A massage scene originally created for a friend

Anathya lay on her back, splayed out across the silk sheets of her wide bed, exhausted. Garnett knocked on the door and entered the room after a grunt in reply. His piercing golden eyes glowing like the sunlight beaming in through the window he saw his dear friend lying on the bed and glided across the room to her.

She said "Oh darling I feel so rough today, it's like every part of me is sore. I can barely open my legs" The gown she wore parted and she flailed her leg a bit, like a dying fish it flopped down. "Ugh."

Garnett barley took in the words, the golden orbs of his eyes travelling down her back along her perfectly refined ass, then down her long, smooth legs. "All of you, you say?" His voice quiet and crisp like falling leaves "Well that's just no good, I'll have to help you relax. A massage, to take your mind off things"

He moved over to the side and emptied a bowl sitting on the drawer, opening up said drawer to retrieve bottle of lotion. He poured a gracious amount into the wooden bowl, as his mind wandered back down Anathya's body whilst his eyes couldn't.

"If you lie down flat on your front I can massage your shoulders my dear" She pushed herself up and let the gown draped over her drop and she rolled over onto her front and commented. "You rarely call me dear…"

He grinned as he took off his shirt, displaying a gorgeous chest with thick shoulder muscles as sharp as his jaw. "Why I've no idea what you mean… dear." She glanced over and wet her lips subconsciously as he carried the bowl over, seeming to trip and spill some oil down himself. An 'accident'. "Oops. This is why I took off my shirt" He pretended to rub off the oil seeping into the lines on his chest spreading it further instead as he chuckled "Silly me, I'll just ignore it"

He pushed her head back "Now now, don't strain yourself lovely" She bit her lip for a second, saddened to have that image taken from her as Garnett rubbed his hands together to warm the oil before starting. It was smooth strokes initially, beginning at the shoulders then back up and down the neck, using his whole hands to evenly spread the oil and ease Anathya. She purred quietly as he moved down her spine, then back up again, his hands never leaving her body. Taking long, deep, strokes. Up and down. "Ah, hmm, ah yes that's perfect Garnett, thank you"

He leaned forward as he brought his hands back up to her shoulder letting his chest skin off her back but for a second. The slight touch surprising Anathya as she gasped at the unexpected touch. "Oh Anathya, your neck looks so tense" He leaned in kissing her neck softly, as she sighed, feeling herself give in to him. He ran his tongue all the way down her spine, his hands softly following behind as he reached her stunning ass. Then he pulled back and breathed back up the line he had licked, chilling it and send ripples through her back until he reached her top where he started to nibble her ears. His hands still having never left her body, never having stopped spinning lovingly. Anathya groaned in delight, she was as warm inside as she was outside, her cheeks glowing.

"We aren't done yet darling" He whispered in her ears as he sat down on her legs, his tanned hands. She panted briefly as her heart started to race, the warmth radiating out from her body like a glow. "Oh Garnett you've magic hands, such magic hands." Success, it was only a matter of time now, as he moved her hands down to caress Anathya's perfect firm rear. Her toes curled up as his hands danced circles down her legs before finally taking his hands off her body to unfasten his belt. Throwing aside his trousers he ran both his hands up between her thighs brushing her vulva but for a second before running each hand back up and down her thighs very, very, slowly. The next brush was longer, then the next, thena stroke. And soon his right hand slide under and inbetween Anathya to begin its steady pattern. She moaned as he leaned forward kissing her neck gently as his oily hand sunker into her. She gasped as he stroked inside as well as out, his teeth scratching down her neck. He whispered into her ear "Beg me to take you"

Anathya's moans intensified and she started to rock back and forth on his fingers catiously until she was raised slightly on all fours, eblows and knees. She sneered "I-I will do no such thing, you've got to work for your reward" She jerked up panting

He shrugged "Well then" He entered her with a swift motion and she gasped in surprise. "Guess I'll just have to take you anyway" He smirked as she got over her shock and purred as Garnett started to rock them both back and forth. He lifted her rear up as he pushed her head down into the mattress "Don't strain yourself Anathya…" He remarked coyly as he passed the rest of the oil over her as he slid in and out "I'll take care of you, don't worry" "Oh… yes" She was giddy with delight and the rush as he took control "Harder Garnett harder!"

Garnett obeyed.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/24fbv3/a_massage_scene_originally_created_for_a_friend