Getting Wet [Older woman/younger man, swimmer, solo]

Hi Everyone! This is Alex Faye. I am new to writing erotica and wanted to share a chapter of the first book I am working on. Let me know what you guys think. I would really appreciate it to help write better stories for you guys!




I heard the first car pull up and the sound of two doors slam shut. The front door opened with Chris walking through with a friend behind him. Chris definitely took after his father in looks, but luckily none of his personality.


“Hey Mom! I'm back for the weekend. Everyone else should be here in an hour or two.”

“And who is your friend?”

“This is Michael. He is the captain for the swim team.”


Michael looked to be the same age as my son, maybe a year or two older. He reached out to shake my hand. His touch was smooth but firm with confidence.


“Hello Mrs. Lynn. Thank you for letting us come over to have a team get together. We really appreciate it.”

“Michael, please, call me miss Lynn or Jenn. I haven't been married for several years now. It's no problem having you guys over. It's my pleasure. Please, come in and enjoy yourselves. The pool is out back. Chris can show you around.”


I was standing in the door frame leading to the kitchen when Chris and Michael passed. I wasn't paying attention when I felt a bump on my arm causing me to snap back into reality.


"Miss Lynn! I am so sorry I ran into you!”


Michael had light blue, almost gray eyes that looked deep into you. His dark brown hair was slightly spiked in a messy, carefree way. It was cute the way he felt embarrassed, his eyes wide not knowing how I was going to respond. He put his hand on my arm to see if I was alright. It was the first time I have been touched by a man in a long time. His warm hand felt comforting. I missed the sensation of being touched. It sent a small chill up my arm to my neck and down by back.


“Michael, it is OK. I am fine. Please, don't worry about it. You can just call me Jenn anyways. Ms. Lynn makes me feel older than I want to. You guys go along. I am heading up stars to change. I will see you guys in a little bit. Make yourself at home.”


Chris and Michael went out to the pool as I went upstairs to my room. I couldn't get the image of those blue eyes staring into mine out of my mind. I shook my head. He is too young anyways. For Christ's sake, he is almost the same age as my son! But there was something to him, the way he carried the youthful spark in him. He had this vibrancy to him that was infectious.


My room overlooked the inground pool the concrete patio led to in the backyard. I leaned up against the window frame and looked out. Chris and Michael were walking around the pool toward the diving board. They were chatting back and forth, playfully shoving each other like young boys do. Michael got to the ladder and reached down to take off the blue polo shirt he was wearing. My heart started racing.


He is too young. He is your son's friend. Stop. I couldn't.


Michael lifted the shirt to his head showing a solid section of rippling abs. His chest was well defined with big, powerful broad shoulders. It was cute the way he wiggled back and forth to get his shirt around them. His body tapered down from his shoulders to his unbuttoned shorts. His forearms flexed back and forth as he shimmed his way out, leaving nothing but a small black speedo.


My palms started tingling and it feels like my gut has dropped out of my body. I feel the blood rush to my face and the warmth overtaking my body. My mouth opens slightly as I exhale a shakey breath and close my eyes for a moment as I grab a hold of the window sill.


Michael is on the diving board with his toes on the edge. His face is completely stoic as he looks straight ahead. I watch his legs and abs tense as he begins to jump up, coming back down to spring higher into the air on a second bounce. He does a flip mid-air and crashes gracefully into the water. A few seconds pass before he breaks the surface of the water and shakes his hair to get the water out of his face. As he steps out of the pool, I can't help but look at his tight little ass as he arches his back running his hands through his wet hair.


I bite my lip and feel the blood rush down between my legs, the pulse throbbing between them. I turn away from the window and walk toward my bed while unbuttoning my blouse. This feels so wrong.


I can't, but…


I let out a small moan as I land on the edge of my bed. My hands begin to trace a path from the notch in my neck down to my breasts. I feel the cool tingling sensation of the air on my body as my nipples tighten. My breathing begins to deepen as my chest rises and falls faster and faster. I rush my hands over my breast as I feel the hardened petite nipple under my fingers, tracing their way down to my pussy. The ache begins to take over and I can't take it anymore. I remove my pants and spread my legs open and begin to rub and grab my inner thigh. I feel the heat and moisture beginning to rise between my legs. Every touch leaves a trail of shivers in its wake. The pulsing beat of my heart deepens, thumping harder and harder.


I begin to rub my clit as I arch back and let out a soft moan. I can't believe how wet I am. I grab my breast with the other hand as I rub my clit in a small circular motion. I breath faster as I increase the pressure. My whole body shoots shivers down my arms and legs with each pass. I slip in one finger, then two, rubbing the rough patch at the top of my pussy.




I am soaking as I pull my fingers out and continue to rub my pussy. I moan and sigh as my body aches for more. I can only think of Michael, his hard muscular body hovering over me, teasing me with those blue eyes. The stubble on his chin brushing against my check as he whispers into my ear, his warm breath tickling me and my body shudders. He begins kissing my neck, lightly biting each time he moves away as he works down lower and lower. I am panting, almost out of breath when my entire body starts tingling, increasing in intensity. I am rubbing faster and harder, my fingers gliding over my clit from my soaking wet pussy. I arch my back and let out a sharp moan as I feel the orgasmic pulsing between my legs, moving all over my body. I lose track of where I am before slowly beginning to remember I am in my room as my body throbs, gently return back to normal. I remain on my bed, trying to catch my breath when I hear a knock on the front door downstairs.




I quickly put my pants back on as my panties get soaked from the aftermath, and button my blouse. I can feel my face still flush as I try to calmly make my way down the stairs. As I open the door, Chris comes up behind me.


“Don't worry mom, I got this. A few more of my friends showed up a bit early.”


Michael makes his way through the kitchen, rubbing his wet hair with a towel. We make eye contact and I blush as I look down.


Oh, my god…


As I try to break eye contact I am drawn to the large bulge in his speedos. He must be solid down there! I realize what I am doing and turn around quickly, hoping he didn't notice me looking at him that way. I feel embarrassed and guilty as my body is starting to feel warm again.


“Chris, honey. I need to go upstairs. You guys have fun.”


I quickly make my way back upstairs to get away from everyone. Did Michael notice how I looked at him? Did anyone else notice how I was acting. OH GOD… Did anyone hear me while I was upstairs a few minutes earlier? Those blue eyes. This feels so wrong, but, those blue eyes.





(1) I am working on the editing to make this easier to read! This is my first time posting erotica to Reddit. Thank you for being patient!


(2) I finished editing to make it easier to read. If you have any suggestions for increased readability, let me know! THANKS!
