The Wind’s Pleasure [MF][group][first time][fantasy] And my first story!

Hey gang, hope you like it! And bonus points for anyone who can ID where the names come from!

Shallan sat on the deck of the Wind’s Pleasure basking in the bright noon day sun, sketching the ship’s crew as they went about their work. The tanned, shirtless sailors broiled around her in seeming chaos to her young, untrained eyes. Her fiery red hair was tied back in a pony’s tail to hold it against the wind and the salt spray coming from the side of the tall ship. Her sketch book rested on her lap, charcoal pencil in her hand. As she watched the sailors go about their work, she couldn’t help her eye being drawn to Yalb. Yalb was a little louder, and more broad in the chest than the other sailors. But what truly fascinated Shallan was the bulge coming from the front of Yalb’s pair of work shorts. Why did his shorts push out so, where the other sailors did not, weren't all men the same down there?

Just as she was thinking this Yalb walked over shouting to her. “It seems your beautiful face has brought us this favorable wind! The wind herself is entranced by you!” He walked up, looking down at her seated face. Shallan blushed, considering a response that wasn’t particularly proper. “Ah!” Yalb said, “I can see you have a reply-I see it in your eyes, young miss! Spit it out. Words aren’t meant to be kept inside, you see. They are free creatures, and if locked away will unsettle the stomach.”

“It’s not polite,” Shallan protested.

Yalb bellowed a laugh. “Months of travel, and still you claim that! I keep telling you that we’re sailors! We forgot how to be polite the moment we set first foot on a ship; we’re far beyond redemption now.”

“Well,” Sahllan said, blushing yet still eager to speak, “I was just thinking this: You say that my beauty coaxed the winds to delivered us to Karbranth with haste. But wouldn’t that imply that on other trips, my lack of beauty was to blame for us arriving late?”


“So in reality,” Shallan said, “you’re telling me I’m beautiful precisely one-sixth of the time”

“Nonsense! Young miss, you’re like a morning sunrise, you are!”

“Like a Sunrise? By that you mean entirely too crimson” – she pulled at her long red hair – “and prone to making men grouchy when they see me?”

Yalb laughed, “Not at all, you….”

Just then, the ship erupted in shouts of alarm. The side of the ship lurched, and Shallan was thrown out of her chair into Yalb. In one quick motion, Yalb, dropped his rope, and dropped to the floor of the ship, pinning Shallan to the deck as a wall of water poured across the deck. The water would have washed Shallan straight off the other side, had she not held onto Yalb’s naked back and shoulders. Just as quickly as the rogue wave hit the ship it had passed. Shallan breathed heavily staring into Yalb’s face. For three heartbeats the world stopped, and she could only feel his body pressed into hers. The moment passed as Captain Tvlokov shouted “Report! Is everyone accounted for?”

The captain walked over as Yalb hoisted Shallan up of the floor. “Brightness Shallan! Thank the Stormfather you are allright. Yalb, get her below deck and out of those wet clothes before she catches a cold. I will send my daughter down to her quarters to attend her.”

Yalb led the still shaken Shallan down below into the ship’s dark interior. The two went into Shallan’s own cabin, and Yalb set to lighting the rooms only lamp. The room now bathed in soft yellow light, Yalb walked to the cabin’s door to give Shallan her privacy. As he walked out, he heard “Wait” from the room inside. “I can’t unlace the dress myself.”

Yalb nodded as Shallan faced away from him, revealing the complex laces of her high necked dress. Yalb set to untying the knots holding up Shallan’s soaked dress. The two stood there in silence, the only sound the creaking of the ship, and the two’s soft breathing. The ship pitched suddenly, forcing Shallan up against the wall, Yalb pressing into her back. She could feel that bulge in his shorts pressing up against the soft flesh of her backside. “The storm is here,” Yalb said softly into her ear. Shallan could feel her stomach dropping out from her.

Yalb finished unlacing the back of Shallan’s dress, and Shallan walked behind the privacy screen in the corner of the room. As she undressed, Yalb looked about her cabin. He noticed the stack of notebooks containing Shallan’s sketches in an open chest on the floor. He dropped to one knee eyeing the sketches of Skyeels and Kremlings that Shallan had seen on her voyage. “So that is what you have been working on all this time!” Yalb said.

Shallan stuck her head out from behind the privacy screen. She let out a yelp as she saw what was causing the bulge in the sailors shorts. A fist sized lump of flesh was hanging out the side of Yalb’s work shorts. Yalb looked up confused at Shallan’s shocked expression and gaping mouth, “Mistress?” He asked.

Shallan did not even noticed. She had seen her brothers running around naked as children, and knew the difference between men and women. But to compare this to what she had seen before would be like comparing a Kremling to a Chasm Fiend. It looked more like it belonged to a monster than a man. Yalb looked down, and finally noticed what had shocked Shallan so. Rather than blushing, Yalb walked up to her. He took hold of Shallan’s hand, and placed it on the crotch of his shorts.

“It’s alright mistress,” he said, and he rubbed her hand on himself.

Yalb guided Shallan to the center of the room, and set her down on her knees on the rug on the floor of the cabin. Shallan was now eye to eye with the front of Yalb’s shorts, his legs braced wide against the rolling of the ship. Yalb guided her hands to the waist of his shorts, she slowly pulled them down, bringing into view first his public hair then, a wide shaft that seemed to go on forever as he pulled his shorts down. Finally the foreskin covered head of his penis came into full as he finished getting out of his clothes. The skin of his penis was a light brown color like that of his chest. Shallan was fascinated by the innumerable folds of skin on the shaft and the large blunt head at the end. The artist in Shallan wanted to stop and appreciate its form. Yalb took hold of his shaft, and guided it into Shallan’s open mouth. Shallan marveled at the taste of his salty skin, and his size filled her mouth completely.

Just then, there was a sharp knock at the door, as Navani, the captains daughter, walked into the room with Zeth her husband following close behind. Shallan buried her face into the side of Yalb’s hip and buttocks as she hid her face in horror.

“What is all this?” Navani asked with a wicked grin?

“Just helping the young mistress with her sketches,” replied Yalb.

“It appears she has much to see.” Said Navani

Navani approached and kneeled beside Shallan, pulling her out from her hiding place behind Yalb’s hips. Navani eyed Shallan’s nipples through her soaked white slip, as Zeth locked the cabin door behind him and took a seat in the devon in the corner of the room.

Navani asked “Is the young mistress getting a lesson in love?” As she reached up and took a firm hold of Yalb’s lump of flesh. “Watch this,” Navani said to Shallan, as she pulled back Yalb’s foreskin, revealing the flared head beneath. Shallan’s eyes widened in surprise at what she found underneath. Navani took Shallans hand and placed it firmly at the base of Yalbs flesh, her small hand barely making it all the way around. Navani told Shallan to pull back, as she expertly took the head into her mouth. Yalb let out a low guttural moan an Navani worked her tongue back and forth. She removed the wet head from her mouth, as a single strand of saliva ran from the head to the tip of her tongue. She offered the now growing lump of flesh for Shallan to try. Shallan kept one hand on the base of Yalb’s member, and wrapped the other hand around the back of his naked thigh as she tried once more to get the head into her small mouth.

Zeth now stood up from his chair in the corner of the room and walked over to stand beside Yalb. Shallan could see the outline of his member straining against the confines of his pants. It was longer and fatter than she could have ever imagined. Zeth undid the string of his pants and freed his manhood from it’s cage, it bounced up excitedly, staring Shallan right in the nose, dancing up and down as Zeth stepped out of his pants. Navani made a happy noise as she took Zeth’s cock much deeper into her mouth than Shallan had expected. She could not help but notice the differences between the two men. Where Yalb’s member was fat and dark, Zeth’s was more elegant, with lighter skin with a purple head, no longer hidden by his foreskin. The two men were both attractive, with Zeth standing half a head taller than Yalb, but not nearly as thick of chest or limb.

Navani lowered the bust of her dress still with Zeth’s cock in her mouth. Her breasts were large and heavy, with large dark areolas on each. They looked nothing like her own small pale breasts. Navani’s chest heaved as she bobbed up and down on Zeth’s long cock. “Now you try,” Navani said. As she removed her mouth, Zeth’s cock bounced back up in the air, now freed from her warm mouth.

Yalb took hold of Shallan’s long red ponytail and guided her mouth to his cock, still hanging heavily from his hips. She bent her head down to put her mouth over it, still holding it at the base that was now too large for her to get her hand all the way around. She tried, bobbing her head up and down, but her inexperience prevented her from doing much more than letting the heavy meat rub across her face and lips.

“Here,” Navani said “Let me show you. Navani took hold of Yalb’s shaft with one hand, working the flesh back and forth like a lump of dough. Yalb let out another deep groan, as Navani continued to work his flesh with her two hands. Zeth walked behind Shallan, and pulled her slip up above her head, pressing his hard flesh into her back. Even though the cabin was cool, Shallan could feel the heat radiating from the three bodies surrounding her. She could feel a fire burning deep inside her, and her stomach felt like it was going to drop out from under her. She did not know why, but all she wanted to do was touch as much of Yalb’s skin as she could.

Yalb’s cock was now hard. Shallan once again marveled at the differences between the two men. Where Zeth’s cock stood proudly facing up above Navani’s forehead, Yalb’s cock still hung low, it’s own weight not being able to overcome the force of gravity. Navani stepped lightly out of her dress, and laid her back down on the couch sitting behind Yalb and Zeth. Navani drew Shallan over to the couch, and laid the back of Shallan’s head on her stomach, and resting Shallans body onto the couch.

Zeth gave Yalb a firm smack on the ass as the two men shot each other knowing grins. Yalb walked over, and placed one of Shallan’s legs up over his shoulder, and spread her other leg wide onto the floor. Zeth, crouched over Yavani in a similar position, spreading the womans legs out wide onto the floor. Yalb rested his manhood on Shallan’s stomach, his flesh reaching past her belly button. The two watched as Zeth slowly put his member up to the slit in between Navani’s legs. Navani arched her back sharply and let in a sharp gasp of air as Zeth quickly pressed his head into her. Navani quickly lowered her back again and let out a pant as Zeth began slowly working himself backwards and forwards. Shallan could feel the woman's heavy breathing as her head rested on the older woman’s stomach.

Yalb brought his face down to kiss Shallan warm mouth. He looked deeply into her eyes as he said “Are you ready?’

Shallan met his gaze, as she said “please….”

Yalb growled into her ear “Beg for it.”

“Oh Gods, please!” Shallan let out in a moan from the base of her stomach, the fire burning hotter than ever.

Faster than she could blink, Yalb pressed his manhood against the deepest part of her. The pressure was enormous as she folded around his manhood, inviting him in. Even after seeing Navani’s reaction she could not have believed how good it would feel. Shallan, let out a yelp as Navani sharply grabbed her fiery red ponytail, and wrapped her other arm around Shallan’s face and neck.

The initial shock inside Shallan subsided, and was now replaced by a building pressure in her stomach as Yalb began slowly working in and out of her. She could not contain the feeling inside her, as her hands searched for something to hold onto. She found the soft flesh of Navani’s breast beside her head, her other hand reaching around to grab hold on Zeth’s calf. Navani let out a yelp as Shallan grabbed down, not even realizing how hard she was squeezing the woman’s breast. Yalb was still working himself inside Shallan. She could feel him going further and further inside her. Without warning, Yalb bumped up against the base of Shallan. Shallan yelled as she could not contain the feeling inside of her. Navani pulled Shallan’s mouth up to her own, wrapping her lips over her own, and running her long tongue over Shallan’s own. The pleasure inside of her was uncontrollable, and her body shook and convulsed. Shallan screamed into Navani’s open mouth as the pleasure washed over her in waves.

Yalb and Zeth, were working in unison now, the two men holding the hips of their women down as their pace became frantic. Navani pulled away from Shallan’s mouth and let out a moan as she commanded Zeth to finish in Shallan’s mouth. Shallan could feel Yalb’s cock being to twitch and convulse inside of her, as an explosion of warm hot liquid filled her belly. Zeth pulled out from inside Navani, and grabbed Shallan's head, filling her mouth with his penis. Shallan wrapped her lips hard around Zeth’s girth, finding it much easier than when she had tried it on Yalb. Zeth pushed in and out of her tight lips, and yelled as another explosion of warm hot liquid filled her mouth. Shallan could feel the liquid fill her mouth, and run down the corners of her lips as it kept shooting shot after shot of the warm salty liquid. Zeth pulled out of Shallan’s mouth with a deep moan, and collapsed, beside Navani on the small couch. Navanai pulled Shallan’s face close to her own, and began running her tongue over the sides of Shallan’s mouth, licking up the warm liquid still on her face. Shallan laid in a daze, still not comprehending what had just happened to her. She was only awoken from her trance as she felt Yalb’s long slick penis slide out from her, leaving her twitching from the emptiness now inside her.

Yalb walked over and flicked the tip of Zeth’s still hard member as he said “Still up for more, eh?’ Yalb’s brown and powerful body covered in a sheen of sweat. Zeth only stared deeply into Shallan’s eyes with a look of animal hunger.
