Charlotte’s Graduation Party [mf][mast]

I have another story that takes place before this involving some of the same characters. While this story does take place after the other, you do not need to read the first story to understand this one. However, if you'd like to read it, the story will be linked in the comments below.


My head rested against the wall, a quiet moan escaping my lips.

Charlotte Parks, my best friend since middle school, was throwing a graduation party, mostly for the band kids. Being her best friend and a not-so-bad tuba player, I was obviously invited. Since we were no longer high school students, having walked across the graduation stage just a week before, her parents and younger brother abandoned the house for the night, letting Charlotte have free reign of the place. A few non band kids had been invited, namely Sean, whose last name I didn't know. Sean, who Charlotte introduced me to the day before, saying that we'd make a cute couple. Sean, who was doing a fantastic job with his tongue between my legs.

I'm still not exactly sure how it happened. We were alone on the back porch, I think one of us made a joke about eating out for dinner, and one thing led to another. My eyes just happened to glance over at my phone laying on the chair beside us, catching the time. We'd been out there fifteen minutes.

"We…should probably get back in…" I breathed out. As he rose, I hated the feeling of his lips pulling away from mine. The look on Sean's face told me he was scared that he might've done a bad job.

"Did I do fine? I mean, I've never had any complaints but-"

"No, no. You were great." I smiled sweetly. "We've just been out here for a bit, and I don't want anyone to come looking for us." We both laughed a little as I cleaned up the wet patches around his mouth with my sweater sleeve, and as soon as my panties and jeans were back in place, it was back into the house for us.

There were maybe twenty of us there. Band kids weren't exactly hardcore party goers, but there was enough music to incite some dancing in the living room. I spotted Brian Lewis, talking to a couple of his friends from drumline. As if attached to the hip, my best friend and his girlfriend Charlotte was at his side. The marching band was filled with a lot of less than popular students, but among our own, Charlotte and Brian were the prom queen and king. As much as I hated to admit it, I was envious of them. Charlotte had natural red hair and a firm butt, not to mention a boyfriend that was easy on the eyes. Sean went off to talk to some other people, and seeing me alone, Charlotte hopped on over to me, a mischievous grin on her face.

"So," Charlotte started as we sat down on the couch. "How are you liking Sean?"

"He's nice," I replied. "I guess I don't know too much about him yet. I wouldn't even say we're dating."

"Uh huh, so what went on back there?" Charlotte cut right to the chase, wanting to satiate her curiosity as she gestured toward her back porch.

"Nothing! We just talked a little bit…"

"Sam, tell me!"

"Nothing, Charlotte, I swear!" If I was the blushing type, pink would've started to color my cheeks as she pressured me.

"Samantha Savannah Sterling," Charlotte had always loved using my full name. "I know when you're hiding something. Now tell me what went on back there."

"Charlotte Marie Parks," I mocked back. "Nothing." Her raised eyebrows and facial expression suggested that not only was she not buying it, she wasn't about to let up.

"Okay fine," I rolled my eyes a little. "He just went down on me a bit. That's all."

My redheaded friend giggled like a schoolgirl, which she only stopped being a week ago. "Oooh, was he good?"

We went on to talk about it for a little bit. Charlotte and I had always shared our naughtier exploits with each other. Granted, mine came fewer and far between than her's, as I didn't have a boyfriend to give me a weekly (at the least) love making session. Even though there wasn't a whole lot to talk about, I knew my friend would want details, so I might have exercised my creative license a little when it came to the goings-on of Sam and Sean's back porch adventures.

Eventually, we excused ourselves from the conversation. Charlotte had to mingle with Brian a little more, and I wanted to get out of my sweater. While I managed to wear it on most days, even during the summer, the heat I was feeling from my earlier activities was making it a little unbearable. Peeling the thick garment off, I headed upstairs, figuring I would stash it with my purse in Charlotte's room. As I arrived at her door, however, I found it to be locked. I knew Charlotte was not up here, as I had just seen her. Luckily, after having spent years breaking in here when her little brother locked us out, I knew just how to work a bobby pin to pop it open. If every door in the world was exactly like the door to Charlotte's bedroom, I'd be the greatest thief alive. I heard a soft pop as the door quietly swung open. I was shocked, yet turned on by what I saw.

Sean was sitting on the edge of the bed, a pair of bright pink panties – Charlotte's – wrapped around his dick, his hand jacking them up and down along his shaft.

"Hot…" Was the only word I managed to breathe out.

"Shit!" Sean started to pull his pants up, not even bothering to remove the panties. "Sorry, it's not what-"

"Keep going!" I interrupted, shutting the door and locking it. "Seriously, keep going." I encouraged.

"What? I mean, really?" Sean looked like he was starting to relax after the initial tension, his pants sliding back down around his ankles.

"Yeah, really," I tossed my sweater on the floor, then climbed up onto the bed. "You think Charlotte's hot. Hell, so do I. After we were finished out back, I saw the bulge in your pants, I know you were horny as fuck. Plus, I think it's really hot when a guy jerks off." Siding up next to him, I put on my best sexy voice as I rested on his shoulder.

With a shrug, he continued. And I loved it. Watching his hand squeeze his own cock tightly, those hot pink panties gradually coating themselves in his sweat and precum. I whispered into his ear, encouraging him more and more.

"Fuck yeah, you like how that feels? Does that redhead slut have a tight pussy?" I could hardly believe the words that were coming from my mouth, the way I talked about my friend. But Sean's sexy grunts and groans were driving me wild, to the point of thrusting my hand down my jeans and teasing at my clit.

After a few minutes, Sean had fallen onto his back, ditching the panties around his cock in order to pick up the pace. My pants and underwear had also made their way to the floor, giving me better access to my soaking pussy. "Oh she fucking loves that dick!" I moaned out. "Make her cum all over your cock!" As my fingers practically clawed at my G-spot, I glanced over to my masturbation companion. I could tell by the way his meat throbbed, by the way the way you could practically see the heat radiating off of his cock, that he was ready to blow any minute now. I lifted up my shirt, exposing my stomach and the lower half of my breasts.

"Finish on me, Sean. I wanna feel what you want Charlotte to feel." My sticky fingers returned to my clit and Sean pulled himself onto his knees, his hand never abandoning its sexy task. Rubbing myself in fast, tight circles, I watched his cock lower to just inches above my skin. My body tensed as I knew it would be any second now that I would feel his load across my body. He let loose one more of those panty dropping grunts, and I felt the hot seed splash onto my stomach. Without missing a beat, I continued to rub myself, feeling right on the edge of orgasm. I squealed, kicking my legs as my climax shot through me. My shaking as well as my heart rate quelled a couple of minutes after Sean's did. However we both were still in silence.

I looked over to him, watched his chest rise up and down as his eyes closed. "I should probably get going…" He spoke quietly.

"Yeah, maybe…" I lightly shrugged and giggled a little.

Sean soon pulled his pants up and found his way to the door, leaving me in the room to warmly smile to myself, and slowly draw circles with my fingers around my clit.



  1. I’ve been waiting for the next story in the series ever since you posted the last one. I’m very glad to say it was well worth the wait. Very sexy, got me very hot and bothered, and contributed to a small mess that I now need to clean up.

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