The Tail Of Zoe [M, (Les)(Str8)]

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I met Zoe at a coffee shop on campus. They say that a coffee shop is an excellent place to pick up women. That day, ordering a double caramel Frappuccino, I met the woman of my dreams. Zoe was standing off to the side, waiting for her chi tea latte, when I accidently bumped into her. “Oh, pardon me” I quickly said. She looked up, being a bit shorter than I, “not a problem” she replied. To say I was attracted would be an understatement. Zoe had beautiful brown hair, with blonde highlights. She was wearing tight shorts, barely covering her crotch, and a tank top, without a bra. Her soft skin, so fare a complexion, covered her skinny body. I was captivated by her curvy hips and petite breasts. She may have been skinny, but she had all the right curves to make my loins ache to be inside her. She turned around to walk away, giving me a chance to check out her fit ass. It was small, but round. I clamored to think of a way to get to know this beauty, and then I was struck with an idea. I picked up a couple of muffins and made my way to her table. I approached her table “please, allow me to make up for my clumsiness.” She looked me up and down, as I did her, and simply nodded. I found her coy nature intriguing. We made a bit of small talk, what major we were in, where we were from, and things of that sort, when I decided that I needed to see her again, so I asked her out for dinner. She accepted and that was the beginning of an education I will never forget. Zoe and I went out on a handful of dates over the course of two weeks. I tried my best, but I couldn’t get past a few little kisses before she would shut me down. It was bothersome, as this woman had a body that wouldn’t quit driving me insane. Each time we went out, she would wear a revealing outfit that showcased her tight frame. Her tits, although smaller, were so perky and bounce often, as she never seemed to wear a bra. I am not even sure she owned one. I would strain my neck to watch her walking down a flight of stairs, with each step there was a wondrous rise and a glorious drop of her two round beauties. I longed to place one of my powerful hands upon her round butt and squeeze. I attempted it briefly, as I held the door for her I touched the small of her tiny back and slid my hand down just brushing her firm gluteus maximus. Again, she made short work of removing it. I couldn’t figure out what was going on. Why was she denying me any sort of physical attention?
I had figured that I would give her one more chance, maybe two, before I was going to have to call it off between us. I really liked her, but I was starting to chaff from all the masturbation I was doing thinking about her long, sleek legs. I was forming a routine of taking Zoe out for a dinner, and maybe some dancing, then it was back to her dorm room for a quick kiss or two and then I would go back to my dorm to jump into the shower. There I would think about how Zoe moved across the dance floor. Her hips swayed with the music, gyrating and thrusting against my crotch. I know she could feel the erection I was growing, rubbing along her fit ass. Just the thought of her ass rubbing on my dick gets me hard every time. I feel the water from the shower running down my back, over my chest and along my hard cock. I keep seeing her thin body, slinking along mine, in rhythm with the music. I begin to stroke my hard cock, imagining it is her hand. Thinking about kissing her on her dorm room bed as she unzips my pants and reaches in to free my aching penis. Her long fingers wrapping around the thick shaft and stroking it up and down bring me closer to orgasm. I want to reach under her thin top and feel her tiny tits. I want to lean over and suck on her tiny rosebud nipples. I wonder if they are sensitive enough for me to make her cum by licking and rubbing on them. After a few minutes of my fantasy tug fest, I explode against the shower room wall. I watch gobs of white cum slide down the wall and circle the drain before finally going down the drain. Those kinds of thoughts kept my hope alive for a solid sexual relationship between Zoe and myself. On our tenth date I finally built up enough courage to bring up the subject of intimacy. She had a mixed look upon her face; one of terror and curiosity. “The reason I haven’t moved quicker with you is that I have never been with a man before.” She explained. A virgin; that would explain a lot for me! Now I must have had a look on my face, one of pure happiness. We made our way back to her dorm, as per usual, only this time she did not push me away at the door. This time Zoe took me by my hand and guided me into her room. Her roommate was away for the weekend visiting her parents, so she said we would be all alone. I could already feel my groin getting excited! Zoe put on some music and started to dance her way back over to me on the bed. I sat back and watch as her chest jiggled in her superman tank top. I loved her hard nipples poking through the material. Her hips swayed pulling the already tight jean material even tauter. I was looking so much at her hips, I had almost missed her reach up and pull her tank above her head, finally exposing her tits. “Oh my god, they’re spectacular” came out of my mouth. The shape of Zoe’s tits are straight off the cover of a magazine. They were just a under a handful in size, but made up for it in symmetry. As I had hoped she had perfect little quarter sized pink nipples that were already hard. I let my gaze lower to her incredible washboard stomach. Her muscle rippled with the beat of the music as she danced. I took my shirt off, hoping to save time later. As she moved closer, Zoe started to unbutton her shorts. By the time she made it to the bed where I was, they were completely open. To my surprise, she was not wearing any underwear either. I sat on the edge of the bed, as she stood before me, and planted a tender kiss on her amazing stomach. Reaching up to her shorts, I slowly pulled them down. Zoe was beauty personified. Her thin body, perfectly formed breasts, and a clean shaven vagina. I was now feeling the excitement of what was about to happen, which made me have to focus. I did not want to spoil this moment for her, being that I was the first guy. I dropped my kisses lower and lower, being drawn to her pussy like a moth to a flame. She raised her leg up onto the bed, allowing for the right angle to lick her clean slit. Zoe must have been made by a genius scientist in a lab somewhere. Every part on her body has been molded to perfection. From her perky tits, to her round ass, she exuded goddess. I looked upon her shaven snatch and was in love. I began to lick her sensitive clit causing her to whimper a bit and breathe out heavy. I slid my tongue back towards her hole and drew it back into my mouth slowly, allowing her to feel the pressure against her labia. I reached up and started to insert a finger into her, I was again pleasantly surprised as to how tight she was. I was able to get my middle finger all the way in and start feeling for her g spot. She was panting now, holding the back of my head guiding me to where she wanted my tongue to explore next. I reached up with my other hand and finally got to palm her tight ass. It was everything I had hoped it could have been. She continued to move my head around her pussy, like I was her personal pleasure toy, only here to get her off. I was licking and fingering until she started to shake and moan. I felt her pussy juice start to roll down my hand and I started to apply more pressure to her clit with the tip of my tongue. She seductively moaned “I’m cumming!” My heart was bounding out of my chest as I licked and probed Zoe’s slick pussy. She must have came for two full minutes before she was willing to release my head from her grip. I held on to the back of her trim thigh. I loved the fact she had such tight athletic thighs. There wasn’t an ounce of cellulite on her entire body. I lifted my head and started to stand up. While I was raising my body, I went to wipe my mouth, and Zoe stopped me. She touched my arm, gently pushing it back to her waist, and then gave me the most passionate kiss we had ever shared. Her mouth enveloped mine, her tongue exploring and dashing about cleaning all of her juices. I was intoxicated by how sexy she was. Zoe reached down and undid my jeans. I assisted with pulling them off along with my boxer briefs. There we both stood, naked and horny. I was expecting her to make her way down south for a little reciprocation, but I guess that wasn’t on the menu for her. Instead she wrapped her slender digits around my hard cock and began to stroke it.
Felling horny I was thrusting with each push and pulling with her tug. She had velvet like skin, which felt extra soft on my swollen dick. Zoe then pulled a trick out of her bag that had me floored. Most women, to lubricate a man’s hard cock, would reach up and lick their palm or spit on their hand, but not my Zoe, no she did something different, something special, something I had never seen in any porno movie I had ever watched. Zoe reached between her silky smooth thighs and rubbed her soaking wet pussy. As she pulled her hand out, I could see all of her slick cum she was leaking from the tonguing I had just given her. I swear that my dick grew and extra inch form the sight of her wet cum stringing across her slim fingers. She reached back out and took hold of my cock again; only this time with a hand full of slick pussy juices. Now her hand job took on a totally different feeling. I felt my eyes rolling into the back of my head as she stroked me up and down, twisting her hand and changing the velocity in which she used. I was close to shooting my sperm all over the front of her. I tried to distract myself by felling her tiny tits, only to realize how much more that turned me on. I reached down and grabbed her wrist. “Stop, stop, stop I’m going to cum if you keep it up” I had to warn her. She smiled and turned me around, so that her back was towards the little dorm room bed.
We slid down together, never breaking our kiss. My hands supported her minor weight and allowed me to feel her body against mine. Now on the bed, I pulled her right leg up to my side and leaned up on my left arm allowing her to reposition her left leg. Her eyes were locked onto mine following my every move. I pressed the head of my penis against her hole and slowly started to make my way inside her. She winced only for a second, when the head of my fair sized penis slid past where her hymen was. I hadn’t been with many women before, but I had expected it to hurt more or bleed, but she seemed to be enjoying it, and I wasn’t about to stop. Zoe’s pussy was so tight it gripped my hard cock like an anaconda around its prey. I pumped her pussy slow at first, but picking up the speed rapidly. Zoe was breathing heavy beneath me and she started to moan. I watched her tits bounce with each thrust into her. I loved how it felt to draw my thick cock, all 7 inches of it, almost completely out of her snatch and then feed it back into her slowly, inch by thick inch, feeling her silken pussy walls caress every bit of my hard cock. I reached down and took hold of her small ass then lifted her up and flipped over, positioning her on top of me without ever removing my cock from inside her. She began to ride me, grinding her hips and pushing me deeper into her snatch. I reached up to rub her tits, placing my hands on each side of her rib cage, and then using my thumbs to tease her delicate nubs. She moaned loudly, letting me know that her breasts were extra sensitive and that she enjoyed having them played with. I leaned up and took one of her pink nipples into my mouth, gently sucking and licking it. Again Zoe moaned loudly and pushed her titties together around my face. I moved between each nipple, sucking and licking, exciting myself as much as I was Zoe. I pulled my face away from her tits and reached between her small pussy lips, looking for her hard clit, which instantly popped out to play. I teased it with my thumb, rubbing it firmly causing her to push hard onto my cock. I looked up and saw Zoe was pinching and teasing her own nipples now. I leaned back enjoying both the show and the feeling of her hot pussy milking the cum from my balls. I wasn’t going to be able to hold on much longer, thankfully I heard three magical words slip from her full pouty lips, “I’m cumming again!”
Zoe shivered and buckled on my cock. I felt the vibrations of her earth shattering orgasm all around my throbbing cock. Zoe moaned and kept pulling on her nipples, teasing them and stretching her tiny tits as far as they would go. I could see her milky pussy cum leaking from her slit down my cock and making a little pool at the base. She was still shaking a bit when I couldn’t hold it back any longer. “Can I cum in you?” I asked hoping she wouldn’t care. Her reply was “No, I’m not on birth control.” As she was answering me, she lifted herself off of my shaft, reached behind her and started to rub my slick cock against the crack of her ass and small of her back. I continued to pump upwards as it felt better than the super hand job I received earlier. I started to shoot my cum up her back. Long thick streams of white cum spanned the length of her back. I was so excited that I actually shot the first two spurts past her head and onto the painted brick wall at the head of the bed behind us. She climbed off and laid between me and the wall, smearing my sperm into her white blanket. “That was amazing. I hope I didn’t hurt you too much” I said as I stared into her eyes. She had the look of pure enjoyment on her face. “No, you were fantastic” she said still breathing a bit heavy. I had better sex with Zoe on the first time around than all my other sexual experiences combined. Being the concerned guy that I was I asked “You don’t care if you get blood on your blanket?” I reached down to confirm that she was in fact actually bleeding, seeing I was the first guy she said she had been with. My hand felt wet and sticky, but it was not covered in blood, but her juice. I looked up slightly perplexed. Was that whole virgin thing a lie? Zoe laughed a bit and clarified that she has not been with another man before me, but she and her girlfriend had ridded her of her pesky hymen many months earlier with a moderate sized, veiny, purple dildo they had bought at a sexy shop after a night of drinking. Now one question had been answered, but ten more just presented themselves. “Your girlfriend? Don’t you mean ex-girlfriend?” I asked. “even better question, you were a lesbian?” I fired before allowing her to answer. I didn’t have an issue with the fact she had been with a girl; matter of fact I found it really fucking hot. I wasn’t even mad that I wasn’t the one to pop her cherry. I was sort of upset that I might not be the only person for Zoe. I felt a real connection to her and the thought of not being with her was bringing me down off my post sex cloud. “Well, you see it is a little complicated. I have a girlfriend, her name is Elizabeth, and she knows that I am seeing you also. You see Elizabeth is fully into women only, but I wanted to experience more than just a woman’s touch. I wanted to have the best of both worlds” Zoe explained. I listened intently, trying to find out how I was going to fit into this situation beyond that of a booty call. “Elizabeth it completely fine with me having both a boyfriend and a girlfriend; the question is are you?” She asked bluntly. Thought about it for a second, as if I had too, and responded in a typical guy fashion, with a giant grin on my face, “hell yeah I am good with it!” Zoe smiled back right before she pulled out a proverbial pin and burst my bubble by saying “Now don’t you go and think any guy thoughts about threesomes mister. Elizabeth made it quite clear that she doesn’t mind that I get touched by a penis, but she wants nothing to do with it.” We talked, still naked, most of the night lying next to each other. Zoe told me the whole story of how and where Elizabeth and she met and why she decided to give bi-sexual living a try. I had to admit, Zoe knew her shit. She was a funny, smart, and unbelievably sexy young woman. I told her more about my life the things that turned me on and even a few secrets I never thought I would tell a living soul. We were really meshing well together. Even out birthdays were close, just two weeks apart, and they were rapidly approaching. Life was going great with my new lady. I never thought having a modern relationship, like the one Zoe, Elizabeth, and myself were in, would ever work out, but it is great! I had the privilege of getting to know Elizabeth better. I was blown away with how hot she was. Elizabeth was a couple of inches taller than Zoe, and looked like the ying to Zoe’s yang. She had jet black hair that was shorter with bangs. Her face was very cute, more of devious look to Zoe’s innocent look. Her full chest, 36C, drew most of the attention, but she had a hell of a nice bubble ass on her too. She was not quite considered “thick”, but was close. She still had a flat stomach, but it wasn’t chiseled. Elizabeth’s olive complexion was a stout contrast to Zoe’s creamy white skin. Essentially, they looked like a hot couple. Weeks went by and my birthday was upon us. All three of us went out to celebrate. We had a great time drinking and dancing the night away. When it came time to leave, Zoe was strict about not allowing me to drive. I didn’t think I was drunk, but I wasn’t going to risk it. We left the club together, and drove off. I hadn’t noticed that we pasted the exit for our campus up. Zoe kept driving and Elizabeth continued to chew our ears off about hot she found the bartenders cleavage was. The next thing I knew we pulled up to motel just outside of town. I was feeling a little tipsy, but I was still aware that this wasn’t our dorm. I looked at Zoe and she quickly cut me off before I could speak, “don’t talk, just follow.” I had this really sinister feeling going through my mind. We walked to the room, in complete silence. The room was nice. It was furnished in the typical large chain décor. A work desk and chair in the corner, fold out couch and a large king sized bed in the middle of the room with a cabinet/dresser/TV stand in front. The bathroom was right by the door. Zoe turned to me and said “now go sit in the office chair and don’t move or speak.” Like a good boy, I did what I was told. Zoe and Elizabeth went into the bathroom together with a little knapsack they had brought from the car. The minutes felt like hours passing. I was like a watch dog staring at the door waiting to see what treasures would emerge. I fiddled with the cheap clock radio on the desk. “No diggigty, no doubt. Mm Mm, Play on playa, Mm Mm, play on playa, Mm Mm, Yo Dre drop the verse…” The door swung open and there stood Zoe wearing a black see thru thong, matching bra, and thigh highs. The material was thin silk netting that covered everything, but was completely transparent. Her nipples were poking through and I was clearly able to see her smooth pussy between her thigh gap. Instantly my dick grew to monumental proportions. Zoe walked few steps out of the doorway and Elizabeth took her place. “It’s going down fade to Black Street, Mm Me…” The radio continued. Elizabeth was gyrating her hips to the beat. She was wearing the same outfit, only in white. The color combination of black lingerie on creamy white skin and White lingerie on olive tan skin was like neon lights flashing sexy on a dark night. They held hands and walked towards me.
I started to take my shirt off, when Zoe intervened “slow down cowboy, there are ground rules.” I stopped and gave her my full attention. “The rules are simple, you get to sit there and stroke your big cock while Elizabeth and I give you the hottest lesbian show you have ever witnessed. No touching, understood?” The radio never missed a beat “…Strictly bitch we don’t play around, cover much ground got game by the pound…” I was slightly disappointed but then realized how insanely hot this was. “…Wow. Think about the girl all the time. Wow Wow…” the radio was fading into the background as I witnessed Elizabeth turn and give the deepest, sexiest French kiss I have ever seen in my life. Elizabeth’s back was towards me and I had a fantastic view of her bubble butt. It was so full and round. She continued to dance with the beat and her globe like ass cheeks wobbled with each move. Zoe saw me admiring Elizabeth’s backside and gave it a firm slap sending ripples through it and sparks through my cock. Elizabeth yelped with pleasure and attacked the nape of Zoe’s neck. Sucking and licking, she knew that was the spot that caused Zoe to soak her panties. I was now in official pain as my hard on was about to rip through the front of my jeans. I had to release the pressure, so I unbuckled my pants and slid them off. I was sitting there in my tee shirt and boxer briefs. Zoe, still enjoying Elizabeth’s mouth on her neck, liked what she saw and gave an approval wink. The girls moved over to the bed and laid down. Their hands roamed each other’s bodies, groping and squeezing. Zoe palmed Elizabeth’s enormous breasts, pushing them together forming an epic cleavage valley. My cock kept twitching in my boxers, making the front kick up. Elizabeth moved to the other side of Zoe’s neck, causing her to pant. Elizabeth then slowly stated to make her way down Zoe’s body. She slid the straps off of Zoe’s shoulders; reaching between her small tits she undid the clasp exposing the creamy white flesh of Zoe’s breasts. Elizabeth clamped on to her left nipple with her mouth. The moan that slipped from Zoe’s mouth was loud and guttural. Elizabeth pressed Zoe’s tits together and alternated between her nipples, licking them with wide strokes, teasing them into rock hard pebbles.
Elizabeth moved her left hand to Zoe’s panties. She lifted the front and slipped her hand in. I could clearly see how wet Zoe was. Like a good magic trick, one minute Elizabeth’s finger was there and the next it vanished inside Zoe. Zoe arched her back, and with an open mouth let out a moan. Elizabeth was still sucking on her nipple and every few seconds she would pull away far enough to flick her tongue side to side against her pink bud. I was loving the show so much the pre-cum was creating a spot on the front of my boxers. I reached down and started to message my swollen cock. Zoe was seconds from cumming on Elizabeth’s hand. I watched as Elizabeth’s fingers danced on Zoe’s slit inside her panties. Rubbing her clit and then sliding back inside her tight honey hole. She slid a second finger into Zoe and created the letter C with her hand, using he thumb to press on Zoe’s clit. That was all she could handle. Zoe grabbed onto Elizabeth’s wrist, ensuring she could not go anywhere, thrust her hips upward screaming in pleasure, she began to squirt on the inside of her black mesh panties. Elizabeth expertly sucked Zoe’s right nipple into her mouth driving Zoe even wilder. I continued to rub my penis through my underwear, hoping that I could hold on longer I slowed my pace down.
Once Zoe stopped thrusting and screaming, Elizabeth pulled her hand out of her panties and brought it up to her mouth where she licked the fresh, sticky cum from her hand. Zoe turned onto her side and Pushed Elizabeth on her back. She climbed on top of Elizabeth, sharing another deep kiss, she made her way to her bra and unclasped it. Elizabeth’s large tits swung free and migrated to her sides, like bug natural breasts do. Zoe took her time. Swinging them back up and teasing each dark nipple with her tongue. I sat there, having vivid thoughts of how good it would feel to place my now aching hard cock between Elizabeth’s C cup breasts and pump l=them until I launched a load under her chin. I was brought back to reality when Zoe started to kiss her way down Elizabeth’s stomach. She would kiss a little and then drag the underside of her tongue some, then kiss some more. She kissed and liked her way all the way down to her white panties. I could clearly make out a landing strip of soft pubic hair leading to her pussy, but was unable to see any more. That was until Zoe peeled off Elizabeth’s panties revealing a gorgeous well-kept pussy. Elizabeth had the Homer Simpson mouth type pussy. The kind that looked like the cartoons man’s mouth turned on its side. There was only the labia majora showing, hiding everything else in its neat package. I felt my cock twitch again. Zoe leaned in and drew one broad lick from bottom to top, where she stopped and found Elizabeth’s clit. It was Elizabeth’s turn to arch and moan, and like a porn star she did just that. She reached down and gently placed a hand on the back of Zoe’s head. Zoe never lost focus from the hot snatch she was enjoying. She licked her pussy up and down, darting her tongue in and out of her hot pussy causing Elizabeth to quiver on the bed. Zoe was on her knees, with her ass in the air, giving me a beautiful view of her wet slit. I alternated my view from her hot cunt, to Elizabeth’s jiggling tits, back down to Zoe licking and probing Elizabeth’s gash. I wasn’t sure who was going to cum next, me or Elizabeth. By this time I had to slip my veiny monster out of the opening in the front of my boxers. I licked my palm and wrapped my hand around my cock. Slowly I started to jerk off to the site of my girlfriend face deep in her girlfriend’s wet pussy. Elizabeth was still working towards her orgasm when she tapped Zoe on the head gently. This must have been some hidden lesbian code, because Zoe reached down and took her panties off, then swung around and sat right onto Elizabeth’s face. The girls were in the 69 position, with Zoe on top. Elizabeth was starting to moan more and reached up and placed her hands on Zoe’s ass cheeks. I saw her slide them closed together, on her skinny girls ass, and then she began to press her middle finger against Zoe’s asshole. Zoe shook from the pressure and pushed her hips out, giving better access to Elizabeth’s fingers and mouth. Zoe was really working on Elizabeth’s clit, sucking at it, driving her lover crazy with pleasure. At this point, Elizabeth had her finger into Zoe’s ass up to the first knuckle and she had her tongue inserted as far as it would go into her juicy hole. Zoe was about to cum. Zoe spread Elizabeth’s pussy wide and began to flick her clit wildly with her tongue. “Oh shit baby, don’t stop I’m going to go. Please baby don’t stop licking OH GOD NOW BABY HERE I GO!” Elizabeth shouted between Zoe’s straddled legs. Hearing Elizabeth moaning must have motivated Zoe over the edge, because she forced her pussy onto Elizabeth’s face, and started shaking and cumming. Both women started thrusting and moaning on each other. They sounded like a symphony of sex in a grand old opera house. I was stroking pretty hard at this point, and I was fairly impressed that I hadn’t launched my jizz all over the hotel carpet. Both girls separated from each other and started kissing each other while kneeling on the bed. Zoe looked over at me, still furiously masturbating, and whispered something into Elizabeth’s ear. She nodded in retune and they made their way over to me. “Now you were a good boy and followed the rules, so now you get a special good boy birthday treat!” Zoe said to me. I pulled my hand away from my cock and sat back in the seat. Both girls leaned over me. I was staring at them, but was able to see Zoe’s perky chest right alongside Elizabeth’s mountainous hangers. I wanted to reach out and touch one of each, but that might piss them off. “Oh look Elizabeth; he really wants to touch you.” Zoe said, like she was reading my mind. Elizabeth smiled and grabbed my hand and placed it on her soft tit. I reached up to Zoe’s tit and grabbed hold. I could almost have cum right there, but they both got down on their knees. Zoe took hold of my dick first, lifting towards them and Elizabeth was the first to put mouth on it. I felt the warm wetness of her mouth on the head of my cock. Zoe leaned in and started to lick my shaft from the side. The both took their time and made every stroke feel incredible. Elizabeth pulled away and Zoe took over the blowjob duties. While Zoe was blowing me, Elizabeth started to spit down the front of her chest. She tapped Zoe on the ass making her move, and then she slid between my legs and wrapped her tits around my hard cock. Elizabeth started tit fucking pressing her tit flesh tight around me, causing me to push upward. Zoe leaned in and was taking the head of my cock into her mouth every time it popped up between Elizabeth’s tits. I could last any longer; the sight of Zoe and Elizabeth working on my cock sent me over the edge. “I’m gonna cum!” I shouted. Both girls stopped what they were doing and lined up side by side. I stood up and finished stroking myself off. A thick white load of hot cum jetted from my cock, through the air, and landed right across Zoe’s face. The next stream, equally as thick, covered Elizabeth’s exotic face. I kept cumming and cumming, I shot enough cum that I nearly covered both of their chests and faces. I had to sit back down, as I was weak in the knees. Both girls stood up, naked except for the thigh high stockings and cum. They looked at each other laughing a bit and then proceeded to lick my cum off of each other. That might have been the single best thing I have ever seen in my life. The night ended there. We all cleaned up and piled into the king sized bed for some rest. I fell asleep quickly and had fantastic dreams of watching my sweet, skinny, Zoe planting her pretty little face in between her sexy girlfriend Elizabeth’s shapely legs.


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