Maxwell Farm: Part 5 of 6 [MF and FFF, Fantasy, Breeding farm, Mild furry(cow), Lactation, Weight gain, preg, huml, reluc]


Dust kicks up behind the trailer as you drive me to Charlie Johnson’s farm. My body jiggles and bounces as we travel down a bumpy dirt road. The dust chokes me, making me cough, and an hour or so into the drive, I start to feel rather sick. I curl up in the hay on the floor of the trailer, but my mind is too full of thoughts to let me sleep.

By the time we reach our destination, I have grown quite thirsty. You lead me out of the trailer and to a trough just inside gate to Charlie’s barn. After only a few swallows, I can tell that Charlie has doctored his water the same way you have. I am simultaneously relieved and disappointed. My body craves the water, and yet, I long to be fit again.

You tell me to wait by the gate while you go to the farmhouse to let Charlie know we have arrived. At the opposite side of the pen, I see a group of five cows gossiping. Two are pregnant, although they don’t appear to be as debilitated as Missy. They both lean against the fence, their backs ached and their giant stomachs thrust forward. The others are about Mable’s size, maybe a little larger. One is wearing tight denim jeans that highlight her expansive hips and comparatively small waist. Another has on a plaid button-up that can barely contain her large, rounded breasts.

Maxwell Farm: Part 4 of 6 [MF and FFF, Fantasy, Breeding farm, Mild furry(cow), Lactation, Weight gain, preg, huml, reluc]


I rush to dress and dry my eyes before Isobel arrives. As I grab my overalls, I find that I cannot get them over my rapidly expanding ass. I jump, shimmy, and pull, but they are just too small. Isobel arrives to see my large white rear, bare and exposed, with my overalls pulled tightly underneath.

“I told you to lay off the clover,” she mocks, dropping the bucket and walking back to her friends.

I fall to the hay, sobbing hysterically. I am so fat, and I hate it. I hear the sheep laughing. Then they start to taunt Yinlee: “You wanted to be like the cows.” “Soon you’ll be a fat whore like Kami.” “I will not!” she shouts back in protest. As I cry, my muscles grow tense and achy. By now I realize that even having the water on my skin is making me fat. I’ll just have to do without, I resolve silently as my sobs fade to a sniffle.

Still depressed and embarrassed, I wrap myself in my blanket and walk to Mable’s stall. She is lying quietly in the hay, her shirt partially unbuttoned as she nurses Toby. “Do you have any…bigger clothes I could borrow?” I ask meekly.

Maxwell Farm: Part 3 of 6 [MF and FFF, Fantasy, Breeding farm, Mild furry(cow), Lactation, Weight gain, preg, huml, reluc]


Several weeks go by, its now almost mid spring, the fields are almost completely tilled and you find you're working shorter and shorter days, not because you're getting lazy, but because there's less to do. Strangely you're okay with this, lounging in the fields or your stall more and more. Your clothes still feel impossibly tight, but you know you can't work it all off at once. Plus you haven't been drinking the water from the trough, just getting regular rub downs from me when you need them.

One day you wake up to a gentle hand on your body, its early, the sun hasn't even risen yet. You rub your eyes and glance around until you notice me in your pen, rubbing your leg slowly, examining you. You smile and giggle in your half-sleeping state and moo softly, "mmmoo … Max that… feels good… ta wake up to" my hands caress your thick thighs and down your calves, and as you follow my hands you can't help but feel that tingle again. Wanting, nay needing, that delicious explosion again you roll onto your belly and push your butt out, spreading your legs to reveal your plump fuckhole to me, mooing softly to encourage me. "Mmmmoo… Max.. p-please… mmmmooo … touch me again"

Maxwell Farm: Part 2 of 6 [MF and FFF, Fantasy, Breeding farm, Mild furry(cow), Lactation, Weight gain, preg, huml, reluc]


As you exit the barn and see my silhouette in the fields you notice there's the silhouette of a plow next to me. As you approach you notice there's no bull or horse to pull it and before you have a chance to question I cut you off, "Now Kami, I know you've got an… attestation to bein' a milking cow, truth is I could really use the hand plowing the field this season." My voice is deep and rich, just a hint of a southern accent to it, but not a drawl, you might almost think me a southern gentleman were it not for the flannel shirt and faded jeans. I stand at least a half a head taller than you, and you never really got the feeling of just how broad my shoulders were, built like an ox some might say.

I continue speaking, drawing you from your thoughts, "Now your master gave me the notion you would rather work like a bull than milk like a cow, an'… judging by the shape you got," I pat your thick thighs with a big calloused hand, emphasizing the shape I mean, "I figure you got some muscles that could be put to mighty fine use here under this plow." I gesture to the equipment, already to be used. "So… what do you say? You help me out and I see if I can convince your old farmer not to sell or slay ya, deal?"

Maxwell Farm: Part 1 of 6 [MF and FFF, Fantasy, Breeding farm, Mild furry(cow), Lactation, Weight gain, preg, huml, reluc]

This roleplay takes place on a multi-purpose farm with a human farmer and a variety of half-human, half-animal hybrids. Kami, a cow-hybrid, was brought to the farm to be bred by Max, the human owner of the farm. Kami is a reluctant breeder, who must be fattened up and broken in before she will be ready to bear offspring. This unfinished roleplay concludes with Kami being sent off to a dairy farm to prepare for her impending motherhood.

Thanks to Penningthrowaway for expanding my horizons and being a great RP partner.


I shield my eyes as I exit the trailer and enter the sunlight. Your farm is much nicer than the one I came from. I see rolling fields to my right and left, with your pale blue farm house sitting atop the highest hill. In the distance there is an orchard full of newly blossoming apple trees. And off to my left is a freshly painted barn – my new home.

A fantasy i’writing for my wife

She came out of the bathroom, her hair wet and combed back. She was wearing the blue-black negligee which matched her bright blue eyes, and the blue face-mask they got in Venice. The black stockings gently caressed her legs. She was beautiful, as always. He looked at her with admire and passion. He would love to touch her, but tonight is going to be different.

"Are you sure?" she asked. He silently nodded. He blindfolded her eyes. There is no going back now.

He opened the door to the next room. It was dim, lit only by candle light. He took her hand and took her through the door. She held his hand gently as they walked in.

She stood there, still blindfolded. Her breasts slowly going up and down as she breathed. There was a fresh, gentle smell in the room.

The first touch she felt on her face. She trembled as the gentle hands went down her arms. It was the first time in decades she was touched by somebody else. Her heart beat faster and stronger in excitement. The kiss was so soft. She played with the tongue, licking it slowly and bite the other lips. She has not felt so alive in years. The blood pumping through her veins was full of desire. She felt how wet she was becoming.

Today, I crave…

I wrote this yesterday under a different account. Decided to re-release it under the proper account.

Today, I crave.

I crave

…to have her laying on a bed, giving me that smile that lights up the world.

…to catch the small hints of perfume as she moves and pulls back the sheets.

…to feel the warmth of her body as I slide into the bed next to her.

…to feel her move toward me, because she craves me as much as I crave her.

I want

…to feel her long brunette hair slide over my face, shoulder, and chest as she moves closer to kiss me.

…to feel her breath cascade over my skin as her lips get closer to mine.

…I want to feel her warm, soft lips slide over mine as my fingers caress the warm, soft curves of her body.

…to feel the lace panties against her skin, and her breasts against my chest.

…to purposely slide my hand down her legs as I take off her panties because I love to touch her warm, soft skin.

Categorized as Erotica

“Scientific Method” [Str8, Les, voy] Comments, please!

Should I bother writing a chapter 2?

Chapter One

It was the opportunity of a lifetime: An expedition with Drs. James and Isabela Salt. Science superstars, they'd made discovery after discovery in the bush, studying animal group behavior all over the world. He, a biologist, she an anthropologist. I'd read plenty of their work on chimpanzees, my area of study in school. I was incredibly lucky they agreed to take me on.

I arrived there just as the sun was coming up, a little groggy from trying to sleep in a bouncing Jeep. The camp consisted of an overlarge tent, which I assumed was for the Salts, and a smaller bivouac that looked to belong Archange and Muteba, the two Congolese men who had driven me there. Dr. Salt smiled and gave me a big hug when I arrived. I was starstruck for a moment, seeing him in person. He was quite handsome and tall, in an angular sort of way. Not nearly as muscular as the Congolese, but with a wiry energy. He had beautiful hazel eyes, and smelled like sweat mixed with some kind of exotic spice.

Blackberries [Str8,mw]

My name is Ellie. I’ve always had problems with boys. I don’t like them but I know I’m supposed to. I was too young to realise it at first but it gradually dawned on me through the years that other girls had some sort of attraction that was completely alien to me. They talked about their hair or eyes or how cute they were and all I could see was how shallow, rude and uncaring they were. The first boy to show an interest in me, pulled me aside and asked if I wanted to see his ‘giant cock’. The repulsion flowed like a wall of sick that ran through me and almost emptied my breakfast over his school shirt. I could not understand why I would want to see it but he extricated it from his pants and the limp, scraggly, wrinkled worm he pulled out finally broke the tenuous control I had over my stomach and he yelled as curdled milk and soggy, gelatinous wheat-things emptied onto his shirt and pants.

Getting Wet [Older woman/younger man, swimmer, solo]

Hi Everyone! This is Alex Faye. I am new to writing erotica and wanted to share a chapter of the first book I am working on. Let me know what you guys think. I would really appreciate it to help write better stories for you guys!




I heard the first car pull up and the sound of two doors slam shut. The front door opened with Chris walking through with a friend behind him. Chris definitely took after his father in looks, but luckily none of his personality.


“Hey Mom! I'm back for the weekend. Everyone else should be here in an hour or two.”

“And who is your friend?”

“This is Michael. He is the captain for the swim team.”


Michael looked to be the same age as my son, maybe a year or two older. He reached out to shake my hand. His touch was smooth but firm with confidence.


“Hello Mrs. Lynn. Thank you for letting us come over to have a team get together. We really appreciate it.”