GRO Part 4 – Bro and sis, reunited. [Str8, mf, anal, inc, oral]

Jeni had gotten home from Chris’s to find her parents home. She snuck upstairs to avoid seeing them – she was a total mess, and it would probably be obvious what from – and immediately hopped in the shower.

After that, she’d gotten dressed, including Bobby’s oversized sweatshirt, and went downstairs. Her parents were in the kitchen, talking and doing laundry.

Soon Bobby came home and his father told him to change clothes for Sunday dinner and bring his clothesbasket to the laundry room. When he’d done that they went out to an early dinner.

Bobby was being especially quiet, but she supposed she was too. They kept throwing each other significant glances – questioning at first, then knowing, then flirting. It was hard not to look at her little brother and still see the goofy kid he’d been yesterday. Now he was a goofy kid with a king-size package who had gotten her off in a big way earlier.

The weird thing was, even though this morning Jeni would have said she’d only messed with Bobby because he was the only one with a cock that big, and now she knew Chris, she still was having a lot of thoughts about Bobby.

Part of it was still the taboo. Jeni had always thought incest was sexy. She’d never considered it for herself, but she’d read stories and gotten herself off to them. But now that she’d tried it for real, she thought there might still be something there.

Plus he was younger, and Jeni had always fantasized about taking the virginity of a younger guy. If dumb-butt would have stayed awake long enough she would have deflowered him by now!

Dinner went off without a hitch. They went home, watched some TV and then Jeni and Bobby went back to their rooms. Jeni didn’t trust herself to talk to Bobby with their parents still awake, and apparently Bobby had the same thought. Soon it was bedtime, so she stripped to her panties and a t-shirt – stretched obscenely tight over her tits – and went to sleep.

In her dreams she was on all fours and naked. Bobby was behind her, pushing his giant cock into her pussy. Chris was in front of her, and she was sucking him. Their rhythm was perfectly timed, so that Bobby pulled her hips to him as Chris pulled is cock out of her mouth. She was on the brink of orgasm, and they were keeping her. She knew that they’d all cum together.

Finally it was becoming too much. Jeni’s back arched, her chest heaved and she came.

“Oh, Bobby!” she cried, in the dream and in real life. She awoke with a start, realizing she’d spoken out loud.

Jeni found herself tangled in her bedclothes. She’d been pretty active while dreaming. When she moved her legs, she realized she’d gotten pretty excited as well – she was soaked! Her pussy was as wet as she’d ever known. Wow, she really was a brazen little slut if she was still horny after all the serious dick she’d gotten today.

But horny she was, so slut she must be. Jeni looked at the clock – 1:30, well past bedtime for everyone – and listened for noises in the house. None. Then, stripping off her t-shirt and panties and putting on her robe, she went into the hall and crept to Bobby’s room.

She let herself in, being careful to close the door as silently as possible. Bobby was there, asleep on his side under his covers. Apparently he hadn’t had the trouble she was having. Weren’t guys supposed to be more sex-crazed?

She slipped her robe off and climbed under the covers with him. Feeling around she found his rock-hard cock bare – sleeping in the nude was probably the most comfortable thing for him now.

God he still felt good! And, if possible, even bigger than he had this morning. Or maybe she’d just forgotten.

Jeni wasn’t going to wait for him to wake up this time. She turned around so her firm, round little ass was pointed at him and reached between her legs for his prick. This she guided to her slit and wiggled to get it started going in.

She felt herself stretching again. Apparently one time with Chris hadn’t been enough to loosen her up completely.

Then she began pushing her ass back into him, getting more of his strong cock buried in her with each stroke. After a bit he was bottomed out inside her.

Jeni had always thought that this kind of spooning position would be a sweet and intimate way to make love. But Bobby groggily put his arm over her as she ground her ass against his groin, and she quickly realized it could be a very hot way to fuck as well. She was getting worked up quickly, and felt she would cum very soon.

Bobby was starting to wake up, even if it was halfway, and was adding his own thrusts to the equation. His hand found her breast and gave it a squeeze – enough to set her orgasm in motion.

Jeni let out a gasp and a choked cry before she buried her face in the pillow and let loose. She was still almost certain someone would hear her.

As she came down she realized Bobby was still slowly fucking her. He seemed a little more awake.

“Mmmmmm, Isabella, that was hot,” he murmured.

“Isabella?” she asked, amused and just a little offended. “Sorry, little bro, it’s just me.” She pushed her ass back quickly to give him a bump. It worked, but it also caused a shock through her pussy and she gasped.

“Oh, fuck. Jeni, sorry. I thought I was dreaming,” he said, finally waking up fully. Damn the boy slept like the dead!

“Dreaming of fucking someone named Isabella, huh?”

“Mmm-hmm!” he said, grabbing her hips and thrusting a little shallower and faster. Then, as suddenly as he had accelerated, he froze.

“Are we…fucking?” he said, his voice full of shock.

“Yes we are, little brother. And you’re doing great! You already made me cum once.”

“I did?” he said, amazed. Then he pumped his hips forward once, then again, apparently overcoming any weirdness he felt about fucking his sister. Soon they were into a steady rhythm again.

Jeni was impressed with his stamina and his technique. His taut young body was pressed against her back and his hands roamed her front, sometimes playing with her big tits and sometimes pressing her clit through its hood. This all amounted to a near-continuous, low-level orgasm for Jeni.

She had liked fucking Chris – no, correction, she’d loved it – but being with Bobby was different. All the years of affection came rushing back and she saw things in a different light. Had her pestering been the signs of a crush? Had his belligerence over the last year be a result of him suppressing feelings for her?

Suddenly the spooning position wasn’t right for what Jeni was feeling.

“Roll on you back, Bobby,” she whispered.

He tried to do it first without taking his cock out of her. This, of course, didn’t work. Realizing he was going to have to, he gave a few more thrusts in first, as if he thought it might be his last time in her pussy. Jeni almost laughed, because she knew this definitely wasn’t the case, either tonight, or in the future.

Finally Bobby pulled out of her and lay on his back. Jeni shifted around under the covers so she could straddle his hips. She scooted up high on his chest, temporarily sliding her big tits over his face so she could line her wet slit up with the head of his penis once again.

When she’d gotten the head in she slid down, down, down Bobby’s cock until he was once again pushing against her cervix.

“Mmmmmmm, that’s better!” she said aloud, using her legs to resume their rhythmic fucking.

Bobby was grinning. “Ride ‘em, cowgirl!” he said and slapped her ass lightly under the covers.

“You,” she moaned as she felt his attentions to her ass begin to work their effect on her, “are such…” She sighed, feeling her pussy contract. “A dork!” And she pressed her mouth against his just in time to suppress a scream of pleasure as a big orgasmic wave crashed over her senses.

They kissed passionately, Bobby thrusting up into her raggedly while he squeezed her round little ass cheeks. Jeni kept cumming and cumming, their hot kissing adding fuel to her orgasmic fire.

And then she felt Bobby give a final, deep thrust into her. Then she felt a blazing hot gush, then another fill her pussy. His cum must have lubricated the last bit that needed it, because then his spurting cock pushed past her cervix. Then the teen felt her younger brother’s giant cock deliver load after load of fertile seed directly into her womb.

Soon Bobby overfilled her tiny insides and his cum began leaking down her thighs, onto his groin and then making a mess on Bobby’s bed.

They continued kissing for a while, Bobby using some of the cum that had escaped to lube up, then push a finger into her tight little ass. Jeni almost stopped him – it felt a bit uncomfortable – but then decided to let him have his fun. After a minute he was fucking a finger in and out of her ass and it actually felt kind of good. A little bit great actually!

She broke their kiss and looked at her brother incredulously.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Does that feel good?” he asked, ignoring her question.

“Yeah…” she said hesitantly. Then she felt him add another finger. “Oh!” she moaned.

“How about now?” he teased.

She could only just nod. Her voice had caught in her throat. Getting her little ass violated was…intense, to say the least. It wasn’t comfortable, but that was part of what made Jeni like it. The feeling of getting stretched she’d adored during her first two fucking sessions was intensified with Bobby’s fingers pumping in her ass. As long as they were well lubricated, if felt really amazing. And thanks to Bobby’s huge cum load, lubrication was in no short supply.

If two fingers felt better than one, what would feel better than two?

“Bobby…” she managed to squeak out.

“Hmm?” he said, still concentrating on finger-fucking her ass.

“Do you want to…?”

“Want to what?”

She shot him a look. How could he be so clueless? Oh yeah, he was a 13-year-old boy.

“Do. You want. To fuck. My ass?” she said slowly so he might follow. He stopped fingering her.

“You mean it?”

She smiled a naughty smile at him and nodded emphatically. She slid off his big cock and laid on her belly beside him.

“Just go slow!” she whispered urgently. He threw the covers off the bed and positioned himself behind her. Jeni spread her legs to give him a clear shot, then waited.

Bobby couldn’t believe his luck. This had to be the best end to the best day of his life. First he’d woken up to a new big cock and a hot, horny sister. Then he’d gotten a girlfriend and had a threesome. Now he’d fucked said sister and was about to put his cock in he ass. It was better than Christmas!

Getting between her legs, Bobby marveled at how perfect his big sister’s ass was now. And her tight little asshole was gleaming at him in the dim light of his room, already wet from the cum he’d used to get his fingers in her.

He lined his cock up to her asshole. His cockhead looked ridiculously big compared to her puckered little hole, like he was about to try pushing an apple in there. Somehow that made it seem even hotter.

Bobby took a moment to push the head into her pussy to get more slippery cum – not that it wasn’t coated already. Then he placed it at the entrance to her ass and pushed. At first it was like trying to fuck a trampoline – her hole flexed inward elastically, resisting penetration. Bobby had a momentary flashback to trying to fuck Isabella’s pussy and feared the same outcome.

Then Jeni arched her back and let out a groan and Bobby felt his cockhead being squeezed in a hot fist as it sank into his teen sister’s virgin ass.

Once the head was in, the rest followed, slowly but surely. Bobby remembered what Jeni had said about taking it easy, and as much as he wanted to ram it in as deep as he could, be didn’t want to hurt the girl that had been sweet enough to offer him her ass.

He assumed Jeni was enjoying herself, but it was hard to tell with her face buried in her pillow. She was making a lot of noise in there for sure. And her back was arching and her hands clutching the bedsheets. Until she stopped him he had to assume it was feeling good.

Not that Bobby was sure he could stop at this point. Her ass was so, so hot and so tight and he could feel it milking his cock like it wanted his cum. And once he got himself all the way in her, the feeling of humping against her warm, round little tush was absolutely maddening. He wondered if Isabella would let him do this. Or Amber. He couldn’t wait to try.

Jeni turned her head and looked at him. The expression on her face was hard to read – somewhere between agony and joy. She seemed to want to speak, but she was having trouble, or at least having trouble speaking quietly.

“Bob-…” she started in a whisper, but then gave a too-loud “oh FUCK!” and buried her face back in the pillow.

Bobby felt her ass grip him tighter, and this time he was sure she was cumming. Her groans had turned into the cute little helpless whimpers he heard from her when she came particularly hard.

These little sounds, plus he increased tightness, drove poor Bobby right off the edge. He pushed as deep as he could in his sweet sister’s sweet little ass and unleashed another load of cum.

Spurt after spurt of hot cum flowed into little Jeni’s ass. Unlike her pussy and mouth, her bowels didn’t run out of room, and she took Bobby’s entire load inside her little teen body.

Booby rolled to the side, this time carrying Jeni with him, stuck as she was on the full length of his cock. They landed in the spooning position they’d started the night in.

“Oh, oh Bobby!” Jeni gasped.

“Are you ok?” he asked.

She smiled and twisted back to kiss the edge of his mouth.

“That was…intense,” she said. It seemed like an understatement.

They laid there for a few minutes until Jeni told him she should go back to bed. He agreed and they slid themselves apart. Jeni’s ass gaped obscenely. Booby thought it looked hot as fuck.

She shrugged on her robe, gave him one last lovers’ kiss and crept back to her room.

Bobby laid back on the bed, ignoring the huge wet spot they had made, and drifted into the happiest sleep he’d ever known.



  1. Bobby scored a hat trick, with his sister. Oral, Vag, and Anal within the span of 24 hours. Atta boi, Bobby. Atta Boi.

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