Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 13)

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< Part 12

The well-oiled machine kicks in again with Lord Jacob taking over the lesson. "And there is another very good reason to consider long and hard about what you are going to value in the Christian religion. I learned this one talking to a Jew. I asked him, "If Jesus was a Jew, then why are you not a Christian now?'

"He replied 'I find the idea that you can live a life of wickedness and deprivation, then pray to Jesus just before your death to absolve your sins, and poof, you're now going to live with God forever, to be ridiculous. We Jews believe that you must live your life in a manner that shapes you into the kind of person that can be one with God.'

"What he said made a lot of sense. How can you define yourself by the material possessions in your life, and all of the other things of this world, and then live for eternity in a place where none of these things exists. Those parts of you that have identified with the physical world would have to be left behind after your death. It's quite possible that so much of you would have to be stripped away to make it into heaven that there would not be enough left of you for anyone to recognize as you.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 11)

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< Part 10

"This leads right into the other significant difference we have. We do not believe that God cares about what we do. We believe that He only cares about who we are. When this is told to a previous generation Christian, they claim that this is not difference at all, but when it's explained that this means that we do not believe in sacrifice at all, they then start to back track.

"For most Christians, sacrifice is a big deal. In fact, for them, the more you sacrifice, the better a Christian you are. We, on the other hand, see no sacrifice in being a Christian. Quite the opposite. We believe it is a sacrifice to not be a Christian.

"The principle of sacrifice is to do something that you would normally not want to do. In other words, to do something that you would prefer not doing. As my husband stated earlier, we believe God only wants us to do things we should want to do any way, and if what He requires of us can be considered a sacrifice to us, then there is something wrong in us that needs to be fixed.

Christmas shopping can be fun – part 1 [Mff]

I love Christmas shopping! Okay, I know most of you think I'm nuts, and will bring up the traffic, the rude or inexperienced sales clerks, and the overly aggressive shoppers looking for bargains, but to me that's all part of the challenge. Of course, these days I do most of my shopping on line, but I still make time for at least one trip to the mall during the seasonal rush, not just because it makes it feel like Christmas, but also out of nostalgia for something amazing that happened to me years ago when I was a handsome, confident (and modest) young man of twenty-two.

In those days I wasn't very organized, so I often ended up spending the last few days before Christmas running around, my panic increasing by the day as I tried to finish my list. 1988 was no exception. On the last Saturday before Christmas, I found myself at the biggest mall in the area at nine a.m., list in hand, determined to make everyone of my friends and relatives happy, or at least not think of me as a total jerk (talking about you, Uncle Lenny).

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 10)

Table of Contents

< Part 9

Alyson was looking a little distressed, so Lord Jacob decided to try something else. "Tell you what. Let's try a different tack. Answer me this question. Do you consider yourself to be special? Not in the sense of a special human being or anything. Just in the general sense, do you believe you are special; that there is something of significance or consequence to you? Do you believe you have any impact in the world around you?"

"Yes, of course Master Jacob. Of course I think I do."

"Well if you do not believe in the existence of God, then you need to come to grips with the fact that you believe you are nothing more than a chemical reaction; merely a more interesting form of what happens when you combine vinegar and baking soda.

"If you believe that you are nothing more than a chemical reaction, then you have nothing to believe in, because chemical reactions have no control over their reactions. They only respond to their environment, and nothing more.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 4)

Table of Contents

< Part 3

While everyone was eating, Lord Jacob continued. "I would like to get back to talking more about expectations, and the political implications of them. This is important to understand because it goes a long way to justifying the existence of this kingdom. We have to be more than just a support group, or, like the liberals would want us to do, we may as well just rely on the government when we need help.

"When you look at most of the social programs liberals want, you always end up with some variation on giving a street beggar the change in your pockets. This action allows the liberals to feel good when they do it, but there are no expectations placed on the beggar to improve his life. Whether liberals want to believe it or not, they are in fact paying the beggar to stay on the street and beg.

"And it gets worse. Liberals hate expectations so much; they even refuse to place any on themselves. They don't care whether their actions actually accomplish anything. They only care about whether people see that they care. In fact, the more they sacrifice and force sacrifice from others, the better they feel because it shows how much they care.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 2)

Table of Contents

< Part 1

Marcia began to wonder if that was the reason why Laura stopped going to college when Laura said, "They have probably already started serving. We better get going. Mistress Jennifer is having an introduction dinner for the girls she has just now taken on for initiation. I'm already a maiden, but I've been gone for nine months, so she wanted me to attend also."

They quickly threw on their dresses, and hurried down the hallway and a few flight of stairs. While Laura led the way, she asked, "I'm sure you have had a few dinners at the Lord and Lady's manor?"

"Yes. My family has had many dinners here." As Marcia replied, she recalled the large dining hall that her family always ate in. It was often filled with up to a hundred people or more. The meals were always fantastic, and there was always a constant roar from all of the conversations going on at the same time.

Laura then led her into a room of the manor she had never been in before. It was a much smaller dining room that could probably only seat about ten people. "This is their casual dining room where they eat when they are not entertaining."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.02: Marcia Learns Submission (Part 1)

Table of Contents

< Chapter 1, Part 4

This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex.

Chapter 2: Marcia Learns Submission

As Lady Jennifer led Marcia to the Jacuzzi, she reached out and pressed the button on an intercom. "Laura? Please come in and lend a hand." She then carefully sat Marcia down on the edge of the tub.

Marcia's pain on her bottom and thighs was at once intense and numbing. As she watched Lady Jennifer turn on the jets in the tub, the idea of getting into it seemed both soothing and harrowing.

While Marcia was trying to decide whether to get into the tub, in walked a young woman with long, wavy, dirty-blonde hair. She was dressed in what could only be called a caricature of a French maid uniform. It was very skimpy; exposing her ample bosom from just above her nipples. The skirt was so short that all of her black, stocking-covered legs were in full view, including the garters holding them up. To finish off the look, she had on 3-inch stiletto heels. 'Not very practical for maid work.' thought Marcia.

The Falls by Tristan Kane (MC, MF)

She slipped and her foot dangled over the edge of the muddy trail and hundreds of tiny rocks cascaded against the valley below causing her heart to beat in her chest knowing she was just seconds from death. At this moment, she realized that the warning signs posted at the trails entrance and along the trail itself were not just a cautious attempt to curb tourist attention, but a truly dangerous warning. Her husband reached her just in time, grabbing her hand with his and hoisting her back up to the narrow dirt trail above the green lush valley below. Holding her close with her orange bikini covered breasts pressed into his shirtless body gave her the comfort she needed and he said “That is why this trail and waterfall have been off limits to the public since 1999.” Her chest expanding, she finally was able to catch her breath. Her grip on him was as tight as ever and he leaned down to kiss her providing a sense of security she had felt often when they were together. The adrenaline flowing through her veins did little to subdue the burning in her legs that was caused by the long hike into one of the most secluded spots on the northern shore of Oahu. The hike to Sacred Falls was not only dangerous but was said by the locals to be haunted by the Hawaiian demigod, Kamapua’a. The mischievous demigod was said to be the cause of the 1999 landslide that took the lives of 8 visitors. They had chosen this spot for its seclusion and of course for the danger. The old rusty yellow gate at the entrance displayed a sign warning visitors of the danger that lie ahead, but they didn’t heed its warning.

FM – Damien Black (Futuristic Erotic Crime)

Here are the opening chapters to something I'm working on. Let me know if you'd like more:


He didn’t know where he was, but the transporter had hummed along for nearly an hour. He already knew he was in deep, deeper than usual, but this meant bad news. Usually he’d try to run, a simple white and blue picking him up (if they could) before even ID’ing him, but this time was a different story. Both hands were locked in code protected, aeon cuffs, same as his ankles – the finest 22nd century shackles tax payer money can buy. The techies don’t skimp on the fail safes, not anymore, he thought. Suddenly, the ship began to shake. Vibrating, deep noise filled his ears and those of the four armoured men sitting in the back watching him as they hovered into landing position. After a moment of chugging gears and steam, they set down softly, the engine calming into an electronic hiss. The watch team told him to stand up. I was just getting comfy, he said. The back gate slid open quickly to show the ten guards waiting on his arrival, fully geared up. One stepped forward and signalled those inside to move out.

The Wind’s Pleasure [MF][group][first time][fantasy] And my first story!

Hey gang, hope you like it! And bonus points for anyone who can ID where the names come from!

Shallan sat on the deck of the Wind’s Pleasure basking in the bright noon day sun, sketching the ship’s crew as they went about their work. The tanned, shirtless sailors broiled around her in seeming chaos to her young, untrained eyes. Her fiery red hair was tied back in a pony’s tail to hold it against the wind and the salt spray coming from the side of the tall ship. Her sketch book rested on her lap, charcoal pencil in her hand. As she watched the sailors go about their work, she couldn’t help her eye being drawn to Yalb. Yalb was a little louder, and more broad in the chest than the other sailors. But what truly fascinated Shallan was the bulge coming from the front of Yalb’s pair of work shorts. Why did his shorts push out so, where the other sailors did not, weren't all men the same down there?