Twirl Part 1 – Meeting my new office mates. [FM]

I met Allie at work. I had just transferred to a new office, and my friend Mark was introducing me to everyone. Allie was on a different team, and worked in a different part of the building. If she hadn't joined us for lunch my first day, I probably would probably never met her. I'm glad she did.

I was fascinated by Allie immediately. She wasn't "hot", so to speak. She didn't have an hour glass figure, she dressed plainly, she didn't have pretty eyes or great hair. But for some reason I could barely keep my eyes off her. I eventually decided it was because of her laugh. She laughed easily and often, and it was infectious. She put people in a good mood. It was a welcome environment after the long hours of travel that got me to this new city.

On the way back from lunch, we fell a little behind the group, we got into a heated discussion about JavaScript libraries, and the proper use thereof. Her business card said "Designer", but she didn't have any trouble debating the finer points of the subject. She explained that she got into design because she couldn't stand people who would assert that a product had a particular look and feel just because they drew it in Photoshop, without any regard to how technically feasible it would be. I lost track of time talking to her, and was surprised when we got back to the office. I regretted that we had to part ways, but I had work to do, and arrousal wasn't a reason I wanted to tell my manager for why I took an afternoon off.

On the walk home that night, Allie sprung unbidden into my thoughts. I couldn't stop thinking about her, and my thoughts turned carnal by the time I got to my apartment. Her body may not be spectacular, but thinking about what lay under the jeans she had worn that day was quite the turn on. By the time I got inside, I was half hard, and glad no one met me in the halls.

That night while falling asleep, my hands found my dick, already half hard, and my mind wandered to thoughts of Allie again. The more I thought about it, the more I was sure that I wanted her in bed with me, and I resolved to make it come true. As I stroked myself to sleep, I imagined her soft skin pressed against mine and her lips pressed against my neck. Her hand wandered over my bare chest, and her naked breasts pressed against my side. Her hand made her way down, down, following my arm to stroke me. And then instead of my own hand pumping up and down, I felt her. The sensation was wonderful, and a few moments later, I came to climax, and I shot over my chest and stomach, a trail of fluid tracing it's way back to the source of my fascination with her.

I resolved then that I would have that experience again with flesh and blood instead of imagination. I resolved that Annie would make me cum. And eventually she did.

The next day I looked her up on IRC and sent her a message, hoping to find a way to set up another lunch together. Things went better than expected.

 mythmon | ping, do you have any recommendations for a good coffee place? mythmon | you were right yesterday, the office coffee is shit allizard | there's a good place right down the street allizard | give me a few minutes and I can show you where it is :) mythmon | awesome. im on the first floor by the kitchen allizard | the big one? mythmon | it seems pretty big to me, i guess so allizard | heh. alright, i'll see you in a bit. 

I waited impatiently, trying to focus on getting through the emails that had piled up during my move. Most of them were inconsequential. Something popped into my inbox. It was from an address I didn't recognize, but I quickly realized as a local mailing list for the office. The message was about a party that was happening in the office that Friday to celebrate the launch of one of the parties. I made a mental note to ask Allie about it during our coffee trip. It sounded like a good oppourtunity to get to know her outside of work.

Just then, Allie popped up over the dividing wall next to my desk. I locked my system and followed her out the door. The day before, she had not been wearing anything special, jeans and a company t-shirt. Today seemed a little different. Her jeans seemed a little tighter, and the shirt was cut lower. It did wonder to improve her already fascinating figure. I wondered briefly if she did ut for my benefit, but that seemed too good to be true. I chalked it up as coincidence, but that didn't stop me from enjoying what the jeans did to her ass as we walked out of the office.

"So why did you move to the city? Do you have friend heGre?" she asked.

"Not really, just Mark. I decided I was tired of working from home, and I thought being here would help me meet some new people."

"Well, we certainly have plenty of people here." We walked by a pair of women wearing bikinis and shorts, headed towards the beach. "And what lovely people to meet." Her head turned to watch the women pass, obviously checking them out. "Does your girlfriend know that she has this kind of competition walking around?"

"Oh, I don't have a girlfriend", I said quickly. I didn't want Allie to think of me as taken before we even got started.

"Well, all the better" she said, smiling. It almost felt like she had said that hoping to hear that response.

As we sat down at the coffee shop to wait for our drinks, the conversation turned to work.

"So what project are working on?" she asked.

"I'm doing the frontend for the mobile version of our website. Have you seen it?"

"I haven't", she said, so I got my phone out to show her. I turned the phone upside down so she could see it and I demoed the features I had been working on lately. As she bent over the phone to see the phone, her shirt fell away from her chest slightly, giving me a lovely view down her shirt. I tried to focus on the explanation I was giving, but I tripped up a few times as my eyes traced the curve of her breasts and the lacy black bra that held them.

When I was done showing off my work, she looked up at me without moving her body and smiled slowly. "Looks good. Almost like I designed it." she said, as she sat up slowly. She smoothed out her shirt over her breasts, and in my opinion, she took a lot longer on the top than she needed to. Now I was sure she was doing this for my benefit.

The rest of the week was spent tracking down bugs in a new feature I was working on. I had a few more exchanges with Allie on irc, but we were both too busy to meet up again until Friday.

Friday came, and I waited impatiently until the end of the day.

 mythmon | everyone seems so dressed up today. did i miss a memo? allizard | heh, no. people just seem to dress a little nicer on days like this mythmon | ah, that makes sense allizard | we have such a casual environment, sometimes it can be nice to dress up a little bit mythmon | definitely allizard | it can be hard to find something nice to wear in this heat though mythmon | oh? did you dress up today? allizard | you'll have to wait and see ;) 

I had enjoyed our flirtatious conversations that week, but this was the first one that had an affect on my dick. I slid a little further under my deskt to hide my growing hard-on from any passer-bys. I already had an idea of what hid under her shirt, and thinking about what she had done with it when she was trying to impress was an exciting though indeed.

From that point I was practically counting the hours until the party started. When the appointed hour finally arrived, I made my way towards the commons area, hoping I wouldn't feel too under dressed. I grabbed a drink on my way in from the fridge, some import beer who's label I didn't pay much attention to, and scanned the room for Allie I didn't find her, but I did spot Mark piling a plate with snacks. I joined him and admired the spread that had been set up.

Mark was one of the main reasons I moved to the city. I wanted to call him on all the bullshit he had sold me about the antics he got up to. And If I was wrong and he really did what he said he did, maybe I could get in on it. If reality was half as good as his stories, I'd be getting a lot of action even if Allie was just teasing me.

"So, are you going to be joining us out clubbing tonight? I can't wait to show you the local night life." he asked me.

"Well, I'm not so sure, I was kind of thinking about…" I didn't want to get stuck in plans with Mark and miss an oppourtunity with Allie.

By this time Allie had found us, and she had a friend in tow. "Oh, you have to come with us. I've been looking forward to taking you to this club. They play the best music there."

"Oh, You didn't let me finish. I was going to say 'I was kind of thinking about how I'd hate to miss going out with my new coworkers'. Of course I'll go out with you all tonight." If Allie was part of the group that I had heard about in Mark's stories, I hoped that even a quarter of them were true.

I turned to look at what Allie had been teasing me about all day, to find her in a black sun dress with white polka dots and red hem. It was the most adorable thing I could imagine her in. Then I looked at the rest of what stood before me, and I saw long, smooth legs that disappeared under the skirt. I saw those breasts that I had oggled days before delicately outlined under the top of the dress, and it took all the will power I had to press my face into the nape of her neck and kiss my way down the dress.

"Oh, I'm glad we convinced you. We should have a lot of fun." Allie said, and then giggled. I'm not sure I could have planned this night any better than what had been handed to me on a polka dot platter.

I spent the rest of the party meeting new people and old friends, but I never spent long away from Allie, Mark, and Allie's friend Rebeca. As the party was winding down, we decided to get dinner nearby, then grab a cab to the club that Mark and Allie had been raving about all evening.

At dinner, we crammed into a booth near a window, and all ended up ordering breakfast. I was in a corner, with Allie beside me and Rebeca across from me. The booth was a little smaller than normal, and it was practically impossible to sit beside Allie without bumping into her. Neither of us seemed to mind though.

As we ate our eggs and pancakes and waffles and various fatty meats, I noticed that Allie was eating with only her right hand, and keeping her left hand in her lap under the table. Then I noticed her hand under the table exploring other portions of the landscape. Her hand wandered over to my thigh and began to stroke softly up and down.

"How are you enjoying your sausage?" Allie's hand stroked my inner thigh, as she took a bite of pancake. Smart, attractive, horny, and ambidextrous? I was enjoying my sausage just fine, and I told her so.

I looked across the table to notice that Mark's right hand was nowhere to be seen. He was attempting to eat with his left hand, but he mainly just fumbled things around his plate.

Rebeca's hands were both clearly visible, but she wasn't pretending to try and eat. Her hands were on either side of her plate, and she seemed to be enjoying Mark's attention. Her head went back slightly, and her hands gripped the table edge tighter. As a small gasp escaped her mouth and her eyes closed, as Allie's stroking finally reached it's goal. She pressed her palm against my now wonderfully hard dick, while she gently played her fingers across my balls through my jeans.

This wonderful treatment went along for a moment until the waitress came by to ask if we needed anything else. Mark and Annie quickly withdrew their hands, and Rebeca let out a small whimper of disappointment.

"We're all doing very well," Annie said, "All we need is the check please."

The waitress smiled knowingly, "I'll have that right out for you. Enjoy the rest of your night."

After we took care of the check (the ladies offered to pay the bill as long as Mark and I got them drinks) we discussed our next steps.

"We probably won't be able to get two cabs close enough together, so we'll have to squeeze into one." Mark seemed to have this all planned out. We all agreed to the plan and made our way out to the street.

The cab came, and we all piled into the back seat. We were too tightly packed for anyone to be giving hand jobs, but being squeezed between Allie and Rebeca was certainly not anything to complain about.

Once we made our way into the club, I was greeted by a barrage of sound, light, and bodies. The dance floor was packed in the best way, and I spotted plenty of places to grab a quiet drink. Or to grab something else.

Rebeca declared she wasn't nearly drunk enough for the debauchery she had in mind, so we made our way over to the bar. While we stood in line, Allie stood in front of me and pressed her ass into my crouch. As we gave our orders to the bartender, Allie swayed her hips to the music, rubbing my dick across her cheeks. By the time the bartender returned with our drinks, Allie's elbows were on the bar, and I had to brace myself to stop her grinding from pushing me back.

We finished our drinks and moved towards the dance floor. There was no shortage of visible flesh and couples grinding on the floor, and as Allie pulled me towards the center of the crowd, I saw a few couples with lips locked or hands in eachother's clothes. This seemed like the perfect place to be.

When we got to the place Annie and Rebeca had in mind, she began grinding against me again, more mobile this time as she moved to the music. I put my hands on her hips, feeling bolder. She put her hands on mine and for a moment I worried I had misread the situation. Then she pulled my arms a little further around her, increasing the amount of contact between us. I took the hint and ran my hands across her sides and stomach.

The song changed, and she turned around in my arms. I found my hands on her lower back; it wasn't a stretch to move them a little lower down and cup her ass. She put her head beside me and pressed her lips against my ears.

"Your cock feels so good. I can't wait to have it inside me.". She pulled her head back and gave me a short kiss. She pulled away entirely as the song picked up, and started dancing more provocatively. She was good, much better than I as, and now that I wasn't glued to her, the way she moved made her the sexiest woman in the room.

Songs changed. We varied from dancing separately to pressed together. Our hands roamed all over eachother. Her breasts felt even better under my hands than they looked under the dress she was wearing. By the time we left the dance floor, my cock throbbed and ached. I was worried I would cum in my pants if she kept rubbing against me.

We got another round of drinks. This time Annie spent most of the time we waited for drinks with her tongue in my mouth. I didn't mind, but the bartended seemed to. I made a note to tip well tonight. We made our way to a quieter area of the room, and sat down on a padded bench that was mostly hidden from the dance floor.

Our drinks were left on the table all but forgotten as Allie's lips clamped over mine. We broke apart for a moment, and her hands wandered back to my crouch. She licked her lips. "Can I see it?" she whispered as she squeezed my cock through my pants.

"Well…", I looked around the room to see if anyone was watching. I could see some people, but none seemed to be looking our way. Before I made up my mind she had started undoing my belt. She had my dick out in the air before I decided I wasn't going to stop her, and by the time I openned my mouth to say anything, she had opened hers and wrapped it around my head.

My imagined complaints turned into muffled sighs as she worked her way up and down my cock. With the hand that was under her, I reached into the top of her dress that had fallen away, and held a bra covered tit in my hand as she bobbed up and down, taking me almost completly into her mouth.

"If you don't stop soon, I'm going to cum." I said. I didn't think she wanted a load of cum in the middle of a club. I guess I was wrong. She picked up speed and moved my hand from over the bra of one breast to under the fabric on the other. As I pinched her nipple my hips jerked slightly of their own accord. I could feel the orgasm building in my balls, and threw my head back.

I spotted Rebeca peeking around the corner, silently watching us with a hungry grin on her face. The pleasure from my dick made it too hard to do anything except grunt and cum, shooting my load into Allie's throat. As I came, I couldn't break eye contact with Rebeca. I was fixed on her face as I exploded.

Allie tongued the cum off my dick, and zipped me back up. She rose and kissed me fiercely. I could taste my cum in her mouth. She had swallowed it, but some still remained. Her lips were soft and once again I didn't have any focus left to worry about Rebeca watching us.

As we broke apart, I stared into her eyes for a moment, until I noticed Rebeca appluading. "Well done, Allie. I haven't seen someone suck cock like that since I sucked the cum out of Mark 5 minute ago. Mark and I are headed back to the apartment. Want to join us?"

"No, that's alright. I think I've got some unfinished business here." Allie grabbed my hand and wrapped it aroud her breasts again. Don't wait up, I don't plan on going home to my own bed tonight." She squeezed my hand against her breast.

Well, I thought, it looks like I've got a long night ahead of me. I brought my other hand up to grab both of Allie's tits, and told Rebeca that I hoped to see her again.



  1. Nice pace and progress through the story .. Agree with the previous poster, keep it coming (no pun intended).

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