Oral with a stranger in a car. Did that just happen? (M/F

Holy shit. This literally just happened today and after telling my wife and her fucking me senseless, I felt I needed to tell you guys.

So, I'm driving in my car, stuck in traffic because I waited just a little too long at the office. I begin to notice this one blue Toyota next to me, not because of who's in it—not at first—but because it's just constantly ending up right alongside me every time my lane moves. So I glance over during one of the long stops, and there's this East Asian girl driving. Early twenties. Dark hair with blue tips. Not hot, not beautiful, but solidly cute. She's listening to something on the radio—no idea what specifically, but she's just belting with the window closed, giving it all she's got, which I am enjoying watching, when the car behind me honks loudly because I didn't notice the car in front of me moved a few inches . This causes the girl to look at me and see I'm watching her. Busted.

I inch up and she inches up. I'm not looking at her, but I get that itch in my mind that tells me somebody's watching, and when I look to my right, sure enough she's there. She's staring at me. Sizing me up, it seems. She gives me a little lip bite and then gestures her head to the right. I'm thinking, "Is this what I think it is?" Because I never thought this sort of thing could actually happen. And then she's got her right blinker on, and I'm sliding in behind her because I'm just like, "What the fuck am I doing? Is she gonna rob me?" but my dick is doing the driving at this point.

I follow her a short way to the parking lot behind a big box store—way in back where no one parks unless it's super crowded. We park a few spaces away from each other. She gets out of her car and I see her full body. Tight little black dress. Not skinny, not toned, a little meat on her but definitely not overweight. Small tits. What looks to be an amazing ass. Looks like she is dressed to go somewhere. She saunters over to my car and I hit the unlock button. She gets in to the backseat. "Holy shit," I think, and I jump out of the front, trying to maintain an air of cool, and get into the back with her.

We literally say nothing to each other. Just looking at each other. She puts one hand on my thighs, and the other on my right hand, grabbing it and putting it on the small of her back. I apply a little pressure. Suddenly we're making out. Her tongue is in my mouth her hands are all over me. My hands are all over her. She feels my left hand and breaks away from our kiss.

"You're married?"

"… yes…" I'm about to tell her my wife and I have an open marriage, but before I can say anything, she's unbuckling my belt.

"Does your wife suck your cock good?"

In the course of my open marriage, I've met more than a few girls who are into "taking another woman's man." I've learned not to discourage it, and just pretend I'm cheating, since it turns them on so much.

"No. My wife never sucks my cock. She's not a hot little slut like you."

She got a fire in her eyes about that, and pulled my underwear down, freeing my cock.

Now, I'm bigger than average (not huge mind you, but big enough), and I wasn't aware of this until I was older. Let me be clear: size is not even close to the most important thing, I know. Still, it's a huge turn-on when the cute little Asian stranger about to suck you off in the back of your car squeals and pants, "holy shit you're huge," right before she licks up the entire length of your dick.

I'd love to say I lasted a long time and then flipped her around and fucked her, but it was about 3 minutes of one of the most intense blowjobs I've ever had before I tapped her shoulder and told her I was going to cum. She pulled back until just the tip was between her lips and stroked me hard and fast until I came in her mouth. Then she popped my cock out of her mouth and showed me my cum before swallowing every drop.

She gave me about 10 seconds before she hiked up her dress. Turns out she took her panties off in her car. Shaved pussy. "Your turn," she commanded.

The backseat is a cramped place to eat pussy. Luckily she was soaking wet and halfway there already. After about ten minutes of licking up her pussy, sucking her clit, and doing the "come hither" motion on what I guessed was her g-spot, she grabbed my hair and her hips jammed her cunt against my mouth as she screamed and came.

We straightened out our clothes. Exchanged names and numbers and "wow, I've never done that before! What came over me," etc. And went on our ways.

While writing this she just texted me a picture of her pussy. She's on a date she said, and he has no idea she was sucking a married man just before. Looks like I'll be fucking her eventually. Lucky me, my wife can't wait!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/33bgov/oral_with_a_stranger_in_a_car_did_that_just


  1. Haha okay. I didn’t believe it either. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before, and I doubt it will again. She just had an itch to fuck? I don’t know. One things for sure: if I ever do fuck her I will be wearing a thick condom. I don’t know where that pussy has been if she’s fucking strangers in cars. EDIT: You know what? I also want to add that while I respect your disbelief, I’ll never understand people who need to comment all their negativity in this sub. Let’s say you’re right and I did make this story up (which would be weird), what’s the point of voicing your disbelief? To warn others away? That doesn’t make sense—what are you warning them away from? To shame the storyteller? That’s not helpful or nice or useful. To enforce the rules? That’s what mods are for and also who’s the truth police anyway? I honestly can’t think of a genuinely decent motive. Now let’s say your wrong and the story is true. All you’ve done is make me feel like I shouldn’t share true stories that happen to me in the future. That’s bad for the sub, and bad for the community. So while I respect that you don’t believe me, fuck off for making a rant about it on my story, man. It’s my life and I wanted to share it with some likeminded people who would get off hearing about it.

  2. Look he’s not saying she’s a super model and this shit happens. She’s probably got fucked up daddy issues.

  3. Finally someone bringing it to the point. Screw off, trolls and haters. Nobody needs you here! Good story and well done, Sir! ))

  4. Thought for sure he was not going to see a pussy when the dress was pulled up. :)

  5. "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." — Betteridge’s law of headlines

  6. Story was hot and your writing is great man! Screw the trolls, keep writing! I figure there’s little incentive to lie here since it’s text posts so karma doesn’t matter, but honestly I could care less. I care if it’s well written! I think the trolls and white knights calling out lying come here to read true stories so they feel they can have this stuff happen to them in real life and so call out what they feel couldn’t be true. But life is stranger than fiction! Most of us are here to read a good story about sexy times.

  7. The troll is acting out of frustration that nothing like this happens to them. Calling bullshit on you is a protective defensive mechanism for the ego.

  8. >While writing this she just texted me a picture of her pussy. Well we’re going to need to see that evidence ;)

  9. You know, tempted as I am (and a few people have messaged me asking for it), I think it would be unethical to share her picture without permission, even if she seems like the sort of person who wouldn’t care. I may be a pervert, but a man’s got to have a code.

  10. Very well put. More than one contributer has been put off by the deniers, I’m thinking in particular of /u/engineeringgirl.

  11. You are a better man than me. Can’t imagine myself thinking "Well be blew me, goddammit, now I have to suck a dick." lol

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