The elf prisoner

I'm kind of new to all this, so let me know what you think!

Tevin sat in his stone cell, dearly missing the moonlight as he awaited his fate. The elf was tall, slender, and looked mostly how you’d imagine an elf, minus a new cut that swept across his cheek and down to his chin. His armor was taken from him, and he was now dressed only in a simple loincloth. Far from the elegant drapings he was used to.

Soon he heard footsteps coming from the dark hallway outside his cell. Torchlight slowly crept into sight as he was able to make out three figures. Two were normal guards, completely covered in armor. Behind them was Deigratia, the human warrior queen, dressed in white robes with a metal belt, chest protector, and shoulder coverings.

The three humans turned toward Tevin’s cell. Deigratia smiled wickedly at him as the guards opened the door. Confused, Tevin backed away, until he was in the corner of the stoney room.

Once inside, the queen motioned for her guards to leave. They did so as after closing the cell. Now Deigratia was alone with Tevin.

“Your people are conquered, elf,” she said as she stood tall. “We took very few prisoners. You should consider yourself lucky.”

Tevin said nothing as he tried to avoid her gaze.

“The question now, of course, is what to do with you?” she said as she began circling him. “Do we let you join your enslaved people? Or do we just let you rot in this cell?”

“Please,” the elf meekly let out. “Let me go back home. I’m no use to you here.”

“Oh, the elf wants to go home?” she said mockingly. “Let’s see just how bad he wants it.”

Suddenly, Deigratia’s arms lowered to Tevin’s cloth. With one motion, she tugged and removed the thin covering. Naked and ashamed, Tevin turned and huddled into a corner.

“What are you doing?” he begged as he felt the cold, prison air hit every inch of his body.

“I can’t simply let you go without having you complete a task,” she said as she walked behind him, lowering herself and reaching around his waist. “So, let’s see if a lowly elf soldier can satisfy human nobility.”

Her delicate hands grabbed his member as Tevin let out a soft cry. She began moving her hand up and down his shaft as it hardened more with each stroke.

“Make sure you don’t release yourself early, elf,” she whispered into the back of his ear. “Your freedom depends on it.”

Tevin gritted his teeth and tried to regain his mind. A second ago, he thought himself doomed to a lonely death. Now, his greatest enemy was gripping his cock. He was ashamed, but the touch felt incredible. Even the elf maids back home didn’t have hands so soft and delicate.

Deigratia began to quicken her strokes as she pulled back on Tevin’s chest, leading his back to the ground. The floor of the cell was cold, but Devin didn’t resist. The queen grinned as she saw a droplet of precum peek out of the head of the elf’s cock.

“Careful, elf,” said with a grin. “You don’t want to cum now. Just think of all your friends and family worrying about you at home. How happy they’ll be to have you back. Assuming, of course, they don’t find out that you laid with their oppressor.”

Suddenly, the queen stood up, She passed one of her legs over Tevin’s body, so that she was now right above him. Deigratia slowly raised her robe over her waist. There was nothing else under it. Tevin was staring at her naked womanhood, his cock twitching as he realized what was about to happen.

Deigratia lowered her knees as she supported her hands on his chest. Tevin felt his heart quicken dramatically, as if it was trying to escape his chest. Soon, he felt the warmth of her slit hovering over his cock. The queen giggled as she saw how pained his face looked, right before she began lowering herself onto him.

Tevin’s own hips betrayed him, bucking up to meet her. Soon, the head of his cock pushed passed her moist lips and were inside. The queen let out of a soft moan as she lowered the rest of herself down his member, until her bottom was pressed against his skin.

“Please…go slowly,” Tevin let out between labored breaths, his hands digging into her hips. His cock was incredibly sensitive, and the queen’s pussy felt tight and warm. He could already begin feeling his balls starting to tighten.

“Don’t think about cumming yet, elf,” she said as she bounced on his cock, her own juices begin to slide down the elf’s shaft and onto his body. “You cum when I tell you, or else you’ll remain here.”

“I can’t…I can’t last much longer,” he let out pathetically. “Please! Please have mercy!”

“Don’t you dare!” she snipped as she bent forward, bringing her face next to his as her hips continued to thrust. “Wait for my command!”

“Please! I can’t live in this cell!”


He was feeling his whole body tingle. He closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing, desperately trying to contain himself.


She began to quicken her pace.


Beads of sweat began appearing on his head. His fingers were clenching her sides.

“No! Please! I can’t wait…”


He came immediately after her lips closed. He grunted as his seed began to shoot inside the queen. Stream after stream of creamy elf milk escaped his cock, all while she looked down and laughed at him.

She slowly raised herself off him, some of his cum dripping out of her cunt and falling down onto the elf’s defeated body. She lowered her robe, her appearance already exactly as it was when she entered.

“Too bad,” she said as she opened the cell door.

“I guess you’ll have to stay here,” she said with a grin as she turned a key into the lock.
