Maxwell Farm: Part 2 of 6 [MF and FFF, Fantasy, Breeding farm, Mild furry(cow), Lactation, Weight gain, preg, huml, reluc]


As you exit the barn and see my silhouette in the fields you notice there's the silhouette of a plow next to me. As you approach you notice there's no bull or horse to pull it and before you have a chance to question I cut you off, "Now Kami, I know you've got an… attestation to bein' a milking cow, truth is I could really use the hand plowing the field this season." My voice is deep and rich, just a hint of a southern accent to it, but not a drawl, you might almost think me a southern gentleman were it not for the flannel shirt and faded jeans. I stand at least a half a head taller than you, and you never really got the feeling of just how broad my shoulders were, built like an ox some might say.

I continue speaking, drawing you from your thoughts, "Now your master gave me the notion you would rather work like a bull than milk like a cow, an'… judging by the shape you got," I pat your thick thighs with a big calloused hand, emphasizing the shape I mean, "I figure you got some muscles that could be put to mighty fine use here under this plow." I gesture to the equipment, already to be used. "So… what do you say? You help me out and I see if I can convince your old farmer not to sell or slay ya, deal?"


I nod to indicate my agreement, and you instruct me to strip down to my undergarments. I think it an odd request, but you explain that the straps and harness will not fit properly over clothing. You watch as I unbutton my overalls and slip them off over my soft tail, rounded ass, and thick thighs. Part of your goal for today is to take measurements – you need to be sure that the water is fattening me up properly. I unbutton my shirt and place my clothing on a nearby stump.

You put a padded metal harness under my arms and across my chest. Leather straps go over my shoulders to keep the harness in place. Another support band rests below my breasts and across my ribcage. A second harness goes across my hips, with support straps hooking around each thigh. You make note of the tightness of each strap, hoping you will be forced to loosen them as my body responds to the growth hormone that is mixed into the drinking water.

You position the plow behind me and slap my hind to indicate that you are ready. I grunt and moo as the blades of the plow sink into the packed dirt. The harnesses press hard against my chest and hips, but I stoically trudge on.

The work gets easier as I adjust my posture and fall into a rhythm. You watch my muscles dance as my body works in front of you. Slowly, the ties around my legs begin to shift and ride up into my crotch. With each pull of the plow, the straps press against the outside of my pussy, indirectly stimulating my clit. Unconsciously, I tow the plow faster and harder to increase the stimulation. The pain in my muscles melts away as I focus only on my building pleasure.

“Slow, girl,” you command. “We got all mornin’ ta plow this a’field.”

I ease up, but it isn’t long before I am eagerly pulling as forcefully as I can. My privates throb and grow moist as the straps continue to press against them. I let out a low moo with each tug of the plow. My breasts, scalp, and tail begin to tingle sympathetically…

But I know this is foolishness. I slow my stride and reluctantly pull the straps down, away from my crotch. Again they ride up, and again I pull them down. Each time the leather bands bring me closer to orgasm. A little before lunch you notice that I am panting heavily. My legs quiver and shake as I teeter on the edge of climax. I stop the plow and bring my hand quickly to my clit. My face flushes with embarrassment, but I can’t hold back any longer. I rub vigorously and stifle a cry as my entire body stiffens, waves of pleasure washing over me.

The chains linking my harness to the plow clank and chatter loudly as I fall to one knee.

“Y’alright?” you ask.

“Yes…just tired,” I pant.

“Ya done good work t’day,” you say as you climb down from the plow. You unbuckle both harnesses, and begin winding the straps. “Go up t’da stable, and I’ll hose ya down when I get up der.”

I grab my clothing and make my way up the hill to the barn. I am exhausted and my entire body aches. There is a red mark across my chest and a bruise at each hip. You watch as I start up the hill and then return to putting away the harnesses. As you grab the straps that were around my thighs, you notice that they are soaked through. You bring them to your nose and inhale deeply. A smile crosses your face.

You cover the plow with a tarp and follow me up the hill.


As I reach the outside of the barn you're leaning against the wall, catching your breath, your sweat glistening as it drips down your body. I reach out and grab your chin, checking your body over, my hands lifting your arms, slowly massaging different areas of your torso, lifting your heavy tits and letting them fall back down as you whimper. You've always been sensitive right after an orgasm, but because of the workout your whole body tingles at my touch, though you're afraid to say anything.

At least until I spread your thighs and start patting your meaty flesh, you gulp, hoping I don't notice that not all of that moisture is sweat, "Umm… what are you doing?" You can feel your inner thighs sending jolts of lightning up to your clit as i squeeze and rub.

"Checking for ticks, don't want any o' them bastards on my farm." I flip you around and check your backside as well, peeling your ass apart, the puckered virgin hole pulsing with your heat. As you really get going, almost to the point of gyrating against me, I stop, and pull the hose off the wall, the water the same water from the trough. With a shudder a burst of cold water douses you, exciting you further, but if you started rubbing I'd be right there watching you…


The water cools my hot skin and rejuvenates my tired muscles. You watch my eyes close as I let the water pour over my body. I am in ecstasy. I love the sense of relief and accomplishment that comes at the end of a hard day’s work. You turn off the water and pat me dry with a large cloth. As you dry under my breasts, you fondle and examine them. You still want me to be a dairy cow. I think about breaking free, but I know my place…and your rough hands feel nice against my skin.

As soon as you are finished, I hurry back to my stall. I feel sensations I have never felt before, and I can’t think clearly. In the darkness, I begin to touch myself once more and am quickly brought to my knees by a powerful orgasm. I let out a forceful “MMmmmooooo” and then fall back on the hay, panting heavily.

I sleep soundly that night and wake up the next morning with a powerful thirst and hunger. My muscles are stiff from yesterday, but I force myself to the trough and begin greedily lapping up the water. As I do, a calm starts to sweep over my body and my muscles lose their soreness. With my thirst satiated, I trot over to Missy’s feed trough and munch on some oats and rye. My spirits lift as my belly fills, and soon I feel ready for another long day in the fields.


As the weeks pass, we till two of your pastures and prepare to start on the third. While you value my assistance in the fields, my hard work and perseverance have not changed your plans. You smile knowingly as you tighten my harness at the end of the third week. The bands are looser than before, and a small bit of fat has started to poke out around the thigh straps. My breasts have grown heavier, and my ass now jiggles freely as I pull the plow.

For my part, I have observed that my clothes are fitting somewhat tighter, but I attribute that to Mable’s washing. Even in the fields, I have not noticed the extra weight because the work has built up my stamina and endurance. It is not until a sheep approaches me that I become aware of the fact that I have grown larger while under your care.

“Hiya, Kami! How are you?” Isobel asks one morning as we are grazing together.

“Fine. And you?” I ask.

“Oh, I am great! It is lovely weather today! Me and the girls are going to the upper pasture later to lighten our coats. Would you like to join us?”

“No, I’m fine,” I reply. “…thanks for inviting me though.”

“You’re missing out! …Oh, and you know, we couldn’t help noticing that you are getting a little bit of a pooch,” she points to my stomach as she talks. “You might want to lay off the clover.” And with that, Isobel trots off, her short fluffy tail bobbing up and down as she goes.


You play with your body a little and notice that there's a little you just can't suck in, unusually thicker in areas. With a disgruntled face you meet me out in the fields and look down at your body, "Have I… gained weight?" You pull up your shirt up and pinch at the little pooch around your tummy. I glance over at you for a moment before motioning you to turn around, as you do I pull down your overalls and pat down your thighs and butt, spanking you hard before standing up again. The slap stings but sends a strange sensation between your legs, causing you to open your mouth in a split second of ecstasy.

"Well, I bet it's just dehydration," you look at me quizzically, and I chuckle and explain, "Doin' all the work ina heat like this, you should prolly be drinkin' least a pail o' water 'fore an afte the plowing, maybe two after." But I motion for you to strip so we can get more work done.


As prescribed, I drink two pails of water that evening. The liquid relaxes my body and eases my muscles. However, much to my dismay, as my belly swells and fills with water, it becomes even more noticeable. “I’ve got to get rid of this,” I grumble as I make my way into the barn that evening.

“What’s the matter?” Mable asks.

I start to speak, but I catch myself as I observe Mable’s flabby, oversized body. This evening she is wearing a pair of jean shorts, which barely contain her large and rounded rear. Her chunky thighs and calves quiver as she walks. Her blouse hangs loose, pushed out by her plump breasts; and the elastic in the sleeves dig into her sagging upper arms. Although I can’t see it, I can well enough imagine her stomach spilling out over the top of her tight shorts.

“Nevermind,” I mutter.


The next morning, as I awake, I hear Missy and Mable gossiping idly.

“Maxwell caught Yinlee drinking from our trough last night.”

“Oh yeah? Is he going to let her keep it up?”

“He says he’s got no choice. She’s already gained 10 pounds. That’s what made him suspect she was stealing from us.”

They both snicker.

At first I don’t understand, but then I remember the cat’s strange riddle…

…the water here will make you fat. Don’t be like Missy. Don’t be like Mable. Don’t drink water from the Farmer’s…stable.

I grab my belly roll and gasp aloud. Mable immediately turns to face my stall. She knows that I know, but she says nothing.

Later that morning, I go to the stream to drink, and by the time I meet you in the fields, I can already tell that something is different. My muscles feel weak and sore as I begin to pull the plow. After just a few rows, I beg you to let me take a rest.

"Ya better keep yer strength up or yer gonna be supper," you warn.

My heart races in my chest. I put my full strength into plowing to the end of the row. My muscles shake and buckle in rebellion. What I don't know is that my body has grown dependent on your special concoction of muscles relaxer, appetite stimulator, and growth hormone. Without it, my muscles grow stiff and I become easily tired.

Still harnessed, I drop to my knees. I can go no farther. Seeing that I am too weak to protest, you grab a canteen of trough water, wet your sweat rag, and drape it across my shoulders. You slowly unbuckle the upper harness as you drip more sweet water onto the cloth. Beneath the rag, my skin cools and my muscles loosen. I sigh and moo with relief.

"Please, my legs," I cry, "they ache."

You sit me down in the grass, causing my newly formed belly flab to roll forward, and begin wiping my legs with the damp towel. I feel nothing at first, but as you massage and dampen my skin, relief sweeps through my tired body. As you rub, you observe that my legs are not solid like they once were. An inch or so of soft, pillowy fat now covers my once strong muscles. You hold the canteen out toward my face and nod with approval as I grab for it and greedily chug its contents.

"You'll need more'n that ta keep yer strength. Get on back up t'da stable an' drink yerself a pail. Then we kin finish dis field."


You have no interest in drinking more of this tainted water, you have a new appreciation for just how wrong you can be about a person as you shake it and stand up, your legs are quivering as you try to pull your body back together but with a determination unlike any other you start sweating it out under the sun. You have to stop for a minute at the end of the row, but its back to plowing before I can give you another scolding.

The sun's baked all the water off your skin, by now you're just sweating normal body perspiration, but through some kind of brainwave you decide that so long as you just rub water on you, you can ween yourself off the substance. So you tell me you'd like another pail right there on the spot, and I holler on to astra to fetch one, her long hair whipping and whirling as she goes.

Whether its inspiration from your new found plan, or the fear of being on a patty, you keep on tugging, straining your body to the limits as you drag that hunk of steel through the rough dirt. I ask if you want to rest but you just snort and tell me to keep the plow digging straight furrows. By the time Astra returns with your pail you've pulled another row.

You immediately pour a little over your head, careful to keep your lips tightly pursed, but the water feels so good on contact with your sun-worn skin. I start rubbing you down again, my hand leaving a trail of cool tingles behind it as I go up your tummy. You lean back in bliss, laying on the grass as I rub the water into your squishy layer of insulation. You drift of, almost into a meditation like trance, feeling the cool water drip over your belly… your sides… your breasts… suddenly you realize that my hands are cupping your big round breasts, but before you stop me, the water relaxes your muscles, your chest caves a little as you sigh in contentment. I slowly thumb your nipples, they tighten up a little at my touch, they've grown almost two cup sizes because of the water and you've had to change your sleeping positions because they ache so much. Feeling my hands over them is like a massage from a great masseuse, you sigh again and arch your back, a soft moo escaping your lips as I start to tug and pinch them, gently coaxing the reason for your swelling to the surface.


Being a work animal, I am not used to being touched in this way. My mind and body are quickly overwhelmed as a flood of hormones course through my veins. You can feel my heart pounding through my fleshy breasts. I pant and moo reflexively as I struggle to make sense of what I am feeling. I squirm underneath you as my pussy moistens.

You pour more water across my chest and stomach. My soft, wet skin glistens underneath the harsh afternoon sun. You grab at my pudgy belly and budding love handles.

“Yer turnin’ into a real cow, Kami,” you tease affectionately. I catch a glimmer of kindness in your worn and wrinkled eyes.

I groan as my eyes roll back. I don’t want to be fat, and yet…I like this, even if I don’t know why.

Still holding my breast with one hand, you wrap the other around my thigh, admiring the way your fingers sink into my soft flab. I pant wildly and bite my lip as I feel your fingers creep toward my crotch. By the time you reach my opening, it is already wet and swollen.

“OOhmmooooo” I cry loudly as your fingertips caress my pink pussy-lips. I rock my pelvis up to meet your touch and my tail sweeps contentedly across your leg. You dance your fingers around my opening for several minutes before thrusting two digits inside me. My body tenses and my breathing grows rapid. This is the most amazing sensation I have ever felt. I instinctively grab your hand with my own, and you allow me to direct you to my most sensitive parts.

I moo loudly as pleasure sweeps over me. Taking your other hand, you sprinkle water over my pussy so that, as you rub and thrust, it is pushed inside my vagina. As my privates begin to tingle from the inside out, I am gripped by a powerful orgasm. You feel my muscles tighten around your fingers, fat dimpling slightly as my body grows stiff.

I lay in the grass for several minutes, trying to understand what has just happened. You calmly begin rolling up my harness and beating the caked dirt off the plow-blade.

“Ya done good a’work t’day. Why don’cha get on up to da stable an’ get yerself cleaned up.”


Head still in a fog, I obediently follow your instructions. As I reach the cow pen, I see Missy drinking from the water trough. She is so big that she rarely makes it outside and has taken to walking on all-fours. Her matted tail hangs limp between her sprawling butt cheeks and her belly sags and sways precariously beneath her. She intermittently lifts one hand up from the ground in order to reposition her young, who continuously kick and dance around inside her. As she does, her flabby body shakes and trembles.

After she has had her fill, Missy crawls slowly back to the stable. She is winded and breathless as she hooks herself up to the milking machine. I watch her swollen breasts deflate as the milk is suctioned out of them. Missy moos contentedly as her body is relieved of (at least one of) its burdens.

As I watch Missy, my own body still flooded with hormones, I begin to cry. I look down at my sagging breasts and am overcome with panic and horror. I don’t want to be a diary cow. I don’t want to be so fat that I can barely move. I want to be strong enough to work and graze in the fields as every cow should. Determined, I wipe the tears from my eyes and stomp moodily into the stable. I resolve to abstain completely from the tainted water and to work tirelessly into the fields until I am fit again.
