A weird story

Walking down the hall, I saw my girlfriend talking with a bunch of guys from our class. I walked pass them, they were probably her friends, so it really wasn't any of my business. The next day after that I received a letter with cursive handwriting, accompanying said letter was a bunch of flowers. A positive and happy vibe spread across my body as I happily placed the flowers in a water filled vase. After placing the flowers in the vase, I continued to read the letter.

"Dear Amari,

I have been watching you ever since I entered Jaylin International School and when you and I used to be the best of friends back in elementary school. I do hope you still remember me even after all these years. Meet me at the airport bathroom by Gate 54 before you board to your flight.

Love, – Your secret admirer and childhood friend"

I took a mental step back and paled at this letter. I don't remember having a best friend back in elementary school. Perhaps this lady might have sent this to the wrong address. It has to. Time at school flied pass pretty quickly after talking with my girlfriend about this letter, I told her I'll go to the airport just to tell the lady she had sent it to the wrong address so she won't feel as if the person she loves and admires doesn't return her feelings for her. She understood me perfectly well and hugged me telling me of what such a nice and trusting boyfriend I am. I smile back at her and tell her: "Just for you personally." She smiles back at me and gives a tiny peck to my lips as I left school and on my way to the airport.

After sneaking through the security guards (man, airport security these days are pretty terrible), I arrived at my destination. The bathroom by Gate 54, this is it. I gulped and went into the bathroom and noticed a bathroom door closed, so I knocked and asked whether or not this person knows a person called Amari, and with that. The last I could remember was a girl with long hair wearing a suit tight enough for me to see the outline of her butt.

I woke up with a gasp and felt a raging hard on trying to escape my jeans. I was gagged and blindfolded. I tried to tell her that she had sent the letter to the wrong address, but it just came out as weird sounds. I heard her giggle and rub my raging hard on through my jeans with her butt through her suit. I tried to moan but couldn't. All it came out as was gargles. My hips wanted to buck oh so much, but I mustn't. I already have a girlfriend, and this lady seems pretty bonkers for wanting to do this to a person she admires and loves. But it seems like the powers of her oh so very soft butt and smooth skin she has overpowered me and I inadvertently bucked. I heard her moan and suddenly, I feel her crotch on my groin, humping me hard as she opened the buttons on my shirt and is licking my chest. I feel uncomfortable and felt my raging hard on go soft. She growled and rips my jeans off and sucks it back to a raging hard on. I hear her strip herself off of her clothes and the smell of her horniness attacked my nose. I then realised how desperate this lady is as she once again humps my dick, unable to hold it back any longer I let out a gargled scream of pleasure and let out my semen out. …or not, the lady had apparently noticed my incoming release and hold my dick at the base tightly, probably giving me a case of blue balls. She then plopped my dick between her very plump and fluffy breasts that I immediately felt like releasing again, only this time, I did release my semen, and she didn't stop it. Feeling my dick go soft again, I braced myself for what was to come next. What happened next… I can't say much about it. All I can say was that the lady had zipped herself up and left me in there for what felt like a couple of hours until someone else found me, and that, is a story for another time.

*made up place (If there's an actual city named Jaylin, I didn't intend it to be real, so forgive me if it turns out there is an actual city named Jaylin).

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/24omy9/a_weird_story