How I [F]inally got a threesome with my BF [M] and his best friend [M]

My BF and I have been together for almost 5 years now. We're both 23, and we just got engaged last weekend. Because of this I will be referring to him as my BF because this story happened when he was still my BF, and not my fiance yet. We both trust and love each other 100% and we know every little secret about one another. Because of this, throughout our relationship we've both had "freedom" for a few nights. Basically meaning we got to do whatever we wanted as single people. We always told each other afterwards everything that happened, and I believe we are so much better off for it. I hadn't had sex with anyone else besides him, and he had sex with one girl long before our relationship started. Those nights of "freedom" we're used primarily for dancing, drinking, a few make outs, etc. The farthest either of us had gone was he had gotten a hand job and a few guys got to finger me.

We could both sense we were about to get even more serious with the upcoming engagement, and so we told each other everything we wish we had done or wanted to do before we settle down. After we would try to make everything we said happen. He told me about how he's always wanted to see my group of friends naked, and have sex with me while they all watched. So I came up with a plan for him. We all got together one night and rented a little motel on the beach. It was my BF, me, and my group of girl friends. I made sure my BF was the only guy there. My friends consisted of 4 girls: Amanda, Vanessa, Sam, and Chelsea. We've all known each other for at least 8 years, and my BF had known them for 5.

We'll we all partied and drank that night, and just as everyone was completely drunk I suggested we should all go skinny dipping in the ocean. My BF's smile lit up when he heard me say that, and all my friends were so drunk they didn't care at that point. We all undressed inside at first and than proceeded to run as fast as we could onto the beach and into the water. The entire time we undressed I could see my BF carefully watching each of them. He had never see any of them before, and now he got to witness all of them naked as can be. Chelsea and Amanda were the only ones who didn't shave, and it was a serious jungle down there. My BF loves tan lines so he was in heaven because all of my friends were super tan, but their "areas" we're white as a ghost. After a little while we all came in, and my friends started to sober up and a little and wanted to start getting dressed. I convinced them not to and we all remained naked and played a few more drinking games. After everyone was much more drunk again, I kept dropping hints that I was horny and wanted sex. One of the girls picked up on it and shouted out, "Your BF is right there, sweety!" All of my friends cheered me on to have sex with him right there in the living area. Just like he wanted I obliged, and we fucked for about 20 minutes. Doggy style, Reverse cowgirl, and he even lifted me over the couch to fuck me from behind. The whole time he was smiling as all my friends cheered and laughed. He finally pulled out and came all over my face down to my boobs. The night ended a little while after, and everyone agreed it was so much fun, especially my BF!

So now that he got what he wanted, it was my turn. And I knew I had to fulfill everything he wanted because my request would be even crazier. When he had asked what I wished I had done I very bluntly told him that I thought his best friend Rob was really hot and that I wanted to have sex with Rob and my BF at the same time. thought it was really awkward and weird to have sex with me with his best friend. On top of that I had only fucked my BF, so he wasn't too sure about that. I convinced him it wouldn't be weird, and he didn't have to touch anything on him etc. My only hang up now was he was hesitant about me having sex with another guy. So I told him that he could have sex with anyone he wants too than. He agreed, and I asked who did he want it with. The first name that came out of his mouth was Sam. Now Sam and my BF are the closest within my friend group, and they always playfully flirt with one another. That's completely fine with me, I know he doesn't love her or want to be with her, but I've always known he's wanted to do things with her. He's confessed to me that he's masturbated to a few of my friends, and it's cool because I've done the same thing. So I talked to Sam, and she was kinda weirded out that I wanted her to have sex with my BF, but I let her know everything about what I was doing and she was cool with it. She was actually really happy looking knowing she was soon to have sex with him. I let both of them know that I was going to be in the room too though, and they were okay with that. The night was here, and Sam came over the house. It all happened so fast, both of their clothes were off and they soon began making out. I was watching them from a few feet away sitting on a chair, as they were both in his bed. I thought I was going to be jealous about this, but to be honest, I was actually getting really horny. I was watching my BF finger one of my best friends, and she started to blow him. It was almost surreal. Than they began fucking, and it was intense. He was bouncing her up and down all over the place, spanking her ass, and biting her nipples. It was finally over, and now it was my time.

We pretty much did the same plan for Rob, having my BF tell him that my GF wants to fuck him etc. Rob was finally convinced to do it, and the last second my BF mentioned that he had to be there too. Now Rob was dying to do this and he was really horny, so he basically said whatever and was down for it. We all came over the house and it was about to happen! Rob was saying over and over to me, "Do you really want to do this?!" I kept telling him, "YES!" I let him undress me, and for the first 10 minutes he did nothing but stare at my entire body. My BF was there the entire time watching this, kind of feeling awkward I could tell, so I said to them both why don't we lay down now. We all layed down in bed. Both of them on each side of me, and me in the middle. Rob who had only just seen my body a few minutes ago was starting to rub his hands on me. My BF sat back for the first 15-20 minutes or so, and it was just basically me and Rob that whole time. It was so nice the first time he put his hands on my boobs. I could see my BF watching him squeeze and rub my nipples as I was moaning. He got more aggressive and pulled my legs far apart. As soon as they fell apart, he put his finger so deep inside me I moaned louder than I ever had before. He kept saying, "This is crazy!" Just as my BF was about to make a move Rob grabbed me and picked me up, placed me on top of him, and we began to make out as his hard dick was grinding between my butt. After he thrust himself right into me and I was finally having sex with him. My BF watched for what was probably another 20 minutes. Than my BF joined in a little playing with my boobs as Rob was fucking me from behind. After a while they switched and my BF came instantly. I felt bad for him, but Rob still hadn't cum yet. So now my BF was starting to get dressed and Rob took back over. When Rob finally finished my BF was waiting there on the bedside for me, and all of a sudden Rob pulls out, takes off his condom, and starts cumming on every part of me. I don't think my BF expected all of this cum on me, and I really didn't either. It just kept going though. When he was finally done I could see it was all over my stomach and nipples. We parted ways after that night, and ever since than our relationship has been just as strong.



  1. I’m kinda torn cause this is hot, but if I was told by my girlfriend that one of my best friends was "so hot" and she wants to fuck him, I think I’d be single in that instant.

  2. So, I’m guessing you’ll be hooking up with Rob again soon? I’d be happy to hear more.

  3. I’d suggest taking time to think and feel about why you wouldn’t like that situation. Really explore it, and ask yourself why you feel those feelings. Why wouldn’t your fiance’s joy and excitement for sexual exploration override your jealousy feelings? Sharing is caring.

  4. Thanks for sharing. It was pretty hot. Could use a few more paragraphs though :)

  5. I think everyone has the power to change any of their feelings. If they want to feel X about situation A, I believe it can be done. I also believe we are the wardens of our own minds; we can let go or keep any thought or emotion we want. Even jealousy. Choose either one, their is nothing wrong with that. :)

  6. Do you ever find yourself attracted to someone? Do you like to tell your buddies about it? "Damn, have you seen that Melissa? Dat ass!" Wouldn’t it be great if you could share your excitement with your best friend, your girlfriend? Do you think your girlfriend doesn’t do anything similar, and would want to share it with you if she wasn’t afraid to offend? My wife and I are strictly monogamous, but you know the saying: "I’m married, not dead!". We both look, and we share our excitement. It wasn’t always that way. When we were younger we would have been as offended as you say you would be. It’s so much better this way…I don’t have to be nervous that I might get caught glancing at some hottie, she even points them out for me. Instead of a potential conflict, we have fun together. She tells me about what she wishes someone would do to her and I’m happy that she’s horny.

  7. Well, of course I find other attractive. But here’s the thing and I’ll probably be down voted for this: I’ve been screwed over by my best friends before. My best friend actually had a threesome with an ex of mine. He actually hooked up with 5 of my exes. For me, the whole best friend is a big issue. My girlfriend can find others attractive. It’s natural to feel it. But if she told me that my best friend was hot, I’d be more than a little hurt. Does she still feel I’m hot or am I inferior to them now? If she said she wants to fuck him, he can have her forever, I’d rather be single than reduced to a sloppy second. However, that being said, my girlfriend is not able to see physical attractiveness. She didn’t start giving me physical based compliments until about 2 months into dating because she doesn’t know what’s attractive or anything. It was different with me and now she says things all the time. And I am sure that she’s seen guys and maybe has guy friends who she feels are attractive, but I’d rather not know because my dating experience has left me insecure and I can’t handle that kind of rejection. To me it’s a "that guys better than you, but I’m stuck with you" rather than "hey, not a big deal but that guys hot but I think you’re awesome." It would sting too much. In a situation like this story, I would break up with my girlfriend on the spot.

  8. Ouch. I can certainly understand where you’re coming from. Once bitten, twice shy. Also, with friends like that, who needs enemies?

  9. Because I am all about monogamy. I don’t have to defend that, really either. For centuries mankind has pushed for monogamy before any other relationship type. Sharing is caring but I do not share my woman. If she wants someone else then I can be with someone else and forget her. If she wants to explore her sexuality with someone, we aren’t a couple anymore.

  10. True enough. You can understand why my girlfriend is currently my only friend.

  11. every *best friend* I have had has made a run at my gf/wife. I’m with you there

  12. I understand your feeling about this, but to be so drastic and completely break up with her because she shared her feelings with you is too much. You wouldn’t have to let her do it, but you shouldn’t be mad if she came to talk to you about it. Just because she asks you about it doesn’t mean that she would do it if you didn’t want it to happen. A relationship where you both cannot freely share with one another is not a strong one.

  13. She can have those feelings all she wants. My desire for her would drastically deplete if I was told she desired to have my best friend inside her instead of me. It isn’t drastic. If I’m not enough for her satisfaction, she can tell me. It is not a crime to want to be everything for her. For me, I’m not huge on sex, so for me to be able to get it up for her as often as recently is very important. If I heard she wanted to fuck my best friend, I’d be so hurt, there’s no recovery from that and my desire to fuck her would be gone. It wouldn’t be "I wanna fuck him" – "we’re done." It would be a long conversation. But it would end the relationship.

  14. It’s not really instead of you, just in addition. You have never felt sexually or just physically attracted to any other person while in a relationship? Not even some hot celebrity or model?

  15. whose dick was bigger? and who did you like fucking more, your BF or Rob? you should have joined in with Sam.

  16. One of my favorite stories cause I can see myself doing this, I can let my wife/gf so this and I would love her to be open minded enough to do the same.

  17. Of course I have but I wouldn’t voice that to my girlfriend who is insecure about herself at a physical standpoint. Plus that is not the issue here. We can all be attracted to others. I have issues with my girlfriend coming to me and saying my best friend is hot and she wants to fuck him. I am insecure and I have been cheated on before. Plus I feel I should be all she needs to be satisfied. If she wants my best friend, I walk away. I am monogamous. It’s not a crazy concept. I couldn’t ever even have a threesome. If that opportunity presented itself I’d decline. I’m a one-woman man. I had a discussion with my girlfriend yesterday and she said all I needed to hear about this situation.

  18. I don’t want to be harsh but that is not a best friend, i wouldn’t call him a friend, and why would you keep him around after the first, you waited for it to happen 5 times and i don’t understand was he telling you about each one, you should value the trust on a relationship, once its broken 99% it will break again. I also agree with you it doesn’t work if she say i want to fuck someone, all of us can see someone on TV or in life and say that guy/girl is hot, but to say i want to fuck him is weird specially if it is someone you know. Maybe u should tell ur gf because with ur past even as a joke it could hurt you and force your mind to think about things that aren’t true. Good luck with her, it seems she is a keeper, maybe one day we will read ur gonewildstories ;)

  19. This story is great but it was rushed and i didn’t enjoy it, it could have easily been split into 3 parts, the beach, ur friend then his friend, also no details, it felt like someone telling a story or a fantasy in his/her mind without any idea how everything in the middle went. But i can’t expect everyone to be a great storyteller so thanks for the story

  20. Oh that person was cut from my life soon after his betrayal. I knew about his frequency though because we had a similar group of friends and our social circles were similar so news of him hooking up with my ex didn’t travel far. As it stands, I moved about 5 hours away from my hometown with my girlfriend and she has been everything for me. She’s my best friend and we are open about everything. She’s the only friend I really have right now. Oh and I have posted a GWS about her and I. I posted it a few days ago. It may not be a great read but it’s titled Public Bathroom Blowjob. She is a keeper and I plan on marrying her.

  21. Good riddance, I hope you find another best friend, guy friends are important to. Good story i liked it, you defiantly have to tell me when you marry her, if you want to of course (i hope i am not intruding)

  22. He actually came to me a year and a half after I broke up with my first sexual girlfriend. We had dated for 8 months and then a year and a half after he tells me he wants to hookup with her and if I’m okay with it. I say no. Later on my friends tell me that they hooked up anyways and did it for months and the first time was a threesome. I found out later as well, that he dated a few of my other exes and hooked up with them. It was quickly after the first time hearing of the threesome that I disowned him and cut him from my life. I hope I can find a new best guy friend, but I’m shy and I’m a little reluctant to put my trust in another dude. It’s hard for me to open up.

  23. Really that wasn’t a friend you were just unlucky. I feel you i am shy introvert, I was blessed with 3 best friends and I always joke with them that they came to me, with the way I am I would have never known them, I was lucky we were in the same place, one of them from school the other from University and the 3rd from work. Now my struggle is to find a gf, i wish you luck you found both, I am a little jealous.

  24. I’m quite content at this point in my life, despite only having one real life friend being my girlfriend. It is quite odd in some sense going to work and not having a friend there. It is also kinda blah to come home from work and play video games or talk with my girl or watch something or go on a date instead of talking with a buddy. But I don’t need a new friendship at the moment. No need to be jealous, I’m sure she is on her way for you – just stop trying to find her. She will find you.

  25. That’s a good place to be in. lol i feel that advice is the worst for me but its the one that makes sense the most, thanks my friend for it, it was really nice to hear it. EDIT: The same goes for you, make sure you don’t shut people out because of what happened.

  26. > or centuries mankind has pushed for monogamy before any other relationship type. Sure, if we ignore all the centuries where One Man, Multiple Women was the norm. And of course, the world’s oldest institution is not monogamy. Honestly, I don’t really care what you want, but it’s the super judginess and inability to even understand someone else’s point that really irks me.

  27. Alternatively, because one person does something is not reason enough to assume everyone else will do the same thing. Also, the fact that she "can" think it, but if she vocalizes it he’d be hurt just reeks of nothing but insecurity.

  28. I honestly don’t care about what irks you. I don’t have to be open to my partner wanting someone else. My choice in being monogamous is shared idea. It’s more common than polygamy. I don’t like the idea of being told by my partner they want to fuck my best friend. That’s not being judgemental. But oh well, you have your opinion and I have mine.

  29. I have already stated that I’m insecure. There is no need for someone who is monogamous to vocalize the idea of fucking someone other than their partner. If you’re cool with your girl telling you that she’d like to fuck your best friend, so be it. We aren’t all the same person.

  30. I think I would have knocked out Rob, for doing those "unexpected" actions

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