The Throne [Str8][MF][BDSM]

I was expecting coffee, maybe a biscuit. I got far more than I bargained for. It all started when I met a woman on the Internet. About my age, she had similar interests and seemed nice. We talked, we got on; but we differed hugely in one aspect of life. Whereas I had always had a relatively unimaginative sex life, she had experimented. Some of the things she told me fascinated and horrified me in equal measure. One fateful day, I happened to be in her neck of the woods on business and I suggested meeting for a coffee. She declined but invited me to stop by her house instead. I wasn't going to but as I thought about the stories she'd told me during the long hours on the motorway, I decided I would. I would meet this woman and see what she was like. After all, it's easy to be anything, or anyone, when you're hiding behind the anonymity of the Internet.

Looking for advice about writing erotica that includes real-world locations.

I write stories set in Seattle; partly because I love the city, and partly because I know it.

One thing I'm kinda interested in doing is including real locations. Not just general areas of Seattle and the like, but specific places. Just off the top of my head…a burger joint called Li'l Woody's, or a porn shop called The Crypt.

My question is whether or not I can do this without getting myself in trouble. Say I write a piece that includes a specific real-world location and the owner happens to read my book, would they be able to sue me or demand that I take the book down?

This obviously isn't something that's a make-or-break deal, I can quite happily continue writing without including any real places. It's just something I've been thinking about because I think it might be fun. The specific places of a city help with mood and setting.

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Twirl Part 1 – Meeting my new office mates. [FM]

I met Allie at work. I had just transferred to a new office, and my friend Mark was introducing me to everyone. Allie was on a different team, and worked in a different part of the building. If she hadn't joined us for lunch my first day, I probably would probably never met her. I'm glad she did.

I was fascinated by Allie immediately. She wasn't "hot", so to speak. She didn't have an hour glass figure, she dressed plainly, she didn't have pretty eyes or great hair. But for some reason I could barely keep my eyes off her. I eventually decided it was because of her laugh. She laughed easily and often, and it was infectious. She put people in a good mood. It was a welcome environment after the long hours of travel that got me to this new city.

Investor Meeting #1 [Str8, huml, reluc, Mf]

I walk into the meeting, interested to learn more about your business. It's been a busy day, and I'm pleasantly surprised to see that you are an attractive young woman, wearing black stylish heels, a form-fitting white skirt, and a loose fitting grey blouse with scarf. Your dark hair is pulled up showing off the soft skin of your neck. The meeting is late, virtually everyone has left my office. You tell me about your business idea, it's mildly interesting, but I smell you, and can only think about what it would feel like to touch you.

He seems interested in my idea, but he keeps looking down at my skirt, my legs, my neckline. I really need this investment. Time to turn on the charm.

She uncrosses her legs and slides forward in her chair a bit, her skirt rides up. Ok, I'm distracted now. The last of my coworker passes by "see you tomorrow!" and I realize I'm alone with this beautiful young girl. I'm snapped out of my trance when she says "I'd do anything to get this investment."

First time writing. Appreciate any feedback. [mf] No title yet as of now.

The soft light in the room had no real origin. It flickered and moved as if from a candle but Jane couldn’t see it. The dimness created soft swaying shadows in the corners of her bedroom. Jane knew someone was there, moving in the shadows. With a rush the man was on top of her, straddling her, pinning her down on her bed. His grip was firm but gentle. She could smell him, feel the heat of him, but still couldn’t make out his face. The stubble from his face rubbed against her neck. He exhaled after kissing her neck sending a soft shudder down her whole body.

Her legs spread as the shadowy figure used it’s knees to brace itself. With one fluid motion the man was inside her, filling her. A melodic sound began to rise behind Jane’s heavy breathing. Still pinned she let herself give into the thrusts of the shadow. The annoying jingle rose in strength just as she felt herself reaching climax. “Don’t…” barely escaped her throat. But, it was too late. Jane’s eyes snapped open as she woke up alone in her bed. Her cellphone’s alarm blaring on the bed side table to her left.

Categorized as Erotica

A weird story

Walking down the hall, I saw my girlfriend talking with a bunch of guys from our class. I walked pass them, they were probably her friends, so it really wasn't any of my business. The next day after that I received a letter with cursive handwriting, accompanying said letter was a bunch of flowers. A positive and happy vibe spread across my body as I happily placed the flowers in a water filled vase. After placing the flowers in the vase, I continued to read the letter.

"Dear Amari,

I have been watching you ever since I entered Jaylin International School and when you and I used to be the best of friends back in elementary school. I do hope you still remember me even after all these years. Meet me at the airport bathroom by Gate 54 before you board to your flight.

Love, – Your secret admirer and childhood friend"


(Throwaway account for this.) Communion

The old judge put his cold hand on his cheek, and looked at the girl.

While pens scratched out whispered rhythms, and coughs cleared quiet throats, the girl told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, with God’s help. Her small voice, a gentle cinnamon bristle, tumbled out of the monitors married to the microphone erect before her where she sat beside the judge, his hand still on his old cheek, still looking at the girl.

“And how long were you a member of what is known as the Congregation of the Magna Mater?” she was asked. “For five years.” “And how old were you during the time you were a member of the congregation?” “I was sixteen when my family joined the congregation, and I was twenty-one when I left.”

The girl remained quiet as a series of questions were marked for objection by the congregation’s attorney. After the judge ruled, he rested his cheek in his hand again and the state’s attorney proceeded. “While you were a member of the congregation, did you witness their ceremonies?” “Yes,” said the girl. “Can you describe the ceremonies?” “There were a lot of them,” said the girl. “Would you please describe the recurring ceremony before the end of the cult’s–” “Objection,” said the congregation’s attorney.

A massage scene originally created for a friend

Anathya lay on her back, splayed out across the silk sheets of her wide bed, exhausted. Garnett knocked on the door and entered the room after a grunt in reply. His piercing golden eyes glowing like the sunlight beaming in through the window he saw his dear friend lying on the bed and glided across the room to her.

She said "Oh darling I feel so rough today, it's like every part of me is sore. I can barely open my legs" The gown she wore parted and she flailed her leg a bit, like a dying fish it flopped down. "Ugh."

Garnett barley took in the words, the golden orbs of his eyes travelling down her back along her perfectly refined ass, then down her long, smooth legs. "All of you, you say?" His voice quiet and crisp like falling leaves "Well that's just no good, I'll have to help you relax. A massage, to take your mind off things"

He moved over to the side and emptied a bowl sitting on the drawer, opening up said drawer to retrieve bottle of lotion. He poured a gracious amount into the wooden bowl, as his mind wandered back down Anathya's body whilst his eyes couldn't.

Categorized as Erotica

How I lost my virginity: A true story (Part1)

This isn't really Erotica, it's a true story of how I lost my virginity. I didn't know where else to post it.

It's long and descriptive, with the perspective of a terrified virgin boy with hardly any experience beyond kissing – my perspective. My goal was to try and describe how I was feeling, what I was thinking, etc. Please don't judge me too bad though because I don't write erotica or anything like that.

I know it sounds crazy towards the end but I sometimes can't believe it happened either. Depending on how well people like it, I may continue the story, because there is more to it than where I left off.

I hope you enjoy. It's a long read. I had to split it up into two parts.

Names have been changed, but the story is real.


I used to go visit my aunt alot when I was younger. She seemed to move all over the place, and one of the places she lived was about 2 hours away in a neighborhood where the houses were within just a few feet of each other.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

[PROMO] Ride Me Away – Satan’s Saviors MC

Hey everyone! I just released a novella and for the next couple days it will be sitting at 99C before it goes back up to $3.99.

Here's what readers are saying about Ride Me Away:

"Jamie, I loved it!" – Alexis (with Books and Beyond 50 Shades)

"Loved it, can't wait for the next." – Lynn

"I couldn't stop reading!" – Virginie

Anna, the bad-ass undercover agent, is no doubt the best on the force. With her stunning looks and devious mind, she can easily manipulate any man into revealing to her whatever she needs to know. When a tough case from LA gets called in, there's no question about who it will be given to.

Armed with nothing but her confidence and sparse intel, Anna begins her investigation with Jag, the second in command of The Satan's Saviors Motorcycle Club. He's highly respected and handsome enough that keeping an eye on him won't be too tough.

When he starts to take a liking to her, she seizes the opportunity to get close to him. The problem is that her methods of gaining trust fall under "strictly prohibited" in the handbook, and for good reason. Anna is about to learn a hard lesson on following the rules.

Categorized as Erotica