A massage scene originally created for a friend

Anathya lay on her back, splayed out across the silk sheets of her wide bed, exhausted. Garnett knocked on the door and entered the room after a grunt in reply. His piercing golden eyes glowing like the sunlight beaming in through the window he saw his dear friend lying on the bed and glided across the room to her.

She said "Oh darling I feel so rough today, it's like every part of me is sore. I can barely open my legs" The gown she wore parted and she flailed her leg a bit, like a dying fish it flopped down. "Ugh."

Garnett barley took in the words, the golden orbs of his eyes travelling down her back along her perfectly refined ass, then down her long, smooth legs. "All of you, you say?" His voice quiet and crisp like falling leaves "Well that's just no good, I'll have to help you relax. A massage, to take your mind off things"

He moved over to the side and emptied a bowl sitting on the drawer, opening up said drawer to retrieve bottle of lotion. He poured a gracious amount into the wooden bowl, as his mind wandered back down Anathya's body whilst his eyes couldn't.

Categorized as Erotica