Molly, Jacob, and Camden 3 [fmf][mf][inc][oral]

The loud happy tune from Camden's phone woke them all with protesting groans. Camden climbed over Jacob to retrieve her phone from the night stand and swiped the screen to answer the call.

Molly listened as Camden confirmed she was fine, that she remembered her promise to help her mother, and that she'd be home in a few minutes. Hiding the disappointment she felt, Molly rolled over to face them both.

"Fuck," Camden said as she sat yawning with her hands straightening her tousled hair. "I wanted to hang out, but I forgot Mom asked me to help her today."

"Want us to come help?" Jacob offered. He rubbed her back with a relaxed familiarity and then yawned in turn.

"No," she sighed. "We're going through some stuff in the attic. There won't be room for more than the two of us up there anyway. It won't take all day, so maybe I can come back this afternoon?" She grinned at the end and reached out to touch them both.

"Good," Jacob said with a relaxed smile. "I'll grill steaks for dinner if you guys want."

"Yum," Camden said and nodded. "I'll come over again after Mom and I get finished." She climbed off the bed over Jacob, giving him a kiss before she rolled off. Looking at Molly, she said, "I'll bring your panties back clean."

"It's fine," Molly said as she watched her friend slip off the night shirt and dress again in the clothes she'd left folded on the bench near the window. "I'll be doing laundry today if you leave yours here."

Camden finished dressing and tossed her panties at the dirty clothes hamper by the door. "Thanks for everything," she said and kissed Molly quickly. Pulling back, she stopped then kissed her again deeper, humming as she finished.

Once she had skipped out the door Molly shut her eyes again and relaxed. As soon as she heard the front door shut, Jacob rolled over and wrapped his arms around her. She couldn't decide if he was being brotherly or otherly before his breathing slowed and he fell back to sleep.

Laying in his arms made it impossible to rest. While her feelings for Camden seemed to be coming into focus, her brother presented a different problem. They obviously had a complex relationship already. Over the years they'd fought and made up hundreds of times, usually over issues like privacy, authority, or ordinary sibling rivalry.

She liked her brother and respected him, but she wasn't sure how their changing relationship would effect their home. Camden might be happy fawning for his attention, but Molly could still vividly recall him holding her down to fart on her stomach. Whatever she felt for her brother, it wasn't romantic in the least.

But she had kissed him, and although it wasn't romantic there was certainly an element of passion. Her fear was opening herself to him this new way. He already had such a large place in her life that giving him even more of her heart felt dangerous in a way that being intimate with Camden didn't.

What if they fought again like they had in the past? What if something came out in front of their Dad? How would he react to finding out his children having sex with each other?

"You're thinking too loud," Jacob mumbled in her hair. "You just woke me up worrying about things."

"You know me too well," she whispered and let him pull her closer. "I can't believe you're handling all this so easily."

"I had a long think last night." He beckoned her to roll over and face him, so she did and found herself frowning at his morning breath.

"Do tell, brother-mine." His features were stronger versions of her own, down to the little cleft in his chin.

"You don't do the whole living in the moment thing very well. You never have. You like those little boxes you put everything in too much to let go. So here's the rules I've come up with to start the discussion. We focus on Camden. If she wants something, we do it. If she's uncomfortable, we stop it. Outside of being with her, you and I are just brother and sister."

"Your erection is poking me in the stomach." The deadpan delivery was hard to manage without smirking.

"I'm human. And you're beautiful." He smiled then, that funny little smile that made it impossible not to smile back. "And morning wood is a fact of the male anatomy."

"I've learned so much this weekend." He touched his forehead to hers. "I don't have romantic feelings for you at all, but sometimes I feel like I want… something more."

"I've heard you fart so loud in the bathroom it woke me up through a closed door. But that doesn't keep me from noticing the way your ass looks in those boy-short panties. That's why I walk around naked after I shower. I always hoped it tortured you the way you seem to enjoy torturing me."

She chuckled at his confession. "It did, you shit. I was so fucking curious it obviously drove me nuts." They looked into each others eyes for a moment. "But watching you yesterday with Camden satisfied most of my curiosity."

"So tell me the truth, you goin' lez on me?" he asked with a teasing smirk.

"Now who's trying to put things in a box?" she teased back. "I don't know, but I think I really like her. That way, I mean."

"So what happens if she decides she only wants to be with me after all this?" His face was serious, but with concern for her, not fear.

Molly was surprised when tears filled her eyes. "I'll still have my best friend and my brother. Like she said yesterday, it'll be my fault if this doesn't work out."

Jacob pulled Molly close and held her in a tight hug for a moment. "She kissed you longer this morning when she left." The quaver in his voice betrayed his own fears.

"So we find a way to make it work for both of us," she whispered through her tears. "Deal?"

"Deal." He kissed her then, definitely more otherly than brotherly. The texture of his rough skin heightened her arousal making the passion grow until Molly had to stop to catch her breath.

"Damn," she murmured. "For someone who doesn't feel romantic about you, I'm suddenly very warm."

He reached down and pulled her hips into his erection and kissed her again. The warm tingling grew until she began to rub herself against him. He kissed down to her neck and began to pull her nightshirt up to slip his fingers inside her panties from behind her leg.

"You're so wet," he murmured in her ear, then pulled at her lobe with his lips.

"I thought we were gonna wait for Camden?" Molly whispered, still not sure if she wanted to be with him like this.

"Will you at least show me what you did to her so I can do it, too?" he said. "Then it's more like a lesson and it won't really count."

The idea had appeal at that moment. "You want to eat your sister's pussy?" she teased. "Freak!"

"You ate my cum," he teased back, then chuckled as he pulled her panties down. She wiggled and lifted to let him get them off, then kicked the sheet off of them. He moved down between her legs, but was stopped by the view.

"You trimmed?" he asked.

"Yeah, we both did while we were waiting for you last night, but you never took off our panties to see our surprise."

"You used my trimmer didn't you?" he asked with a frown.

"We cleaned it and put it back!" Molly exclaimed as she raised herself on her elbows. "God, you trim yourself with it. What's the difference?"

He smirked then and his mouth twitched as he glanced back down at her neatly trimmed bush. "I guess I can't complain about it anymore. Is Camden's just as short?"

"Yeah," she said. Remembering the experience of kissing it she added,"It was really nice, too. Go get the lotion." She pointed at the bottle on the night stand.

"But you're already soaked," he complained.

"Yeah and the skin on your fingers is hella rough. Get the damn lotion."

"Jeez," he complained, but got the bottle as she insisted.

"Now for your health lesson." She sat up and opened herself to him. "Clit is up here, inner labia, outer labia, opening to the vagina. You with me so far?"

"Uh, yeah," he lay down to get a closer look. "Just like the little diagram in the health book so far."

"Don't hammer on the clit. Use the flat of your tongue and lick gently for a while. Then lick along the lips, down the creases along the outside, take your time and wait for things to open up on their own. Girls eventually start to swell and open up out here. That's how you know we're ready."

"Okay, what then?" he asked with a look of curious concentration on his face.

"Slowly, gently, slip a finger in with your palm up. Feel along the front wall for a little rough spot and rub it. Very gently. This isn't an Xbox controller, you got it?"

"It's the G-spot, right?"

"Yup. The trick is taking time to do it right. Remember how long Camden had to work on me yesterday?"

"But that was your first time. It took me forever to get off the first time. After that I went quicker every time."

"Wait, I thought guys could just pull on it until you came?"

"There's not a how-to guide. I started by rubbing the tip with a soapy hand in the shower because it felt good. The first time I came, I was so surprised I fell and busted my lip."

"Oh my God," Molly said slowly as the memory returned. "You were twelve and said you fell in the shower."

His red face confirmed it. "Well, I wasn't going to announce I finally got off and thought I was having a stroke. When they kept talking about orgasms in health class, no one said it would be like that."

"So how did you learn to do it different ways?" Now she was the one who was leaning forward looking curious.

"Practice. Porn helps get things moving, but mostly it was the hand lotion."

"Of course," she said and looked up. "No wonder you go through so much and still have rough skin."

"Yeah, but my dick is hella soft. So are you gonna let me practice or not?" he asked, eyeing her furry mound closely again.

"Fine," she said, then lay back against the pillows and tried to relax. His cold fingers made her gasp. "Jeez, rub your hands to warm them up first!"

"Sorry," he said, his breath tickling along her stomach. The first tentative lick tickled, but he quickly warmed to the task. She tried to imagine it was Camden doing it, but his rough skin made that illusion impossible.

"You need to shave before she comes back, but so far so good." Molly reached down to touch his hair and encourage him with quiet hisses and sighs.

Where Camden had been gentle, Jacob was firm, but not in a bad way. His masculine touch pushed her in the right direction, but more like he was demanding her response rather than teasing it out.

Instead of micro-managing his approach, she allowed him time to relax and explore while she enjoyed the moment. When he finally hit a combination of motions that allowed things to build, she whispered, "Keep doing that."

To her frustration he stopped immediately and asked, "Doing what?"

"Don't stop! Just keep doing what you were doing," she growled.

Pushing aside the frustration she found her flow again and let his tongue and fingers bring her further along. It was a little like a game of cat and mouse as she chased her release, but eventually she found herself on the cusp again. "Oh fuck," she muttered and strained against his eager mouth.

He reacted by gripping her hips and pressing his face into her when she came. Unable to pull away, he sucked her nub throughout her orgasm, allowing it to continue far longer than her first one. Clutching the sheets in her fists, Molly closed her eyes and cried out, then took ragged breaths to cry out again.

Eventually the sensation was so overwhelming and she had to push him away to make him stop. "Oh god, stop, I can't take it anymore."

When he let her go, she curled in a ball on the bed and shivered from the aftershocks of the intense orgasm. He climbed back up next to her and dragged the sheet up to cover them both.

"You okay?" he asked when she stilled.

"Yeah," she said as she moved to rest her head on his chest. "Not bad for a first timer."

He chuckled and rubbed her shoulder. "See? It didn't take as long this time. I felt you squeezing my finger when you came. Camden was right, it's the same kind of feeling I get when I cum."

"So now I've eaten your cum and you've had a taste of mine." Saying the words didn't change the unreality of the situation.

"I didn't know what to expect. It's interesting. I wonder if Camden tastes the same."

"She was like licking a penny," Molly sighed. "I could have had her all day."

"You were more like a nine volt battery."

Molly raised up and gave him a funny look. "You've eaten a battery?"

"No, but you know that flavor when you put a nine volt battery on your tongue to feel it tingle? It was sorta like that."

"You've stuck a battery on your tongue?" she asked with eyes wide in shock.

"Sure, haven't you?" he asked like she just admitted she'd never tried salt.

"No!" Molly shook her head and laughed, then lay back down on his chest. "Guys are so weird."

He chuckled, then went quiet for a minute. "I'm gettin' hungry. Want me to cook us breakfast?"

"No, you never cook the bacon long enough to get crispy. I'll do that if you make the toast and set the table."

By the time Camden made it back over, they'd finished breakfast and Molly had done a couple of loads of laundry. They had each showered separately, but the modesty they usually displayed around each other was gone. Molly grinned at how carefully Jacob shaved for a Saturday. All in all it wasn't completely normal, but it wasn't as weird as she feared it would be.

She was folding her clothes on the couch in the living room when Jacob ran to answer the doorbell. She couldn't help grinning at his eager response, but continued folding to let them have a moment alone by the front door. Eventually she heard Camden giggle, then Jacob laughed, and finally they came walking into the living room holding hands.

"Hey," Molly said as she sorted the socks. She always did the socks last.

"Mom tried to talk me into inviting you guys over for dinner, but I told her Jacob promised me a steak so she let me come over."

"Oh shit, I still need to go shopping. Be right back!" Jacob kissed Camden quickly, grabbed the keys to Dad's van, and dashed off while Camden came to sit on the couch next to Molly.

Camden picked through the pile of socks looking for matches before asking, "So… still a virgin?"

Molly chuckled until she looked into her friend's face and saw a hint of fear in her eyes. "Jacob and I had a long talk about things. Neither one of us is particularly comfortable with a romantic relationship. I love him, he's my brother, but I don't… love him, love him. Ya know?"

"I guess so," she said as she folded the socks with a thoughtful expression.

"But that doesn't mean we aren't willing to play around sometimes if you're involved."

She looked up frowning. "I don't understand."

"Last night I thought you said it perfectly. You and I are gonna be friends and I hope maybe a little more." Molly couldn't look at Camden as she said that. "You're gonna crush on Jacob no matter what. So for now, assuming you want to keep messing around, we're in it together for you." Looking up she saw her friend's shy smile.

"I was hoping." Camden folded the socks and added them to the pile.

When they finished folding her clothes, Molly carried them back into her room to put them away. Camden followed and climbed up on the bed to watch her work. When she was done, Molly put the hamper back by the door and climbed up into bed and lay next to her best friend.

"It was weird being around Mom," Camden said at last. "She always says I can tell her anything, but I can't imagine telling her this."

"So you like to kiss your best friend and have sex with her brother?" Molly tried to laugh it off, but Camden didn't smile. "You don't have to tell her about me. I won't act any different around you. Just say you and Jacob finally started getting serious. It's not like that would be unexpected at this point."

Camden looked thoughtful for a moment. "But that's not fair to you. I want to act differently around you. I can't imagine being in school and holding Jacob's hand but not holding yours."

"And Jacob accused me of wanting to put things in little boxes," Molly muttered.

"What do you mean?"

"After you left this morning he went back to sleep but then said my worrying woke him up. He said I can't just let go and live in the moment. He's right, of course."

"So am I over-thinking this?" Camden asked with a serious frown.

"Worry about Monday on Monday. I'll promise to stop worrying for the next two days if you stop. We have a steak dinner coming and after that we can do whatever the hell we want."

"I want to do something with both of you at once," Camden said with a wicked grin.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, but I bet I can figure something out."

The steaks were wonderful, the dinner conversation was lively, but all three of them were really looking forward to dessert. After cleaning up, the three of them retired to the living room. Jacob grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels until he stumbled on some foreign film with two naked girls going at it.

After he left it there for a few moments, Molly bumped into him with her shoulder and said, "Seriously?"

"What? It's fuckin' hot!" He waved the remote at the television to emphasize his point.

"The blonde is pretty," Camden said from the other side of Jacob. She peered around him to smile at Molly.

"Yeah," Molly agreed. "But why do they always show girls naked and never the guys."

"Or if they do, he's never hard," Camden agreed.

"If you two just want to see a hard guy, just do something like that," Jacob laughed and pointed at the scene again.

"So why do guys always like watching two girls going at it?" Molly asked.

"That's easy, twice as many tits and asses. I can see a dick any time I want."

"I wanna see a dick," Camden whispered and reached over to rub the front of his sweats.

Molly chuckled and took the remote from Jacob as he stood with a grin. He swayed around putting on a show as he pulled his t-shirt off, then he pushed his sweats down over his hips and wiggled until they fell to his bare feet. After kicking his sweats toward the couch, he posed naked with his semi-erect cock bouncing and said, "Tada!"

Camden gave Molly a grin and quickly shed her clothes as well. "Come on," she said.

Molly pulled her shirt off then opened her bra as Camden and Jacob came together naked to kiss in the middle of the room. As she pushed her soft cotton stretch pants down, Camden began to pull Jacob toward the couch and pushed him to sit down. With her panties off, Molly watched as Camden knelt between his knees to take his shaft in her hands and mouth with a soft moan.

Jacob looked up at Molly with an expression so intense it could have been pain. He extended his hand to her and drew her down to the couch next to him. "Kiss me," he begged.

Teasing his hairy nipples with her fingertips, Molly kissed him deeply. His face was smooth now, she realized, as he reached around to draw her closer. She felt his hands cup her breasts, gently rolling her nipples between his fingers. Camden touched her legs, rubbing her thigh as she released his head from her mouth with a wet pop.

"Straddle him," Camden prompted. "I want to watch like you did."

Molly's heart rate doubled as she looked between Camden and Jacob. He was so hard his cock was almost vibrating and that was when she realized Camden must have put the condom while she wasn't paying attention. "I'm a little scared," Molly admitted.

"I'll help you," Camden said and rubbed her thigh. "I want to share this with you, just like you did with me."

"I know what we said, but I really want to," Jacob whispered as he touched her arm.

She made her decision and damned the consequences. Watching Camden with Jacob made her want to experience the same thing. Moving slowly, she climbed on top of her brother's lap while he scooted down underneath her. She could feel Camden guiding them as she lowered herself until his cock touched her opening.

"That's it," Camden said. Her cool fingers smoothed the lotion around while Molly stared in wonder. "Now ease down and relax your muscles."

Jacob had his hands on her hips, staring at her face with his lips pressed in a thin line. When she let her weight down, she felt his head press tight against her tight opening. Camden kept massaging her and making soothing sounds as bit by bit he spread her wide.

"It hurts," she whispered, hating herself for being scared.

"Just wait a second and try to relax," Camden said as she moved to sit on the edge of the couch to kiss her.

Putting her hands on Jacob's shoulders, Molly eased down again as she bit her lip. There was a another sharp pain, then his head was suddenly inside her. It was an odd feeling, full and intrusive, but strangely satisfying as well.

"You're so tight," he moaned. "God, it feels amazing."

"Give me a second," Molly said as she forced her muscles to relax. She pushed out like she was trying to pee while pushing down at the same time. It helped him slip a bit further inside, but the tightness was finally easing a bit.

Camden was rapt, running her hands over Molly's back and stomach. "You're almost there. God, it's so hot watching you."

"When you said you wanted to do something with both of us at once, I didn't think you meant this." Molly was torn between fear and lust. Everything was changing, shifting out of her comfortable little boxes, just like Jacob predicted.

Jacob lay back against the couch with his eyes shut and his hands resting on her hips. His peaceful expression was at odds with Molly's quaking stomach.

Giving herself a mental shake, she eased down one more time, pressing through the fear and pain in one smooth motion. Jacob's mouth opened at the same time as he groaned in ecstasy.

With her mons pressed firmly against his pubic bone, she panted until she relaxed enough to think. He was fully inside, his head somewhere behind her navel. The fullness was intense, but not unpleasant. Lifting herself slightly, she concentrated on the feeling as she pushed back down. The pain was gone, leaving the hint of a tingle.

Camden reached down to feel their joining, both his shaft and her lips with one hand while the other went between her cheeks to touch her ass and his balls down below. "Can I try something?" she asked.

Jacob moved his arms to rest behind his head. "I'm all yours."

Molly was still adjusting to Jacob being inside her when Camden shifted around to straddle him as well. Facing her friend, Molly leaned in to kiss Camden as she slowly lifted off Jacob's cock. At the same time, Camden embraced Molly to stroke her back, running her fingers up into her hair.

Easing back down, Molly felt Camden reach down at the same time to rub her mons to tease her along. "Yes," she murmured. "Oh yes."

The three of them established a way to give each other pleasure. Jacob's hard cock filled Molly completely making him moan with every movement. Camden's fingers doubled Molly's pleasure, making her feel a kind of abandon she'd never felt before. And In her few moments of clarity, Molly felt Jacob's fingers as they both caressed Camden's now trim mons.

The pace increased slowly as Molly's pleasure grew. She bit Camden's lips as her climax approached, making Camden wring her flesh for every last drop of pleasure. Jacob began to hold his breath, moaning louder to signal his end was approaching as well. When Molly came, she pulled Camden into a tight embrace to pulse against her rubbing fingers and around Jacob's hard shaft.

"Don't stop," Jacob whimpered. "I'm so close." Molly lifted herself off completely and moved aside as Jacob whispered, "No, no, no."

"Shut up, you big baby," Molly said as Camden turned around to lower herself on his waiting shaft. "And you better not cum before she does or I'll put that picture of you in tights on the Internet."

"You are a cruel bitch," he said, but his happy grin took away the sting of his words.

Molly leaned against his shoulder as Camden worked towards her own climax. It didn't take long, thankfully, because Jacob was done as soon as she started.

She decided the tingling soreness inside felt good, in a way. As the three of them snuggled together in a sweaty pile, Molly relaxed against her lovers, feeling the new shape of their relationship take its form.

It might work, she decided as she kissed Jacob's shoulder and rubbed Camden's back. She would sure as hell try.



  1. How long until the next chapter comes out? You should write a book. Im really enjoying this.

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