed together in each other’s mouths only heightened the feelings of the pure animalistic lust we were sharing.

After what seemed like forever, we broke our kiss and got dressed. Tonya asked if I would go check on Angie, so I did. I walked into Angie’s room to find her cuddled up in her sheets, sleeping. I went to her to check if she was really sleeping, and as I brushed her hair back from her eyes, I must have startled her, and it took her a second to remember what was going on. She asked how Tonya was, and I told her she was really upset about her boyfriend and I suggested maybe I should go talk with her some more. She smiled at me and said how sweet I was, then closed her eyes and drifted back off to sleep before I had the light turned off and the door closed.

I found Tonya in the living room and immediately began kissing and exploring her body with my hands. After a few minutes she suggested that we go into Angie’s dad’s room for a little more privacy, so I followed her in. Upon entering the room, I placed my hands on Tonya’s hips and pulled her back into me. I started kissing her neck and earlobes, while running my hands all over her torso. Paying particular attention to her perfect tits. She started grinding her ass into my eagerly engorging prick, but I knew I wanted this to last. I wanted to enjoy this beautiful girl and pleasure her like she never imagined. I slowly unbuttoned her top and peeled it of her shoulders. As I pulled it off her, my lips followed its slow progression all along her spine. All the way down to her waistband, then traced the tip of my tongue along her spine back up to her neck and shoulders. My hands went wrapped back around her incredibly toned stomach and with my fingertips and a feather light touch, traced her stomach back up to her breasts. I played with her tits through her bra while kissing her neck for at least five more minutes before turning her around and kissing her as passionately as I’ve ever kissed anyone. Our bodies fit perfectly into each other’s embrace.

I unfastened her bra and pulled back from our embrace as I removed her bra letting it fall to the ground, revealing the most perfect mixture of creamy tan flesh I’d ever laid eyes on. Her breasts were the perfect combination of size and firmness with just the right amount of sag. Her areolas had about a two-inch diameter and her nipples were about as thick as a sharpie and stuck out about a half inch. I stepped up and embraced her again, kissing her full on the lips with my eyes open, staring into her eyes. As we fell back onto the bed, she suggested that we aught to make up a bed on the floor so we didn’t get Angie’s dad’s bed all messed up.

We spent the next few minutes scrounging up blankets and pillows. Once we were done Tonya grabbed me aggressively and yanked my shorts down and engulfing me in one fell swoop. I enjoyed her oral ministrations but I like being in charge too damn much. I dropped to my knees, kissing her I used my body to push her down into the bed we had made. I grabbed the back of her thighs and pushed her knees up to her shoulders, bringing her pussy up to my lips and tongue. I held her there and ate her until she orgasm made her body convulse. Still with my hands at the back of her knees, I lowered her ass until we were lined up perfectly.

While she was still in the dying throws of her orgasm I sank my cock into her soaking wet hole. As I bottomed out, I heard her gasp and watched her eyes roll into the back of her head. I pumped her like that for a few minutes, then lowered myself into the push-up position so I could suckle her nipples as I slowly withdrew until I was almost out, and with a twist of my hips drove back into her. She wrapped her legs around my ass and drew me in with every thrust. I felt the urge to cum building up, and I was determined NOT to let that happen yet. So I pulled out and dropped down to the floor and buried my face in her pussy again. God she was wet. I licked her clit and sucked her lips like my life depended upon it. As she started to build up to orgasm again, I moved don and licked her ass. I thought she was tear my head off with her legs as I licked her rosebud and thumbed her clit with my left hand. I then returned my mouth to her pussy and with my right hand, put thumb in her pussy and played with her asshole with my index and middle finger. When I felt she was just about to cum again, I put my middle finger into her ass and pinched my fingers together, like I was trying to snap my fingers. This sent her over the edge, as she grabbed a pillow and screamed into it.

I knew I had to let her come down a little from that, so I returned to my pushup position and slowly slid my cock back into her quivering sheath and held it there until she resumed a more normal rate of breathing. She started laughing saying that she’d never came like that before, then she pulled me down on top of her and started grinding her clit into my pubic bone and squeezing my dick inside of her. I leaned down and kissed her, driving into her until I came in a bone rattling orgasm.

We spent the rest of the night fucking in every imaginable position at least twice. I’ve never before or since ate my own cum, but when she and I sixty-nined or when I went back down on her to post pone my orgasms throughout the night, I just simply didn’t care.

We lay in each other’s arms until daybreak, I knew I had to leave as Angie’s dad was due back that morning. I only talked with Tonya a few times after that on the phone, because her guilt got the better of her, and I stopped seeing Angie shortly thereafter as well. Angie did eventually find out and called me at the barracks one night to cuss me out. I took it like a man, and let her have her say, cause she was right. But I don’t think I ever felt really guilty about it. That night with Tonya will be etched into my memory until the day I die.

By the way,I would REALLY like some honest feedback before I reveal more


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