My Last Summer at Home (Part 4)

The whole week at the supermarket seemed to last forever for me and Jill. We didn't really get a chance to tease our boss Rickey again since the store was super busy. The 4th of July was next Monday and everyone in town had been stocking up on stuff to make their favorite holiday foods. The weather was supposed to be perfect the whole three day weekend. I was sure looking forward to going over to the Carter’s with Jill, because they were the only family in town with an in-ground pool and hot tub. I was also really curious what Beth would be like outside of school. After Jill told me about her last “adventure” with Beth, it was going to be pretty interesting.

I didn't see Tommy all week, which was just fine with me. I hadn't said one word to him since I found out he left my graduation party to get sucked off by that bimbo Cindy Johnson. I just wanted him to leave for the Marines and never come back. Some of his friends told me he hadn't been the same since graduation. He told everybody he knew he had fucked up really bad. He told them again and again that I’d been the best part of his life for the last two years. I only had two responses for those conversations, “Good” and “No, I won’t talk to him.”

Punching that time clock at 5 PM on Friday is a good feeling. The clunk from the time clock when it punches through your time card is an awesome sound. Jill and I grabbed our purses, climbed into my truck and headed straight for the gravel pits. Rickey had hooked us up with some good beer for tonight, a twelve pack of Rolling Rock in bottles. He had packed them, along with 10 pounds of ice, in a cooler that he had stashed under a tarp in the bed of my truck. When Jill reached down to put her purse under the seat, she noticed Rickey had also stuffed a carton of Marlboro Reds down there. Having a boss that was your boy toy was turning out to be really cool. He had also taken us off the work schedule for the weekend, and Monday was a holiday. For the time being life was good.

I cranked the stereo and we left a trail of dust behind us as we raced out to the gravel pits. My stereo was killer, my uncle Stu bought it for me when dad and I finished restoring my ’72 IH pick-up. It looks like a vintage radio, but it has up to date electronics inside. They mounted a speaker in the each door and down in each kick panel. Then they mounted an amp and sub-woofer behind the seat. When we finished installing it my dad and uncle Stu made me raise my right hand and swear. I had to swear never to play rap or country through my new sound system, ONLY classic rock. That’s what I listened to most of the time anyway, but I have some NWA, Tupac, Brad Paisley and Keith Urban on my phone. I crank those when I get out on the country roads, out of ear shot of dad. We blasted some classic rock today from an Allman Brothers CD I’d swiped from dad’s truck. They were dad and uncle Stu’s favorite band growing up, and I loved them too. I still do.

Ain't but one way out baby, Lord I just can't go out the door. Ain't but one way out baby, and Lord I just can't go out the door. Cause there's a man down there, might be your man I don't know.”

“Lord you got me trapped woman, up on the second floor; If I get by this time I won't be trapped no more. So raise your window baby, and I can ease out soft and slow. And lord, your neighbors, no they won't be Talking that stuff that they don't know.”

I cranked it to eleven when Duane and Dickey ripped through their solos. I played the drums on the steering wheel while Jill played her usual dorky looking air guitar. God I was going to miss her when I left for Iowa State, she was the best. Her grades weren't good enough to get into a university, so she wasn't going with me as we had always planned. She was either going to a junior college or joining the military. We pulled off the road next to our favorite swimming hole and skidded to a stop in the gravel. I turned off the truck and we just sat for minute and breathed in the summertime Iowa air. The bean and the corn fields, and all the freshly mowed yards and ditches gave the air a great smell in July.

“Damn that was a long week Tanya, I’m ready for some fun this weekend” Jill said, as she blew all the air out of her lungs. Then she turned and flashed me her evil grin. “Rickey told me about the break room accident”.

“Oh really” and I couldn't help but smile. “How'd that come up?”

“Well yesterday in the stock room I was feeling naughty. I trapped Rickey in the corner and asked if he was being a good boy and not having any orgasms without permission. When he turned beet red I knew something was up. Then he told me about waking you up in the break room on Monday, and about his accident. He said you made him show it to you. Then he said you touched his “little buddy” as you call it, and it just went off.” I grimaced a little when my Catholic girl conscious started to take over.

“Jill, maybe we’re going too far with Rickey. Maybe we’re being a little too perverted.”

“No fucking way chick, he loves it. He loves being our little boy toy. He told me he wanted us to keep treating him the same way, and if we do he’ll keep us stocked up on beer, wine and smokes all summer. Then he begged me to let him cum for me, right there in stock room. I said no way buster, but then I slipped my panties off right there and pressed them in to his sweaty little hand as a down payment. I told him he’d better hook us up with beer starting today, or the fun was over.”

“Jesus Jill. You were at work today with no panties on?”

“Yeah, it was great, it felt sexy” she said, as she pulled up her work uniform to show me.

“You shaved?!”

“I just trimmed it, and I left this neat little patch at the top”, and she tugged the little patch of dark hair as she looked t me. “I figured if we’re going over to the Carter’s this weekend I better be ready for a bikini.” Then she peeled her uniform over her head and looked at me in just her bra and a smile.

“Come on Tanya, don’t be a slow poke and get your suit on. Let’s go cool off.”

I had never been self-conscious about being naked in front of Jill; we changed in front of each other all the time and shared the showers at school. This new thing between us caused me to see her in a whole new way, a sexual way I wasn't used to. When she took her bra off and was sitting there naked on the seat of my truck, I found it incredibly hot.

She didn't have big breasts, they were just perfect little ski slopes with a scattering of freckles. They were topped with dark pink puffy nipples that looked like marshmallows. Jill has a very unique look because her father is Irish, and her mother is from Thailand. She got her mother’s dark hair, skin and slim body. She got her dad’s green eyes and freckles. I couldn't look away as she wiggled into her cut offs and slipped her bikini top over those cute little boobies.

“Last one in the water has to suck Rickey’s little buddy” she smirked as she swung the door open and ran for the water. Just as I got my uniform over my head, I watched her swing out on the rope and plunge into the cool water. I had my cut offs and bikini top on in 30 seconds and was in the water in a flash.

As I swam up to her, she teased me in a sing song voice. “Haw, haw, haw, slow poke. Better loosen that jaw up, ‘cause Rickey’s little buddy is coming in for a visit.” Jill raised her middle finger up to flip me the bird and then said “You can practice on this”. She popped the same finger in my mouth when I opened it to tell her to fuck off. She surprised me, but I played her little game so I could move closer and sucked her finger in. I circled it with my tongue while trying to give her a sexy look. When I got close enough I reached up and grabbed both her nipples through her top, and pinched hard.

She jerked her finger from my mouth, rose a little out the water and squealed “Ouch, you little bitch”. I shrieked as I turned and swam the other direction as fast as I could. It was a stupid move to try and out swim her, Jill had been on the swim team since she was 7. She still had a swimmers body and caught up to me fast. She grabbed my bikini top to stop me, causing the bow in the back to come undone and then pulled it off right over my head.

“You better give that back to me” I sputtered in the water as I swam after her.

She glided backwards over to the shade under the big walnut tree and waited for me, laughing and holding my top up as high as she could. I had to jump for it when I got there, which caused my boobs to pop out of the water right by her face. She tried to bite one before I came back down with my top, and I pushed her head down in the water. She popped up out of the water laughing and splashing me. I looked into her eyes when she stopped, and then I grinned and issued a dare. “I’ll leave mine off, if you take yours off.”

She only thought about it for a few seconds, and slipped her top off and left it floating next to her. She looked at me with an intensity that scared me a little and slowly moved closer. She grabbed my butt as my hard nipples touched hers and whispered “What are you going to do now?” I was turned on so much by her look and the tone of her voice that I knew I had to kiss her again. I leaned in as she tilted her head and closed her eyes while parting her lips ever so slightly.

A thousand things were going through my head as I leaned in to kiss my best friend. I shouldn't be doing this, I’m not a lesbian, I’ll have to confess this to Father Jeffries, what would my parents think? And as my lips touched hers, BAM! We heard a car door slam. Shit. We ducked down in water as low as we could and frantically put our tops back on. We looked up the bank and out to the road and then Rickey popped out from behind the walnut tree. He was holding another 12 pack of Rolling Rock and muttered “Um, I thought you might need some more beer.”

“Fuck Rickey, you scared the shit out of us. What the fuck are you doing, you think we can drink a 12 pack of beer in an hour you little shit!” Jill was almost screaming as she climbed out of the water and snatched the beer from Rickey. His gaze immediately shifted to Jill’s bikini top and she noticed he was already getting hard. Her evil side immediately took over, “Tanya, Rickey’s little buddy is almost ready”.

“Jill, don’t be so mean. He just brought us some beer” I called from the water. I decided the old good cop bad cop would be a good way to fuck with him. I winked at Jill as I climbed out of the water and walked towards Rickey. By the twinkle in her eye, I could tell she was 10 steps ahead of me already. He could see my hard nipples under my suit as I walked over. I ruffled his hair while I was standing close enough to brush his shoulder with a boob. “Thanks Rickey, it was really cool to bring us some more beer. You want to cool off quick before you go? Take a quick dip maybe?”

“Uh, thanks but I didn't bring my suit”. He was blushing already and backing up; still not sure of exactly what was going on.

Jill moved towards him with her evil smirk. “Rickey I know what you can wear if you don’t have a suit. Do you have the panties I gave you earlier?”

“Yes” he muttered, as the blush spread from his cheeks down his neck and back over his ears.

“Well, go put them on. Then you can go swimming with me and Tanya for a little while. I want to watch you swing from the rope with your cute little panties on.”

“I, I, I don’t know. I mean, what if somone else shows up?”

Jill lowered her head and clenched her teeth. “Rickey, if you want to keep having fun with us this summer you have to be more open minded. Now GO GET MY PANTIES.” She pointed to his car, “NOW!”

He turned and bolted for his car. He ran back with the panties in his hand and stood in front of Jill. She glared at him and held her palms up. “Well…. put them on, RICKEY.” He immediately started to strip right in front of us. He got down to his boxers; he paused while he looked around and then he pulled the waist band over his hard-on. He let them fall to the ground and then quickly tried to hop into Jill’s panties. He was so excited he almost fell as he swayed on one foot trying to get them on. He finally got them up and pulled the lacy waistband over his boner, letting out a little puff of air when the silky material surrounded his hard little shaft.

Jill just pointed at the rope then. He walked up to it with a tent in his pretty little panties and grabbed hold of the rope with a worried look. He stepped back and then swung out over the water. When he was over the water he let go of the rope too soon and his feet were still out in front of him. He smacked the water so hard with his back that it sounded like a flat board hitting the surface. He slowly swam back to us trying to be cool, but we could see by his face that it really hurt.

“Rickey come here and let me look at you. That must have hurt sweetie” I said as I hurried over to him. “Maybe you better stay out of the water for a little, till you get your breath back.”

“OK” he grimaced, but amazingly his boner never went away. I was impressed.

I leaned over and ruffled his hair again. “Tell you what; you've been a good sport, and you look so cute in your new little panties. I think you deserve a reward today. Your little buddy looks like he needs some relief sweetie. You take Jill’s panties off and we’ll give you your reward.”

“You mean I, I get to cum?”

Jill then stepped over and lightly tickled Rickey’s little pantie covered scrotum with her index finger. “Yes you can” she said with that Cheshire cat grin, “but it has to be while you’re swinging on the rope”.

“But how? I won’t be able to touch my wien… um, I mean my cock if I’m holding the rope.”

“What? Were you just going to say “wiener”? Fucking hilarious! Rickey when you’re around me and Tanya you need to call it your little buddy. NOT your “cock”. That’s a word for big boys with big hard ones. I know how to get you started Rickey, and then you can put on a good show for us. Give me my panties Rickey, you’re just stalling now and ruining our fun.”

Rickey slipped them off and handed them to Jill, as he did that cute blush shed down his chest. Jill led him over to the rope by pulling him over with that always hard little member. She motioned me over with her index finger as she handed the rope to Rickey. She turned and smiled sweetly at Rickey, then draped her panties down over Rickey’s now twitching little buddy.

She said “Hold on tight Rickey”, and then turned to me and whispered “Kiss me Tanya”.

We softly pressed our mouths together and exchanged tongues as she stroked Rickey’s little buddy very tenderly with her panties. He started to buck his hips in less than a minute and whimpered “it’s happening”. Jill pushed him towards the water on the rope, and as he swung out firing shots into the air, we clapped and cheered. We squealed and jumped when he swung back towards the bank and fired one last shot of cum in our direction. His momentum carried him back over the water again and he let go. As he plunged into the water he cupped his little balls and dived in perfectly this time, toes first. In just a few seconds his head popped up and he was smiling.

We grabbed the extra 12 pack Rickey had brought, and ran to my truck laughing so hard we could barely make it up the little hill. We jumped in and headed to my house to take showers before we hit the streets tonight. We were laughing and singing a Bob Seger song when we rolled up to my house, bouncing on the seat to the beat of the drums.

"Ain't good looking, but you know I ain't shy. Ain't afraid to look it girl, in the eye. So if you need some lovin, and you need it right away. Take a little time out, and maybe I'll stay."

"But I got to ramble (ramblin' man). Lord I got to gamble (gamblin' man) Oh I got to ramble (ramblin' man). And I was born a ramblin' gamblin' man."

I killed the engine after the guitar solo and we ran to the house to raid the fridge. Mom and dad were out at the movies, but mom had left some pot roast in the oven for us making the whole house smell delicious. I grabbed some hot pads and lifted the pan out of the oven, quickly setting it on the stove top. When I lifted the lid off we both leaned over and breathed in and then hummed “mmmmmm” at the same time. We pulled some meat out of the pan with a big fork and slapped it on a slice of homemade bread. We spread a little mustard on a second slice and smashed it on top of the meat. We put the sandwiches on some paper plates mom had left on the counter, and wolfed them down while we bolted up the stairs to my room.

“You want to shower first Jill?”

“Nobody else is here, let’s just take one together.” She wiggled her eyebrows as she said it.

“My mom and dad could come back anytime soon. I’m pretty sure it wouldn't be cool if we were naked in the shower together when they come home. I’ll go first, and then you can take a quick one while I go get gas. I want go over to Storm Lake tonight for the carnival, sound cool?”

“OK fun hater, I need to brush my hair out before I shower any way.” She followed me into my bathroom and I slipped my bikini top off, then my cutoffs and panties at the same time. Jill was brushing her hair at the sink and watching me in the mirror. She started laughing and turned, “My gawwwd girl, you’re in serious need of some yard work down there.”

I looked down and fluffed my pubes, and then looked at her and stuck my tongue out. “I know, I just haven’t had a reason to trim it lately, and I’m afraid to get it waxed like Beth does. How’d you do yours?”

“I trimmed it real short with scissors and then I used a little battery operated trimmer. They make a little tiny one for close trimming; you can get them in the pharmacy at the supermarket now." She turned back to the mirror and in a light hearted tone said "If you have an electric razor, I'd help you trim it…"

“Um, yes I do… but last time I nicked myself. Are sure you can do it without nicking me?”

“I promise I won’t, and if I do I’ll kiss it and make it feel better”, then she stuck her tongue out at me.

“Let’s just trim it now; it’s easier if someone can get down there where they can see everything. Hurry, so we can get showered and take off before your mom and dad get back." Then she turned to look at me again and patted the counter by the sink, "Just sit here."

“OK” I said cautiously, and I sat on the edge of the counter. I leaned back a little and then Jill playfully pushed on my sternum to force me back a little, then she pushed my knees farther apart. She sat on my makeup stool and leaned in holding my little pair of scissors. All that catholic girl guilt started to creep into my head, and as Jill leaned in close to my privates for the first time I almost stopped her. She fluffed the hair lightly and looked up at me, her face already flushed. I’m sure mine was flushed to, my cheeks felt hot and I jerked just a little when she touched my pubic hair. Then she lightly pulled some strands of my pubic hair tight and clipped them off.

When she pulled on my pubic hair, I had never felt anything like the tingle that went straight to my clit. She kept pulling and trimming, each time sending a jolt to what was suddenly the most sensitive part of my body. She moved in closer and I could feel her warm bare shoulders on my thighs. She kept pulling and trimming, and my right leg started to tremble. She looked up at me as I bit my lower lip.

“You OK girl?”

“Yeah, I’m just a little nervous with those scissors clipping away down there”, and I bit my lip again to try to stop my leg from shaking.

What was really happening, is that I was moving closer to something I’d never experienced before. Jill clipped the rest of the longer hairs the best that she could and then grabbed my electric razor. She popped on the trimmer attachment, then switched the razor on and lightly pressed on each side of my crotch. The vibration from the razor went all the way to my toes. She trimmed around and lightly pressed. Bzzzt, bzzt, bzzzt. Each vibration made my leg quiver again. Bzzt, bzzt, bzzt. Then both of my legs started to quiver.

“Jill, you have to stop for a minute.”

“Why Tanya, what’s the matter?” There was that devilish smirk again.

“It feels like I’m going to pee, you better stop.”

She pulled away a little so she could admire her work. She then leaned back over without hesitating and touched the vibrating trimmer on the flat pubic bone area above my pussy, sending that tingling sensation to my clit again. “Just let me trim a little more on top”. Then she used a little more pressure than she did before. BZZZZZZZZT, BZZZZT, BZZZZZT.

“Jill seriously, you have to stop.”

She let up on the trimmer, and then pressed again lightly. Bzzzzt. Then she moved her left hand up slowly while she gave me a smoldering look. She used her thumb to lightly draw a circle on the hood covering my now swollen clit. My eyes opened wide, and then rolled back as I tilted my head back toward the mirror. Both my legs were now quivering faster as I clenched my teeth, and the feeling started to wash over me. I looked back down at Jill and squealed “Jill what are you doooooooiiiiing.”

She circled around on top of my clit once more, while pressing the trimmer down lightly. My toes clenched, and I leaned my head back and breathed in through my nose. The world exploded a few seconds later and I saw stars through my closed eyelids. With both legs shaking my toes touched the floor, and I put my palms down on the counter while pushing myself into Jill's thumb. I mewed like a cat and then breathed in sharply again, shuddering while almost pushing my crotch into Jill's face. When it was over, I lowered my butt back down on the counter slowly, and quickly pushed her hands away as my eyes popped open. I was breathing like I had just run around the block. My right leg was still quivering as my chest heaved up and down. A bead of sweat dripped down off my nose and rolled between my breasts. I looked down at Jill’s shocked expression through the hair now covering my eyes and tried to catch my breath.

She stood between my open legs and gently placed both hands on my hips, and leaned in to touch her forehead on mine. “Oh my god Tanya that was hot! That was your first orgasm, wasn't it?”



  1. I think it would be cool if Ricky read this and decided to make a gonewildstories of his perspective haha

  2. Bonus cool points for the Allman brothers song. Bet you’ve never looked at an electric trimmer the same way since…

  3. ;-) I really do like The Allman Brothers, and my dad has always loved them. I take a trip back home whenever I hear one of their songs.

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