Blackberries [Str8,mw]

My name is Ellie. I’ve always had problems with boys. I don’t like them but I know I’m supposed to. I was too young to realise it at first but it gradually dawned on me through the years that other girls had some sort of attraction that was completely alien to me. They talked about their hair or eyes or how cute they were and all I could see was how shallow, rude and uncaring they were. The first boy to show an interest in me, pulled me aside and asked if I wanted to see his ‘giant cock’. The repulsion flowed like a wall of sick that ran through me and almost emptied my breakfast over his school shirt. I could not understand why I would want to see it but he extricated it from his pants and the limp, scraggly, wrinkled worm he pulled out finally broke the tenuous control I had over my stomach and he yelled as curdled milk and soggy, gelatinous wheat-things emptied onto his shirt and pants.

My experiences afterward were not as dramatic but just as unsuccessful. The boys began to say I was a stuck up bitch and my friends told me I was being fussy. One of my friends asked me if I was a lesbian but while the thought of touching another girl was not repulsive, it certainly did not evoke any other strong primitive feelings. I liked my girlfriends, but I did certainly did not feel that way for them.

In the summer that I turned fourteen, my father decided to take us to visit his brother (my uncle) Liam. I had met my uncle only a handful of times but those few times had warmed me to him in a manner that I do not recall ever having for another male, except for my father who has the same warm, caring nature. I was quite excited to be going until my father mentioned something extremely odd. My uncle had adopted a boy. This was strange for two reasons. One, my uncle was not married and two, while he had shown interest in my brothers and I as children, he had vehemently professed that he would never have children. The news fazed me and my bright mood turned sour. I brooded in the car on the way to my uncle’s house and while my mother eyed me suspiciously, neither her nor my father said anything. My brothers played stupid punching games in the car and I ignored everyone until I fell asleep. Bright light and warmth spread over my face until I opened my eyes, squinting through the glare to see northern edge of Five-Mile Beach. I could see white crests silently pushing the blue ocean to spill on a beach of cream crystal. Seagulls swirled like vultures looking for the carcasses of fish and chips and people littered the golden sand; toy dolls strewn by a mad child. Umbrellas coloured the landscape like flowers and the salty breeze tasted like the promise of cool water and hot sand. My excitement rekindled, I rubbed my eyes and noticed we were quite close to my uncle’s house. My father slowly drove the car onto the driveway and as soon as the car stopped moving I rushed out, ignoring my younger brother’s warning to stop. I felt my foot snag on the strap of my bag and instantly knew I was going to fall badly. I held my right arm out to catch my fall but the full weight of my body turned it sideways and I felt my shoulder and knee impact heavily on the cement driveway. Pain shot up through my arm and leg and hot tears of pain and embarrassment pushed their way unbidden through my eyelids. I felt the rush of air as someone ran to my side while I kept my head down and used my left arm to remove the strap from my foot. A hand gently grabbed my arm. “Are you hurt?” There was so much empathy in that voice that I almost began to cry, like a child does when it has fallen without injury but is suddenly picked up by its mother. I looked up and saw the most beautiful boy I had ever seen. His face was soft with wide green eyes, filled with concern and a trace of fear. His brown hair was brushed roughly and the sun peeked through it making fingers of light appear around his head. His lips were full and pink and his mouth was held tight in concern. I let him help me up and he grabbed my other hand to make sure I was steady. I looked down to see my knee bleeding and he noticed it too. “Uncle Liam! She’s bleeding!” “Bring her inside, Jory.”

My uncle fussed over me while I sat on a chair in the kitchen. My shoulder ached and my knee burned with pain. Jory knelt on the ground mixed something out of a bottle with some water. My uncle suddenly turned his attention to him. “That’s too much water Jory.” Jory looked up and frowned. “It’ll sting.” “Better a little pain than having it get infected,” my uncle replied, but Jory looked like he’d been told to swallow a frog. My uncle noticed and his features softened. “Would you like me to do it?” he asked. Jory looked ashamed but nodded.

My uncle was gentle but it still hurt. Jory left the room and I did not see him till much later. My uncle entertained my brothers and I with stories about the beachcomber who liked to steal umbrellas from people only so that he could see the local policeman run (my uncle insinuated the policeman was generous in proportions). At dinner time, Jory sat down with us but said very little. I kept looking at eyes and once caught him looking at me. I wanted to talk to him but he went to bed early.

The next day, my uncle invited us to go to the beach. My brothers eagerly agreed but I was not so keen. My knee still throbbed and I knew that saltwater wouldn’t help the pain. I told my mum how I felt but she said she didn’t want me staying at home alone. I grumbled about this to anyone who would listen until my uncle grabbed me by the arm and said, “would you like a violin?” That shut me up pretty quick. My uncle laughed and told me not to worry since he wouldn’t be going in the water either and there was plenty to do at the beach apart from swimming. I felt kind of stupid and put on some shorts and a tank top. The sun was hot and the breeze was not so cool. We walked to the beach since it was less than half a mile away. My brothers ran ahead but I stayed with my uncle and Jory. He had not said a word since we left but suddenly spoke up. “Do you like blackberries?” I had never seen some with eyes so large and bright. He reminded me of those anime children. “Sure,” I replied, “why do you ask?” “If you walk to the end of the beach where the rock pools are, there’s a blackberry bramble in the woods.” “Still there huh?” my uncle piped up, “I would have thought they pulled those up years ago. Too hard to get into past the brambles.” “It’s ok if you’re small,” Jory replied in a small voice. My uncle laughed and ruffled his head. “Is it ok if I go?” “Hmm, I don’t like you going alone.” “Ellie would you like to go?” I was at a loss, having expected to only be a passive observer. “Um, ok.” I replied. “Well be careful with the thorns and have fun.” And with that my uncle walked off to one of the refreshment stalls.

Jory beckoned for me to follow him. I walked on the sand and almost burned my feet. He noticed and we both began to run to the water. I dipped my feet in and felt the crystalline water caress my skin with cold delight. Jory ran ahead and I shouted for him to wait. He stopped while I ran to catch up. As I slowed, I noticed that my top had pulled up a bit exposing my midriff. I caught Jory’s eye and he looked away, embarrassed. Something inside me lit and burned. I could feel the wind on my bare shoulders and ripples of nervous energy coursed through my body. I grabbed his hand and grinned. He did not look at me but I could see him smiling out of the corner of my eye. We walked down the beach until the wet sand was replaced by cool grass. The grass eventually led to bushes and trees. I stopped because I could not see a way to get through. Jory walked around the bushes and disappeared around the cliff edge. I followed him and saw where he went. As the bushes bent around the corner of the cliff, a small hole was present were the bushes had not grown due to the rocky ground. I hunched down a little and went into the tunnel of brush. When I emerged, the view surprised me. I was in an small clearing covered in grass. Bushes surrounded the clearing and a large blackberry bramble was being attacked by Jory. He was picking blackberries and collecting them in his pockets. I walked over and he turned and handed me one. I crushed the purple nodules with my tongue and sweet ecstasy burst through my mouth. I rolled the seeds between my tongue and the roof of my mouth until nothing was left. I sat down and Jory sat down next to me. He gave me another and I ate it faster than the first. He laughed and told me to eat it slowly. He grabbed another berry and placed it on my lips with his fingers. I cannot say what happened next. Or rather I can say what but not why. I have no reason, no logic to describe it. I can only say it happened. His fingers touched my lip and my tongue greedily wrapped around the berry and his fingers as well. Jory tensed and went to pull his hand away but I grabbed it and held it while I teased at the berry and his fingers. His fingers were soft and I could feel the smoothness of his skin as I held his hand. I gently pulled his fingers out of my mouth and when I looked at him, his mouth was ajar. Those pink lips shaped an O of disbelief. I grabbed a berry and put it on his lips and when he did not move I pushed it past his lips and onto is tongue. I could feel the papillae of his tongue massaging my fingertips and the smooth saliva was warm. I pulled my finger out and put it in my mouth. I tasted blackberry and sweetness, like mint only fainter. My leg was getting numb from sitting so I brought it out from under me but in the exertion of moving, the left strap of my tank top came down. Jory looked away but I grabbed his face gently and turned it towards me. I was sweating a little with the heat and could feel a bead of sweat running down my collarbone. I pulled my top down a little and let a little pink show through. I think Jory wanted to look away but appeared transfixed by that bead that ran down past my clavicle and over the bud of my nipple. I could see it glistening and feel the heat coming off my body wanting Jory to do something, anything. But he didn’t move. So I did. I pulled down the rest of my top and pushed my nipple into his lips. I grabbed the back of his head and worked his lips over my breast. He resisted for a moment and then settled into my breast like a baby settles into its mother’s milk. I could feel the tip of his tongue probing my nipple so softly it was almost as if they were having a polite conversation. I leant back and pulled him on top of me, breaking his contact with my breast. I pulled the tank top off completely and pulled him onto me. I wrestled him out of his t-shirt and he shivered as I undid his shorts but I was surprised to find the bulge in his underwear. I was suddenly reminded of the last time I had seen one and the revulsion seemed to come back until I pulled down the last of his clothing. It was so different. It looked so vulnerable, just like Jory. I touched it gently and I felt him convulse for a moment. I ran my fingers along its underside, reaching his small scrotum and caressing the space between his legs where his sex ended. My wrist writhed next to his sac and my forearm could feel the tightening of his member with every touch. I pressed my body against him and for the first time in my life, I felt a warm wetness between my legs. I pulled my hand from underneath him and firmly guided his hand in between my legs. He was unsure what to do but I didn’t care. I pressed myself against him, trapping his hand between my wetness and his body. I slid my labia over his hand and wrist until I could feel my nipples screaming and straining as if they wanted to explode from my body. I looked at his nipples and could see they were erect too. I latched onto one of them with my mouth and heard him gasp. I sucked and pulled with my lips and now he was not able to help himself for I could hear a small moan every time I pushed myself against his hand. His fully erect cock was now slick with his own wetness and it rubbed my belly with incessant strokes. I wanted to feel every part of him touching me but it was as if I could not be satisfied with that. His cock was now rubbing my clit and I began to have the build up to something I will never forget. Jory pulled back and, without warning, I grabbed his cock and pushed it low. His stroke directed it straight into me and all I knew was something warm and lovely was filling me. I grabbed his hair and pushed his mouth onto my nipple. I grabbed his buttocks and pushed them into me, trying to fill the void inside me with force alone. The wet oozed out of me and ran in between my cheeks and the silky smoothness protected his sex from its forceful urging. I could now feel the build up in the depths of my belly and legs as more of the tightening spread through my body, each hook of pain and pleasure surging through every nerve as it attached itself and brought others long for the ride. The incessant throbbing of his cock became frenzy and drops of his sweat fell in my mouth and his slick face rubbed against my breast, too tired to continue the attack on my chest but holding on for dear life. The pleasure peaked and suddenly I could feel the grass, his slick body, the sun, the salty cool breeze and the intense pleasure all at once as it tore through me. Intense happiness filled my mind, not caring whether I lived or died. The waves piled over me as wrapped my legs around his legs, trying to find and squeeze every bit of pleasure my body could tease out. As I slowed and the world came alive again, I could feel Jory’s mouth on my sternum, his breathing erratic and his warm breath touching my skin.

The rest was a daze. I remember we ended up on the beach but cannot remember how. So many things happened that summer and I hope I can remember more.
