hot secret public blow job at the hot springs [m/f]

My girlfriend and I just got back from a vacation in Central America. There are river of mineral water that runs hot from the geothermal vent in the volcano.

We went down to the gate leading to the hot springs around 9:00 or so. It gets completely dark around 7 here. We weren't sure just how accessible or busy the springs would be at this hour. When we arrived there weren't many cars parked around the gate but a few.

We throw a couple cans of the local brew into my backpack along with the maglite. we throw off our shirts in the car and walk down the path in our bathing suits.

When we get there it's pretty dark but the locals light candles around the edges of the river propped up on rocks. It's actually kind of romantic.

We lounge around for a while drinking our suds and watching the happy families frolick around. Another group of people have posted up near the edge with a bluetooth speaker and some beer playing a little reggae. People seem to love Marley in this country.

We move up the river a bit to some of man-made pools formed with stones. There are fewer people up in this part. Many are couples just lounging in their own pool they built in the river. A few are making out. It's hard to tell in the dark.

My girlfriend and I are just floating around with her sort of sitting/floating in my lap. I'm definitely pulling her down and rubbing the crotch of her bikini bottom on my shorts. She reaches down and feels that I'm hard.

We kind of giggle and play around while floating in this dark pool. We still hear people laughing and talking around us. The music is faint in the distance.

I reach my hand under the water and play with her clit a little. She's squirming and getting kind of wet. She kind of owed me a bj for something I did to her earlier so she, without saying a word, reachers her hands into my shorts and pulls them down over my balls letting my dick out.

Then she starts to slowly stroke my dick while still straddling me and looking in my eyes. I kiss her neck gently as she's still stroking. I'm fumbling to get my hands on her clit again.

"Just lay back over here" she says as I sort of float up in the water and let me dick out. There's so much steam all around us that I can barely see it myself. I still hear the people near us, some right around the bend on the other side of this big boulder.

I can see her silhouette bend down and I feel the warmth of her mouth on my dick. She slowly sucks the tip, lets her mouth down over it, then moves back up the tip. Then she brings her hands into play and slowly jerks it in rhythm with her mouth.

I start to moan a little and she comes up to shusshh me. I kiss her when she does and slip my tongue in her mouth. I can taste a little bit of pre-cum. Kind of salty but still nice. I love kissing her.

She goes back to my dick and I try to be quiet. So far so good. She picks up rhythm and I'm getting into it when in the distance we see someone else with a bright light flashing around trying to find safe places to step in the rocky river.

We quickly stop, I put my hard on back under water and we get in the straddling position again. Just looks like two innocent young adults having an embrace and talking quietly. Look like most of the other people in this river.

Eventually flashlight dude finds a place and turns out his damned light.

I'm still a little hard and she goes back to work. She starts quickly this time and I'm shortly about to cum. I got really into it and was trying to find some way of letter her know I'm about to cum while still trying to be quiet.

It feels so good with her mouth on it and before I know it my first burst hits her in the mouth. She pulls off but keeps jerking it while I'm spasming and trying to be quiet at once.

When I stop coming we both kind of giggle a little and swim slightly over and away from the cum in the water. People are still close to us talking and being normal.

I wonder how many other people have gotten off in the dark hot springs river? It's impossible to really see what's going on anywhere in the dark with all the steam. It's almost like a dream in there.



  1. Writer says Central America. These kind of springs exist all over Latin America

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