Damn that’s hot *written by a woman and most likely for women

I hear the hard, “Knock Knock Knock” of the door. My heart jumps and I smooth the wrinkles from my tight mini dress as I open the door. There he is: standing there, so beautiful and tall, skin was tanned from his long journey and his golden hair softly on his shoulders. He tilts his head downward to look at me, and smiles. I let him in and close the door. He wraps his arms around me and I feel so much tension between our hearts.

Slowly his hands go from the top of my back, down my waist. He stops and holds me art arms length. “Kat, I have missed you so much” and before I could reply his lips are on mine and we are a whirlwind of butterflies. My body ached without him and now it was like pouring honey on a sore throat.

I motioned for the door so we could begin our date but he had other intentions. He stood, broad chested and gorgeous in the way of the door and motioned for the bed. I looked doey eyed at him and played his little game. I sat on the edge of the bed and gave him a smirk. All the while my heart is playing jump rope and I feel like the fizz of champagne.

Washed pt 2. [MF, Voy, Fsub, Mdom]

To read pt. one http://redd.it/2aanki

A breeze rolls through. Feels great on my damp skin. I get goosebumps. Not sure if it's from the cold or if it's cause of this brick shithouse of a man standing before me.

He's staring at me. Biting his bottom lip. I'm jealous. I want to bite it too. He puts the hose away and he walks up to me. I see his hands again. Touch me. Please just touch me. I need to feel his rough hands all over me.

"Are you ok? Are you cold? Come over to my car I might have an extra shirt." We walk over to his car and I finally realize just how tall he is. I have to pick up the pace just to keep up with his strides. He opens the passenger side door and pulls out a shirt. He hands it to me. "Here try this one. It's my favorite."

I lift it to my face. It smells so good, almost like a bonfire. I set my wet shirt down on his car and I notice he makes a face but doesn't say anything. I'm topless. Exposed. It's a button up shirt. He watches me slide my arms into the sleeves. "Slower" he says. "And leave it open." I obey.

Washed pt. one [MF, Voy]

It's late. Almost two in the morning. I'm not tired. As usual. I decide to go wash my car. It needs it, badly. It's really dark out so I just go in my pajamas. My black drawstring shorts, that just barely cover my butt, and a loose purple v-neck shirt. I throw on my flip flops and I leave.

It's hot and humid out. Sticky. I turn up the radio and put all my windows down. Feeling the wind all around me. The song on the radio is one of my favorites. It's a slower Rock song with a great beat. I would love to strip for someone to this song.

I pull into the car wash. There is only one other car in there but I don't see it's driver. I put it in park and go to get my change. I've found him. Standing there at the machine. He is incredibly handsome and burly. Almost everything I love in a man. Tall, dark features, great beard, but what i really notice is his arms, incredibly solid. He looks like he could pick me up above his head. The next things I notice are his hands. I can see how callused they are and I automatically imagine them all over me. Feeling his rough hands all over my bare skin and I can feel myself begin to blush.

(MF) Glory Stations

At Horrow Park Boys School, they had a problem. Their 18 year old last year students just weren't getting the great standard of grades that the directors wanted them to get in order for the school to retain its place on the league tables.

At a meeting, the senior staff discussed how best to motivate their boys more. They talked about frustration, lack of concentration and most of all a lack of interest in staying longer for revision. Someone pointed out that a great deal of the boys were keen to leave school to go meet their girlfriends, and this not only meant they spent less time in school but left those boys without a girlfriend feeling inadequate and frustrated at their lack of sexual activity.

That was when they decided to install the Glory Stations.

Making way in the computer room by sliding a few old desktops out of the way, they broke down the wall to the common room that the senior boys used. They created a small enclosure with three holes between the common room and the computer room. These were the glory stations, and at first it was decided that all unmarried female teachers under forty should take a half hour slot in the glory stations every day should they wish to keep their job.

The Lesson – (ffm) (oral, mast, swing) – Hannah gets her first lesson in sex.

“He’s not even gonna want to talk to me,” I whined to Callie as she pulled up to the house. Dozens of cars filled the mansion’s driveway, and the booming music could be heard all the way down the block.

“Not with that attitude he won’t,” She responded without missing a beat. Callie was always giving me advice about my attitude. It irked me more than I let her see. Mostly because I knew she was right.

“Fine, he’s gonna be stunned by my dazzling good looks and fascinating conversation and realize he loves me and – “

“Oh, shut up,” she cut me off. “Just try to have fun, Okay?”

“Fine.” I was surprised how easy I was to sway this time. Something about tonight just felt right. With the end of High School approaching, I was starting to feel like it didn’t matter how I behaved, so why not be the boldest version of myself that I could be?

GRO Part 6 – Daddy used it, too. [Str8, Mf, oral]

It was lunch and Kyle, Bobby and Jeni’s father, had come home from work. He’d told them he was sick, and that was partially true. What he hadn’t done was discuss the nature of his malady. He certainly couldn’t tell them he was leaving due to a raging hard-on.

Kyle knew he had been dumb going to work today. Unfortunately that hadn’t been the only dumb decision he’d made over the last few days, just one of the more recent ones.

The first had been using the GRO.

He’d found the tube in Bobby’s pants pocket while doing laundry. Later that night, curious about what his son had gotten himself into, he looked up the product on the Internet.

Now, any sane, grown man knew it was a bad idea to put Russian penile enhancement cream on his genitalia. But Kyle figured the only way to adhere to this sound advice would be to never possess such a cream in the first place.

The way Kyle figured, any man left for a sufficient amount of time with a cream that promises to grow his dick would end up using it. He certainly had.

GRO Part 5 – Bella finds her groove [Bi, mff, anal, oral, watersports]

“So you’re actually going in to school?” Adam asked incredulously.

“Yeah, I mean I can’t avoid it forever. Might as well see how it goes. Plus, Jeni is staying home, and our parents don’t like us to both miss school on the same day,” Bobby’s voice answered through the phone.

Adam grinned. He hadn’t realized he’d get a chance to try his newest plan so soon!

“Well, tell me how it goes, dude,” he answered back, trying to keep his happiness out of his voice.

He hung up his phone and pulled out his other phone. Actually, it was Chris’s phone. Chris left it at home when he went to work. Bobby had figured he might be able to use it today to at least get some of the girls his brother was hooking up with to send him some nasty pics. But now he had other ideas.

He’d seen Jeni, Bobby’s older sister, when he’d come home yesterday from his failed propositioning of Missy Kipling. And he’d definitely noticed her tits – they’d grown about five cup-sizes overnight!

GRO Part 4 – Bro and sis, reunited. [Str8, mf, anal, inc, oral]

Jeni had gotten home from Chris’s to find her parents home. She snuck upstairs to avoid seeing them – she was a total mess, and it would probably be obvious what from – and immediately hopped in the shower.

After that, she’d gotten dressed, including Bobby’s oversized sweatshirt, and went downstairs. Her parents were in the kitchen, talking and doing laundry.

Soon Bobby came home and his father told him to change clothes for Sunday dinner and bring his clothesbasket to the laundry room. When he’d done that they went out to an early dinner.

Bobby was being especially quiet, but she supposed she was too. They kept throwing each other significant glances – questioning at first, then knowing, then flirting. It was hard not to look at her little brother and still see the goofy kid he’d been yesterday. Now he was a goofy kid with a king-size package who had gotten her off in a big way earlier.

The weird thing was, even though this morning Jeni would have said she’d only messed with Bobby because he was the only one with a cock that big, and now she knew Chris, she still was having a lot of thoughts about Bobby.

Jacob and Ginny – Beach Bang [cheating][M/F]

It was the middle of the afternoon and Jacob was pissed. The unrelenting sun beat down on his head and the moisture laden air made every breath a displeasing chore. His muscled torso was covered with beads of sweat that glistened on his dark skin and the hair on his chest and belly lay plastered against him. It was a typical summer day in the small town of Rayfills and Jacob was pissed. But it wasn’t the heat that was pissing him off; nor was it the humidity. It was the fact that his young, easily excitable cock was hard as steel, straining against the insides of his briefs. The tent in his pants was noticeable, but he didn’t care. There was no one around to see him, anyway; especially not his girlfriend who put him in this state and then took off. Jacob hated a lot of things in the world- cheap beer, bad westerns, skinny bimbos- but he didn’t hate anything more than not having a well satisfied prick. He lounged against the steps of the front porch of his grandparent’s little cottage. The power was out and it was unbearable inside. At least out here the breeze coming in from the ocean helped cool him, somewhat, though it did nothing to lessen the discomfort in his pants. He sighed as the anger eventually faded out of him, even as the discomfort remained. Jacob could never be angry for too long with anyone but he was young and almost always horny. He wondered if he should just shuck his pants and go skinny-dipping; no one ever came to Rayfills and the beach near his grandparent’s place was almost always deserted. A gust of wind stirred up the dust on the parched ground and a light layer of grit settled on Jacob’s skin. That decided him. He ran towards the open stretch of sand and quickly slipped out of his jeans and briefs. Splashing his way towards sea he plunged into the waves.

Trouble finding a story

I've perused the internet for a story in particular that I read a few years ago and forgot to bookmark! I've checked tag combination upon combination on literotica, lushstories, asstr, and everything else I can think of, without any luck. So I'm hoping this will work.

My memory isn't the best, but here is what I remember

It's about a young woman who gets hired as a house mom or similar position for a fraternity. She sneaks around with them (I think she was the assistant to the house mom actually and had to sneak behind her back). They have lots of sex, an orgy, and it was a great story if my memory serves correctly.

I am really hoping someone knows this story, I really liked it and look forward to reading it again. I tried the forums on literotica to no avail and I figure if anyone can find it, it's the good people at reddit.

Please help my plight!

I would appreciate any help in finding it, so please help.

Categorized as Erotica